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22.08.07 11:47

1461 Postings, 6321 Tage MegamillionMoin hoetti

#nur long oder short hier rumzuschreiben kann jeder depp#

im richtigen Moment rumzuschreiben können die wenigsten

#Risikoarm# ist wohl der falsche Ausdruck wobei man bei sehr genauer Marktbeobachtung und einer Strategie das Risiko natürlich auf einen unterdurchschnittlichen rozentsatz senken kann. Restrisiko besteht natürlich immerwobei das in allen Anlagevariationen in der heutigen Finanzweltleider nicht ausschließbar ist.

#Weitere Startegien#

Gewisse Strategien die ich an der Börse verfolge richten sich nach dem aktuellen Marktgeschehen und ändern sich demzufolge relativ häufig. Was zählt ist die Gelassenheit und ein Outperforming des Marktes.

In der heutigen Zeit ist es bedeutend schwieriger geworden an der Börse zu bestehen und somit ist man gezwungen Augen und Ohren offen zu halten und seine Fühler auch in Bereiche auszustrecken von denen man in den Jahren 2000-2002 noch nie was gehört hat.

Man konnte damals mit Aktienanlagen den Markt fast blind outperformen.

Durch die Vielzahl der Anlagemöglichkeiten und die stetige Modernisierung der Bankensoftware (Kauf-Verkaufprogramme) ist heute ein Umfeld geschaffen der einen sehr harten Wettbewerb um jeden Preis geschaffen hat und somit überleben nur die stärksten Wölfe.

Werde bei Gelegenheit mal noch ein paar Ansätze zu verschieden Märkten einstellen sobald sich auch hier Möglichkeiten offen legen.


22.08.07 12:10

1461 Postings, 6321 Tage MegamillionBonuses on Wall Street Threatened

Bonuses on Wall Street Threatened by Credit Crunch
By Jenny Strasburg and Christine Harper

Aug. 22 (Bloomberg) -- The credit-market freeze that's paralyzing leveraged buyouts, mergers and myriad computer- driven trading strategies may cut Wall Street bonuses for the first time in five years.

``There's a lot of pessimism out there,'' said Gary Goldstein, chief executive officer of executive-search firm Whitney Group in New York. ``Looking at the world today as we see it and the impact the crunch is likely to have, it looks like bonus pools will decline.''

Bonuses, the financial industry's annual rite of compensation typically calculated as a multiple of salary, probably will decline as much as 5 percent from 2006, according to Options Group, the New York-based firm that has tracked pay and hiring trends for more than a decade. While the payouts often far exceeded the average of $220,650 at the biggest U.S. securities firms last year and increased as much as 20 percent from 2005, the subprime-mortgage collapse already has drained the punch bowl.

Hardest hit will be employees who create and sell securities backed by mortgages or pools of debt, Options Group said. One out of every three people in those roles may lose their jobs unless business picks up by the end of the year, the firm estimates. Bonuses may fall as much as 40 percent.

Hedge Funds

Hedge-fund investment managers, whose average payout climbed as much as 15 percent last year, may see a drop of 5 percent to 10 percent in 2007. Bonuses for employees in fixed- income units may fall as much as 10 percent, compared with a 10 percent gain last year, Options Group estimates.

Except at the most junior levels, traders and bankers receive most of their annual pay in year-end bonuses that are determined in part by the revenue produced by the individual, their division and the firm as a whole. The average bonus per employee at Wall Street's five biggest firms rose 18 percent in 2006, according to Bloomberg calculations based on company reports.

Individual bonuses vary, with some administrative staff receiving nothing and executives such as Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s CEO, getting more than $50 million on top of his $600,000 salary. Even Blankfein's pay, which is based partly on the firm's operating results and stock performance, may be lower. Goldman's stock, after climbing 56 percent last year, has dropped 12 percent in 2007. Revenue, which gained 49 percent in 2006, rose 11 percent in the first half of 2007.

The AMEX Securities Broker/Dealer Index, which includes Goldman shares, has declined 8 percent this year.

Lucas van Praag, a Goldman spokesman, said Blankfein wouldn't be available for comment.

Time for Turnaround

Recruiters, who are seeing a pickup in resumes from hedge funds and leveraged buyout firms, cautioned that it's too soon to know what will happen by the time banks start bonus discussions, typically in October. They also note that traders involved in equities, commodities and distressed debt are having a good year and are likely to reap bumper payouts.

``This is the quarter that is going to determine whether compensation is going to be lower or not,'' said Michael Karp, CEO of the Options Group, which bases its estimates on interviews with senior industry executives and information gathered by the firm's network of consultants.

The crisis that started with the mortgage loans to the riskiest borrowers has sent equity and bond prices worldwide on a rollercoaster ride. The market for mortgage-backed securities has dried up, hurting those who trade the bonds or sell them to investors. Investment banks haven't been able to find buyers for leveraged-buyout loans. Prime brokers may see fees drop as some hedge funds close and others reduce borrowing.

Resumes Arrive

Funds that have already shut or failed this year include two credit pools managed by Bear Stearns Cos., UBS AG's Dillon Read Capital Management LLC and Sowood Capital Management LP of Boston.

``We're already seeing a lot of resumes from hedge funds, and we're seeing them at the more junior level, a lot of these kids that defected to hedge funds for more money or a better lifestyle,'' said Deborah Rivera, founder of the Succession Group, a New York-based executive-search and consulting firm. ``We're seeing resumes from private-equity funds that have also let some people go.''

Outsized Paydays

Hedge-fund traders with at least 10 years' experience, who made an average of $580,000 last year, probably will see pay rise 8 percent to 9 percent this year, according to Adam Zoia, founder of New York-based Glocap Search LLC and co- editor-in-chief of the Hedge Fund Compensation Report. That's about half of the rate he was expecting before the market's decline.

``We have just sharply cut our compensation forecasts,'' Zoia said on Aug. 17.

The hedge-fund industry, where assets almost tripled to $1.7 trillion since 2002, leads Wall Street when it comes to outsized paydays. The 25 best-paid hedge-fund managers earned an average of $570 million in 2006, an increase of 57 percent from the previous year, according to Institutional Investor's Alpha magazine. Hedge funds typically charge fees of 1 percent to 2 percent of assets and 20 percent of investment gains.

At the top of Alpha's list was James Simons, founder of East Setauket, New York-based Renaissance Technologies Corp., who was paid an estimated $1.7 billion. Chicago-based Citadel Investment Group LLC's Kenneth Griffin placed second with $1.4 billion. Officials at both firms declined to comment.

Simons, Griffin

Simons's personal profit may drop from 2006 as his biggest fund struggles. The $29 billion Renaissance Equity Opportunities Fund is little changed on the year through last week, according to investors, while last year it returned about 21 percent. Griffin should again rank among the top-paid managers. Citadel, which oversees $15 billion, has returned about 15 percent this year, investors say.

``The ripple effects of hedge funds are more widespread than they've ever been,'' said Robert Discolo, head of hedge- fund strategies at AIG Global Investment Group in New York, which manages more than $8 billion.

Big pay packages at hedge funds and leveraged buyout firms have driven compensation higher at Wall Street firms, as they seek to compete for the best traders and bankers. Last year, the five biggest U.S. securities firms paid about $36.5 billion in bonuses, up 32 percent from a year earlier as the number of employees rose 7 percent.

Since last falling in 2002, total bonus payouts at the five firms rose 6 percent in 2003, 19 percent in 2004, and 18 percent in 2005. Securities firms typically set aside about half of their revenue to pay compensation and benefits. Of that, about 60 percent is paid in bonuses at year end.

Positive Sign

Recruiters don't expect reductions to be as drastic as they were in the bear market of 2001 and 2002, when the average payout for New York-based securities-industry workers declined 26 percent and 18 percent, according to the state deputy comptroller's office.

The financial crisis has been profitable for traders who bet mortgage bonds would fall or whose strategies gain amid swings in the markets. One indicator suggests the picture isn't as dire as it was in 2002: Analysts are estimating annual earnings will rise at least 11 percent at the top four Wall Street firms. Bear Stearns, the fifth, is expected to report a drop of about 6 percent.

``The sentiment right now is pretty harsh because in the past two weeks it wasn't hard to see people who lost a lot of money,'' said John, 29, an equity-options trader at a Wall Street bank, who declined to give his last name because he's not authorized to speak to the media. ``But on bonuses, it's too early to say. It was a good market before this, and I don't think people think yet that this will jeopardize pay.''

Bankers Squeezed

The bankers who advise LBO firms and the underwriters, salespeople and traders who help create and sell the loans and bonds to finance them are likely to see their rate of pay increases slow, recruiters said.

Last year, investment bankers saw bonuses jump 20 to 25 percent, the Options Group said. This year the rate of gains for bankers who serve buyout firms will probably slow to 5 percent to 10 percent and could decline further, Options Group said. That's because the banks are having difficulty selling the loans they've already made to finance takeovers and the pace of deals is likely to slow amid higher financing costs.

``The leveraged finance areas are likely to be impacted,'' said Whitney Group's Goldstein.

The success of hedge funds in previous years helped generate demand for prime brokerage, the departments at investment banks that lend to hedge funds and provide them with services such as trading software. Last year, bonuses surged 20 percent to 25 percent in prime brokerage, Options Group estimated. This year they may rise 5 percent to 10 percent, said the Options Group's Karp.

To contact the reporters on this story: Jenny Strasburg in New York at jstrasburg@bloomberg.net ; Christine Harper in New York at charper@bloomberg.net .

Last Updated: August 22, 2007 05:18 EDT  

22.08.07 12:11

1461 Postings, 6321 Tage MegamillionKF ist nicht weit weg Daxbunny und eine schöne

Gegend MM KF BC  

22.08.07 12:48

13451 Postings, 8786 Tage daxbunnyder Grüne sagt also ja. Wo genau?

22.08.07 13:00

1461 Postings, 6321 Tage MegamillionBefore the Bell

U.S. Stock-Index Futures Rise; Citigroup, Apple Climb in Europe

By Marco Bertacche

Aug. 22 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stock-index futures gained on speculation the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates to ease the effects of a credit crunch and maintain economic growth.

Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp., the largest U.S. banks, rose in Europe. TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. and E*Trade Financial Corp. advanced after the Wall Street Journal said the two online brokers are holding merger talks.

U.S. stocks rebounded for a fourth day yesterday on speculation the Fed will manage to defuse the crisis in credit markets, reviving a record pace of takeovers. Shares in Europe and Asia rallied today.

``We expect a rate cut at the next meeting in September, which would be the best solution,'' said Patrizio Pazzaglia, who helps manage the equivalent of $400 million at Bank Insinger de Beaufort NV in Rome. ``We're slowly going back to normality and the reduced volatility this week is encouraging although it's early to take long positions.''

Standard & Poor's 500 Index futures expiring in September rose 9.8 to 1,460.1 as of 10:45 a.m. in London. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures added 71 to 13,188 and Nasdaq 100 Index futures increased 7.5 to 1,927.25.

The Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index, or VIX, has dropped 18 percent since reaching a four-year high on Aug. 16.

Apple Inc. shares increased after the Financial Times said the company signed exclusive distribution agreements with three mobile-phone operators in Europe.

`Worst Is Over'

Interest-rate futures show traders are betting the Fed will lower its overnight lending rate between banks by its next meeting Sept. 18. Traders see a 90 percent chance of a half-point cut to 4.75 percent, from zero percent a week ago.

``The worst is over,'' said Bob Olstein, who manages $2.1 billion as chief investment officer at Olstein Capital Management in Purchase, New York. ``There's still going to be more shocks along the system as always, but each shock is more and more discounted.''

Citigroup, the largest U.S. bank, rose 37 cents to $48.43 in Germany, while Bank of America advanced 16 cents to $51.46.

TD Ameritrade climbed 21 cents to $16.56 in Germany, while and E*Trade surged 84 cents to $16.41. The deal could be worth as much as $20 billion, the newspaper said, citing one person close to the negotiations.

``We don't comment on market speculation or rumors,'' said Pam Erickson, a spokeswoman for E*Trade. Katrina Becker, a spokeswoman at TD Ameritrade, couldn't be reached for comment.

Apple, Medtronic

A spokesman for TD Ameritrade said the company talks to ``peers'' and will continue to do so, the Journal reported. An unidentified spokeswoman for New York-based E*Trade said the company sees value in consolidation and will do what is in the best interest of its customers, the newspaper reported.

Apple added $2.52 to $130.09 in Germany. T-Mobile of Germany, Orange in France and O2 in the U.K. each will give Apple 10 percent of sales from phone calls and data transfers made over the devices, the Financial Times reported, without giving the source of the information.

Jennifer Bowcock, a spokeswoman for Cupertino, California- based Apple, declined to comment on ``rumors and speculation.'' T-Mobile spokeswoman Marion Kessing, France Telecom's Berengere Arnold and O2's David Nicholas also declined to comment.

Medtronic Inc. lost $1.59 to $51.27 in Germany after the biggest maker of electronic heart devices reported fiscal first- quarter revenue that missed analysts' estimates. Revenue climbed 7.9 percent to $3.13 billion in the quarter that ended July 27, helped by sales of implantable electronic defibrillators outside the U.S. The average sales estimate of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg was $3.16 billion.

Stake Purchase

MGM Mirage shares climbed $1.2 to $75.52 in Frankfurt after Dubai agreed to pay $5 billion for a 9.5 percent stake in the world's second-largest casino company and half of the company's CityCenter project, a complex of hotels and condominiums under construction in Las Vegas. State-owned Dubai World will buy 14 million MGM shares from the company at $84 each. That's 13 percent more than MGM's closing price yesterday.

Toll Brothers Inc. gained 24 cents to $21.33 in Germany. The largest U.S. luxury homebuilder said fiscal third-quarter profit fell 85 percent to $26.5 million, or 16 cents a share, from $174.6 million. That was higher than the average analyst estimate of 2 cents a share in a Bloomberg survey.

To contact the reporter on this story: Marco Bertacche in Milan at at mbertacche@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: August 22, 2007 06:04 EDT  

22.08.07 15:10

1461 Postings, 6321 Tage Megamillion#Collaps# Accredited Home Halts Loan Applications

Accredited Home Halts Loan Applications, Cuts Staff by 1,600

By Rick Green

Aug. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Accredited Home Lenders Holding Co., the subprime lender whose sale to Lone Star Funds collapsed, will close almost all of its retail lending business, shut half of the 10 divisions serving brokers and halt U.S. mortgage applications.

About 1,600 people are losing their jobs, the San Diego- based company said in a statement distributed today by Business Wire.

To contact the reporter on this story: Rick Green in New York at rgreen18@bloomberg.net .

Last Updated: August 22, 2007 08:46 EDT  

22.08.07 16:37

1461 Postings, 6321 Tage MegamillionShortoption Volkswagen erhöht

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