Though off by 13% this morning, television production outfit ValCom, Inc. (PINK:VLCO) is higher by more than 200% this week thanks to a buying explosion on Tuesday. Last quarter's numbers were far better than expected, as was the subsequent outlook.
Though VLCO shares are likely to be worthy of their recently-gained price, some traders worry that the sheer size and speed of the runup may encourage at least a slight wave of profit-taking; today's pullback is a hint of that. Once ValCom find a foothold and consolidate, newcomers may find a less stressful holding.
... wie die meisten hier. Nach dem brutalen Anstieg war mit Gewinnmitnahmen zu rechnen (und das sei den Leuten natürlich auch gegönnt). Allerdings wird man sich kurz- bis mittelfristig definitiv dem Wert der Assets nähern ... und der lässt sich auf ein KZ von 20 Eurocent runterbrechen. Ganz zu schweigen von den Plänen, die das Unternehmen sonst noch in der Pipeline hat!
The appraisal has revealed that royalties of up to $5 Million are due to ValCom. The company announced that it is considering providing a portion of these revenues as a dividend to ValCom shareholders once the company's debt is retired.
"We have shareholders who have gone through ValCom's hard times and are dedicated to the company," stated Vince Vellardita, President and CEO of ValCom, "We're considering taking some of these funds to provide shareholders with a long awaited reward."
Bald vielleicht sogar Dividende. Hört man doch gerne ;)