local com- jetzt müssen fakten her

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03.02.15 23:38

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 04.02.15 11:26
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Beleidigung



04.02.15 08:07

2683 Postings, 5324 Tage mrdesasterjapetus

super beitrag !lol


vollkommen richtig was  jamin geschrieben hat, du hast als Geisterfahrer schon 80-90% aller Verkehrsteilnehmer gekillt und fährst weiter mit Vollgas in die falsche Richtung und bemühst dich dabei so viele wie möglich mit in den Tod zu reissen
man muss die Allgemeinheit vor dir schützen

das ist meine ganz klare Meinung zu dir

man könnte sachlich die restchancen und die großen Risiken diskutieren, aber für dich ist ja nach minus 80-90% alles bestens und in Ordnung, siehst dich noch immer auf der richtigen seite
da fasst sich jeder halbwegs normale mensch nur noch an den kopf  

04.02.15 08:13

2683 Postings, 5324 Tage mrdesasterdas smart money

steht übrigens klar auf der verkaufsseite
gestern minus ca 9%  und das Volumen lag ca 20% über dem durchschnitt
sie nutzen also die technische Gegenreaktion nach dem Kurseinbruch zum ausstieg
nachweislich genau das Gegenteil von dem was libuda gestern erzählt hat  

04.02.15 08:18

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaExzellent für nQuery by local


"This kind of ecosystem that combines carrier hotel/interconnection with data center capacity so that a variety of network types -- public, private, wireless, wireline cable and satellite -- come together with access to content and applications is becoming critical to many markets, he adds.


04.02.15 08:31

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaZur neuen vierten Division nQuery

04.02.15 08:44

2683 Postings, 5324 Tage mrdesasterso

ich hatte mir das schon mal vorgenommen, diesmal klappt das hoffentlich
ich möchte mich jetzt hier zurückziehen, weil die  Debatten für mich grunde nur Zeitverschwendung sind.


hier haben sich jetzt 4-5 user die  zeit genommen um den Monologen des wohl erfolgslosesten Börsianers aller Zeiten mal ein bißchen Realität gegenüberzustellen
ich persönlich gebe keine kauf oder verkaufempfehlung, habe ich nie getan, aber vor dem sinnlosen gepushe von libuda muss man warnen.
wenn einer alles, wirklich alles, positiv interpretiert, nach solchen verlusten und so einer desaströsen unternehmensentwicklung immer noch meint alles richtig zu machen,dann  ist das gefährlich.
zunächst nur für ihn selber bzw sein Depot, wenn er aber versucht andere mitreinzuziehen, wie es hier nachweislich passiert, dann ist das für die Allgemeinheit gefährlich
nach meiner persönlichen Meinung gehört ihm der börsenführerschein entzogen, er müsste gesperrt werden und zumindest teilweise für die verluste anderer haftbar gemacht werden.

in jedem fall haben wir hier stillen lesern klar aufgezeigt, dass diese einseitige Sichtweise  einfach quatsch ist.
noch ist local nicht ganz verloren,es gibt sicher noch Chancen, denen große Risiken gegenüberstehen, aber das was libuda hier zu verkaufen versucht, hat mit der Realität nichts zu tun
das müsste jeder Leser, egal ob erfahren oder nicht, gemerkt haben
von daher sehe ich meine moralische pflicht  als erledigt an

macht euch ein eigenes bild und trefft für euch eine Entscheidung
denn eines muss jedem klar sein, wer auf libuda gehört hat, der ist jetzt mindestens 80% im minus
(und das auch nur weil euro/Dollar sich vorteilhaft entwickelt haben, hätten wir das Verhältnis noch oberhalb 1,4 ,dann  würde local jetzt um 0,5 euro notieren, das tief wäre ca 0,45 euro gewesen)
das heisst mit anderen worten, selbst wenn sich local vom tief nochmal verdoppeln würde, wären die libuda Anhänger immer noch 50% im minus
so viel zu libuda, seiner Wahrnehmung und seiner Qualität als Börsianer
schlechter geht es einfach nicht

lernt etwas draus, nie auf andere hören, auch wenn sich das noch so gut anhört
nirgends gibt es mehr Schaumschläger als an der Börse, nirgends wird mehr gelogen, vor allem in die eigene tasche

viel glück

meine Meinung

und tschüss  

05.02.15 10:38

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaNoch nie war Local Corp so gut aufgestelt

wie heute:

Local Corp was never better positioned in tthe hisatory

Transforming our buisiness and entering rapidly growing digital ad markets by leveraging our premium audience

- Opportunistic short term focus
- High revenue concentration risk
- Limited innovation
- Focus on complex SMB market

- Long term value creation; bottom-line driven
- Diverse revenue streams
- Rapid lean production interation and innovation
- Differentiated value propositions
- Shift to enterprise advertisers

Source: Company Overview January -2015 (from the Website of Local Corp - SEC-Filings)

05.02.15 11:17

314 Postings, 4245 Tage carlzeisjenaFakten sehen anders aus

Meiner Meinung nach war Local noch nie so dicht vor der Pleite, der Kursverlauf hängt nur mit dieser Tatsache zusammen und nicht mit Shortsellern.  

05.02.15 11:44

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaInnovation

• Expanding reach with the expected launch of nQueryTM solution with a top five global carrier

• Launched our advanced traffic quality solution nTegrityTM

• Building and monetizing our Local audience with proprietary traffic quality tools

Source: Presentation of Q3/14-report auf local com

nQuery is already powering millions of user searches per month and is expected to grow significantly with the onboarding of new partners.

We also continue to explore new ways to monetize our proprietary assets including our Krillion data ingestion and localization technology. We believe the value of Krillion is that it seamless ingests normalizes and localizes various types of data and presents relevant content across multiple channels in customer use cases. The most recent use case was a launch of new ad formats and where-to-buy solutions for web, social and mobile in the shopping space. We look forward to discussing this more in the future. Less

48% of employees will work in reseach & development by the end of 2014
Intend to continue making significant investments in initiatives to diversify our revenue sources and promote our future growth "As we continue to diversify our technologies and traffic sources, we remain focused on technology and advertising offerings that will improve the experience for our end users, and allow our network and other third party partners to enhance their service offerings and lower their costs. While we are still very focused on the local search industry, we believe there are additional opportunities in technology and advertising that we and our customers can benefit from, while diversifying our revenue sources. We intend to continue making significant investments in initiatives to diversify our revenue sources and promote our future growth."

Source: Last Q10 von Mitte November 14 auf local.com  

05.02.15 18:30

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaReinschaen rentiert sich

05.02.15 19:17

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaEin guter CEO

CEO Fred Thiel is a frequent speaker and futurist in the areas of Internet marketing, Internet of Things, smart systems, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics and Big Data

Fred Thiel is the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Local Corporation (NASDAQ:LOCM). He also sits on private technology company boards and is an advisor to technology companies, private equity firms and venture capital firms.

He provides deep technology industry expertise, strategic advice on generating growth and shareholder value, acquisition strategy development and execution, and exit strategy development and execution.

Fred has over 25 years operating experience leading companies in the technology, data communications, Internet, M2M, automation, Big Data, digital media and software industries. He has repeatedly driven rapid growth and generated hundreds of millions of dollars in shareholder value.

As a CEO, Fred led companies through rapid growth to IPO, repositioned companies for high value exits to strategic and financial acquirers, led M&A and roll-up strategies, as well as successfully executed corporate turn-arounds.

Prior to assuming the CEO and Chairman role at Local Corporation, Fred worked with private equity and venture capital firms to build and execute investment theses and strategies, source and execute acquisitions, source capital, build and lead management teams and drive growth in both revenues and share holder value.

Fred's deep industry expertise spans Internet media and marketing, IoT (Internet of Things), M2M (machine to machine communications), Big Data software, predictive analytics, enterprise software, wired and wireless data networking and communications, data storage, and industrial automation.

Fred is a frequent speaker and futurist in the areas of Internet marketing, Internet of Things, smart systems, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics and Big Data.

Fred attended classes at the Stockholm School of Economics and executive classes at Harvard Business School and is fluent in English, Spanish, Swedish and French.

Fred is a current member of WPO and former chapter chairman of the YPO California Coast chapter.

Quelle: Linkedin

05.02.15 21:40

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaImportant to have one of the best

It is very important to have one of the best for Internet media and marketing, IoT (Internet of Things), M2M (machine to machine communications), Big Data software, predictive analytics, enterprise software, wired and wireless data networking and communications, data storage, and industrial automation

We're at the beginning of a major digital transformation - the advent of the Internet of Things. How will you adapt and react to the new technology available?

I was recently asked by a digital marketing research firm to provide comments for an upcoming report on the implications of the Internet of Things (IoT) for digital marketing. While I've been fascinated by the exploding world of wearables, sensors, and connected objects, I hadn't yet had the chance to dive in. I jumped at the opportunity.

I won't go into detail on what IoT is or how the world of connected objects has the potential to disrupt almost every business on the planet. Nor will I predict the winner of the wearables war or rant about the usefulness of a connected slow cooker - it's high! But I will share my thoughts on how marketers must begin to prepare for a world where we - and our competitors - have access to remarkable streams of high-value customer data and bear the responsibilities that come with it.  

06.02.15 08:41

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaTier II mobile phone carrier marketplace

Our initial nQuery relationships are expected to give Local Corporation potentially significant market share in the Tier II mobile phone carrier marketplace and contribute significant incremental revenue later this year and into 2015.

Our innovation efforts are advancing with great strides. This quarter in the mobile segment of our business we achieved a major milestone with the launch of nQuery™, our new white-label search experience that opens up the market for mobile carriers and other enterprise partners to participate in revenue from mobile search. Our initial nQuery relationships are expected to give Local Corporation potentially significant market share in the Tier II mobile phone carrier marketplace and contribute significant incremental revenue later this year and into 2015. Mobile is the fastest growing segment of search, according to BIA/Kelsey, as mobile local ad revenues are projected to more than triple over the next five years, reaching $15.7 billion in 2018.

“As we move through the second half of 2014 and into 2015, our new product releases are expected to drive incremental top-line growth and improved profitability. We remain excited about the large opportunities ahead of us in the local search space."

Source: Read the complete transcript of last Conference Call direct at Seeking Alpha.  

06.02.15 08:55

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaÄhnliches erleben wir m.E. bei Local Corp

"Colak and Kostov used multiple brokerage accounts to disguise the spurious nature of the sham transactions, moving a short position from one brokerage firm to another every few days in order to spread the failures to deliver across multiple firms in an effort to avoid detection. SEC investigators uncovered the complicated scheme while looking into unusual trading in one of the companies whose options were being traded by Colak and Kostov. An SEC examiner separately noted Kostov’s large volume options trading in a different company. By cross referencing their findings and crunching blue sheet data, it became clear that Colak and Kostov were likely trading with one another. SEC investigators pieced together the complex trading strategy – which involved literally thousands of trades – by tracing one of the trading sequences from start to finish."  

06.02.15 15:41

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaEine interessante Frage

Wer verkauft Aktien an Institutionals?  

The first new result (12/31/14) of an institutional is an increase of 14%: RUSSELL FRANK CO

Owner Name


Shared Held

Change (Shares)

Change (%)

Value (in 1,000s)

GOLDMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC 09/30/2014 3,035,700 0 0.00 2,155
BARCLAYS GLOBAL INVESTORS UK HOLDINGS LTD 09/30/2014 960,541 67,006 7.50 682
VANGUARD GROUP INC 09/30/2014 636,003 26,898 4.42 452
BOSTON PARTNERS 09/30/2014 560,700 (80,200) (12.51) 398
RUSSELL FRANK CO/ 12/31/2014 289,000 35,800 14.14 205


06.02.15 16:39

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaDramatische Unterbewertung in diesem Vergleich

Citigroup analysts assigned a $35 billion valuation to Instagram that is only now monetizing the user base

Local Corp has a big user-base, too, but an idiotic low market-cap of 18 million.

Local Corp has 226M high intent, local consumers annually

• Desktop

• Mobile

• Apps

• Carriers

• WiFi

Three Very Strong Facts

Focusing on key initiatives
- Monetizing local audience and growing mobile search
- Realigned organization

Expect expanding EBITDA margin*
- Driving growth without significant incremental cost
- Leveraging existing technology platform, core development team and corporate infrastructure

Scaling business
- Expect $2.6M in annual cost savings and improved Adjusted EBITDA profitability
- Increasing revenue on more profitable business lines

*Based on forecast from 2014 to 2017

Source: Company Overview Q4/2014 from 11/25/2014

06.02.15 21:02

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaHammerhart: Noch ein Vergleich

The Rubicon-project has 2014 sales of 123 million (estimate) and a market-cap of 539 million - that are 4.4-times-revenues

The Rubicon-project has 2014 sales of 123 million (estimate) and a market-cap of 552 million on Friday - that are 4.4-times-revenues.

Local Corp has 2014 sales of 83.1 million (estimate) and a market-cap idiotic low 16 million - that are only idiotic low 0.19-times-revenues.

Result: Every $ 1revenues of The Rubicon Project has the 23-fold valuation of $1 revenues of Local Corp.

Quelle für die Zahlen: finance.yahoo.com  

07.02.15 10:32

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaAuch nackt Geshortetes muss irgendwann gecovert


Naked shortselling by Local Corp had crossed after my estimates more than 50& of the outstanding 23.4 million shares

Naked shortselling were not counted and reported, because a not legal naked shortseller must only make a cross, that he can deliver - if he can or not. Any control, if he can deliver, doesn't exist. Most brokers of naked shortseller’s know, that their clients can’t deliver, but they accept the cross - and the sale were not counted as naked shortsale and as a result: this shortselling were not reported.

Criminal brokers must not fear the SEC or Finra, because a systematic control doesn't exist - but most criminal is: that a control of the existing rules is very simple, but the SEC and Finra don't want to control the rules.

But on the other site, Libuda had never could buy 118,300 shares for low prices without the help of the naked shortselling. And every shortselling must be covered one day - legal shortselling with share-lending and not allowed criminal naked shortselling.

About two criminals - similar happens by Local Corp, but SEC and Finra sleeöing and smoking grass

"Colak and Kostov used multiple brokerage accounts to disguise the spurious nature of the sham transactions, moving a short position from one brokerage firm to another every few days in order to spread the failures to deliver across multiple firms in an effort to avoid detection. SEC investigators uncovered the complicated scheme while looking into unusual trading in one of the companies whose options were being traded by Colak and Kostov. An SEC examiner separately noted Kostov’s large volume options trading in a different company. By cross referencing their findings and crunching blue sheet data, it became clear that Colak and Kostov were likely trading with Less

. .

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stannguru • 34 seconds ago  Remove

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But alll shortselling must be covered one day - legal with share-lending and the criminnal naked shortselling without share-lending, too.

Big problem wourdl come, if the the criminals inside the SEC, who ignore naked shortselling, were fired and accused. I am sure, that these will be happen one day.

Journalist Sues SEC to Get Naked Short Selling Files
Published: May 29, 2014 4:01 p.m. ET
Lawsuit Filed in Chicago Seeks to Tear Down SEC's Veil of Secrecy

CHICAGO, IL, May 29, 2014 (Marketwired via COMTEX) -- A lawsuit has been filed under the Freedom of Information Act against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to obtain the agency's investigative files relating to more than a dozen aborted investigations and cases involving naked short selling. The complaint was filed on behalf of Mark Mitchell, an investigative journalist who publishes on deepcapture, a website that offers in-depth reports on the extent to which naked short selling pervades the US capital markets.

According to the complaint, naked short selling has flourished over the past decade because of regulatory loopholes designed by Wall Street and embedded into law by the SEC. Although the SEC created a regulation in 2005 -- Regulation SHO -- that was supposed to stop the practice, Mitchell claims the SEC's Enforcement Division rarely enforced the regulation.

Source: Market Watch


07.02.15 11:51

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaAdjusted EBITDA positive during seven years

FY-15* (Estimate)

Adjusted EBITDA (in 1,000)

Quelle: finance.yahoo.com

07.02.15 15:22

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage Libudashift to mobile a tremendous opportunity for us

"We believe the consumer shift to mobile devices presents a tremendous opportunity for us. Today, consumers are using their mobile devices more than ever before to search for local products and services.

We believe that Local can become the technology engine which powers third party apps and sites that seek to provide on-the-go mobile consumers with the local business, product, and service information they want, when they need it, along their path from discovery to decision. If this happens, we believe we will be in a better position to control our financial future by having direct relationships with retailers and brands and as a result we expect to be able to reduce our reliance on third party advertisers.

In addition, we believe that any wide adoption of the Local technology platform would result in access to an immense amount of data about retailers, manufacturers, and consumers alike. We believe this could further evolve Local's platform into a location-based data play, complete with highly valuable consumer behavior trends, price history by category and other valuable information. We believe we are in the early stages of this evolution in consumer search and we believe we are well positioned to take advantage of it."


08.02.15 11:21

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaMehr Unterbewertung ist für mich kaum vorstellbar

Umsatzmultiple von 0,2 bei idiotisch niedrigen  16,14 Millionen Marktkapitalsierung am Freitag

Local Corp has four excellent divisions - not only Owned & Operated and Network like in the past:

Local Flagship

• Rich, relevant local content

• 500M annual searches

• Growing mobile segments in local jobs,
coupons and apartment rentals

• Most popular segments
Home services

Corporate Overview of Local Corp– Q4 2014

Publisher Partner Network

• Hundreds of publisher partner sites

• 25 million search queries per day*

• Traffic scored through nTegrity TM to ensure it is a valid impression

*as of November 2014

Source: Company Overview Q4-2014

nPress by local

White labeld hosted directory

• Rich, relevant local content

• 100% organic audience

• Traffic across all 50 states

• 50% mobile traffic and growing

• Categories & performance similar to Local Corp's flagship

Corporate Overview – Q4 2014

nQuery by local

White labeled hosted search

• 26 million mobile subscribers activated

• 10 million US smartphone searches per month

• Launching top 5 mobile carrier in South America
~200million+ searches per month

• Biz Dev conversations openwith several global carriers & MVNOs

• Several languages:

Source: Company Overview Q4-2014

2015 Guidance of Local Corp
• Revenue between $82M and $86M
• Adjusted EBITDA between
$3M and $4M

That are 0.2-times-revenues and the market-cap is only 5-fold of EBITDA

Full Year 2014 of Local Corp
• $82.8M - $83.3M
in revenue
• $2.2M and $2.4M in

Adjusted EBITDA

That are 0.2-times-reveneus.


08.02.15 19:58

2683 Postings, 5324 Tage mrdesasterhäh ?

Launching top 5 mobile carrier in South America
~200million+ searches per month

ich dachte top 5 mobile carrier global , also weltweit ?
was denn nun ?

gehört der telko zu den 5 größten in der welt, oder zu den top 5 in Südamerika ?

so wie du es schreibt, hört es sich nach top 5 Südamerika an

ich habe aber eher verstanden, er gehört zu den größten 5 in der welt und die launchen das in Südamerika, wobei sie theoretisch 200 mio user erreichen

wenn es so ist wie ich es schreibe, weiß ich auch wer es ist
du auch ?  

08.02.15 20:36

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaDann wäre der Shortsquezze komplett

Next BIG Thing Near: The Monetization of the 5 Important Pay Per Call-Patents of Local Corp

Read this announcement in the Company Overview Q3/2014:

Reviewing options to maximize value
Pay-Per-Call patent portfolio

Next BIG Thing Near: The Monetization of the 5 Important Pay Per Call-Patents of Local Corp

Methods and systems for enhanced directory assistance using wireless messaging protocols
Patent number: 8359049
Type: Grant
Filed: March 25, 2010
Issued: January 22, 2013
Assignee: Local Corporation

Enhanced directory assistance services in a telecommunications network
Patent number: 8306208
Type: Grant
Filed: August 7, 2009
Issued: November 6, 2012
Assignee: Local Corporation

Methods and systems for enhanced directory assistance using wireless messaging protocols
Patent number: 7715857
Type: Grant
Filed: March 23, 2006
Issued: May 11, 2010
Assignee: Local Corporation

Enhanced directory assistance services in a telecommunications network
Patent number: 7596218
Type: Grant
Filed: May 30, 2003
Issued: September 29, 2009
Assignee: Local.Corporation

Methods and system for enhanced directory assistance using wireless messaging protocols
Patent number: 7200413
Type: Grant
Filed: July 30, 2003
Issued: April 3, 2007
Assignee: Local Corporation  

08.02.15 20:46

63054 Postings, 7222 Tage LibudaAbsurd

Absurd sind nach meiner Meinung die Bewertungsunterschiede zwischen dem deutschen Local Search-Wert My Hammer und dem US-Local Search-Wert Local Corp, denn My Hammer hat trotz miserabler Zahlen mit 1,18 ein 6,5-mal so hohes Umsatzmultiple wie Local Corp.

Fakten zu My Hammer (nach 9 Monaten in 2014)  

Umsatz: 4,623 Millionen

Betriebsergebnis: minus 1,058 Millionen

Cash Flow: minus 1,146 Millionen

Und bei einer Bilanzsumme von gerade einmal 2.802,991 wird ein negatives Eigenkapital von 1.903.650 ausgewiesen.



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