transcript hier :
sagt mr b auf seite 9/10 :
"In terms of future for 2019, we have some great prospects with major customers in Asia that we’ve been working on for some time. We’re not at a stage where I can announce design-in [spelled phonetically], but I think maybe by the end of the quarter we will be."
Desweiteren sagt er :
"So, there are at least two main projects that we are close to winning, but we should be able to give some updates at that time.
Particular things that I guess I can mention which are Bluetooth chips, and orders are running very well, at the high end of our expectation, and gaining more circuits [spelled phonetically], and equally, our Silego products, the configurable power management products -- we’re making quite a lot of inroads in a lot of new customers. And again, we will take opportunities at the earnings release, or call related to the earnings release, to detail out quite a few of those, because we think they’re quite significant wins. "
insofern kann man auf den nächsten call gespannt sein ...
aber die aussage bzgl. massgeblicher design-wins betrifft asiaten ...
und synaptics ist kein asiate