das posting stammt von dem W:O Nick : tyrionfg guten tag ich habe gestern mal ne mail an herrn grove geschrieben und auch prompt 3h später eine antwort erhalten. hier mal der schriftwechsel: "Dear Ladies and Gentleman, : : I've been watching and buying cce since july 2006 and I'm : very glad to see the ongoing development of the company. : Due to your good investor information there are only few : questions left and i hope you can provide some answers. : : 1. blue river property: : you have done a lot of drilling in the last months and : achieved good results and a very encouraging 43-101 : resource estimate for the upper fir deposit. i wonder: : -if there are any results (drilling, other) pending yet. : -if the drill cores are also assayed for rare earth : elements (and phosphate) or is it planned to investigate : for the ree- potential of the carbonatites in the future. : (i know, there are some results for cer and lanthan : content available from earlier exploration work) : - if there are investigations for the recovery of : (uranium), ree's and phosphate in the pending : metallurgical testworks : - if there are any (ecological) concerns because of the : uranium : : 2. eldor property : the prospects of this newly aquired property seem very : excellent due to the size of the carbonatit and the very : encouraging grade of minerlisation found in early : exploration workings. : -is there any detailed plan (timeline, methods) for the : future exploration available ,yet? : : i hope you can give me some answers to my little : questions. amiable greetings from germany. : sincerly .... und hier die antwort: Hello and guten tag Michael: Thank you for your email and your interest in and support of our tantalum and niobium project in British Columbia , Commerce Resources. The drilling on the Upper Fir is set to begin on June 15, 2007. We will first drill about 6 in-fill holes to take the Upper Fir completely into an indicated category, which is as high a category as we need to go with this type of deposit. Secondly we will then drill to the south with an eye to connect the Upper Fir with the Bone Creek deposit which we drilled in 2005. The two deposits are now about 500 meters apart and we believe that they are probably connected and are really just one very large deposit. This may then double again the size of the resource already identified on the Upper Fir. And then we will drill some high grade targets that are about 10 kilometers to the north of the Upper Fir, and just to the east of the Verity deposit. We have received many soil samples grading in the area of 500 – 600 ppm and one sample that was as high as 2,900 ppm, and we feel that it is necessary to drill in this area to see what is there. (The drill average for all 4 deposits at this time is approximately 200ppm tantalum). In regards your question about assays for other minerals, yes we are looking at all of those that you mentioned as well. We have established an average grade for phosphate at 3.5%. This in itself is very exciting because of the growing value of phosphate at this time – we are in contact with farmers who are now paying $600.00 per tonne of phosphate, up from $450.00 a year ago, for only 54% purity! In regards uranium, we are looking at these figures as well, and will report them at the appropriate time. There should be no ecological concerns with any uranium values because whatever we have identified at this time is contained in the pyrochlores with the tantalum and the niobium and so would be then removed off-site for processing. The tailings therefore are completely benign. I totally agree with your thoughts on the Eldor. Additionally, (as was included in the news release), the Eldor has very large grain size, meaning that it has large pyrochores, which are very similar in size to those found at Blue River . Blue River is where the largest pyrochores in the world are found and primarily because of these large pyrochores, at Blue River we have the highest recovery rate for a tanatalum project in the world – 90% on average. If the Eldor, (and this is the most exciting aspect), has a recovery rate anywhere close to that found at Blue River, then it may just be the best niobium deposit on the planet. In regards the timeline and the work program for the Eldor, we are just currently in the planning stage for this. (We actually signed the agreement with Virginia Mines for their claims on Thursday May 24, one day before the news of the acquisition went out). I will be very happy to let you know more abut the details to this exploration program as it is defined. I have added you to our information list and will make sure that you receive all news releases from the company as well as items that we believe will be of interest to anyone involved in the tantalum or niobium business. I am certainly available, by email or phone, if you have any other questions about the project. I look forward to speaking to you or hearing from you again. All the best, Chris Grove eine sehr schöne antwort, wie ich finde. |