Penny Whisperer Member Profile Penny Whisperer Member Level Share Wednesday, June 08, 2011 4:13:23 PM Re: None Post # of 6453 This is definitely a real company... and yes, I agree it does need a catalyst to help it move.
Since I have been holding shares, it has show alot of strength and pps stability. It's only been in the last couple of days that I've seen it dip so much, but then again, most of the market has dipped hard the past couple of days, something that no one is mentioning on the board.
When I spoke to the CEO last week, and looking back at the history of the stock confirms it, he told me that he had once taken this stock to over $3 per share, from around .17 per share. As well, prior to 9/11, they were taking steps to uplist on AMEX.
He told me how he did it, with frequent and regular announcements, PRs, news releases, shareholder mailings, monthly newsletters, etc.
During the interim, he got cancer and was out of the picture for awhile. He has since beaten cancer, he told me, and is now back and ready to take this company to where he'd intended to take it those years earlier.
He now has all that is necessary to do that, and more is coming. While he was away fighting the cancer, he told me that there were many royalties that were due to the company that never got sent in. Also, there were some issues with the accounting firm that they were using, who not being familiar with media and royalty payments, etc, took some of what should have been considered company revenues and accounted them down to zero. They have pulled their account from this firm and are now using a firm that knows the ins and outs of dealing with royalties and media related assets and revenues.
So, it seems that the company has been in a re-building season... getting a firm foundation under them to support the rapid growth that I forsee coming in the very near future.
This is an awesome time to own VLCO stock, in my opinion. They have cash, they are now earning revenues, they have assets that place the value of the company at over 8X the current share price, they are retiring the company debt within the next 3 months, they are pursuing aggressive licensing deals with their library and expanding their broadcast network across the nation (and are planning for international broadcasting from what I have heard), and so much more.
The thing with penny stocks is that the market makers can be so manipulative. I hate that part of this type of stock. But, I am willing to put up with it because I really believe this company is headed to the top. I'm not concerned with these dips, especially when the entire market has dipped. I will see this through to the teens, twenties and beyond in the short term.
News will be the catalyst... it is coming. The CEO has told everyone who has called the same story. 'News is coming this week and regular updates thereafter'. He's got a plan and he's working a plan. There will always be bashers.
I remember TYTN was bashed from .0019 all the way down to .0004. Sometimes news wasn't released exactly when promised, but Mark Leonard, the CEO of Tytan Holdings has a vision to build his company as well. Because of that and in spite of the bashers, we've seen his stock run to over .004 for 1000% gain from the bottom in only a matter of a few weeks.
Patience wins in these plays. The more people who understood that, the better.
da bin ich ja mal gespannt...... |