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Gelddruckmaschine an der Nasdaq!
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neuester Beitrag: 29.09.05 19:02
eröffnet am: | 26.02.04 14:23 von: | geldschneide. | Anzahl Beiträge: | 57 |
neuester Beitrag: | 29.09.05 19:02 von: | lancerevo7 | Leser gesamt: | 39323 |
davon Heute: | 24 | |||
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NASDAQ Süchtig nach Brombeere (EuramS)
11.01.2004 10:59:00
Blackberry - zu Deutsch Brombeere - ist Kult. Jedenfalls die Taschencomputer dieser Marke. An der Nasdaq war die Aktie des Herstellers Research in Motion der Gewinner 2003. Sind dieses Jahr wieder 400 Prozent drin?
von Stefan Beste
Bill Gates hat einen. Michael Dell auch. Und Jim Balsillie sowieso. Balsillie ist Chairman und Co-CEO von Research in Motion, kurz: RIM, einem kanadischen Unternehmen, das hinter den Taschencomputern der Marke Blackberry steckt. Der Blackberry - zu deutsch: Brombeere - macht süchtig, sagen sie in Amerika, weshalb sie ihn auch scherzhaft "Crackberry" nennen. In der Tat: Wer einmal beobachtet hat, wie Top- Manager mitten in einem Gespräch den kleinen Rechner aus der Hemdtasche ziehen, um E-Mails zu checken und kurze Antworten zu tippen, glaubt, dass da was dran sein könnte.
Der drahtlose Taschencomputer ist ein Kommunikationswunder. Der Clou: Sobald eine E-Mail-Nachricht die Mailbox im Unternehmen erreicht hat, taucht sie automatisch auch im Blackberry auf, wo sie sofort gelesen und beantwortet werden kann. Drahtlos, versteht sich, und von jedem Ort aus. Seine Bedienung ist denkbar einfach und sicher. Ach ja: Telefonieren kann man mit der Brombeere auch noch.
Möglich macht das eine spezielle Software auf dem heimischen E-Mail-Server, die dafür sorgt, dass die elektronischen Nachrichten sofort weitergeleitet werden. Push-Dienst nennt sich dieser Service im Fachjargon. Der Nachteil: Lange Zeit funktionierte die Technik nur im Zusammenspiel mit einem Unternehmensserver und einer SpezialSoftware von RIM. Der Blackberry, der in Deutschland mittlerweile von T-Mobile, Vodafone und O2 angeboten wird, war folglich bisher nur etwas für große Firmen, die zudem bereit waren, für die ständige Erreichbarkeit ihrer Mitarbeiter tief in die Tasche zu greifen. Hier zu Lande gehören etwa die Deutsche Bank, der Medienriese Bertelsmann oder die Handelskette Douglas zu den bekannten Kunden von Blackberry. Jetzt hat der Boom auch die Börse erreicht. Zusammen mit sieben anderen Unternehmen stieg RIM kürzlich in den Nasdaq-100-Index auf. Und dort war die Aktie mit einem Kursplus von sage und schreibe 409,38 Prozent prompt bester Wert des Jahres 2003. Pünktlich einen Tag vor Weihnachten präsentierte RIM-Chef Balsillie zudem ein weiteres Geschenk: die Zahlen des dritten Quartals. Gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum stieg der Umsatz um 108 Prozent, der Gewinn legte auf 31 Cent je Aktie zu. Das war weit mehr, als die Analysten den Kanadiern bisher zugetraut hatten. Dazu kam, dass Balsillie nebenbei auch noch die Erwartungen für die folgenden Monate deutlich nach oben schraubte.
"Beeindruckend", befand die Investmentbank Merrill Lynch in einer Studie. Und die Kollegen von Lehman Brothers ergänzen: "RIM scheint sich als führender Player im Bereich der drahtlosen Kommunikation fest etabliert zu haben, die kurzfristig eine der spannendsten Anwendungen in der mobilen Datenkommunikation darstellt."
Spätestens jetzt wurde die breite Masse der Investoren brombeersüchtig. Die Aktie - im Internet-Boom 2001 auch schon mal bei 150 Euro - machte nach Bekanntgabe der Zahlen einen Satz um 50 Prozent nach oben und hat sich seither über der 50-Euro-Marke festgesetzt. Fast alle großen US-Investmentbanken stuften sie herauf oder bekräftigten ihre Kaufempfehlungen. Lediglich Morgan-Stanley-Analyst Arindam Basu rät zur Vorsicht. Mit dem Eintritt in den Massenmarkt könnten die Gewinnmargen unter Druck geraten, schreibt er in einer Studie. Zudem seien eine Reihe von Konkurrenten wie Palm oder der Computer-Billigheimer Dell drauf und dran, Blackberry Marktanteile abzujagen.
Das Risiko, dass Gerichte dem RIM-Boom bald ein Ende bereiten, ist ebenfalls nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Seit Jahren streitet RIM mit dem US-Unternehmen NTP um wichtige Patente. Dazu kommt eine neue Patentklage der Luxemburger Firma Inpro II Licensing. Erst im August verurteilte ein Gericht in Richmond RIM zur Zahlung von 53,7 Millionen Dollar und ordnete in den USA ein Verkaufsverbot für Handhelds, Dienste und Software an. Die Entscheidung wurde aber bis zur endgültigen Klärung durch ein Berufungsgericht ausgesetzt. Diese steht voraussichtlich frühestens in einem Jahr an.
Brombeer-Fans unter den Börsianern schert das derzeit wenig. Ihr Kalkül: Bis es so weit ist, können die Kanadier auf jeden Fall noch einen guten Schnitt machen. Denn die Nachfrage nach dem Blackberry ist ungebrochen. Die Handheld-Verkäufe erreichten im abgelaufenen Quartal mit 237000 Stück einen neuen Firmenrekord. Auch die Zahl der registrierten Benutzer - derzeit 865000 weltweit - steigt weiter. Nicht zuletzt, weil der Blackberry seit kurzem auch für Mittelständler und Privatkunden zugänglich ist, die bereit sind, für ihren mobilen E-Mail-Zugriff ein wenig mehr Geld auszugeben. RIM kassiert dabei gleich mehrfach. Denn die Kunden müssen nicht nur für die Geräte bezahlen, sondern auch die Server-Software und die Übertragungsbox kaufen. Den Vertrieb der Blackberrys übernehmen Mobilfunk-Provider, die dafür die monatliche Gebühr kassieren und zusätzliche Umsätze durch den Datentransport der E-Mails generieren können. Zudem bietet das Unternehmen seine Blackberry-Software mittlerweile anderen Handy-Herstel-lern gegen Lizenz an. Dazu gehören neben Marktführer Nokia seit kurzem auch SonyEricsson sowie der Handheld-Spezialist Palm. Unterm Strich schafft RIM damit eine Bruttorendite von 47 Prozent.
Vorerst scheint somit die Gefahr, dass der Sucht nach der Brombeere ein schlimmer Kater folgt, gering. Konsensschätzungen gehen für das Geschäftsjahr 2004/05, das am 28. Februar 2005 endet, von 2,31 Dollar Gewinn je Aktie aus. Daraus errechnet sich selbst nach dem Kurssprung ein KGV von 30. Für einen Wert mit derart guten Aussichten ist das immer noch günstig. «
bin seit september dabei und ging konstant aufwärts, Nach Weihnachten das Geschenk, an einem Tag ging der Chart 50 oder 70 % hoch. ich dkacht ich müsse nun ein SL setzen, doch der Kurs stieg und stieg. Kein Einbruch in der Konsolidierung!
Es ist falsch zu denken, daß nach einem plötzlichen Kursanstieg, der Wert wieder zusamnmen sacken müsse.
Gott sei Dank hat kein Döskopp von Bloobberg den Kursanstieg dokumentiert wie bei Lucent! Der hätte gesagt, ungesunder Kursanstieg in einem Tag, da muß man Gewinne mitnehmen.
Dem seine Bank wollte nur billig an die Lucent Aktien!
Hat auch sein gutes ,wenn ein AmiWert in Deutschland nicht in aller Munde ist!
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Boardmail an "Optimal" |
BlackBerry Ltd
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Boardmail an "W.Lemming" |
BlackBerry Ltd
höhr aber jetzt auf hier in deinen theard zu schreiben.
gruß Grenke
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Boardmail an "grenke" |
BlackBerry Ltd
Wärst Du bei 10 euro eingestiegen, hätttest du 100 % Verlustrisiko gehabt!
Bei 30 hättest Du gesagt , jetzt ist sie schon 200 % gestiegen. Da steige ich nciht mehr rein.
da bin ich aber erst rein, als die ZaHlen rauskamen! Und was habe ich nun 150 % Plus!
Und nach den Zahlen haben auch die analsysten gesagt, raus und Gewinne mitnehmen, ok, dann lief der Anstieg langsamer, als dann aber die nächsten zahlen kamen, nach
Weihnachten, da explodierte der Wert über Nacht!
Und stieg weiter!
oder z.b ne Freenet, es gibt genug beispiele wo es wunderbar jahrelang aufwärts gehen kann.
gruß Grenke
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Boardmail an "grenke" |
BlackBerry Ltd
Gewinn bei Research In Motion höher als erwartet
Mittwoch 7. April 2004, 22:28 Uhr
Research In Motion L...
Der amerikanische Technologiekonzern Research In Motion Ltd. hat am Mittwoch nach Börsenschluss seine Ergebnisse für das abgelaufene vierte Fiskalquartal vorgelegt.
Die Erlöse legten deutlich zu auf 210,6 Mio. Dollar von 87,5 Mio. Dollar im Vorjahreszeitraum. Analysten rechneten mit einem Umsatz von 206 Mio. Dollar.
Der Überschuss lag bei 41,5 Mio. Dollar oder 46 Cents je Aktie nach einem Fehlbetrag von 31,1 Mio. Dollar oder 40 Cents je Aktie im entsprechenden Zeitraum des Vorjahres. Exklusive Sondereffekte lag der Gewinn bei 56 Cents je Aktie und damit über den Analystenprognosen von 50 Cents je Aktie.
Für das laufende erste Fiskalquartal rechnet der Konzern mit einem Umsatz von 250-265 Mio. Dollar während Analysten lediglich einen Wert von 237 Mio. Dollar erwarten.
Und charttechnisch immer noch Einstiegssignal
Two-Year Agreement Provides Direct Access to More Than 22,000 GMAC Real Estate Sales Associates
OAK BROOK, Ill. and SARASOTA, Fla., May 11 /PRNewswire/ -- GMAC Home Services Inc., one of North America's largest full-service real estate companies, and Retrieval Dynamics Corporation (RDC) today announced a two-year agreement to market RDC's Mobile Listing Advantage program (MLA), which provides real estate agents and brokers with instant wireless access to residential Multiple Listing Service (MLS)(R) listings, directly to more than 22,000 GMAC Real Estate sales associates. GMAC Real Estate is a division of GMAC Home Services.
In addition, Retrieval Dynamics is developing and implementing a co- marketing strategy to drive penetration and adoption with GMAC Real Estate's wireless carrier technology partners, including On The Go Communications, a value-added reseller of wireless services.
"The Mobile Listing Advantage program provides GMAC Real Estate sales associates with a cutting-edge technology that enables them to provide increased levels of customer service and responsiveness while capturing more sales," said Rick Gregory, senior vice president of GMAC Home Services. "Being connected to the MLS means our associates can respond to client requests no matter where they are. Not only is this a benefit for home buyers and sellers, this provides our sales associates with a tool that saves time and increases their levels of service."
Retrieval Dynamics will be demonstrating Mobile Listing Advantage at this week's 2004 National Association of REALTORS(R) Mid-Year Trade Expo in Washington, DC, May 12-14, with both Nextel (Booth #1805) and Research In Motion (Booth #2017).
The program bundles together the Mobile Listing Advantage wireless MLS(R) software from Retrieval Dynamics, the BlackBerry Wireless Handheld(TM) from Research In Motion [RIMM](TSX: RIM) and network airtime plans from various wireless carriers. With Mobile Listing Advantage, GMAC Real Estate professionals can:
* Conduct "one click" wireless MLS(R) searches for residential properties. No wading through multiple screens, no Web browsing, no synching and downloading;
* Get, create and respond to e-mail anytime, anywhere. No downloading, dial-up or Web browsing involved;
* Consolidate phone, e-mail, calendar, personal organizer tools, a Web browser and more into one device;
* Synch with Top Producer (7i), Microsoft Outlook & other lead-management programs. No need to input data twice and no limitations on when, where and how to use that information; and
* Browse the Web and download various third-party software for additional gains in personal productivity and success.
"By marketing the Mobile Listing Advantage program to its associates, GMAC Real Estate is committing to a proven technology that can help real estate professionals become more productive and successful," said John Harkola, chief executive officer of Retrieval Dynamics. "Now, when a sales associate is in the field and a client asks, 'How much is that home or what other properties are available', the answer is literally at the associate's fingertips. That's a powerful competitive edge."
About GMAC Home Services
GMAC Home Services is one of North America's largest real estate organizations, delivering Premier Service(SM) to homebuyers and sellers through its three operating companies: GMAC Real estate, GHS Mortgage and GMAC Global Relocation Services. Backed by the resources of industry giant General Motors, the GMAC Home Services network has 1,300 franchised and owned residential real estate offices and more than 22,000 sales associates throughout the United States and Canada.
About Retrieval Dynamics
Retrieval Dynamics Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of RDC International, Inc., a Florida Corporation, is a program developer offering wireless and wireless Internet-enabled applications and business productivity solutions to maximize the communications potential of wireless data and information connectivity. These Programs incorporate easy-to-use, cost- effective mobile access to, creation of and interaction with various forms of data and database infrastructures through wireless devices that enhance business processes to increase sales and profits. For more information about Retrieval's wireless solutions, go to Investors may contact
About RIM
Research In Motion Limited is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. RIM's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(TM) wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario RIM operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market [RIMM] and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RIM). For more information, visit or
The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties of Research In Motion Limited.
This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements appear in a number of places in this release and include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers with respect to, among things: (i) the Company's financing plans; (ii) trends affecting the Company's financial condition or results of operations; (iii) the Company's growth strategy and operating strategy; and (iv) the declaration and payment of dividends. The words "may," "would," "will," "expect," "estimate," "anticipate," "believe," "intend," and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors.
Retrieval Dynamics Corporation
CONTACT: Hugh Siler, Siler & Company PR, +1-949-646-6966, for Retrieval
Dynamics; or George Stolpe, Retrieval Dynamics, +1-941-365-9955, ext. 311
Web site:
SAP and RIM to Deliver New Mobile CRM Applications for BlackBerry(R) Users Worldwide
Integrated Mobile Sales Solution Based on mySAP(TM) Customer Relationship Management to Enable 'Always On, Always Connected(R)' CRM via BlackBerry
NEW ORLEANS, May 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- SAP AG and Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; TSX: RIM) today announced a technology alliance that will combine SAP's leading mySAP(TM) Customer Relationship Management (mySAP CRM) solution and SAP(R) solutions for mobile business with RIM's powerful BlackBerry(R) wireless handheld platform to deliver an integrated mobile sales solution. To meet the information requirements of mobile sales forces, the new application will enable sales reps in a variety of industries, such as aerospace and defense, consumer products, pharmaceuticals and utilities, to access and update information from mySAP CRM via BlackBerry handhelds -- saving valuable time and increasing sales effectiveness and revenue growth. The announcement was made at SAPPHIRE(R) '04, SAP's international customer conference being held in New Orleans, Louisiana, May 11 - 13.
By providing field sales representatives with mobile access to customer and account information, the new solution from RIM and SAP will provide users with an easier and more efficient way to manage their customer accounts, including activity and opportunity management. Sales representatives will also have the ability to view sales orders and CRM analytics reporting remotely. The solution requires no manual synchronization and will enable sales reps in the field regardless of industry to update and access the information they need to do their jobs anytime, anywhere. For example, a field sales person who arrives at a customer site will be able to instantly check the status of an open order, helping to ensure that they have the most up-to-date customer and order information and helping to guarantee total customer satisfaction. In addition, the sales person will be able to utilize the online solution SAP(R) Mobile Sales to validate the sales opportunity available at the customer site, giving the business a 360-degree accurate view of its sales pipeline.
"Today's announcement represents SAP's innovation in delivering always on CRM for mobile sales forces around the world," said Bill McDermott, CEO and president, SAP America, Inc. "RIM and SAP are leaders in our respective markets. Together, we will offer mobile CRM solutions, including technology infrastructure, and services unparalleled in the industry."
Existing mySAP CRM customers can now use BlackBerry handhelds to further leverage their CRM investments and receive superior sales support in the field, with little additional investment. Companies who use BlackBerry handhelds in the field will also see enhanced value from deploying the online version of SAP Mobile Sales.
"This relationship between RIM and SAP will deliver innovative, cost-effective solutions to our customers worldwide to enhance sales effectiveness," said Jim Balsillie, chairman and co-CEO, RIM. "The combination of our technologies and product offerings will help clients dramatically increase the productivity of their mobile field sales forces."
This solution complements SAP Mobile Sales, which is a part of mySAP CRM and available today in both laptop and handheld versions. The online version of SAP Mobile Sales offers a broad range of mobile CRM functionality and adds to the robust portfolio of standard applications already available today from SAP solutions for mobile business, which extends key business processes of mySAP(TM) Business Suite to mobile workers. The complete set of SAP solutions for mobile business is powered by the SAP NetWeaver(TM) integration and application platform.
SAP intends to make the joint solution available later this year. Both companies will contribute engineering, technical, marketing and sales resources, as well as consulting capabilities to the project.
About Research In Motion (RIM)
Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. RIM's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(R) wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market and the Toronto Stock Exchange. For more information, visit or
About SAP
SAP is the world's leading provider of business software solutions. SAP(R) solutions are designed to meet the demands of companies of all sizes -- from small and midsize businesses to global enterprises. Powered by the SAP NetWeaver(TM) open integration and application platform to reduce complexity and total cost of ownership and empower business change and innovation, mySAP(TM) Business Suite solutions are helping enterprises around the world improve customer relationships, enhance partner collaboration and create efficiencies across their supply chains and business operations. The unique core processes of various industries, from aerospace to utilities, are supported by more than 25 industry-specific SAP solution portfolios. Today, more than 22,600 customers in over 120 countries run more than 76,100 installations of SAP(R) software. With subsidiaries in more than 50 countries, the company is listed on several exchanges, including the Frankfurt stock exchange and NYSE under the symbol "SAP." (Additional information at )
Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward- looking statements are based on assumptions made by and information available to Research In Motion Limited. Investors are cautioned that such forward- looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements include, without limitation, possible product defects and product liability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currency exchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts or potential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuations of quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws and regulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence on intellectual property rights and other risks and factors detailed from time to time in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. The Company has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols, including "Always On, Always Connected," are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.
Any statements contained in this document that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "intend," "may," "plan," "project," "predict," "should" and "will" and similar expressions as they relate to SAP are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. SAP undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. The factors that could affect SAP's future financial results are discussed more fully in SAP's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including SAP's Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2003 filed with the SEC on March 23, 2004. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates.
NOTE: SAP, R/3, mySAP,, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary.
For customers interested in learning more about SAP products:
Global Customer Center: +49-180-534-34-24
United States Only: 800-872-1SAP (800-872-1727)
For more information, press only:
Jason Loesche, SAP, 610-661-8541,, EDT
SAP Press Office, 610-661-3200,, EDT
Courtney Flaherty, Brodeur Worldwide for RIM, 212-771-3627,, EDT
RIM Investor Relations, 519-888-7465,, EDT
During SAPPHIRE (from May 11 to 13), to speak with press contacts on site, please dial the SAP press room at 504-670-6314.
CONTACT: For customers interested in learning more about SAP products,
Global Customer Center: +49-180-534-34-24, or United States Only, +800-872-
1SAP (800-872-1727), or press only, Jason Loesche, SAP, +1-610-661-8541, or, EDT, or SAP Press Office, +1-610-661-3200, or, EDT, all of SAP; or Courtney Flaherty of Brodeur Worldwide for
RIM, +1-212-771-3627, or, EDT, for SAP; or RIM Investor
Relations, +1-519-888-7465, or, EDT, or During
SAPPHIRE (from May 11 to 13), to speak with press contacts on site, please
dial the SAP press room at +1-504-670-6314
Web site:
Web site:
Web site:
Es dreht sich um Rimm, Research in Motion, die den blackberry herstellen, so und nun erkläre bitte mal was du mit deinem Wert blackberry meinst!!
Schau dir bitte meinen Chart an!
Der kann sich doch sehen lassen!!
Und immer gute News!
Und demnächst der Stock Split, dann gibt es weiteres Kurspotential!
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Boardmail an "Mecki" |
BlackBerry Ltd
17.05.2004 16:32:00
Wie der Software-Konzern SAP AG am Freitag bekannt gab, hat er mit der kanadischen Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM) eine Technologie-Allianz geschlossen, in deren Rahmen die mySAP CRM-Lösung und SAP-Lösung für Mobile Business mit RIMs leistungsfähiger BlackBerry Wireless Handheld Plattform vereint werden, um so eine integrierte mobile Sales-Lösung bereitzustellen.
Damit adressieren beide Firmen die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von Außendienstmitarbeitern im Vertrieb. Diese können, unabhängig von Zeit und Ort, in Echtzeit auf Kundeninformationen aus mySAP CRM zugreifen sowie Anfragen und Bestellungen platzieren. Den Angaben zufolge bedeutet dies mehr Vertriebseffizienz und höheres Umsatzpotential für verschiedene Branchen, wie beispielsweise Energieversorger, Luftfahrt, Verteidigung sowie für die Pharma- und Konsumgüterindustrie
Und gestern gab es noch mehr News!