www.sedar.com/FindCompanyDocuments.do die geben ja richtig vollgas mit ihren bohrungen. open-pit gebiet - niedrige kosten und in chile und kolumbien allemal. da kostet der arbeitstag 7 dollar. Since the 2007 Scoping Study until may 2008, Greystar has developed a intensive exploration program that comprised 297 drillholes with 90 000 metres drilled, 486 metres of exploration tunneling. durchschnittliche bohrlochlänge sind dann so ungefähr 185 meter. angostura-projekt Surface oxidation has affected the rocks at Angostura to depths of up to 170 metres along specific structures, but is more generally in the range of 10 to 30 metres at the edge of the deposit, and attains depths that vary from 40 to 100 metres in the central parts... ... The project database now includes 710 surface drill holes with an aggregate length of 243,039 metres, 1464 muck samples from 2400 metres of underground drifting and crosscutting on the 2850 level, and 160 underground drill holes with an aggregate length of 33,962 metres die tabelle seite 7 und8 bekomme ich nicht reinkopiertOxides 0.3 Sulfides 0.45 TOTAL mesured and inferred ca11,5 mio unzen Oxides 0.3 Sulfides 0.45 TOTAL inferred ca 3,5 miounzen Measured Mineral Resources Indicated Mineral Resources Measured & IndicatedMineralResources 6.4 HISTORICAL PRODUCTION Small-scale operators have driven a number of adits on the Greystar concessions, but those (illegal) activities, which carried out intermittently until early 2003, have now ceased. No systematic underground mining has been carried out, but the local miners have followed and exploited high-grade veins and shoots, generally by raising and shortdistance sub-drifting, using haphazard and unsafe mining methods. The tonnage removed by drifting is estimated to amount to some 8700 tonnes with an average grade of 4.6 g/t gold, based on the Greystar surveys and sample results of the various drifts and tunnels on the Angostura property. High-grading above and below the tunnels is estimated to have removed one-half as much again, with a gold grade of perhaps 15 g/t, an estimate that is... 10. EXPLORATION the exploration had consisted of surface work which included geologic mapping, surficial rock sampling, soil sampling, stream sediment sampling and diamond drilling completing until May of 2008, of 277,000 metres in 870 diamond drill holes. More than 3,140 m of drifting have been constructed in the tunnels Perezosa 2, Veta de Barro and Fuego Verde. All the underground openings Cut offgrade (g/t)Tonnes 0,3 bis 0-45 ( ----------- diesistkeineaufforderungzuirgendetwas |