Pharmos Receives FDA Fast Track Designation for Dexanabinol Accelerates New Drug Application Review for First Neuroprotective Brain Trauma Product | ISELIN, N.J., Sep 30, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- PharmosCorporation (Nasdaq: PARS and Nasdaq Europe: PHRM) today announced the Food andDrug Administration has granted fast track designation for dexanabinol fortreatment of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). In its designation, the FDAacknowledges TBI as a serious, often life-threatening condition for which noapproved therapies exist, and the potential of dexanabinol in preventingsecondary brain damage due to its neuroprotective effect. The most significantbenefit to Pharmos is the expedited review of the New Drug Application for thecompound, currently in advanced Phase III clinical testing."Fast track designation from the FDA for dexanabinol is an importantconfirmation of the serious unmet medical needs of TBI and of the promisedexanabinol holds toward filling those needs," said Gad Riesenfeld, Ph.D.,President & COO. "As we near completion of the pivotal trial of dexanabinol, welook forward to utilizing the means provided under fast track to shortendexanabinol's time to market, in particular the accelerated regulatory review.Pharmos will continue to work closely with the FDA to ensure that its R&Defforts are supportive of regulatory requirements."The FDA Fast Track programs, codified under the FDA Modernization Act of 1997,are designed to facilitate the development and expedite the review of new drugsthat are intended to treat serious or life-threatening conditions, and thatdemonstrate the potential to address unmet medical needs. The programs emphasizethe critical nature of close early communication between the FDA and sponsor toimprove the efficiency of product development.About TBITBI is a leading cause of death and disability among a predominantly youngpopulation as mostly victims of automobile accidents and the elderly who areprone to falls. Annually within the U.S. there are about 1.5 million headinjuries, roughly 300,000 hospital admissions for head trauma, nearly 52,000deaths and approximately 80,000 cases of severe long-term disability. The annualmarket potential for the first FDA-approved drug treating TBI victims in theU.S. is estimated to be over $500 million. The worldwide market potential mayexceed $1 billion.The damage following an insult to the brain occurs in two stages, the first ofwhich is characterized by the violent shifting of the brain upon initial impact,in addition to possible skull fractures and bruising. These primary effectstrigger secondary processes in which neurotoxic chemicals are released in thebrain and destroy healthy cells. Major cellular destruction can also be broughton by inflammatory processes, and lead to the most severe and long-lastingdamage suffered by those who survive. Current therapy is limited to emergencysupportive medical care and rehabilitation.About DexanabinolDexanabinol possesses several characteristics that make it an ideal candidate totreat TBI. Dexanabinol's neuroprotective properties result from its uniquecombination of three mechanisms of action. It is an anti- inflammatory compoundthat blocks the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the injured brain,significantly slowing the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier and cellulardeath via apoptosis and necrosis. It is also an NMDA receptor antagonist thatprevents the lethal massive influx of calcium ions into the cells of the injuredbrain. Finally, the compound works as an anti-oxidant, acting to protect thebrain by scavenging free radicals that are formed when the brain sustains aninjury. Dexanabinol is the only compound possessing these multiple mechanisms ofaction that has been tested in the treatment of TBI.Preclinical toxicological studies and Phase I and Phase II clinical trialsdemonstrated dexanabinol to be safe and well tolerated in animals and humans. Inthe Phase II clinical program, dexanabinol demonstrated an improvement inpost-injury orientation and memory and a trend toward efficacy in the primaryneurological outcome.About the TBI TrialDexanabinol is currently in an advanced pivotal Phase III clinical trial todetermine safety and efficacy in severe TBI patients. Total enrollment ofapproximately 900 multinational TBI patients is planned for the double blind,randomized, placebo controlled trial. To date more than 700 patients have beenenrolled in almost 80 participating trauma centers in Europe, Israel, Australiaand the U.S, with completion of enrollment expected in early 2004. The primaryendpoint for the study will be patient outcome as measured on the GlasgowOutcome Scale - Extended (GOSE) six months after injury. In order to maximizethe opportunity to measure a drug effect with statistical significance,enrollment of patients into the study is carefully controlled by a series ofdetailed, rigid inclusion and exclusion criteria.Patients enrolled in the study are given a single dose of 150mg dexanabinol or(placebo) vehicle within six hours after injury. Standard care is provided toall patients consistent with protocols developed by the American and EuropeanBrain Injury Consortia. Intracranial pressure is monitored until stabilized at amedically acceptable level. Patients are evaluated at three and six monthsaccording to GOSE. The goal of the study is to observe at six months astatistically meaningful difference in outcome in the number ofdexanabinol-treated victims as compared to the placebo group.About PharmosPharmos discovers, develops, and commercializes novel therapeutics to treat arange of indications, in particular neurological and inflammation- baseddisorders. The Company's first neuroprotective product is dexanabinol, atricyclic dextrocannabinoid, currently undergoing clinical testing as atreatment for TBI and as a preventive agent against post-surgical cognitiveimpairment. Other dextrocannabinoid compounds and selective CB2 receptor agonistcompounds from Pharmos' proprietary synthetic cannabinoid library are beingstudied in pre-clinical programs targeting a variety of other disorders.Statements made in this press release related to the business outlook and futurefinancial performance of the Company, to the prospective market penetration ofits drug products, to the development and commercialization of the Company'spipeline products and to the Company's expectations in connection with anyfuture event, condition, performance or other matter, are forward-looking andare made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Securities LitigationReform Act of 1995. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties which maycause results to differ materially from those set forth in these statements.Additional economic, competitive, governmental, technological, marketing andother factors identified in Pharmos' filings with the Securities and ExchangeCommission could affect such results.SOURCE Pharmos CorporationCONTACT: U.S., Gale T. Smith, +1-732-452-9556, or Israel, Irit Kopelov, +972-8-940-9679, both of Pharmos Corporation URL: http://www.pharmoscorp.comhttp://www.prnewswire.comCopyright (C) 2003 PR Newswire. All rights reserved. | |