Oct 19, 2009,
........and is discussing with the FDA the best way to complete the ongoing Phase 3 clinical trial 1Jahr später wurde der Text in der Studie geändert!
Changes to NCT00448747 on 2010_10_04
The intent was to recruit 40 AGHD patients and 40 normal control subjects into this trial, but the original sponsor (Ardana Biosciences Ltd.) discontinued the study for financial reasons before this was completed. At the time of withdrawal of GHRH from the market in 2008, 42 AGHD patients and 10 normal controls had completed the study at 9 US sites. This study is now being reactivated to complete the remaining 30 matched control subjects.
Thirty control subjects (i.e., without AGHD) will be matched to the 30 AGHD patients who were not previously matched. Matching will be based upon gender, age, BMI, and estrogen status for females. They will receive one oral dose of AEZS-130 followed by serial blood draws for growth hormone, IGF-1 and PK determinations. There will be no cross over due to the unavailability of GHRH (Geref) in the United States. https://clinicaltrials.gov/archive/NCT00448747/2010_10_04/changes
Changes to NCT00448747 on 2010_12_23
Additionally upon agreement with the FDA in a SPA, 10 additional adult grown hormone deficient and their matched control will be enrolled into this trial for a total treated population approximatively 100 subjects. https://clinicaltrials.gov/archive/NCT00448747/2010_12_23/changes
Also bestand doch eine Absprache mit der FDA über das Studiendesign.
Fehlendes GHRH und aussetzen der Studie mit eingeschlossen.
Wieso benötigt die FDA die jetzige Studie auch noch?
Was ich über die Ergebnisse der Phase3 finden konnte, liegt alles in 2013!
Haben sie 3 Jahre geschlafen?
Da muss ich noch ein wenig nachforschen! :-)