meiner Meinung nach steht der Braune mit einem Bein, und mit der anderen Hälfte im :-( ist nur meine Meinung…. Hier einige Mails aus der Vergangenheit, die mir der Braune zukommen ließ ::
Do 04.09.2008
I take a 5 min break to answer you. This is a very exciting day. We prefer this to make a press release, All the team is quite busy with the financial agreement to close, to complete the Newsletter. No worry all are getting very positive.
Rio Pierre-Yves Dongour Motion Network Holding PLC
finish to money job, and we release real fact, in the PR...
we get more and more control on shares right now, What happen now is an epi-Phenomeon..... we will cut defintly those speculations.
Rio Pierre-Yves Dongour Motion Network Holding PLC
Fr 05.09.2008
No not today, not finish, to much work with legal and financial agreement to close. We manage to release the new Issue during the week end, and PR early next week, best regards
Rio Pierre-Yves Dongour Motion Network Holding PLC |