NeoMedia Technologies (NEOM) rockets with New Patent and NeoReader March 16, 2012
NeoMedia Technologies, Inc. (OTC:NEOM) has traded as high as $.053 during today’s trading session and last traded at $.0509 for a gain of 138.97% from yesterday’s close… NEOM shares have traded as high as $.234 over the past 52 weeks, which is 78.2% off that high at last traded stock price.
NeoMedia Technologies, the pioneer in global mobile barcode management solutions, announced March 6 that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has awarded NeoMedia a patent pertaining to the resolution of mobile barcodes, a market that has recently experienced explosive growth. Get my next ALERT 100% FREE
Patent No. 8,131,597, entitled, “System And Method For Using An Ordinary Article Of Commerce To Access A Remote Computer”, generally covers systems and methods for providing users of mobile barcodes automatic access to remote computers. These patented systems and methods allow faster and easier implementation of new applications and services in the mobile marketing and advertising space.
NeoMedia on March 8 announced the launch of the updated NeoReader® barcode-scanning software applications for Apple iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian and Windows Phone 7 users. The upgraded apps are available now from the Apple App Store™, Android MarketTM / Google PlayTM, BlackBerry App World™, Nokia Store and Windows® Marketplace for users to transform their devices into barcode scanners and seamlessly connect to mobile content.
NeoReader bridges the gap between traditional and digital media, allowing all users with camera phones to scan both 2D and 1D code types in order to access specific web content, real-time product or service information, download content, or complete a mobile commerce transaction with one click. Users no longer need to type in long URLs, scroll through long lists of search results or navigate cumbersome mobile phone menus. |
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