hier eine meinung von einem Ami zu neom; bin bei denen irgendwie auf der liste wegen woogerbear, der mich irgendwie draufgesetzt hat, da ich ihm vor monaten zur sache NEOM gemailt habe. da öfters letzte zeit meinungen zu neom bei mir an; die haben beschlossen sich jetzt zu mailen, wegen den bashern hab mir gedacht ich poste es mal, wenn ihr wollt mache ich es öfters
James Geftakys --> ins Adressbuch An: "PECCHIA, ANDREW" , Josef77401@aol.com Kopie: Jonathon@faaecu.org, thepolecats@sbcglobal.net, badduck75@yahoo.com, Woogerbear@aol.com, bob@spinnerdolphins.com, brian3528@yahoo.com, brianb@txkisd.net, buy_lo_sell_hi@ragingbull.com, bymorstock@yahoo.com, collinsaw@yahoo.com, converte@prodigy.net, d2672@webtv.net, deadcenterperfect@yahoo.com, debra-richard.bennett@comcast.net, dgarms@comcast.net, Dhcmd@aol.com, diamontech99@yahoo.ca, dikev345@pagosa.net, DMay429888@aol.com, Dncoyne8@aol.com, donromig@hotmail.com, drarbogast@meer.net, drhaines@yahoo.com, drksek@ix.netcom.com, f5_nader@yahoo.com, fastop@cox.net, FASTOP@SAN.RR.COM, fireboy212000@yahoo.com, Fish4RFR@aol.com, fusestobreakers@hotmail.com, general@ragingbull.com, jheilig@comcast.net, jmbaner@nyc.rr.com, jonathon.storment@cox.net, JPETROINC@aol.com, klonopin2mg2000@yahoo.com, konsharp@ath.forthnet.gr, kwanr888@yahoo.com, LASykes8@aol.com, lorrainep@belllicensing.com, MAILMAN1@ragingbull.com, micallma@hotmail.com, mikefair@sbcglobal.net, mikes@mindrenewingmedia.com, Myronnieboy1@aol.com, neom60451@yahoo.com, netrider69@yahoo.com, nobody@mailbox.lycos.com, ntmb99@hotmail.com, oneskich@hotmail.com, paul_gresswell@hotmail.com, pcate@alltel.net, pcrnpeg@optonline.net, personalizit@yahoo.com, PRINCESEDI@aol.com, psparks@cox.net, pulzk@gwise1.matc.edu, pvogts@hotmail.com, rjm@rjm.cc, smartbiz85@yahoo.com, sonej@netzero.com, success622@ameritech.net, taisir@gmx.net, tedlasser@sbcglobal.net, tees_riot@yahoo.com, TraskBass@aol.com, Vangorilla@aol.com, W3Research@Hotmail.Com, waitt96411@yahoo.com, wintson1@prodigy.net, wiskeyj@bellsouth.net, wlinthicum@hotmail.com Betreff: Re: NEOM Datum: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 11:50:46 -0800 (PST) GMX Virenschutz: nicht aktiv --> jetzt aktivieren --> Als SPAM behandeln Verschieben nach ... Posteingang Spamverdacht Neuer ordner Entwürfe Gesendet Gelöscht Antworten Allen antworten Weiterleiten Umleiten Löschen I believe that on Monday or Tuesday there will be a big press release regarding all that has been going on of late with NEOM and the previous PRs. This will be a big one and a positive one for us and NEOM. I don't usually believe people when they predict big news releases but this time I believe we will see a good positive news. I really believe this. Thanks, James
I Also think this is a great idea, with the emails
Being a long and big investor in neom, anybody have any realistic short term 2 months and 1 year outlook in pps for this company.
I'am sure we are not in this for .20 cents a share .
If more why and what kind of revenue would we need to support these prices.
Thanks Guys
feel kind of lonely at aver .19 cents these days.