Norsemont Mining Inc.

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neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 13:11
eröffnet am: 03.03.06 19:06 von: Pate100 Anzahl Beiträge: 106
neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 13:11 von: Tanjarvkya Leser gesamt: 41436
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31.08.06 07:56

123 Postings, 6795 Tage small_capsaus einem seriösen Börsenbrief

„Überflieger“ oder „Rohrkrepierer“?

Rohstoff-Aktien sind derzeit der sprichwörtlich
letzte „Schrei“. Insbesondere
Explorer und Junior-Produzenten erfreuen
sich bei Investoren enormer Beliebtheit.
Fast fühlt man sich die späten Neunziger
des letzten Jahrhunderts zurückversetzt,
als Anleger vor allem Papiere irgendwelcher
„Technologie-Buden“ kauften in der
wagen Hoffnung, sich eine potenzielle Yahoo
oder eBay ins Depot zu packen. Dummerweise
sind viele der damaligen „High-Flyer“
mittlerweile vom Kurszettel verschwunden.
Diese Gefahr besteht bei hoch spekulativen
Rohstoff-Titeln in ähnlichem Maße.
Allerdings gibt es einige Kriterien, anhand
derer Sie beurteilen können, ob Sie einen
möglichen „Überflieger“ oder einen klassischen
„Rohrkrepierer“ ausgewählt haben!

Vorkommen nachgewiesen?
Dem Kurs/Gewinn-Verhältnis als traditionellem
Bewertungsmaßstab kommt bei Rohstoff-
Aktien eine eher untergeordnete Bedeutung
zu. Wesentlich wichtiger sind die
Ressourcen und Reserven, über die ein Unternehmen
verfügt. Allerdings sollten Sie
unter allen Umständen darauf achten, dass
diese nach anerkannten Standards als nachgewiesen
gelten. Für kanadische Minen
beispielsweise sind die „Standards of
Disclosure for Mineral Projects: National
Instrument 43-101“ - kurz „NI43101“ gebräuchlich.
Enthält eine Mitteilung über
vorhandene Vorkommen keinen diesbezüglichen
Hinweis oder - noch schlimmer - steht
in Klammern „nicht NI43101 konform“ gilt:
Finger weg von solchen Werten. Dann nämlich
ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, dass
sich die vermeidlichen Ressourcen als „Luftschloss“
entpuppen.Bei Minen-Gesellschaften spielt darüber hinaus
auch der durchschnittliche Erzgehalt
im Gestein eine entscheidende Rolle. Je
mehr Erz sich in einer Tonne Gestein befindet,
umso geringer sind die Abbaukosten.
Positiv, weil grundsätzlich billiger, ist die
Förderung im Tage- statt im Untertagebau.

Auf Abbaukosten achten!
Apropos Kosten: Investoren sind zudem gut
beraten, die bei der Rohstoff-Gewinnung
„Cash Costs“ eines Unternehmens genau im
Blick zu behalten. Liegt der Weltmarktpreis
eines „Naturschatzes“ über den Abbaukosten,
explodieren die Gewinne der
betreffenden Gesellschaft regelrecht. Dieses
Phänomen wird gemeinhin auch als
„Hebeleffekt“ bezeichnet. Ein Beispiel: Betragen
die „Cash Costs“ für die Förderung
von einer Unze Gold 400 US-Dollar bei einem
Goldpreis von 500 US-Dollar verdient
der Produzent 100 US-Dollar je Feinunze.
Steigen die Notierungen des „gelben Metalls“
nun auf 600 US-Dollar pro Feinunze
(20 Prozent), verdoppelt sich der Unternehmensertrag
auf 200 US-Dollar für jede
abgebaute Unze. Liegt der Verkaufspreis
jedoch auch nur knapp unter den „Cash
Costs“, kann die Firma erhebliche Verluste
einfahren. Dem Aktienkurs bekommt das für
gewöhnlich nicht sonderlich gut.  

31.08.06 07:58

123 Postings, 6795 Tage small_capsund noch was...

Kupfer und Kupfer Equivalent sind verschiedene Dinge.

31.08.06 10:24

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100ach sag blos...:-)

und Norsemont ist gerade dabei aus den momentan über 60 Bohrungen
eine NI43-101 konforme Resourcenschätzung zu erstellen.
im September soll eine vorläufige schätzung kommen! dann schauen wir mal weiter...

Schau dir doch mal andere produzierende Kupferminen in Peru an.
Was haben die für ein Kupfergehalt?:-)

und ich weis was Kupfer und Kupfer Equivalent bedeutet!
Klar ist auch das bei Cyanide Leaching  kein moly oder anderes gefördert werden kann.
Von daher steht auch noch nicht fest welches Produktionsverfahren angewendert
werden soll. Ist auch noch nicht aktuell. Von daher sollte man nur auf den
Kupfergehalt schauen!!  

12.09.06 20:31

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100man wechselt zu kpmg

was die seriösität des Unternehmens und der Unternehmensführung weiter


Effective as of June 1, 2006, the Board of Directors of Norsemont Mining Inc. (the “Corporation”) has decided not to propose I. J. Boga, Chartered Accountant, for reappointment as the auditor of the Corporation and the Board of Directors of the Corporation has determined to propose, to the holders of common shares of the Corporation, KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants, for appointment as the auditors of the Corporation until the next annual meeting of the Corporation.

(a) the termination of I .J. Boga, Chartered Accountant, and appointment of KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants, were considered and approved by the audit committee of the Corporation’s board of directors and the Corporation’s board of directors;

(b) there were no reservations in the report of I. J. Boga, Chartered Accountant, on the Corporation’s financial statements relating to the “relevant period” (as that term is used in Section 4.11 of National Instrument 51-102);

(c) in the opinion of the Corporation, there are no “reportable events” (as that term is used in Section 4.11 of National Instrument 51-102).

DATED this 5th day of July 2006.

29.09.06 17:45

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100was das wohl zu bedeuten hat?:-))

im september sollte die Resourcenschätzung kommen.
Und so wie es aussieht kommt sie spät aber sie kommt!:-)
Und wenn ich mir das plus der letzten Tage anschaue fällt die wohl nicht
schlecht aus!

Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - Norsemont Mining Inc. - NOM

VANCOUVER, Sept. 29 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by Market Regulation Services (RS):

Issuer Name: Norsemont Mining Inc.

TSX-V Ticker Symbol: NOM

Time of Halt: 9:13 EST

Reason for Halt: Pending News  

29.09.06 17:54

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100perfekt zusammengefasst

volle zustimmung!!

"NOM has copper in southern Peru.

NOM has been weak for months because of the lack of credible news and any promotion going on. ( they have had nothing to promote for most of this year ever since they banked the $14 million at $4.00 )

NOM has hired new office admin staff and seasoned field crews down in southern Peru.

NOM`s outside consultants have been very slow to produce this first 43-101 and this has hurt management`s credibility with shareholders to be sure. The 43-101 will arrive and the copper will still be there in place on site regardless of what we all say or think. Management needs to do a better job of interacting with outside consultants for the future.

NOM clearly needs to fly some credible larger brokers and analysts down to the base camp for walking tours as well as some credible news writers. It is now summer in South America so the weather is getting decent for such site tours.

NOM needs to take RAB`s warrant money into the treasury to the tune of over $4.4 million and get it over with already.

NOM needs to issue a first report on Amata and stop fooling around on it . They have had a crew on site since mid March this year. Is there silver there or not ? It`s very simple gents! Who is supervising this field crew ? Do they not report in to head office ?

NOM needs to get off it`s behind and do some new deals and not wait around for that one " perfect deal ". There is no such deal present in the real world and too much time and money is getting wasted searching for one. Be realistic and put the word out you are ready to come to the table and deal before the next ice age sets in.

When the first 43-101 does come out,... go to Europe and across Canada and USA and conduct proper road shows not bothering to waste any time with rounders and flakes.

Obtain a listing in Toronto and on the Amex and move up in the food chain of life. Pretty simple management #101 stuff gents."  

03.10.06 10:36

556 Postings, 8589 Tage lucyWarum sind die im Depot gesperrt ?

Steht hier ein Split oder besondere Unternehmensnachrichten an.?
Der Anstieg deutet eher auf positive Nachrichten hin.  

03.10.06 10:57

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100lese dir P55 durch!

Trading Halt! Reason: kommende Nachrichten

Heute sollten die News kommen! Wird spannend!:-)  

03.10.06 16:28

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100endlich ist die Resourcenschätzung da!

die wie ich finde im Rahmen der Erwartungen liegt!
Fast 2 Millarden Pound Copper ca. 50 Mio Pounds Moly und ca. 20 Mio Unzen Silver.
Sehr wichtig wird jetzt die metallurgical study sein die auch im October kommen soll.

Aber ich denke mit der ERSTEN Schätzung können wir sehr zu frieden sein. Stepp Out Bohrungen laufen
und Infill Bohrungen werden nächstes Jahr verstärkt vortgesetzt die die Resource noch deutlich anheben dürften.
Ich rechne mit ca. mind. 3-4 Millarden Pound.

Ich hatte ja zwischenzeitlich fast an mir gezweifelt aber jetzt bin ich mir umso sicherer das Norsemont wird seinen
Weg gehen wird!Der zweifelsohne noch sehr lang ist. Aber jetzt hat man auch was in den Händen was
man vorzeigen kann. Jetzt kann und muss die IR Abteilung loslegen. Hier ist noch grosser Nacholebedarf.


Norsemont Mining Inc. ("Norsemont" or "the Company") (TSX-V: NOM; Frankfurt: N8S; WKN: A0DQKK; OTC-BB: NOMFF; ISIN: CA6565291045) is pleased to announce results of an Initial Resource Estimate on the Constancia Copper-Molybdenum-Silver Porphyry Project in southern Peru.

An independent mineral resource estimate has been completed on the Constancia and San Jose Zones of the Constancia Project in Southern Peru. The report estimates an Inferred Resource of 103.9 million tonnes grading 0.537% copper, 0.014% molybdenum and 3.9 g/t silver (0.67% Cu-Equivalent) at a cutoff grade of 0.2% copper, as well as an Indicated Resource of 57.7 million tonnes grading 0.589% copper, 0.015% molybdenum and 4.1 g/t silver (0.73% Cu-Equivalent) at a cutoff grade of 0.2% copper (Table 1). The resource estimate for the Constancia Property also contains small amounts of gold (~0.06 g/t), which has not been reported in the resource table.

Copper equivalent values are estimated using long-term metal prices including: Copper US$1.20 per lb, Molybdenum US$8.00 per lb, and Silver US$7.50 per oz. Adjustment factors to account for differences in relative metallurgical recoveries will depend upon the completion of definitive metallurgical testing. Cu-Equivalent equals Cu per cent plus Mo percent times (8.00/1.20) plus Ag grams per tonne times 0.24/(1.20*22.05).

The Inferred Resources at a 0.2% copper cutoff contains 1.23 billion pounds of copper, 32 million pounds of molybdenum and 13.0 million ounces of silver. The Indicated Resources at a 0.2% copper cutoff totals 749 million pounds of copper, 19 million pounds of molybdenum and 7.6 million ounces of silver (Table 2).

Copper composites were capped at 4.5% Cu, molybdenum composites were capped at 0.20% Mo, and silver composites were capped at 65 g/t during interpolation. Composites were capped during interpolation because composites are approximately equal to assays.

The resource estimate for the Constancia Property was tabulated under the current topography surface with copper as the primary element. Copper, molybdenum and silver grades were interpolated using a grade-block model utilizing an inverse distance squared method. Table 1 includes resources from the San Jose and Constancia Zones. The resources for the Constancia Property are classified as Indicated and Inferred and are based on a maximum (true) distance of 70 metres from the closest sample. Indicated resources were defined using a 30 metre range in areas of close spaced drilling. Indicated Resources have not been defined at the San Jose Zone.

Table 1: Initial Resources Estimate, Constancia Project, September 2006

Cut-off Grade


Copper Grade

Molybdenum Grade


(% Cu)


(% Cu)

(% Mo)

(g/t Ag)

Indicated Resources


























Inferred Resources


























Table 2: Contained Metal, Constancia Project, September 2006

Resource Category

(million lbs)

(million lbs)

(million oz)









The Constancia Project is located between Xstrata Resources' Tintaya Mine and Las Bambas copper project in Southern Peru. Norsemont Mining is earning up to 70% of the Constancia Project from Rio Tinto by way of project expenditures, cash payments and the issue of common stock, the details of which can be found on the company's website ( Mitsui Mining retains a 30% interest in the project.

"I am highly encouraged to see such a robust initial resource estimate," said Robert W. Baxter, President of Norsemont Mining Inc. "We continue to expand the extent of the deposit on 100 metre step out drill holes on the Constancia Zone to the south, east and west. We currently have three diamond drill rigs on site, working two shifts per day. The current focus is the Constancia Zone; however, there are a number of other targets including extensions to the San Jose and Constancia Zones, as well as additional geophysical and geochemical anomalies that warrant follow-up. We are also currently reviewing drill orientations in certain structurally controlled areas of the deposit to assist in potentially increasing the overall grade of the deposit in future drilling. This resource estimate is not broken down into supergene and hypogene mineralization."

"This resource clearly demonstrates that the Constancia deposit is a large, well defined copper deposit which remains open to expansion. We look forward to advancing the project through our ongoing engineering studies. The Company will commence a trade-off metallurgical study in October which will focus on heap leaching versus milling and flotation. I am confident that given the strong outlook for copper prices in the next 5 years, and beyond, that the Constancia deposit with this initial resource estimate will prove to be a significant project for Norsemont."

Independent geologist James A. McCrea, P.Geo and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument (NI) 43-101, was responsible for the mineral resource estimate dated September 26, 2006. Mr. McCrea has read and approved the contents of this news release. The resource estimate has components of both Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources, consistent with the CIM definitions referred to in NI 43-101. This estimate will be filed in a Technical Report compliant with NI 43-101 on SEDAR within 45 days. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves have not demonstrated economic viability. Norsemont is not aware of any environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or other issues which may materially affect its estimate of mineral resources.

Quality Control

The resource estimate is based upon 95 diamond drill holes totaling 24,994 metres completed by Rio Tinto and Norsemont through to the end of August 2006. Norsemont has completed 72 holes and Rio Tinto had previously drilled 23 holes that are included in this resource estimation.

The core from Rio Tinto's 2004 drilling was sent to and analysed at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Lima for copper, molybdenum, gold and silver. Core samples were cut with a diamond saw, with one-half of the core placed in sealed bags, and shipped to ALS Chemex Assay Labs in Lima, Peru. The Rio Tinto program includes an extensive quality control program for assaying which includes the systematic use of standards, blanks, and field duplicate samples. Secondary laboratories are also used for check assaying. Drill core was sampled each 2m after logging. Some sample length changes were made when lithological or mineralogical boundaries where important and sample lengths met those boundaries. In general, contacts between high grade and low-grade samples (visually estimated) correspond with the sample boundaries. In some visually determined low copper grade intervals, sample length was increased to 3-metres. Half core was sampled after it was symmetrically cut with a core saw.

The drilling program and geological studies during 2005 and 2006 at the Constancia project for Norsemont were supervised by Dr. Thomas A. Henricksen, P. Geo., Norsemont's Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, who has reviewed and approved the information contained in this news release. Core samples are cut with a diamond saw, with one-half of the core placed in sealed bags, and shipped to ALS Chemex Assay Labs in Lima, Peru. The program includes an extensive quality control program for assaying which includes the systematic use of standards, blanks, and field duplicate samples. Secondary laboratories are also used for check assaying.

A plan map with drill hole locations and the resource outline is available on Norsemont's website at Other geological data including cross sections will be made available with the NI 43-101 Technical Report which is to be posted on SEDAR within 45 days of this press release.

Conference Call

Norsemont Mining will hold an investor conference call on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Marc E. Levy, CEO and Robert (Bob) Baxter, President, will review the initial resource estimate and Norsemont's plans to develop the Constancia deposit with analysts and investors. Following their remarks there will be a question and answer session.

To join the call dial:

Toll Free in North America: 1-800-525-6384
International: 780-409-1668

To access a replay of the call until 11:00 a.m. (PT) on October 7th, 2006:

Toll Free in North America: 1-888-567-0782
International: 402-220-2884
Pass Code: 7956580

About Norsemont Mining
Norsemont Mining is a well structured, well financed exploration company working in the America's, with a focus on Peru. The Company is currently drilling the Constancia Copper-Molybdenum-Silver project.


Robert W. Baxter
Norsemont Mining Inc.

For more information contact Brian Soregaroli, VP Corporate Communications at:
Phone: 604-669-9788 x109
Fax: 604-669-9768
Web Site:

The TSX Venture Exchange has reviewed this release. We seek Safe Harbor.


03.10.06 17:20

1095 Postings, 8692 Tage utimacoSecuritieminus größer 10 Prozent

In CAN z. Zt. minus 10,71 %, bei hohen Umsätzen.


03.10.06 17:23

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100da haben wohl einige etwas mehr erwartet

teilweise wurden 4 Milliarten geschätzt.
Hab aber fast mit solch einer Reaktion gerechnet.
Sell on good News...  

16.01.07 17:49

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100 Norsemont erweitert zunehmend die Mineralisierung

ots: Norsemont erweitert zunehmend die Mineralisierungszone und ...  

15:06 16.01.07  

Norsemont erweitert zunehmend die Mineralisierungszone und
veröffentlicht erneut erfreuliche Bohrergebnisse vom

ots.CorporateNews Deutschland.
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich.

Vancouver, B.C. / Kanada (ots) - 15. Januar 2007 - Norsemont
Mining Inc. (Frankfurt WKN: A0DQKK; ISIN: CA6565291045) freut sich,
erfreuliche Bohrergebnisse von weiteren 8 Löchern des
Phase-II-Diamantbohrerprogramms auf dem
Constancia-Kupfer-Molybdän-Silber-Porphyr-Projekt im südlichen Peru
bekannt zu geben.

Das Unternehmen veröffentlichte am 3. Oktober 2006 eine
43-101-konforme Ressourcenschätzung. Seitdem sind die Bohrungen
fortgeschritten und haben weitere positive Ergebnisse sowohl bei den
"Stepout"-Bohrungen als auch bei geringfügigen "Infill"-Bohrungen

Höhepunkte der aktuellen Bohrkampagne beinhalten:

Bohrloch CO-06-101: 74 Meter zu 1,07% Kupfer (1,45%
Bohrloch CO-06-094: 144 Meter zu 0,86% Kupfer ( 1,04%
Bohrloch CO-06-096: 220 Meter zu 0,55% Kupfer ( 0,69%
Bohrloch CO-06-097: 162 Meter zu 0,62% Kupfer ( 0,78%
Bohrloch CO-06-083: 41 Meter zu 0,65% Kupfer (0,83%

"Wir sind sehr erfreut darüber, dass Constancia weiterhin
aufregende Ergebnisse hervorbringt und dass sich die mineralisierte
Zone fortlaufend erweitert", kommentierte der Präsident von
Norsemont, Bob Baxter. "Diese Reihe von Bohrlöchern enthält
Ergebnisse vom nordwestlichen, westlichen und südwestlichen Sektor
(CO-06-098, CO-06-100 und CO-06-101) mit beeindruckenden
Durchkreuzungen, und dem südöstlichen Sektor (CO-06-096 und 097) mit
Durchkreuzungen, welche größer als 150m sind. Die derzeitigen
Bohrungen zeigen, dass die Mineralisierung nach wie vor nach
Südwesten, Südosten, Westen, Nordwesten und Südwesten hin offen ist.
Zusätzliche Bohrungen im nordwestlichen Sektor der Lagerstätte
(CO-06-095 und 099) weisen darauf hin, dass die Mineralisierung in
diesem Gebiet dünner wird. Wir beendeten das Jahr 2006 mit 20.500
Metern an Kernbohrungen (geplant waren nur 20.000) und nahmen die
Bohrungen Anfang Januar wieder auf. Derzeit bohren wir Loch

Wir planen nun, unsere anfängliche Ressourcenschätzung zu
aktualisieren und im ersten Quartal 2007 zu veröffentlichen. Danach
werden wir unser anfängliches "Preliminary Economic Assessment" auf
dem Projekt beginnen."

Die Bohrlöcher CO-06-096 und 097 wurden nahe dem Kontakt zwischen
dem Intrusivgestein und den Kalksteinen in der südöstlichen Zone des
Projekts gebohrt. Beide Löcher durchkreuzten lange Strecken von
Mineralisierung mit hohen Kupfergraden, Molybdän (bis zu 900ppm) und
Silber (bis zu 65 g/t).

Bohrloch CO-06-100 in der westlichen Hälfte der Lagerstätte
bestätigte die Verlängerung der Mineralisierung, welche CO-06-079
(100 Meter nach Osten, 330 m @ 0,42% Cu) und CO-06-087 (100 Meter
nach Osten und Norden, 66 m @ 0,79% Cu und 120m @ 0,28% Cu)
durchkreuzten. Die Mineralisierungszone wird durch weitere
100-Meter-Stepout-Löcher getestet.

Das Unternehmen berichtete, dass es "Snowden and Associates" unter
Vertrag genommen hat, um die nächste Ressourcenkalkulation und den
43-101-technischen Bericht für das Constancia-Kupferprojekt
durchzuführen. Norsemont möchte weiters bekannt geben, dass es
"Vector Engineers" ausgewählt hat, um eine "Environmental Baseline
Study" abzuschließen. Eine "Socio-Economic Baseline Study" und ein
"Stakeholder Mapping program" wurde an die "Social Capital Group"

Tabelle 1 Kupferdurchkreuzungen auf dem Constancia-Projekt

Loch Azimut Neig. Von Bis Abschn.Cu Mo Ag CuEq
CO-06-083 10 -80 198.00 216.00 18.00 0.42 0.02 2.44 0.55
einschl. 204.80 212.00 7.20 0.43 0.02 2.86 0.59
222.00 263.40 41.40 0.65 0.02 6.33 0.83
einschl. 238.00 262.00 24.00 0.85 0.02 8.82 1.08
308.00 331.80 23.80 0.91 0.00 12.20 1.04
einschl. 319.35 331.80 12.45 1.19 0.00 16.93 1.35
338.00 350.00 12.00 0.71 0.02 8.45 0.89
398.00 420.00 22.00 0.37 0.00 2.06 0.40
einschl. 403.40 406.00 2.60 0.66 0.00 5.70 0.75
und 410.00 414.50 4.50 0.65 0.00 2.0 0.68
CO-06-094 45 -60 24.00 168.00 144.00 0.86 0.02 6.38 1.04
einschl. 24.00 41.25 17.25 1.17 0.02 11.75 1.38
und 70.00 82.00 12.00 1.36 0.03 5.20 1.58
und 94.00 116.00 22.00 0.62 0.02 4.07 0.79
und 122.00 132.00 10.00 0.93 0.01 7.74 1.06
und 138.00 166.00 28.00 1.41 0.01 9.52 1.56
242.00 278.00 36.00 0.27 0.00 3.43 0.31

CO-06-095 225 -50 184.00 202.00 18.00 0.40 0.01 14.03 0.57
214.00 242.30 28.30 0.28 0.01 6.48 0.39
274.00 308.00 34.00 0.20 0.00 2.91 0.25

CO-06-096 270 -60 2.00 12.00 10.00 0.40 0.00 8.40 0.48
16.00 35.60 19.60 0.47 0.01 2.38 0.54
einschl. 28.00 35.60 7.60 0.71 0.01 3.83 0.79
60.00 280.00 220.00 0.55 0.02 3.26 0.69
einschl. 120.00 151.30 31.30 0.72 0.00 1.82 0.75
und 154.00 174.00 20.00 0.63 0.01 3.66 0.70
und 178.00 240.00 62.00 0.63 0.03 5.05 0.87
312.90 344.00 31.10 0.24 0.01 2.89 0.35

CO-06-097 270 -60 218.00 380.00 162.00 0.62 0.02 5.73 0.78
einschl. 248.00 280.00 32.00 0.64 0.01 5.72 0.74
504.00 516.00 12.00 0.29 0.01 3.50 0.40

CO-06-098 135 -60 318.00 386.00 68.00 0.29 0.01 3.19 0.42
520.00 534.00 14.00 0.20 0.01 5.15 0.30

CO-06-100 90 -60 20.00 58.00 38.00 0.58 0.02 3.79 0.76
einschl. 38.00 54.00 16.00 0.89 0.03 5.19 1.15
78.00 106.00 28.00 0.83 0.02 5.92 1.04
einschl. 86.00 100.50 14.50 1.09 0.03 5.03 1.31
112.00 124.00 12.00 0.30 0.02 4.15 0.48
128.00 160.00 32.00 0.32 0.01 3.47 0.42
166.00 196.00 30.00 0.24 0.04 3.17 0.52
230.00 244.00 14.00 0.35 0.02 1.50 0.51
280.00 296.00 16.00 0.19 0.01 1.14 0.24
300.00 370.00 70.00 0.41 0.01 10.46 0.59
einschl. 340.00 360.00 20.00 0.72 0.02 24.85 1.07
418.00 510.00 92.00 0.41 0.01 4.41 0.50
einschl. 418.00 430.00 12.00 0.74 0.01 10.97 0.92
514.00 536.35 22.35 0.26 0.01 2.53 0.34

CO-06-101 45 -60 23.50 98.00 74.50 1.07 0.04 8.15 1.45
einschl. 23.50 33.85 10.35 1.42 0.01 16.63 1.63
und 42.00 55.70 13.70 1.93 0.03 16.09 2.25
und 62.00 92.00 30.00 0.97 0.05 3.95 1.31

Bemerkung 1: Kupferäquivalentwerte (CuEQ) wurden mit Hilfe von
Langzeit-Metallpreisen geschätzt, einschließlich: Kupfer US$1,20 pro
lb, Molybdän US$8,00 pro lb, Gold US$450 pro oz. und Silber US$7,50
pro oz. Anpassungsfaktoren hängen vom Abschluss der definitiven
metallurgischen Tests ab. CuEQ entspricht Cu Prozent plus Mo Prozent
(8,00/1,20) plus Au Gramm pro Tonne 14,47/(1,20*22,05) plus Ag Gramm
pro Tonne 0,24/(1,20*22,05).

Das Bohrprogramm und die geologischen Studien am
Constancia-Projekt werden von Dr. Robert Baxter, die für Norsemont
zuständige und laut NI43-101 qualifizierte Person, überwacht.
Bohrkerne wurden mit einer Diamantsäge geteilt, wobei eine Hälfte des
Kerns in Säcken versiegelt wurde und zu den ALS Chemex Assay Labors
in Lima, Peru, geschifft wurde. Das Programm beinhaltet ein
umfassendes Qualitätskontrollprogramm. Weitere Labore wurden
ebenfalls für Kontroll-Proben genutzt.

Art C. Freeze, P. Geo., Direktor von Norsemont und eine laut
NI43-101 qualifizierte Person hat die in dieser Pressemitteilung
enthaltenen Informationen geprüft.

Eine Karte mit der Lage der Bohrlöcher wird in Kürze auf der
Webseite von Norsemont unter verfügbar sein.

Über Norsemont Mining
Norsemont Mining ist ein gut strukturiertes und gut finanziertes
Explorationsunternehmen, das in Amerika arbeitet, mit einem
Schwerpunkt auf Peru. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich derzeit auf
Bohrungen auf dem Constancia Kupfer-Molybdän-Silber Projekt, einer
Joint-Venture mit "Rio Tinto".

Im Namen des Vorstands von Norsemont Mining Inc.

Robert W. Baxter


17.01.07 21:48

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100und wie immer nach guten ergebnissen

wird abverkauft. Diese Aktie ist für mich einfach ein Rätsel. Ich versteh
das echt nicht!!
Gibt es die Firma gar nicht? Gibt es die Bohrungen nicht?(scherz)

Vielleicht bin ich ja blind? Kann mich irgendjemand aufklären?
Mir fällt dazu echt nichts mehr ein...  

17.01.07 21:50

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100PS wenn ich genügend Geld hätte

würde ich diese verfickte Firma aufkaufen!  

29.01.07 20:28

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100neue Präsentation

und der Kurs steigt zur Abwechslung auch mal wieder und das bei sehr hohen

Wenn die Ziele erfolgreich erreicht werden, sollte 2007 endlich mal ein gutes
Jahr werden.

Next Steps Projects Constancia
• Metallurgical Trade-off Study (Q1 2007)
• Updated Resource Estimate (Q1 2007)
• Scoping Study (Q3 2007)
• Phase 3 Drilling (2007)
• Senior Exchange Listing(s)
• Acquisition of Other Projects
• Near Constancia
• Advanced Stage
• Market Awareness (Trade shows, Road shows, Analysts, etc.)
• Feasibility Study planned beginning Q1 2008
• Anticipated production 2010  
Angehängte Grafik:
Timeline_Jan2007.jpg (verkleinert auf 46%) vergrößern

06.02.07 20:30

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100endlich tut sich mal wieder was

hoffe wir haben das tief endlich gesehen...


26.02.07 22:00

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100Chart

der Chart sieht wieder viel besser aus. 2,50 CAD könnten bald wieder drin sein.
Unterstützung könnte von der im Q1 anstehenden neuen Resourcenschätzung kommen.
Ausserdem soll die Metallurgical Trade-off Study in q1 kommen.

wird spannend...
Angehängte Grafik:
nom.jpg (verkleinert auf 56%) vergrößern

26.02.07 22:07

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100hinzu kommt

das seit tagen die Board member kaufen...
hier die letzten 10

Norsemont Mining Inc. (NOM)
          §As of February 25th, 2007
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Nature of transaction Securities # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Feb 25/07 Feb 22/07 levy, marc evan 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 2,000 $1.790
Feb 25/07 Feb 22/07 levy, marc evan 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 1,000 $1.816
Feb 25/07 Feb 22/07 levy, marc evan 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 1,000 $1.800
Feb 25/07 Feb 22/07 levy, marc evan 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 500 $1.790
Feb 25/07 Feb 19/07 levy, marc evan 10 - Disposition in the public market Common Shares -7,800 $1.792
Feb 23/07 Feb 22/07 Ricci, Antonio 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 6,000 $1.760
Feb 23/07 Feb 21/07 Ricci, Antonio 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 20,000 $1.740
Feb 23/07 Feb 13/07 Baxter, Robert William 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 70,100 $1.750
Feb 22/07 Feb 22/07 Baxter, Robert William 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 7,800 $1.740
Feb 22/07 Feb 22/07 Baxter, Robert William 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 15,000 $1.780  

06.03.07 16:11

8451 Postings, 7461 Tage KnappschaftskassenNorsemont hat neue Bohrergebnisse


Norsemont Mining Inc. ("Norsemont" or "the Company") (TSX-V: NOM; Frankfurt: N8S; WKN: A0DQKK; OTC-BB: NOMFF; ISIN: CA6565291045) is pleased to announce drill results from an additional 7 holes from the Phase II diamond drill program at the Constancia Copper-Molybdenum-Silver Porphyry Project in southern Peru.

A large magnetic anomaly approximately 900 metres north of the San Jose zone was drill tested at its westerly limit co-incident with an IP anomaly with hole CO-07-109 encountering two zones of mineralization of which the most significant is a 38.7 metre intercept of 1.6% Cu. The host to the mineralization is a magnetite bearing skarn. The magnetic anomaly has dimensions of 1,000 metres by 400 metres. A more detailed IP program is being planned prior to further drilling.

The company also wishes to report that Snowden and Associates are continuing to work on the resource estimate with variography continuing ahead of resource classification and estimation. This updated estimate is expected to be completed now within the next two weeks.

The company released a 43-101 compliant resource estimate in October 2006 (see news release dated October 3, 2006). Since then, drilling has continued on the project with additional positive results being reported in both step-out drilling and minor infill drilling.

This press release includes results received since January 16, 2007. On January 15, 2007, the company put a freeze on the data to revise, check and submit the drilling and assay information to Snowden and Associates to carry out the next resource calculation and 43-101 technical report on the Constancia Copper Project.

Most holes since the October resource estimate have been drilled in 100 metres step outs, however some drill holes were used to better interpret the geological model.

Norsemont is also pleased to confirm that Vector is carrying the Environmental Impact Study with personal on site permanently. The field work for the archaeological and water resource components are nearly finished. At the same time, Capital Social Group began its field reconnaissance on the effects of a project of this size in the communities and adjoining townships.

Drilling Highlights

CO-07-109: 38.7 metres at 1.69% Copper and 9.29 ppm silver (1.81% Copper Equivalent)
CO-06-102: 92 metres at 0.32 % Copper (0.37 Copper Equivalent)
CO-06-104: 36 metres at 0.76% Copper and 0.07% Mo (1.26 Copper Equivalent)
CO-06-105: 16 metres at 1.45% Copper (1.66 Copper Equivalent)
36 metres at 1.13% Copper (1.23% Copper Equivalent)
CO-06-107: 46 metres at 0.30% Copper (0.33% Copper Equivalent)
58 metres at 0.36% Copper (0.45% Copper Equivalent)

Drill holes 102 and 103 were drilled in 100 metres step-outs to the eastern side of the body where the mineralization seemed to thin out. However 102 shows an extension of mineralised zone in 074 (100 m to the north, 112 at 0.44% Cu), 070 (100 m to the west, 148 m at 0.51% Cu, plus another 100 metres in shallower intercepts) an 073 (100 m north and west, 104 m at 0.47% Cu). 103 have shorter intercepts and maybe limiting the body extension to the west.

Holes 105, 106 and 107 were drilled as step-out of the south-west Monzonite – sediments (skarn) boundary. All these holes show mineralization in the skarn developed along the Monzonite contact. Samples from these holes return high grade zinc (up to 5.4%) associated with silver up to 64 ppm.

Drillholes 104 and 108 were drilled in the southwest of the deposit, along a new, not well defined skarn zone. This zone, that may extend to the north-west and is characterised by higher silver content. Additional drilling will better delimit this zone.

Drill hole 109 was drilled to the north west of the main area, about 900 metres from the San José Pit, and 710 metres from the nearest drill hole. Aim of this hole was to test a large magnetic anomaly with associated skarn mineralization on surface. It intercepted a zone of high grade skarn (1.69% Cu over 38.7 metres) with long zinc intercepts that are not related to copper.

Table 1: Copper Intersections at the Constancia Project

Drillhole ID, Azimuth, Inclination, From, To, Length, Cu %, Mo %, Ag ppm, CuEq
CO-06-102, 225, -60, 52.00, 62.00, 10.00, 0.20, 0.00, 2.24, 0.22
, , , 304.00, 316.00, 12.00, 0.22, 0.00, 4.37, 0.26
, , , 320.00, 412.00, 92.00, 0.32, 0.00, 3.96, 0.37
, , , , , , , , ,
CO-06-103, 315, -60, 332.00, 352.00, 20.00, 0.27, 0.00, 4.61, 0.31
, , , 356.00, 371.55, 15.55, 0.23, 0.00, 4.15, 0.27
, , , , , , , , ,
CO-06-104, 45, -60, 98.00, 134.00, 36.00, 0.76, 0.07, 4.73, 1.26
, , Including, 102.00, 112.00, 10.00, 0.46, 0.07, 2.38, 0.94
, , and, 116.00, 122.00, 6.00, 0.73, 0.06, 4.20, 1.19
, , and, 126.00, 134.00, 8.00, 1.62, 0.04, 10.02, 1.99
, , , 249.10, 278.00, 28.90, 0.42, 0.00, 2.93, 0.46
, , Including, 256.00, 272.00, 16.00, 0.56, 0.00, 3.34, 0.60
, , and, 284.00, 287.40, 3.40, 1.01, 0.00, 3.34, 1.04
, , , , , , , , ,
CO-06-105, 315, -70, 262.00, 280.00, 18.00, 0.24, 0.00, 2.56, 0.26
, , , 283.60, 296.00, 12.40, 0.27, 0.00, 3.23, 0.31
, , , 374.00, 385.10, 11.10, 0.37, 0.03, 3.75, 0.62
, , , 395.55, 412.00, 16.45, 1.45, 0.01, 14.50, 1.66
, , , 416.00, 452.00, 36.00, 1.13, 0.00, 8.09, 1.23
, , , , , , , , ,
CO-06-106, 315, -60, 232.00, 244.00, 12.00, 0.36, 0.00, 3.69, 0.41
, , Including, 232.00, 236.05, 4.05, 0.73, 0.00, 7.55, 0.83
, , , 250.00, 264.00, 14.00, 0.34, 0.00, 3.90, 0.37
, , , 276.00, 322.00, 46.00, 0.30, 0.00, 3.06, 0.33
, , , 328.00, 386.00, 58.00, 0.36, 0.01, 3.62, 0.45
, , , , , , , , ,
CO-06-107, 315, -60, 316.00, 328.00, 12.00, 0.49, 0.00, 4.02, 0.52
, , Including, 322.00, 326.00, 4.00, 0.73, 0.00, 5.60, 0.79
, , , 360.00, 383.10, 23.10, 0.55, 0.00, 3.69, 0.60
, , including, 372.00, 383.10, 11.10, 0.64, 0.00, 3.79, 0.69
, , , , , , , , ,
CO-07-108, 45, -70, 140.00, 149.40, 9.40, 0.86, 0.00, 12.15, 1.00
, , , , , , , , ,
CO-07-109, 135, -60, 305.00, 343.70, 38.70, 1.69, 0.01, 9.29, 1.81

Note 1: Copper equivalent Values (CuEQ) are estimated using long-term metal prices including: Copper US$1.20 per lb, Molybdenum US$8.00 per lb, Gold US$450 per oz., and Silver US$7.50 per oz. Adjustment factors to account for differences in relative metallurgical recoveries for gold, copper and molybdenum will depend upon the completion of definitive metallurgical testing. CuEQ equals Cu per cent plus Mo percent times (8.00/1.20) plus Au grams per tonne times 14.47/(1.20x22.05) plus Ag grams per tonne times 0.24/(1.20x22.05).

Significant zinc intercepts were encountered in these last drill holes. As an exercise, mineralised intervals were calculated for zinc assuming a 0.1% cut-off, minimum 10 meter interval length and a minimum 0.2 % copper. The intervals are as follows:

Table 2: Significant Zinc Intercepts

Drillhole ID, Length, From, To, Zn %, Cu %, Ag ppm
CO-06-105, 29.2, 398.0, 427.2, 0.67, 1.02, 8.1
CO-07-108, 45.0, 104.4, 149.4, 1.83, 0.41, 14.4
CO-07-109, 18.0, 330.0, 348.0, 0.75, 0.75, 13.0
CO-07-109, 12.0, 68.0, 80.0, 0.42, 0.25, 9.1

Preliminary metallurgical testing suggests that a zinc by product may be recovered from the copper flotation tails.

The drilling program and geological studies at the Constancia project are being supervised by Robert Baxter (MAusIMM) Norsemont’s Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. Core samples are cut with a diamond saw, with one-half of the core placed in sealed bags, and shipped to ALS Chemex Assay Labs in Lima, Peru. The program includes an extensive quality control program for assaying which includes the systematic use of standards, blanks, and field duplicate samples. Secondary laboratories are also used for check assaying. All intersections were determined using a rolling 0.2% Cu cut-off and up to 2 metres of internal waste.

Adam Johnston (MAusIMM) of Transmin Metallurgical Consultants is the company’s qualified person on metallurgical aspects of this press release.

A plan map with drill hole locations will be available shortly on Norsemont’s website at

About Norsemont Mining
Norsemont Mining is a well structured, well financed exploration company working in the America’s, with a focus on Peru. The Company is currently drilling the Constancia Cu-Au-Mo deposit joint ventured from Rio Tinto.


Robert W. Baxter
Norsemont Mining Inc.

For more information contact Bob Baxter, President or Brian Soregaroli, VP Corporate Communications at:

Phone: 604-669-9788
Fax: 604-669-9768

07.03.07 15:10

1095 Postings, 8692 Tage utimacoSecuritieNorsemont Mining akkumulieren

Die Experten von "bullVestor" empfehlen die Aktie von Norsemont Mining (ISIN CA6565291045/ WKN A0DQKK) zu akkumulieren.

Norsemont Mining glänze wieder einmal mit außergewöhnlich guten News. Sage und Schreibe 1,6% Kupfer seien über 38 Meter in einer neuen Zone festgestellt worden, die 900 Meter von der Hauptzone entfernt sei. Rechne man den Silberanteil noch mit, dann würden sich sogar 1,81% Kupferäquivalent pro Tonne Gestein ergeben. Die magnetischen Untersuchungen würden zeigen, dass diese Zone ein Ausmaß von 1.000 mal 400 Meter haben dürfte.

Anleger würden ganz genau wissen, wie lange die Wertpapierexperten Norsemont schon verfolgen würden und dass sie sehr viel von diesem Unternehmen Halten würden. Zurzeit könnten die Experten aber kein "strong buy" vergeben. Erst müsse die Aktie den Ausbruch über die 2 Kanadische Dollar-(CAD)-Marke schaffen, dann sei die "Einkaufszeit" angebrochen.

Die "bullVestor"-Experten raten aber mit Nachdruck Norsemont-Aktien auf diesem Niveau ohne Eile zu akkumulieren. (Ausgabe vom 06.03.07)



27.03.07 18:53

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100trading halt

Ressorcenschätzung kommt jetzt wohl endlich raus...
in CA stehen wir schon bei 2CAD bei hohen Umsätzen. Scheint wohl gut zu werden.
Leider hat man die 2 Wochen Frist wieder um 2 Tage verpasst. Also Termine
einzuhalten werden die wohl nie lernen...:(

Aber der Ausbruch scheint jetzt wohl geklappt zu haben. 2,5 wir kommen:-)

Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - Norsemont Mining Inc. - NOM

VANCOUVER, March 27 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by Market Regulation Services (RS):

Issuer Name: Norsemont Mining Inc.

TSX-V Ticker Symbol: NOM

Time of Halt: 12:07 EST

Reason for Halt: Pending News  

28.03.07 18:04

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100Ressourcenschätzung +130% inferred


Norsemont Mining Inc. ("Norsemont" or "the Company") (TSX–V: NOM; Frankfurt: N8S; WKN: A0DQKK; OTC-BB: NOMFF; ISIN: CA6565291045) is pleased to announce results of an Updated Resource Estimate on the Constancia Copper-Molybdenum-Silver Porphyry Deposit in southern Peru.

An independent Mineral Resource estimate has been completed on the Constancia and San Jose Zones of the Constancia Deposit in Southern Peru by Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Inc. ("Snowden"). The report estimates an Indicated Resource of 70.0 million tonnes grading 0.53% copper, 0.013% molybdenum and 4.0 g/t silver (0.65% Cu-Equivalent) at a cutoff grade of 0.2% copper and an Inferred Resource of 250.2 million tonnes grading 0.51% copper, 0.013% molybdenum and 4.5 g/t silver (0.64% Cu-Equivalent) at a cutoff grade of 0.2% copper (Table 1). The estimate for the Constancia Deposit also contains small amounts of gold and zinc, which has not been reported in the Resource table.

Copper equivalent values are estimated using long-term metal prices including: copper US$1.20 per lb, molybdenum US$8.00 per lb, and silver US$7.50 per oz. Adjustment factors to account for differences in relative metallurgical recoveries will depend upon the completion of definitive metallurgical testing. Cu-Equivalent equals Cu (%) plus Mo (%) times (8.00/1.20) plus Ag (g/t) times 0.24/(1.20x22.05). Metallurgical recoveries and net smelter returns are assumed to be 100%.

Based on the March 2007 Resource estimate, the Indicated Resources contain approximately 818 million pounds of copper, 20.1 million pounds of molybdenum and 9.0 million ounces of silver at a 0.2% copper cutoff, and the Inferred Resources contain approximately 2.81 billion pounds of copper, 71.7 million pounds of molybdenum and 36.2 million ounces of silver (see Table 2). The March 2007 Resource estimate, therefore, displays an increase of approximately 9.7% in contained copper in the Indicated category and approximately 133% in contained copper in the Inferred category relative to the initial estimate reported in October 2006.

Composited assay data were capped to between 0.0298% Mo and 0.0880% Mo for molybdenum (five of eight estimation domains). Silver grade data from only one of the eight estimation domains required capping (24.5 g/t Ag). No capping was applied to the copper data.

The resource estimate for the Constancia Deposit was generated using geological solids modeled by Atticus & Associates. Copper, molybdenum and silver grades were interpolated into a block model using ordinary kriging, with copper as the primary element. Table 1 includes Resources from the San Jose and Constancia Zones. Resource classification was based on a combination of drill spacing, kriging variance, and confidence in geological and grade continuity.

Table 1: Resource Estimate, Constancia Project, March 27, 2007

Cut-off Grade, Tonnes, Copper Grade , Molybdenum Grade, Silver Grade
(% Cu) , (Million) , (% Cu) , (% Mo) , (g/t Ag)
Indicated Resources
0.5 , 33.1, 0.72, 0.013, 4.7
0.4 , 46.8, 0.64, 0.013, 4.4
0.3 , 62.0, 0.57, 0.013, 4.1
0.25 , 67.5, 0.54, 0.013, 4.0
0.2 , 70.0, 0.53 , 0.013, 4.0
Inferred Resources
0.5 , 94.9, 0.78, 0.014 , 5.6
0.4 , 142.9, 0.67, 0.014, 5.2
0.3 , 199.2, 0.58, 0.014, 4.8
0.25 , 230.8, 0.54, 0.013, 4.6
0.2 , 250.2, 0.51 , 0.013, 4.5

Table 2: Contained Metal (0.2% Cu cut-off), Constancia Project, March 27, 2007

Resource Category, Copper (million lbs) , Molybdenum (million lbs), Silver (million oz)
Indicated, 818, 20.1, 9.0
Inferred, 2,813, 71.7, 36.2

The Constancia Project is located between the Tintaya Mine and the Las Bambas copper deposit of Xstrata PLC in Southern Peru. Norsemont Mining is earning up to 70% of the Constancia Project from Rio Tinto by way of project expenditures, cash payments and the issue of common stock, the details of which can be found on the company’s website ( Mitsui Mining retains a 30% interest in the project.

"I am very pleased to see such a large increase in our resource base in this, our second resource estimate in 6 months," said Robert W. Baxter, President of Norsemont Mining Inc. "We continue to expand the extent of the deposit on 100 metre step out drill holes between the Constancia and San Jose Zones. We believe that although we have defined the limits on the south, east and northern parts of the deposit it remains open to the west, north-west and south west as well as at depth beneath the known mineralization. We currently have one diamond drill rig on site, working two shifts per day; however, we are scheduled for the arrival of an additional drill rigs next quarter. The current focus is the area between the Constancia Zone and Jose zones where drilling continues to intercept significant mineralization; however, there are a number of other targets including the recent drill intercept of 38.7 metres @ 1.69% Cu in CO-07-109, which is located approximately 900 metres north of the San Jose Zone. These targets warrant additional drilling during 2007."

"This resource clearly demonstrates that the Constancia deposit is a large, well defined copper deposit which remains open to expansion and is now one of the most advanced exploration copper projects in Peru. We look forward to advancing the project through our ongoing studies. The Company commenced a metallurgical trade-off study in late October which is focused on heap leaching versus milling and flotation, with preliminary results to be reported shortly. I remain confident that given the strong outlook for copper prices over the next 5 years, and beyond, that the Constancia deposit with this updated resource estimate will prove to be a significant development project for Norsemont in Peru."

"We continue to be impressed by the significant results our team is achieving at the Constancia Deposit," said Marc E. Levy, Norsemont CEO and Chairman. "The tremendous growth in the size of the deposit exceeds my expectations and I am extremely encouraged by this updated resource estimate."

Independent geologist Dr. Warwick S. Board, MAusIMM, Pr.Sci.Nat. and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument (NI) 43-101, was responsible for the Mineral Resource estimate dated March 27, 2007. Dr. Board has read and approved the contents of this news release. The Resource estimate has components of both Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources, consistent with the CIM definitions referred to in NI 43-101. This estimate will be filed in a Technical Report compliant with NI 43-101 on SEDAR within 45 days. Mineral Resources which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Norsemont is not aware of any environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or other issues which may materially affect its estimate of mineral resources.

Quality Control

The Resource estimate is based upon 128 diamond drill holes totaling 36,771.5 metres completed by Rio Tinto and Norsemont through to the end of December 2006. Norsemont has completed 104 holes and Rio Tinto had previously drilled 24 holes that are included in this Resource estimation.

The core from Rio Tinto's 2004 drilling was sent to and analysed at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Lima for copper, molybdenum, gold and silver. Core samples were cut with a diamond saw, with one-half of the core placed in sealed bags, and shipped to ALS Chemex Assay Labs in Lima, Peru. The Rio Tinto program includes an extensive quality control program for assaying which includes the systematic use of standards, blanks, and field duplicate samples. Secondary laboratories are also used for check assaying. Drill core was sampled each 2m after logging. Some sample length changes were made when lithological or mineralogical boundaries where important and sample lengths met those boundaries. In general, contacts between high grade and low grade samples (visually estimated) correspond with the sample boundaries. In some visually determined low copper grade intervals, sample length was increased to 3-metres. Half core was sampled after it was symmetrically cut with a core saw.

The drilling program and geological studies during 2005 and 2006 at the Constancia project for Norsemont were supervised by Dr. Thomas A. Henricksen, P. Geo., and Robert Baxter, Norsemont’s Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, who has reviewed and approved the information contained in this news release. Core samples are cut with a diamond saw, with one-half of the core placed in sealed bags, and shipped to ALS Chemex Assay Labs in Lima, Peru. The program includes an extensive quality control program for assaying which includes the systematic use of standards, blanks, and field duplicate samples.

A plan map with drill hole locations and the resource outline is available on Norsemont’s website at Other geological data including cross sections will be made available with the NI 43-101 Technical Report which is to be posted on SEDAR within 45 days of this press release.

Conference Call

Norsemont Mining will hold an investor conference call on Tuesday April 3, at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Marc E. Levy, CEO and Robert (Bob) Baxter, President, will review the updated resource estimate and Norsemont’s plans to develop the Constancia deposit with analysts and investors. Following their remarks there will be a question and answer session.

To join the call reference "Norsemont" or "Resource Estimate Update" after you dial:

Toll Free in North America: 1-800-525-6384
International: 780-409-1668

To access a replay of the call until 11:00 a.m. (PT) on April 6, 2007:

Toll Free in North America: 1-888-567-0782
International: 402-220-2884
Pass Code: 4192440

About Norsemont Mining
Norsemont Mining is a well structured, well financed exploration company working in the America's, with a focus on Peru. The Company is currently drilling the Constancia Copper-Molybdenum-Silver Deposit, joint ventured from Rio Tinto.


Robert W. Baxter
Norsemont Mining Inc.

For more information contact Brian Soregaroli, VP Corporate Communications at:
Phone: 604-669-9788 x109
Fax: 604-669-9768
Web Site:

The TSX Venture Exchange has reviewed this release. We seek Safe Harbor.  

05.04.07 18:22

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100Over 87% Copper Recoveries From Initial Metallurgi

Norsemont Reports Over 87% Copper Recoveries From Initial Metallurgical Testing at the Constancia Project


Norsemont Mining Inc. ("Norsemont" or "the Company") (TSX: NOM)(OTCBB: NOMFF)(FRANKFURT: N8S)(WKN: A0DQKK)(ISIN: CA6565291045) is pleased to report that C.H. Plenge Laboratories, under the supervision of Transmin Metallurgical Consultants, have completed the first pass program of laboratory flotation testing on Constancia drill core samples. The work, done in preparation for a project scoping study later in 2007, has been very successful with the mineralogy and locked cycle flotation test results showing that the copper values essentially occur as coarse liberated primary and secondary copper sulphides that can be readily recovered to a commercial concentrate by standard flotation. Three stages of cleaning were used in the locked cycle tests. Overall copper recovery is indicated to be in the range 87 - 89%.

"We are pleased with the excellent recoveries and concentrate grades from this initial round of testing at the Constancia Project. Further testing work will allow us to optimise these results with a more comprehensive suite of metallurgical testwork throughout the deposit," said Robert Baxter, President, Norsemont Mining Inc.

Three master composites were produced from drill core samples as part of an initial flowsheet and design criteria development program. Preliminary results indicate that the process flowsheet for Constancia will be a conventional copper-molybdenum porphyry flowsheet, with a grind size of 106 to 150 micrometers followed by copper-molybdenum rougher flotation, concentrate regrind to 20 to 37 micrometers and three stages of copper cleaner flotation. A separate molybdenum concentrate would likely be separated from the bulk copper molybdenum concentrate by employing standard technology used industrially for similar deposits.

Three composite samples were made up of drill core from the 2006 drilling campaign. Supergene (SG), hypogene (HG) and skarn (SK) samples were composited from several drill holes based on location, grade lithology and alteration.

The average metallurgical results are summarized in the Table below from the locked cycle tests.

A limited amount of sample was available for this first round of testwork and therefore optimization testwork has yet to be completed. There remains substantial opportunity to improve metallurgical performance through further optimization testwork. Fresh drill core samples have been delivered to Plenge in Lima for the next round of testwork that will be used to complete metallurgical testwork to the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) level.

This work will include:

- Molybdenum recovery

- Zinc recovery

- Grind Vs Recovery optimization

- Crushing and grinding work indices

- Copper recovery optimization

- Copper concentrate cleaning optimization

The composite characteristics are as follows;

Element                HY       SG       SK
Ag           g/t      3.6      3.2      4.6
Au           g/t    0.045    0.028    0.105
Cu total       %     0.54     1.09     0.58
Cu H2SO4       %     0.08     0.16     0.05
Cu CN-         %     0.10     0.74     0.04
Cu residual    %     0.33     0.13     0.46
Mo             %    0.034    0.015    0.005
Fe             %     1.62     2.73     8.31
S total        %     1.22     2.33     3.89
S sulfur       %     0.95     1.90     2.87
C              %     0.14     0.10     2.76
Pb             %     0.05     0.03     0.06
Zn             %     0.07     0.03     0.28
Hg           ppm      0.6      0.1      0.3
Sp- G       g/cc     2.66     2.69     2.89
Natural pH            6.9      5.8      7.8

Highlights of First Phase Locked Cycle Test Results are as follows:

                      Concentrate Assays                Recovery %
Sample     Wt   Ag    Au    Cu    Mo    Fe     S
No.         %  g/t   g/t     %     %     %     %    Ag    Au    Cu    Mo
HY       1.51  186  0.55  29.6  0.68  27.7  30.2  78.2  18.5  89.4  35.2
SG       2.81  101  0.34  31.4  0.21  26.1  33.1  88.5  33.5  87.3  52.0
SK       1.76  135  1.64  26.6  0.03  25.3  28.9  51.6  27.5  88.2  14.1

The grade of the skarn copper concentrate has been diluted by the presence of zinc in the final concentrate. The next round of testwork will include stronger zinc depression in the copper cleaning circuit to improve the grade of the copper concentrate and activation of the zinc in the copper tails to produce a zinc concentrate.

Adam Johnston (MAusIMM) of Transmin Metallurgical Consultants is the company's qualified person on metallurgical aspects of this press release.

On March 28 the company released an independent Mineral Resource estimate on the Constancia and San Jose Zones of the Constancia Deposit in Southern Peru by Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Inc. ("Snowden"). The report estimates an Indicated Resource of 70.0 million tonnes grading 0.53% copper, 0.013% molybdenum and 4.0 g/t silver (0.65% Cu-Equivalent) at a cutoff grade of 0.2% copper and an Inferred Resource of 250.2 million tonnes grading 0.51% copper, 0.013% molybdenum and 4.5 g/t silver (0.64% Cu-Equivalent) at a cutoff grade of 0.2% copper.

About Norsemont Mining

Norsemont Mining is a well structured, well financed exploration company working in the America's, with a focus on Peru. The Company is currently drilling the Constancia Copper-Molybdenum-Silver Deposit, joint ventured from Rio Tinto.


Robert W. Baxter, President

Norsemont Mining Inc.

Contacts: Norsemont Mining Inc. Brian Soregaroli VP Corporate Communications (604) 669-9788 x109 (604) 669-9768 (FAX) Email: Website:

SOURCE: Norsemont Mining Inc.
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.  

05.04.07 18:27

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100aus conference call

A 25,000 metre drill program will take place over the balance of the year.

Management knows the stock is undervalued due to lack of proper exposure and institutional ownership. They acknowledge they need to do better with that side of the business.

Metallurgy looks good ,...the first report is due out shortly.

Analyst tour went well last week. Second group is due on site late April.

RAB in London did exercise $2.7 million worth of options recently and that money is now added to the treasury.  

05.04.07 18:28

15130 Postings, 8422 Tage Pate100Wechsel von der TSX Venture an die


Norsemont Shares to Commence Trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Thursday, April 5, 2007

Norsemont Mining Inc. ("Norsemont" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE: NOM)(OTCBB: NOMFF)(FRANKFURT: N8S)(WKN: A0DQKK)(ISIN: CA6565291045) is pleased to announce that its common shares have been approved for listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") under the stock symbol "NOM". The Company's common shares will be listed and posted for trading on the TSX with the opening of trading on Thursday, April 5, 2007. Norsemont's common shares will be de-listed from the TSX Venture Exchange on April 5, 2007 upon commencement of trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

"We believe the TSX listing should improve visibility for our company among institutional and retail investors and enhance liquidity for our shareholders," said Marc E. Levy, CEO. "Norsemont's listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange is an important milestone in our company's development and growth. The Exchange has recognized and acknowledged the success of our exploration programs on the Constancia Project in Peru."

About Norsemont Mining

Norsemont Mining is a well structured, well financed exploration company working in the America's, with a focus on Peru. The Company is currently drilling the Constancia Copper-Molybdenum-Silver deposit joint ventured from Rio Tinto.


Marc E. Levy, CEO & Chairman

Norsemont Mining Inc.

We seek Safe Harbor.  

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