Worldwide demand for nickel has helped to uncover a 60-year-old Cold War secret If I had told you a few years ago that the Soviet Union’s evil designs on Finland—its neighbor to the west—would one day lead to a tremendous wealth building opportunity for you, you might have thought me crazy. I’d have thought me crazy, too.
But what I didn’t know is that for more than 60 years, Finland has kept its vast mineral wealth hidden and undeveloped for fear that the Soviets would roll in and take it.
A fear inspired by the Soviet’s 1944 annexation of Finland’s famed Petsamo Mine—site of one of the largest nickel deposits in the world.
Now with the Soviet threat behind them, Finland is gearing up to exploit its hidden resource wealth—wealth the government has quietly explored, cataloged and carefully kept secret since the 1940s.
All this has created a unique opportunity for you to invest in a great little company I’ve uncovered that will be developing some of the numerous sites the Finnish government has identified as potentially holding hundreds of millions of dollars worth of nickel, copper and gold.
The company is called... FinMetal Mining (OTCBB: FNMM) And, this micro cap company has locked down some of the country’s most promising development projects. Invest now and you’ll have a unique opportunity to potentially turn $7,500 into $22,500 over the next 24 months! Read on.
Your chance to make a small fortune in natural resources In this online Special Situation Alert, I’m going to reveal why investing in FinMetal now is like getting in on the ground floor of Canada’s natural resource boom approximately 25 years ago—a boom that made millionaires out of thousands of ordinary investors.
There’s no better time than right now to get started. Demand for natural resources is exploding all over the world especially as China and India are embracing the free market and watching their standards of living soar.
Soaring demand means soaring prices because supplies of many key resources are in desperately short supply—especially the metal Finland is richest in. And those soaring prices have given Finland’s government an even greater incentive to rapidly develop these vast treasures.
Plus due to the demand, nickel could easily be in the early stages of a historic rise, similar to the recent boom in uranium.
Why FinMetal is perfectly positioned to make a substantial move And while nickel is exploding today, FinMetal has put together a portfolio of properties with a terrific balance of three different metals—that include gold and copper in addition to nickel—that has the potential to bring in a steady stream of profits regardless of what’s happening to the economy.
Here’s why...
Distress and upswings—As you know, gold is the perfect metal for trying economic times. When things look grim, the world turns to gold for protection and profit—and prices soar.
Gold prices also often rise during economic upswings, stimulated by government expansion of the money supply, as investors seek protection from price inflation. Boom times—Whether inflationary or not—also send demand for base metals such as nickel—metals needed in a wide variety of manufacturing—skyrocketing. A blend—You can even have trying times and boom times at the same time—in different countries. For example, while investors in the United States are worried about inflation right now—and thus interested in gold—investors in China and India are experiencing rising economic growth and are looking for opportunities in base metals such as copper and nickel.
The bottom line? I like FinMetal’s diversified portfolio of metals. It helps protect your investment and gives you the opportunity to build wealth in just about any economic environment.
But, the nickel superboom has another big advantage going for FinMetal...
Panic in the nickel market creates an extraordinary opportunity for FinMetal While gold has been hot in recent years—up 232% since 2000 because of inflation fears—the real action right now is in nickel.
What makes nickel so exciting? Well for starters, since January 2000, nickel has exploded from $3.77 a pound to a record $23.00 a pound—an astonishing increase of 610%. It rose 150% in 2006 and, as of April 30, is up another 20% already in 2007.
Why are nickel prices rising so rapidly? Simple. Demand is soaring all over the world. Right now, most of the demand is coming from China—the world’s largest consumer of nickel—and India.
And what are they doing with all that nickel?
They’re using it to make hundreds of products that you and I have taken for granted for years—but that developing countries are just now getting used to. You see, nickel is a primary component of stainless steel, which is used in indispensable items you use every day like flatware, cellphones, even your kitchen sink.
Worldwide demand for nickel is also rising because of its increasing use in aerospace, electronic and military applications—as well as for metal nickel hydride battery packs for the rapidly expanding hybrid car market.
Soaring demand + depleted supplies = rising prices and windfall profits for you Yet, as demand is soaring, supplies are rapidly being depleted. Nickel stockpiles have already fallen by half since the beginning of 2007. And the supply was already critically low to begin with.
Plus, as base metals go, nickel is exceedingly rare and hard to find. And there are very few companies on the planet with world-class deposits capable of satisfying the supply crunch.
Worse yet, most of the known deposits are in high-risk countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines, New Caledonia and Madagascar—which means those supplies are also at risk.
All this has created a unique opportunity for FinMetal—and you—to cash in big. FinMetal is already hard at work on six different mining projects.
The nickel deposits are rich in high-quality sulphide nickel—a rare type of nickel known as the “King of Deposits” because it is much easier to mine than the more common laterite nickel that is considerably more expensive to extract.
Finland is one of the few places on the globe where sulphide nickel is found.
Better yet, the Finns recently pioneered a revolutionary new mining technology—called bioheapleaching—that uses bacteria to extract the nickel from the ore. This makes extracting sulphide nickel easier, more environmentally friendly and more profitable than ever before.
None of the risk of investing in the third world As I touched upon above, much of the world’s known nickel is under the control of less than stable governments.
So one of the best things about this opportunity is that Finland is a stable Western democracy that respects property rights and has a government that appreciates the value of foreign investment and is eager to cooperate with mining companies to begin developing the country’s natural resources.
Even more remarkably, Finland has the same geographic latitude as Canada, along with geological characteristics similar to the famous, mineral-rich Canadian Shield—a vast geological formation in Canada that has turned dozens of mining companies into international behemoths worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
The Finnish government has already done most of the hard work What’s really nice about these deposits is that so much of the exploratory work has already been done by the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), an arm of the Finnish government, working in concert with several private mining concerns.
Because of this, FinMetal can proceed straight to deep drilling to test the extent of each project’s mineralized zones. And from there, the mine can be in development within a matter of months.
Of course, that assumes FinMetal will even make it that far before being taken over by a much bigger mining concern. Such companies are already on the prowl in Finland, hoping to snap up small companies like FinMetal the moment they make a significant discovery.
It’s the kind of thing that can send the value of your investment soaring before an ounce of nickel or gold even makes it out of the ground.
Here is a quick look at 6 projects FinMetal already has underway: Rautavaara Nickel Project—Exploration conducted by the GTK indicates two possible mineral deposits with a potential value of $6 billion. Poskijärvi-Kokka Nickel Project—Sizable nickel deposits were discovered on two different properties situated about 9 miles apart. Poskijärvi looks like it has a potential of $2 to $3 billion, but it is still very early to tell. Tainiovaara Nickel Project—This site was discovered by the GTK in 1975 after drift prospecting in the area turned up about two dozen boulders with high grades of nickel. In total, the site has a potential value of $2 to $3 billion. Petrovaara Gold-Copper Project—More than 2 billion pounds of copper were taken out of the nearby Outokumpu copper camp between 1913 and 1989, and now exploration reveals what could be another large copper deposit at Petrovaara—a potential value of $1 to $2 billion. Kivimaa-Vareskangas Gold-Copper Project—This project is located next door to Agnico-Eagle’s much-anticipated gold project. Early exploration indicates that it may hold grades as rich as 19.6 parts per million (ppm) of gold and 3.7% copper! Right now, it’s still too early to determine its potential. But it has big-picture possibilities. The Oijärvi Gold Project—Oijärvi lies on the other side of Agnico-Eagle’s prosperous site, and promising gold mineralizations have been located. Oijärvi is regarded as a highly prospective area for rich gold deposits—again, it’s early in the game, but the possibilities are great.
ADD IT UP—the potential value is upwards of $11 billion!