Neuer Goldrausch

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10.07.10 13:49

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojonesund noch ein guter Artikel im

Northern Miner. Resourcenschätzung noch diesen Monat, bin aber eher auf die
Bohrergebnisse gespannt.

Although the EvolvingGold (EVG-V) team consists of several former NewmontMining (NMC-T, NEM-N) people, it's Goldcorp (G-T, GG-N) that has decided to invest $15.6 million in the junior goldexplorer.

Goldcorp is buying 19 million Evolving shares at 82¢ apiece in aprivate placement - a significant stake in a company that currently has107.2 million shares outstanding and a market cap of $85.8 million.

Evolving president and chief geologist, Quinton Hennigh, who used towork for Newmont, says Goldcorp had no prior interest in Evolving untilnow.

"I can't speak on behalf of Goldcorp but I would say there was a lotof intrigue with the fact that we have a large land position in theCarlin trend," Hennigh says.

Evolving will use the funds to explore its Rattlesnake Hills projectin Wyoming and its Carlin and Humboldt projects in Nevada. RattlesnakeHills is a former Newmont project and Evolving has a lease and subleaseagreement with Newmont for the Carlin property. Humboldt was acquiredfrom private landholders and has no connection to Newmont.

Evolving shares were trading around 80¢ at mid-day today, down 6¢, ona trading volume of 652,000 shares.

Once the money comes in from Goldcorp, Evolving will have $27 millionin the bank giving the company enough cash to stretch well beyond thisyear's $8-million-or-so budget.

"We plan to do the hard work and use this money effectively and makewhat could be a very huge discovery," Hennigh says.

Located around and adjacent to the Carlin property, the 93-sq.-kmHumboldt land was acquired by Evolving in early May bringing the totalCarlin-area land holdings to 137 sq. km.

Evolving has the option to earn a 100% interest in Humboldt byspending US$9.7 million over four years - a much better deal forEvolving than the Carlin property, which includes significant claw backprovisions for Newmont.

"It positions us better in terms of any exploration done. We stand togain much more now," Hennigh says. "We know there is goldmineralization in this area and we feel pretty good of our odds offinding a discovery on the property."

Evolving is currently drilling in both Nevada and Wyoming. Thecompany has budgeted about $4 million for Nevada with five or six holesplanned for Humboldt and two or three holes for the Carlin property,each between 700 metres and 1,200 metres deep.

Evolving is drilling now at Humboldt. The company has outlined 16targets based on a geophysical survey.

Up in Wyoming, Evolving has already started a 20,000-metre drillprogram at Rattlesnake Hills where about 60% of the drill budget willfocus on infill and step-out drilling around the North Stock andAntelope Basin zones.

For the rest of the drilling, Evolving plans to test some new targetsthat were identified by surface sampling and mapping in 2009.

All the targets are located within a 2 km radius of North Stock andAntelope Basin.

The company drilled 78 holes there last year amounting to nearly30,000 metres, and 15 holes (6,500 metres) in 2008.

Evolving is expecting a National Instrument 43-101 technical reportupdate on Rattlesnake Hills to come out very soon.

Much of the company's exploration strategy comes from the AMECtechnical report that hasn't been released yet.

Hennigh says both AMEC and Evolving have been too busy recently toput the finishing touches on the report. He expects it will be completeby the end of July.

© 1915 - 2010The Northern Miner. All RightsReserved.  

10.07.10 18:37

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojoneshier mal ein paar Zahlen von der



The Goldstrike Complex is located on the Carlin Trend, the most prolific gold mining district in the Western Hemisphere, about 60 kilometres northwest of Elko, Nevada, USA. The Goldstrike operations consist of the Betze-Post open pit mine and the Meikle and Rodeo underground mines which are located just north of the Betze-Post pit, along the same mineralized trend.

The Betze-Post pit is a truck-and-shovel operation using large electric shovels. Meikle is a high-grade ore body which is mined by transverse longhole stoping, underhand drift and fill mining methods. Rodeo is a further extension of the mineralization found at Goldstrike and is a trackless operation, using two different underground mining methods: long-hole open stoping and drift-and-fill.

The Goldstrike Property consists of two processing facilities: (1) an autoclave circuit, which is used to treat the property’s non-carbonaceous sulfide (refractory) ore; and (2) the roaster, used for treating carbonaceous ore (not suitable for autoclaving). These facilities treat ores from both the surface and underground operations.

In 2009, the Goldstrike Property produced 1.36 million ounces of gold at total cash costs of $464 per ounce1. Goldstrike’s estimated proven and probable mineral reserves as of December 31, 2009 were 12.2 million ounces of gold2.  

12.07.10 08:28

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Hier sind wir auf gutem Kurs

Mit dem frischen Kapital ist Evolving nun gut ausgerüstet. Die Meldungen sind auch für ende Juli angekündigt. Hier könnte es nun kontinuierlich nach oben gehen. Obiger Bericht spricht Bände. Würde mich nicht wundern, wenn wir noch im nächsten Monat 1,5 CAD sehen würden.  

13.07.10 08:38

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.US-Foren auch optimistisch

Aus einem US-Forum:
"In our experience Goldcorp does not do
placements of this magnitude unless there is
some sort of agenda, even if it’s not immediately
apparent. We assume Goldcorp is
viewing the placement as an entrée into a
couple of areas where it has no current presence,
particularly Nevada. We think this is
good news. The sort of deep exploration
Evolving is undertaking at Carlin and Humboldt
is expensive. It never hurts to have
more cash, and Goldcorp could be a useful
counterpoint (and counter weight) to discussions
that are undoubtedly going on between
EVG and Newmont concerning Evolving
Gold’s Nevada holdings.

EVG having a new friend with very deep
pockets can help calm its market while more
exploration results are awaited. That alone
(plus a bank account now in the $30 million
range) makes the stock a buy at these levels
ahead of drill results from Wyoming and Nevada"  

13.07.10 22:18

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojonesKarte von Carlin

zeigt deutlich wie groß das Gebiet von EVG ist, umringt von Minen.  

14.07.10 16:31

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojonesSommerzeit

keine gute Zeit für explorer.

Solange hier nicht spektakuläre Bohrergebnisse kommen tut sich da gar nix.

Geld ist jetzt genug da um zu bohren weit über 2010 hinaus, alles andere muss sich
zeigen, wir sind immer noch am Anfang.
Schnelle Verdopplungen wie noch im Vorjahr oder im Frühjahr gibt es so schnell nicht
wieder, die Zeit des easy money ist erst mal vorbei.
Da nützt auch das Geschrei hier im board nichts, Ball flach halten und den Tatsachen
ins Auge blicken.  

15.07.10 16:27

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojonesund die Zeit der günstigen Preise..

17.07.10 08:52

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojones..Kommentar zum Insiderkauf von Tookie

..hoffen wir das bald mal Ergebnisse kommen, der gestrige Tag war mal wieder

Insider Trading
Evolving Gold chair buys after Goldcorp takes stake
Gold bars

Board chairman Stuart Angus acquires 100,000shares at 85 cents

Ted Dixon
EVG-X0.80-0.05-5.88%)announced that Goldcorp would be buying 19,047,721 shares at 82 centsvia a private placement. The stock had closed at 69 cents the dayearlier. While Evolving's stock moved higher on the news, it has sincebeen fluctuating between 79 and 89 cents.

As the stock was trading in the middle of that range Tuesday, boardchair Stuart Angus bought 100,000 shares at 85 cents. It is often apositive sign when there is insider buying after a stock has moved upfollowing the release of news. Mr. Angus is an insider of a number ofCanadian-listed companies, including SouthGobi Resources, Ventana Goldand Wildcat Silver.

Evolving is currently working on a 20,000-metre drill program at itsflagship Rattlesnake Hills project in central Wyoming.  

20.07.10 17:59

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojonesich denke die durststrecke

nähert sich dem Ende, noch bis Ende Juli maximal dann sollten wieder bessere Zeiten
für juniors gelten.

Fundamental ist alles ok, der Markt gibt einfach nichts her. Tookie weiß genau was er
tut, ich denke wir können mit sehr guten Ergebnissen rechnen.

EVG exploriert in Gebieten wo es von Minen wimmelt und sehr goldhaltig sind.

Geduld ist gefragt....  

21.07.10 11:32

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Vielleicht nächste Woche Meldungen!

Für ende Juli sind die Meldungen angekündigt. Das heißt also diese oder nächste Woche. Der NI sollte den Kurs starken auftrieb geben.  

21.07.10 20:21

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Umsätze steigen!

DIe Umsätze in Canada steigen wieder. Viele wollen Evolving kaufen!  

24.07.10 06:53

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojones..die resourcenschätzung

wird nicht viel bringen, wenn dann gute Ergebnisse, sonst nichts.

Im Moment wird abgeladen, Inflation ist momentan in den Hintergrund gerückt, Goldpreis
ist unter Druck.
Sommerloch dazu, da nützt auch deine rosa Brille nichts.  

27.07.10 15:37

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.News Carlin und Rattlesnake

Evolving Gold Corp.: Drill Hole CAR-009 Intersects 171.8 Meter Gold Zone
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jul. 27, 2010 (Marketwire) -- Evolving Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EVG)(FRANKFURT:EV7) (the "Company") announces that drill hole CAR-009 on its Carlin project has intersected 171.8 meters at 0.31 gpt Au (564 feet at 0.009 opt Au). This is the thickest gold zone so far intersected in the Company's drilling on the Carlin project. The intersection includes 1.1 meters at 7.79 gpt Au (3.5 feet at 0.227 opt Au) which is hosted by a highly altered igneous dike.

--  Drill hole CAR-009 is located approximately 185 meters (600 feet)southeast of hole CAR-007, which intersected 18.3 meters at 11.7 gpt Au(60 feet at 0.340 opt Au), and 405 meters (1,320 feet) northwest of holeCAR-002, the first Evolving Gold drill hole to intersect goldmineralization at Carlin.--  CAR-009 intersected gold mineralization in favorable stratigraphic unitssimilar to the gold bearing units in previous drill holes.--  The highest grade encountered in CAR-009, 1.1 meter at 7.79 gpt Au (3.5feet at 0.227 opt Au), is hosted by a highly altered igneous dike.--  The Company interprets the gold mineralization in CAR-009, along withhighly anomalous arsenic and antimony, as potentially peripheral or halomineralization to higher grade gold mineralization, such as wasintersected in CAR-007.--  All four of the Company's core holes, drilled along a strike length ofabout 800 meters of the Carlin Trend have intersected significant goldmineralization, including high grades in drill hole CAR-007. These drillholes have tested the first of 24 targets that Evolving Gold hasidentified on its large land package of approximately 145 squarekilometers (56 square miles).Quinton Hennigh, President and Chief Geologist comments, "The consistent presence of gold in our drill holes at Carlin is extremely encouraging. We interpret the widespread and thick zones of gold, regardless of the grade of the intersections, as demonstrating the presence of a large scale gold system. The high grades associated with the altered igneous dike are particularly encouraging, as they suggest the potential for a major deep-seated structure, a possible feeder zone."

Hole CAR-009 was completed on June 22 at a depth of 1,307.5 meters (4,289 feet). Evolving Gold currently holds one of the largest land positions on the Carlin Trend. Approximately one third of this land is part of the Carlin project, subject to an agreement with subsidiaries of Newmont Mining Corporation. The remaining two thirds of the land package constitute the Humboldt project which is controlled 100 percent by Evolving Gold.

"We recently completed a detailed gravity survey covering the entire property, both the Carlin and Humboldt projects," continues Hennigh. "This survey identified at least 24 additional targets for initial drill testing. We have a long way to go to properly test our very large land package, but we are very encouraged by what we have seen in our drilling to date."

The Company is presently drilling its first hole on the 100% controlled Humboldt project, with completion expected within a month. As a result of the recently completed placement with Goldcorp, the Company will expand its drill program this summer with an additional drill rig, and plans to drill at least seven additional high priority targets this year on the Carlin and Humboldt projects.

True widths of mineralization in this drill hole, at this stage of exploration, are not precisely known. Gold assays were completed by SGS Canada Inc. in Toronto, using a 30 gram charge, fire assay, with an ICP finish.

Carlin and Humboldt Project Property Acquisitions:

The Company has completed two property transactions, acquiring seventy Federal Lode Mining Claims in the Carlin and Humboldt project areas. Annual payments for the combined agreements escalate to a maximum of US$45,000 per year. In the case of both agreements, the Company has the option to issue the lessor 50,000 Evolving Gold shares on the fifth anniversary, to maintain the agreements, and an additional 100,000 Evolving Gold shares upon the initiation of commercial production.

Mineralized Intervals:--------------------------------------------------   ------------------From        To  Interval         Gold   Length        GoldDrill Hole   (meters)  (meters)  (meters) grams/tonne    (feet) ounces/ton--------------------------------------------------   ------------------CAR-009       1135.7    1307.5     171.8         0.31    564.0       0.009--------------------------------------------------   ------------------includes     1193.6    1208.8      15.2         1.03     50.0       0.030--------------------------------------------------   ------------------includes     1249.4    1260.7      11.3         1.22     37.0       0.036--------------------------------------------------   ------------------includes     1258.2    1259.3       1.1         7.79      3.5       0.227--------------------------------------------------   ------------------All averages are weighted averages, weighting each assay interval according to the core length for that assay interval. All assay intervals are included in the average, with no bottom cut-off.

Rattlesnake Hills Update:

Three core rigs are presently operating at Rattlesnake Hills. Approximately two thirds of planned 2010 drilling will be infill and step-out at North Stock and Antelope Basin, and one third will test additional targets, including the porphyry zone discovered in 2009 in drilling southeast of North Stock.

--  The Company has completed approximately 25% of its planned 20,000 meter(65,600 feet) diamond drill program in the Rattlesnake Hills. Twentyholes totaling approximately 5,000 m (16,400 feet) have been drilled,mainly testing extensions of the North Stock and Antelope Basin zones.--  Regulators recently approved an expansion of the Company's drill permit,which will allow the Company to commence road and pad construction onseveral of the new exploration targets.--  The Company has initiated the first deep drill test of the porphyrytarget southeast of North Stock. This will follow up on stockworkmineralization in schist grading as high as 7.0 gpt gold in the bottomof drill hole RSC- 006, and mineralized porphyry dikes grading as highas 8.2 gpt gold in drill hole RSC-027.--  Coupled with the distribution and intensity of potassic alteration andthe nearby mineralized porphyry dikes in RSC-027, the mineralization atthe bottom of RSC-006 is interpreted as potentially peripheral to amineralized porphyry.Assays for 2010 drilling at Rattlesnake Hills are still pending. Results for groups of drill holes will be released on a regular basis once they are reviewed and compiled.

Incentive Stock Options:

As part of its regular compensation program for directors, officers, employees and consultants, on July 13, 2010 the Company has granted 300,000 incentive stock options at a price of $0.84. The options have a five year term, and the vesting schedule is 1/3 vesting immediately, 1/3 after six months, and 1/3 after twelve months. All option grants are subject to regulatory approval.

About Evolving Gold Corp.

Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its significant discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming, an alkalic gold system, similar to the Cripple Creek gold district in Colorado, and on gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada.

For more information about Evolving Gold please visit: To receive regular updates or to receive a follow-up call from Investor Relations please sign up at:

In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors EVOLVING GOLD CORP.

Robert Barker, CEO and Director  

27.07.10 16:22

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Noch mehr Bohrungen dieses Jahr

Neben den guten Ergebnissen ist von besonderer Bedeutung, dass Evolving dieses Jahr zusätzliche Bohrungen als geplant durchführt. Dieses wird durch den Deal mit Goldcorp möglich.  

27.07.10 18:06

748 Postings, 5818 Tage Flocke77#214

....den Kurs von EVG bringt die Meldung trotzdem nicht weiter voran....  

27.07.10 22:27

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojones..das reicht bei weitem noch nicht

um dem Kurs zu helfen, Carlin ist noch Frühstadium, da braucht es noch viel Zeit.

jetzt hoffen wir das rattlesnake gute ergebnisse bringt, für newsflow sollte aber
gesorgt sein die nächsten Monate.  

02.08.10 08:49

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Interessanter Artikel

Interessanter Artikel über Carlin.

The Geology of The Carlin Trend
Email   Print  
Thu, Jul 29, 2010 Feature Articles
By Leia Michele Toovey-Exclusive to Gold Investing News

digg Share Nevada was given the nickname “The Silver State” around the time it was admitted into the union in 1864. At the time, silver was the primary mineral mined in the state; in fact, up until 1999, Nevada produced about 30 percent of all the silver in the United States.  In the early 1980’s, “The Silver State” moniker was even emblazoned across the state’s license plates. Nowadays, if Nevada were to be given a new nickname, it should be “The Gold State.”

Nevada is home to the Carlin Trend, North America’s most prolific gold-producing area and the second-largest known gold resources in the world after the Witwatersrand in South Africa.  There are numerous sources that estimate the amount of gold contained in the resource, and depending on who you chose to believe, the trend may contain up to 180 million ounces of gold.

The Carlin Gold trend is a belt of gold deposits, primarily in Paleozoic limy sediments, that are about 50 miles wide and 40 miles long. Carlin-style deposits are found around the world. The Carlin Trend in northeastern Nevada was formed when a tectonic crustal block collided with the North American Plate. The pressure and temperature associated with the collision produced hot springs along the suture zone (area of contact between the two plates). Hot springs formed along the suture zone bringing dissolved minerals towards the surface.  These minerals, primarily silver and gold in the case of the Carlin Trend, precipitated along the fissures and faults in the rock. Several episodes of subsurface magmatism occurred subsequent to the collision, adding to the amount of mineral deposition.

Carlin-type deposits have what geologists call “disseminated gold,” which is just a fancy way of saying “spread throughout.”   This type of gold deposit is very low grade.  It generally takes a microscope to see the gold in these types of deposits, which explains why it was overlooked by the early prospectors.  The grade may be low in these deposits, but what they lack in grade they make up for in volume. After the value of these deposits came to the forefront, geologists around the world starting hunting down Carlin- type deposits.

To extract gold from such low-grade deposits miners crush tonnes and tonnes of rock, which is piled into heaps and irrigated with cyanide. The cyanide percolates through the heap, extracting the gold. In the early days of the invisible-gold rush, a tonne of ore might contain a few tenths of an ounce of gold. Today that minuscule amount would be considered high grade.  Cyanide heap leaching- is a technique that was pioneered at the Nevada Carlin trend.

By 2008, mines in the Carlin Trend had produced over 70 million ounces of gold, worth around US$85 billion at 2010 prices.  Open-pit mining was the original technique employed at the Carlin trend, and it is still in use today. In 1994, mining companies began moving underground to exploit the higher-grade ore down-dip from existing open pits. These deeper deposits have been discovered at Rossi, Dee, Meikle, Gold Bug, Rodeo, Deep Post, Deep Star, Turf, Four Corners, West Leeville, Hardie Footwall, Deep Carlin, Mike, Rain, Tess and Rain Extension.

The largest and highest-grade discoveries along the Carlin Trend are associated with major faults. These are very old faults, as are the Cortez faults.  The faults in this area are key to finding gold; as mentioned earlier, the gold precipitated in fissures and faults. Geologists are taking the knowledge they acquired at the Carlin Trend, and applying it to other areas of Nevada, and the world.  The exact ages, and relationships between the faults in the area is not completely understood- as there is considerable agreement regarding the finite details, among geologists.  Despite this, what is and has been discovered at the Carlin Trend is being applied throughout Nevada, and the world.

Currently, there are approximately 30 miners operating in the region. It can be hard to keep up with all the players in the region because acquisitions are common as many of the big boys understand the value one of these juniors may hold, and they are quickly scooped up.  Examples of some miners active in the region:   Allied Nevada Gold (TSE:ANV; AMEX:ANV),  Newmont (NYSE:NEM), and Barrick Gold (NYSE:ABX; TSE:ABX).

The Carlin trend taught the world that “low grade deposits are still quite mineable.”  Exploration is ongoing in Nevada with the Cortez Trend now being rumored to hold the same amount of gold as the Carlin.  This is good news, as the world needs as many explorers out there as possible because to satisfy our hunger for gold, every year we need to find the equivalence of a Carlin Trend.  

06.08.10 08:57

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.News von Evolving

Evolving Gold Signs Agreement With Senergy Communications Inc. and Frontline Communications Investor Relations Inc. to Provide Investor Relations and Marketing Services
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Aug. 5, 2010 (Marketwire) --

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 08/05/10 -- Evolving Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE: EVG)(FRANKFURT: EV7) (the "Company") announces that, subject to regulatory approval, it has signed agreements with Senergy Communications Inc. ("Senergy") in Vancouver, and with Frontline Communications Investor Relations Inc. (Frontline) in Toronto, to provide investor relations and marketing services. The Company has asked Senergy and Frontline to work together in a program to rebuild the Company's investor relations and marketing program, to improve communications with investors, and to increase market awareness of the Company and its exploration programs.

As part of its continuing efforts to provide timely information to its shareholders, and to build market awareness of its exploration successes at both Rattlesnake Hills in Wyoming and Carlin/Humboldt in Nevada, Evolving Gold has signed agreements with Senergy, subject to regulatory approval, and with Frontline to provide investor relations and marketing services.

Robert Barker, CEO, comments, "Evolving Gold has two remarkable gold properties, Rattlesnake Hills in Wyoming and Carlin/Humboldt in Nevada. These two major projects are supported by strong financing and a solid pipeline of earlier stage exploration properties. We have a great exploration story here, and as we move forward as a company we need to refocus our marketing and investor relations program to reflect changes in the company and to ensure that we tell our story to the market in an effective manner. Senergy will help us develop a well focused investor relations and marketing program. By working with both Senergy and Frontline, we expect to build a coordinated approach to marketing and investor relations that will help get our story out to the market, and help us build broader market awareness of the Evolving Gold story in both North America and Europe. We have worked with Senergy and Frontline before, and they both know our story well. I look forward to working with Senergy and Frontline to redesign and restructure the investor relations and marketing program for Evolving Gold."

Senergy Communications Inc.:

Subject to regulatory approval, the Company has signed a one year agreement with Senergy, with cash payments of $8,000 per month, and has granted Senergy 250,000 stock options at a price of $0.94. The vesting schedule for the options is 25% at three months after the date of the grant, 25% at six months, 25% at nine months, and 25% at twelve months. The options are subject to regulatory hold periods and will expire within 30 days of the date of the termination of the agreement.

About Senergy Communications Inc.

Senergy Communications is a full-service corporate communications firm, providing strategic investor relations, public relations, and customized marketing solutions to publicly traded companies. Senergy specializes in development and coordination of marketing campaigns, database management, press release coordination and dissemination, targeted introduction to the European financial network, and personalized interaction with Senergy's proprietary network of brokers, analysts, and investors.

Frontline Communications Investor Relations Inc.

The Company has signed a one year agreement with Frontline Communications Investor Relations Inc., with cash payments of $5,000 per month, to provide marketing and investor relations services to the Company. Located in Toronto, Frontline will augment the services provided by Senergy and ensure effective investor relations and marketing in the eastern Canada and the United States.

About Frontline Communications Investor Relations Inc.

Frontline Communications is a private Toronto based firm, specializing in investor relations, corporate communications and market awareness services. Utilizing its extensive database of private investors, brokers, analysts and fund managers, Frontline provides customized investor relations solutions for its clients. Frontline implements a proactive and "one on one" approach in managing relationships between clients, their shareholders and the investment community for positive, long term relationships.

Incentive Stock Options:

As part of its regular compensation program for directors, officers, employees and consultants, on July 26, 2010 the Company has granted 100,000 incentive stock options to a management consultant at a price of $0.94. These options are subject to a regulatory hold period, and the vesting schedule is 25% at three months after the date of the grant, 25% at six months, 25% at nine months, and 25% at twelve months. They will expire within 30 days of the termination of the consulting agreement.

About Evolving Gold Corp.

Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its significant discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming, an alkalic gold system, similar to the Cripple Creek gold district in Colorado, and on gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada.

For more information about Evolving Gold please visit: To receive regular updates or to receive a follow-up call from Investor Relations please sign up at:

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


Robert Barker, CEO and Director  

06.08.10 08:58

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Gute Meldungen

Sieht aus als es in nächster Zeit gute Meldungen gibt, die sie einem größeren Kreis von Interessenten publik machen möchten.  

06.08.10 09:03

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Noch mehr Meldungen

Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
Aug. 5, 2010 (Market News Publishing) --

- Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement

TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing a Mining Lease with Royalty Buy Down Option Agreement dated February 28, 2010 between Evolving Gold Corp. (the 'Company') and Dean Stitzel and Camron Stitzel (collectively the 'Lessor'), whereby the Company has a Mining Lease with Royalty Buy Down Option to acquire a 100% undivided interest in and to 8 mining claims (the 'NAT Claims') located in Elko County, Nevada, USA. The Initial payments were in the amount of $25,000. The Advanced Minimum Royalty (AMR) payments will be $10,000 from the 1st to 5th Anniversary, $15,000 from the 6th to 9th Anniversary and $20,000 from the 10th Anniversary and subsequent Anniversaries. Company will issue 100,000 shares at the start of commercial production from the NAT Claims and 50,000 shares as a condition to maintain the Lease in effect beyond its fifth anniversary date.


06.08.10 09:59

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojonesdieser Schritt hinsichtlich einer

professionellen IR Arbeit wurde ja schon vor Monaten angekündigt.

Das wurde höchste Zeit.

Es kann nicht sein das man sich mit zwei "Weltklassevorkommen" schmückt und eine
IR Arbeit macht wie ein mini explorer der nichts zu bieten hat.

...ein längst überfälliger Schritt, allerdings natürlich positiv zu werten.

Jetzt müssen halt gute Ergebnisse her, damit man die Projekte ordenltich vermarkten
kann, das ist allein das Entscheidende.  

06.08.10 10:38

342 Postings, 7116 Tage dankojones..die inflation kommt..

05.08.2010 13:41
Jünemanns Börse: Prof. Polleit - ''Die Inflation kommt'' (Teil 1/2) Wie Anleger ihr Geld und ihr Vermögen schützen - Die Finanztalkrunde im DAF

Auch wenn die Verbraucherpreise kaum steigen, Prof. Thorsten Polleit, Chefvolkswirt von Barclays Capital, ist überzeugt: "Die Inflation kommt". Der Autor eines gerade erschienenen Buches mit dem Titel "Geldreform" geht heftig mit Notenbanken und Staaten ins Gericht. Er und Philipp Vorndran, Kapitalmarktstratege der renommierten Vermögensverwaltung Flossbach&von Storch, diskutieren in "Jünemanns Börse" die Folgen für Geld und Vermögen der Anleger. Beide empfehlen sie Realkapital statt Papiergeld. Philipp Vorndran sieht gute Chancen für Sachwerte: "Der Deutsche Wohnungsmarkt steht vor einem Boom".  

06.08.10 16:01

1995 Postings, 5463 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.und der Goldpreis steigt auch wieder ...

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