bis 2022 und für die Erneuerbaren auf um das 33fache auf 100,000 MW - und obwohl dies in den Berichten so getan wird als gelte dies primär für Solar ist klar,dass es auch generell mit der Erhöhung des Planungsziels für Wind gilt.Ich erinnere daran ,dass Tutsi Suzlon auf Solar ausweiten will. Modi now wants companies from China, Japan, Germany and the United States to lead investments of $100 billion over seven years to boost India's solar energy capacity by 33 times to 100,000 megawatts (MW), said Upendra Tripathy, the top official in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.That would raise solar's share of India's total energy mix to more than 10 percent. India had earlier set an investment target of $100 billion for the next five years for all types of renewable energy, with wind taking up two-thirds of the total. In an interview, Tripathy said Modi's new solar target was ambitious,.... Canadian Solar and China's JA solar told Reuters they are looking at making cells or modules - used in solar panels - in India..... ....The government has also announced plans to set up a 1,000 megawatt grid-connected solar PV power projects with viability gap funding support of Rs.1,000 crore. The project is envisioned to be carried-out by central public sector undertakings within three years from 2015-16 to 2017-18.
To achieve its solar targets, the Government of India is planning to train 50,000 people in solar sector to create a “solar army” by providing training in solar energy related areas. The industry is already showing improvements by offering employments to a large section of the society. Solar energy is likely to create around seven lakh jobs in next 10 years in India, says an industry report.
Several public service companies, with support from the Center, have announced plans to set up solar projects across the country. Coal India is planning to establish 1 GW of solar projects across India.
BHEL, an engineering and manufacturing PSU, is planning to set up a 500 MW solar power project worth Rs.3,700 crore. Earlier in July, BHEL also announced it will form a joint venture company (JVC) with a consortium of leading energy companies in India to set up an Ultra Mega Solar Power Project (UMSPP) of cumulative capacity of 4,000 MW in Sambhar Lake area near Jaipur, Rajasthan.....
s.auch diesen Report von Research and Markets: To achieve the renewable energy target of 72,000 MW by 2022, India will have to invest around US$ 46.22 billion, says a new report from Research and Markets.
In addition to this, India will have to make investments in upgrading the transmission and distribution infrastructure and old renewable plants that will reach their end of life. With all these together, India will have to invest US$ 83.35 billion in the renewable energy market till 2022.
India has set the target of achieving overall renewable energy installed capacity of 41,400 MW by 2017 and 72,400 MW by 2022. offenbar nun erhöht auf 100,000 MW