085; oho it is [rassledovan] 080; I the reasons for emergency, to [proizoshedshe] of 081; at the first mine of company ([BKPRU]-1) in October 2006. As it communicated earlier, new it was [rassledovan] 080; e was carried out by commission, created [Rostekhnadzo] 088; ohm on November 11, 2008 on the basis the commission of deputy chairman 103; [Pravitelst] 074; and RF Igor [Sechin]. This already the second commission, created [Rostekhnadzo] 088; ohm for studying [obstoyatels] 090; in the emergency on [BKPRU]-1. The first it is [rassledovan] 080; e of the reasons for emergency was carried out in the fall of 2006. Then commission is alien to the conclusion that the reason for emergency became “the new form previously unknown anomalies it was geological 086; GO of structure”, and “[sovokupnost] #1100; [obstoyatels] 090; in, I precede 097; their emergency, on the basis of the sources of [vozniknoven] 080; I, to scale and [intensivnos] 090; and flow is possible [kvalifitsiro] 074; to [at] as are extraordinary 077; and [nepredotvra] 090; [imye] with the given conditions, that are independent of the will of all participants to [pravootnoshe] 085; [iy]”. According to the report of new it is [rassledovan] 080; I, obtained by the company “Of [uralkaliy]”, “commission am alien to the conclusion that the reason for emergency are it [sovokupnost] 100; it is geological 080; X and to [tekhnologiche] 089; [kikh] factors”. The named in the report factors as a whole coincide with the materials of the report of the first it is [rassledovan] 080; I the reasons for emergency, in particular, to [podtverzhdae] 090; [sya], that the reason for emergency became the natural anomaly. In this case new “commission notes that the anomalous structure is water-shielding of 081; thickness in the emergency section it could be revealed earlier, including in the period of the greatest deformations of topographic surface near the emergency section, with the purposeful systematic it was geological 086; m study [nedropolzo] 074; [atelem]”. In the new report are indicated several complementer 085; [ykh] of reasons to [tekhnologiche] 089; whom nature, in particular, “[neostavleni] #1077; guarding pillar under the railroad, conducting excavating works with the large of [zapazdyvani] 077; m and not fully. To [tekhnologiche] 089; [kimi] factors are actions [nedropolzo] 074; [atelya] during finalizing of salts, laying of cameras, monitoring of the state of pillars and topographic surface and [nedostatochn] 099; e of [issledovani] 103; the state it is water-shielding of 081; thickness in the emergency section into [sootvetstvu] 102; [shchie] the periods of [ekspluatatsi] 080; mine”. In the report, obtained by the company “Of [uralkaliy]”, are enumerated the expenditures for overcoming of the consequences of emergency at the moment it is [rassledovan] 080; i. they include the expenditures of the budgets of all levels, including expenditures for the migration of inhabitants g. birch groves, and also expenditures on it [stroitelst] 074; on the roundabout of 6-[kilometrovo] #1075; on [zheleznodoro] 078; foot way. Joint sum of all these expenditures, [perechislenn] 099; X in the report, at the moment is [rassledovan] 080; I is about 3,1 billion rubles. Furthermore, “commission, after examining the information, which entered in the course it is [rassledovan] 080; I about the expenditures, necessary for performing of work, [napravlenny] 093; for the elimination of the consequences of emergency, it notes that the expenditures of future periods including: - the expenditures, connected migration 084; citizens; - expenditures on the transfer of the engineering of [kommunikatsi] of 081; ; - the expenditures of joint stock company “OF [RZHD]” and of other enterprises; - the expenditures of budgets; - the loss of mineral; - other expenditures, and also the harm, caused by emergency, is subject to compensation in the order, [ustanovlenn] 086; m of [zakonodatel] 100; by [stvom]. Sum, which is subject to compensation [nedropolzo] 074; [atelem], it will be calculated on the basis the primary documents of [neposredstv] 077; [nno] with the compensation joint stock company “Of [uralkaliy]” of [prichinennog] 086; damage”. Today are absent any judicial solutions, which force “Of [uralkaliy]” to produce the payment of the expenditures indicated in the report. Nevertheless, company does not exclude the possibility of [predyavleni] 103; claims about the compensation for such expenditures, whose size can exceed 3,1 billion rub. As is said in the report, “the calculations of the sums of the carried expenditures, and also of the sum [orientirovo] 095; the expenditures of future period and damage as a result of the emergency, and information about the balance reserves of chloride salts to 01.01.2007, conclusions of the members of commission, experts” are contained in the applications to the report. The company “Of [uralkaliy]” thus far did not obtain these applications, it expects their obtaining and continue to study report it is [rassledovan] 080; I the reasons for emergency. In the absence company cannot give commentaries to the findings of the commission and the materials assumed as their basis applications to the report. “[Uralkaliy]” it will continue to follow the development of situation, including to the object of the possible appearance of claims about the compensation for damage, and there will be [informirova] 090; ' about all are essential 093; facts in proportion to their entering. In this case “[Uralkaliy]” to [podtverzhdae] 090; its previously declared readiness voluntarily within the framework of social it is critical 086; to [sti] [kompensirov] 072; [t] of the expenditure of the budgets of all levels, the connected with overcoming of consequences emergencies, including expenditures for the migration of inhabitants, and also expenditures for the transfer of 850- meter and 6-[kilometrovo] #1075; about sections [zheleznodoro] 078; ways. According to the estimations of company all these expenditures composed [orientirovo] |