Gestern gab es einen Webcast von Lanxess zu den Quartalszahlen. In der Q&A-Session gab es auch eine Frage zu Standard Lithium.
"Matthew Yates, Bank of America:
... The second question is around your Lithium project. And I know there's still a lot of work here being done to evaluate and get all the answers before sanctioning. But I just had a question around the structure of the project. It potentially is a very sizable CapEx investment for the group.
So I'm just wondering, what sort of equity share you feel comfortable with in order to capture the long-term potential profit opportunity here, but also manage the shorter-term execution risk and what is potentially quite a complex and unproven project. Thank you.
Matthias Zachert
Matthew, good to hear your voice. ... I will pick up Lithium, so on Lithium in light of the fact that Standard Lithium is now also listed at the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, of course we have to be very humble on making any statements relating to other companies, this is at least the legal advice. So I'd share what can be legally shared, the structure on the joint venture we have explained already in our Capital Markets Day event in November 2019.
The equity share in this joint venture will be according to the underlying - understanding of both parties between 60% and 70% and this is the working assumption as we speak. And of course, we would only inject money once proof-of-concept from our perspective is fully there in all aspects. And lastly, what I would like to say is, of course, we're advancing now more and more, not at the speed of light yet, but we are advancing in the positive direction. And once we have a new information that is worth sharing, we would share it, of course with our investor base as well." Quelle: strebt also weiter das JV mit SL an. Die technische Machbarkeit, ob das von SL neu entwickelte Verfahren auch im kommerziellen Maßstab einsetzbar ist, wird nach wie vor geprüft. Es geht dabei nur in kleinen Schritten voran, aber die Richtung passt. Wir werden uns also voraussichtlich noch etwas gedulden müssen, bis das JV zustande kommt.