keine garantie ob es echt ist doch alle reden darüber das es xuii ist
Wonder if they cancel the pick now today. To risky since you all posted the premium email they asked you not to. just like VLN*
Staying away for the first couple of days.
Quote:Good Morning to All,
Our last few picks did incredible for all our premium members and now we plan on outdoing any recent pick with gains we believe will be astronomical.
Our new pick is XUII
You may have seen it around recently but it was not a good buy up until this sentence was said. Our supporting it as our new pick now makes this the next big winner.
One of the reasons why we chose XUII is because we believe there is a short position bigger than the current float meaning that they are upside down and are not capable of covering their short since there's not enough shares out there.
You might have seen LOTE over the past two weeks go from under a dollar to upwards of 12 dollars very quickly. That happened exactly because the float being smaller than short sellers' short position.
We are convinced that XUII could produce similar results just based on that fact alone.
On top of that the company has a lot going on. We will be covering XUII for the upcoming weeks and urge our members to start looking into this company now.
That being said we kindly ask you to please not call your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, etc. At least not until this afternoon when the general newsletter is released. As you know this premium membership is for our premium subscribers only and we would appreciate if you respect our wishes.
While we have no way of enforcing this keep in mind that you will only penalize yourself by spreading the word to everyone as the first buyers are the one who will make the most profit over the coming weeks.
We think XUII could end the week at over 2 dollars. Keep watching it closely.
Your Editor, |