Übersetzung für Where Do We Trade Bayhorse Silver Corporate Update Posted on Apr 15, 2016 in News Release April 15, 2015 BHS 2016-02 THE BAYHORSE SILVER MINE, OREGON, & CORPORATE UPDATE. Bayhorse Silver Inc. BHS: TSX-V (the “Company” or “Bayhorse“) reports on the status of the Bayhorse Silver Mine, Oregon, and the first three months of 2016 as well as Silver prices. Our focus is to marry the latest, proven, technology with mining to reduce the environmental footprint of our planned mines and go to greener, more environmentally friendly, mining methods. We are reviewing the addition of new, proven, mining and processing technology to complement the tested Ore-Sorting and Dense Media mineral upgrading technology to be used at both the Bayhorse Silver Mine and the Bridging the Gap Project. Currently, mucking out and timbering operations inside the Bayhorse Mine are being conducted by HRB Mining Services of Silver Valley. The Company has purchased an EIMCO 911 LHD underground mucker, and shipped it to the Bayhorse Silver Mine. This machine is very suitable for use in the narrower drifts and adits of the existing underground workings. The current work has been funded by the proceeds of the US$ Debenture, of which US$450,000 has been subscribed for in three tranches by existing shareholders of the Company. With the recent price increase of silver to US$16 per ounce, the Company anticipates early completion of the remaining Debenture balance of US$300,000. In letter dated April 13, 2016, Deutsche Bank has reached a settlement in the U.S. District Court in New York, where it has confirmed silver market manipulation. This may have an effect on future Silver prices. In the Silver Valley, Idaho, planning continues on the Bridging the Gap Project. Subject to adequate funding from either proceeds from any silver sales generated from operations at the Bayhorse Silver Mine, or from a non-dilutional financing, preliminary work will commence late in the second quarter. Initial work will open the Ranger Adit to access the historic Crown Point workings formerly mined at a grade of 10 oz/t silver and 10% lead (U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S Mineral Defense Department records) As the Resource Sector continually deteriorated during the past three years, Company directors have steadfastly avoided diluting the Company’s shares through low priced financings, and instead, have extended two loans to the Company totaling $240,000, including interest. Of this, including accrued interest, $190,000 is owed to director Graeme O’Neill. An additional loan has been made to the Company in the amount of $56,000 with interest payable at 12% per year. Consideration for the loan, subject to approval from the TSX Venture Exchange, is 20% of the value of the loan in common shares (112,000 common shares) to be issued to the lender in accordance with the policies of the Exchange. Director Graeme O’Neill has sold 624,026 shares of the Company through the facilities of the Exchange, and has exercised 650,000 common share purchase warrants for gross proceeds to the Company of $65,000. Graeme O’Neill has also subscribed for US$20,000 of the Debenture. Stattdessen übersetzen mit Where Do We Trade Bayhorse Silver Corporate Update Posted on Apr 15, 2016 in News Release April 15, 2015 BHS2016-02 THE BAYHORSE SILVER MINE, OREGON, & CORPORATE UPDATE. Bayhorse Silver Inc. BHS: TSX-V (the “Company” or “Bayhorse“) reports on the status of the Bayhorse Silver Mine, Oregon, and the first three months of 2016 as well as Silver prices. Our focus is to marry the latest, proven, technology with mining to reduce the environmental footprint of our planned mines and go to greener, more environmentally friendly, mining methods. We are reviewing the addition of new, proven, mining and processing technology to complement the tested Ore-Sorting and Dense Media mineral upgrading technology to be used at both the Bayhorse Silver Mine and the Bridging the Gap Project. Currently, mucking out and timbering operations inside the Bayhorse Mine are being conducted by HRB Mining Services of Silver Valley. The Company has purchased an EIMCO 911 LHD underground mucker, and shipped it to the Bayhorse Silver Mine. This machine is very suitable for use in the narrower drifts and adits of the existing underground workings. The current work has been funded by the proceeds of the US$ Debenture, of which US$450,000 has been subscribed for in three tranches by existing shareholders of the Company. With the recent price increase of silver to US$16 per ounce, the Company anticipates early completion of the remaining Debenture balance of US$300,000. In letter dated April 13, 2016, Deutsche Bank has reached a settlement in the U.S. District Court in New York, where it has confirmed silver market manipulation. This may have an effect on future Silver prices. In the Silver Valley, Idaho, planning continues on the Bridging the Gap Project. Subject to adequate funding from either proceeds from any silver sales generated from operations at the Bayhorse Silver Mine, or from a non-dilutional financing, preliminary work will commence late in the second quarter. Initial work will open the Ranger Adit to access the historic Crown Point workings formerly mined at a grade of 10 oz/t silver and 10% lead (U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S Mineral Defense Department records) As the Resource Sector continually deteriorated during the past three years, Company directors have steadfastly avoided diluting the Company’s shares through low priced financings, and instead, have extended two loans to the Company totaling $240,000, including interest. Of this, including accrued interest, $190,000 is owed to director Graeme O’Neill. An additional loan has been made to the Company in the amount of $56,000 with interest payable at 12% per year. Consideration for the loan, subject to approval from the TSX Venture Exchange, is 20% of the value of the loan in common shares (112,000 common shares) to be issued to the lender in accordance with the policies of the Exchange. Director Graeme O’Neill has sold 624,026 shares of the Company through the facilities of the Exchange, and has exercised 650,000 common share purchase warrants for gross proceeds to the Company of $65,000. Graeme O’Neill has also subscribed for US$20,000 of the Debenture. Wo stehen wir Handel Bayhorse Silber Unternehmens-Update Geschrieben am 15. April 2016 in der Pressemitteilung 15. April 2015 BHS 2016-02 DIE BAYHORSE SILVER MINE, OREGON, und Unternehmens-Update. Bayhorse Silber Inc. BHS: TSX-V (das "Unternehmen" oder "Bayhorse") berichtet über den Status der Bayhorse Silbermine, Oregon, und die ersten drei Monate 2016 sowie Silberpreise. Unser Fokus ist die neueste und bewährte Technologie mit dem Bergbau zu heiraten, den ökologischen Fußabdruck unserer geplanten Minen und grüner, umweltfreundlicher, Abbaumethoden gehen zu reduzieren. Wir prüfen das Hinzufügen von neuen, bewährten, Bergbau- und Verarbeitungstechnologie, die getestet Ore-Sortier- und Dense Media-Mineralveredelungstechnologie zur Ergänzung sowohl an der Bayhorse Silbermine und die Bridging the Gap-Projekt verwendet werden. Derzeit sind Ausmisten und Gebälk Operationen im Inneren des Bayhorse-Mine wird durch HRB Mining Services von Silver Valley durchgeführt. Die Gesellschaft hat einen EIMCO 911 LHD U-Bahn mucker gekauft und versendet es an die Bayhorse Silbermine. Diese Maschine ist für den Einsatz in den engeren Drifts und Stollen der bestehenden unterirdischen Stollen sehr gut geeignet. Die aktuelle Arbeit wurde von dem Erlös aus dem US $ Debenture, von denen US $ 450.000 in drei Tranchen gezeichnet wurde von bestehenden Aktionären der Gesellschaft finanziert. Mit der jüngsten Preisanstieg von Silber zu US $ 16 pro Unze erwartet das Unternehmen einen baldigen Abschluss der verbleibenden Debenture Balance von US $ 300.000. Im Schreiben vom 13. April 2016 hat die Deutsche Bank eine Siedlung in der US-Bezirksgericht in New York erreicht, wo es Silber Marktmanipulation bestätigt hat. Dies kann Auswirkungen auf zukünftige Silberpreis haben. Im Silver Valley, Idaho, Planung setzt auf die die Gap-Projekt Bridging. Vorbehaltlich angemessener Mittel aus entweder Erlöses aus Silber Umsatz von Operationen an der Bayhorse Silbermine erzeugt oder aus einem nicht-dilutional Finanzierung wird Vorarbeiten spät im zweiten Quartal beginnen. Erste Arbeiten werden die Ranger Adit öffnen die historischen Crown Point Arbeiten früher mit einem Gehalt von 10 oz / t Silber und 10% Blei (US Bureau of Mines und US-Mineral-Verteidigungsministeriums Datensätze) abgebaut zugreifen Da der Ressourcenbranche kontinuierlich in den letzten drei Jahren verschlechtert haben Firmenleiter standhaft vermieden die Aktien durch günstige Finanzierungen des Unternehmens verdünnt und stattdessen wurden zwei Darlehen an die Gesellschaft erweitert 240.000 $, einschließlich Zinsen in Höhe von. Davon einschließlich der aufgelaufenen Zinsen, wird $ 190.000 Direktor Graeme O'Neill zu verdanken. Ein zusätzliches Darlehen wurde der Gesellschaft in Höhe von $ 56.000 mit Zinsen bei 12% pro Jahr. Die Gegenleistung für das Darlehen, vorbehaltlich der Zustimmung der TSX Venture Exchange, beträgt 20% des Wertes des Darlehens in Stammaktien (112.000 Aktien) an den Kreditgeber gemäß der Austausch mit der Politik ausgegeben werden. Direktor Graeme O'Neill hat 624.026 Aktien der Gesellschaft über die Einrichtungen der Börse verkauft und hat 650.000 Stammaktienkauf Warrants für einen Bruttoerlös für die Gesellschaft von 65.000 $ ausgeübt. Graeme O'Neill hat sich auch für US $ 20.000 der Schuldverschreibung gezeichnet. |