Thanks for your email. Your concerns are clearly stated and understandable.
I can understand why you are seeking a more aggressive posture by the company. However because of its contractual relationship with TPL, the company has consistently said it will take a very conservative position on reporting specific results of individual deals. Hopefully soon, the company will get on track for regular, timely reporting of quarterly financial results. That should provide more clarity on the recent deals signed and new deals going forward.
We will all watch for continuing deal flow, which will ultimately help set the valuation on the company.
In the meantime, there is no way for the company to try and control message board content or the price of the stock. I certainly do not expect the company to provide any forward looking financial projections.
Ultimately, for patient shareholders, this should resolve itself as financial results are disclosed.
We are currently looking for financials in the middle of this month from both the 10k and the Q1. We'll keep you posted.
Viele Greusse,
Frank N. Hawkins, Jr. Chief Executive Officer
Hawk Associates Inc |