Cardero Resource
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Cardero Resources
den Deal und für das Projekt "Stahl und Miningzentrum Marcona" gegeben haben.
Alles andere würde keinen Sinn ergeben.
Spätestens 5 Arbeitstage nach der endgültigen Genehmigung sind die 10 Mio USD fällig.
Man darf auf die nächsten Tage gespannt sein, dem Kurs sollte das auf jeden Fall Auftrieb geben.
Die gegebenen Informationen sind doch interessant, wenn sie auch nicht immer zutreffend sind.
Trotz dem könnte der Informationsfluss aufrecht erhalten werden.
Oder gibt es andere, gewichtige Gründe, Cardero links liegen zu lassen ?
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Cardero Resources
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Cardero Resources
Pampa de Pongo gehört dann den Chinesen!
Cardero hatt eine prall volle Kasse und hervorragende Beteiligungen an anderen Unternehmen.
Und da gibt es ja noch die Pampa el Torro - Liegenschaft, welche bereits erforscht wird und von wo bereits 40 Tonnen Proben nach USA unterwegs sind, damit die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Abbaus und der Schmelze nachgewiesen werden kann!
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Cardero Resources
Auf jeden Fall sind jetzt die Möglichkeiten ungleich besser, Aktienrückkauf, Entwicklung oder Kauf von
vielversprechenden Projekten, weitere Beteiligungen und und und..
Sie haben neben PeT bereits jetzt noch 3 weitere Schwerpunktprojekte, sollte hier auch nur eins davon
einschlagen kann sich jeder vorstellen wohin die Reise geht und mit nicht mal 70 Mio. shares ist die Aktie
auch noch recht eng zumal ein Großteil in festen Händen ist.
..aber erst mal die 30 Mio.
Früher oder später werden hier große Adressen weiter zugreifen, spätestens wenn ein JV / Verkauf zu PeT
gemeldet wird.
Since 1955, millions of investors in the United States and around theglobe have relied on Federated Investors, Inc. (NYSE: FII) forworld-class investment management. Federated has grown to become one ofthe nation's largest investment managers with more than $392.3 billion in assets under management.
CISA: Rohstoffkonzerne fordern 20%-30% höhere Preise für Eisenerz up, daumen
Die Rohstoffkonzerne fordern für 2010 nach Angaben der China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) 20% bis 30% höhere Preise für Eisenerz. Die Verhandlungen über die Kontraktpreise mit Vale, Rio Tinto und BHP Billiton würden schwierig, berichteten staatliche chinesische Medien. Von Dow Jones Newswires befragte Analysten erwarten für 2010 einen Anstieg der Kontraktpreise für Eisenerz von 20%.
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Cardero Resources
Ein User hatte Kontakt mit Cardero aufgenommen und entsprechend angefragt.
Als Antwort erhielt er sinngemäß: Sobald die News genehmigt sei, würde sie veröffentlicht.
Termin war der 31.12.2009.
Da sollte doch eine Kurzmeldung über Eingang oder Nichteingang möglich sein.
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Cardero Resources
3.495.800 ITH Aktien x 7,71 USD = 26,95 Mio USD
4.154.588 Trevali Aktien x 1,11 USD = 4,61 Mio USD
2.650.353 Wealth Aktien x 0,412 USD = 1,09 Mio USD
Gesamter Beteiligungswert aktuell : 32,65 Mio USD
Fairer Wert bei 58,5 Mio Shares aktuell : > 2 USD
PET, Longnose, Baja, Organullo...alles noch mit 0 bewertet.
Überbewertet sieht sicherlich anders aus..
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Boardmail an "Greeny" |
Cardero Resources
2010-01-11 09:00 ET - News Release
Also News Release (U-NYSE)
Cardero Resource Corp. ("Cardero" or the "Company") (TSX: CDU)(NYSE Amex: CDY)(FRANKFURT: CR5) is pleased to announce its Peruvian subsidiary, Cardero Hierro Del Peru, S.A.C., has received payment of the final tranche of USD 30 million from Jinzhao Mining Peru, S.A., the Peruvian subsidiary of Zibo Hongda Mining Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Nanjinzhao Group Co. Ltd. ("Nanjinzhao"), thereby completing the USD 100 million sale of the Pampa de Pongo Iron Deposit in Peru to Nanjinzhao.
With the successful completion of the sale, Cardero now possesses considerable financial resources. Management is actively reviewing and assessing advanced mineral projects that may be suitable for acquisition, development and/or sale together with various investment opportunities.
Management wishes to reiterate that the Pampa de Pongo iron project was originally purchased by Cardero in early-2004 for USD 630,900 plus 70,000 common shares of the Company - strategically just prior to a major surge in global demand for iron ore. Cardero management recognized the benefits of existing infrastructure near the deposit, including a major highway, power and a deep water port, as well as the proximity to global iron ore markets. Overall, Cardero expended only approximately USD 10 million to acquire and advance Pampa de Pongo to the point of sale - ultimately defining a world class iron ore asset and creating significant value for shareholders.
About Cardero Resource Corp.
Cardero's focus through 2010 is to realise the considerable value it believes is locked in its remaining iron ore assets in the Marcona District of southern Peru, the Baja district of Mexico and in Minnesota, USA while continuing to progress its base and precious metal exploration projects in Argentina and Mexico and aggressively seek out and potentially acquire new advanced stage projects. The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol CDU), the New York Stock Exchange Amex (symbol CDY) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol CR5). For further details on the Company readers are referred to the Company's web site (, Canadian regulatory filings on SEDAR at and United States regulatory filings on EDGAR at
On Behalf of the Board of Directors of CARDERO RESOURCE CORP.
Hendrik van Alphen, President
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 27E of the Exchange Act. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding the potential acquisition of advanced stage projects, are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, variations in the market for, and pricing of, any mineral products the Company may produce or plan to produce, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities, the Company's inability to produce minerals from its properties successfully or profitably, to continue its projected growth, to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies, and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's annual information form filed with the B.C., Alberta and Ontario Securities Commissions and the annual report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), and other information released by the Company and filed with the appropriate regulatory agencies. All of the Company's Canadian public disclosure filings may be accessed via and its United States public disclosure filings may be accessed via, and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.
Cardero Resource Corp.
Quentin Mai
Manager - Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
1-888-770-7488 or (604) 408-7488
(604) 408-7499 (FAX)
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Cardero Resources
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Cardero Resources
Iron ore giants, China square off over pricing
Showdown could benefit Canada’s junior iron miners
Last Updated:Thursday, January 14, 2010 | 2:02 PM ETComments5Recommend4
By Dave SimmsCBC News
An obscure phenomenon in the business world — the pricing of ironore — is quickly escalating into a high stakes melodrama that somebelieve could end up benefiting Canadian iron-mining companies.
The three companies that dominate global production — Brazil's ValeSA, and the Anglo-Australian companies Rio Tinto Group and BHP BillitonLtd. — are going head to head with China, which last year importedclose to 630 million tonnes of iron ore, making it the world's leadingcustomer.
A haulage truck at an Iron Ore Company of Canada mine in Labrador. The company is expected to be just one of the Canadian mining companies to benefit from rising ore prices.Ahaulage truck at an Iron Ore Company of Canada mine in Labrador. Thecompany is expected to be just one of the Canadian mining companies tobenefit from rising ore prices. (CBC)
The two sides are squaring off over the annual setting of thebenchmark contract prices for the fiscal year that begins in April.
Each year at this time, the big three producers negotiate what thoseprices will be with their leading customers in Asia and Europe, but thenegotiations with China have become increasingly dramatic in the lastyear, says Jim Letourneau, who publishes a newsletter for investors inmining stocks in Calgary.
China and Japan have been chafing at the ability of the big threeproducers to command a strong position in negotiations even during lastyear's recession because of their overwhelming market share.
Last July, China arrested four Rio Tinto executives and charged themwith bribery and infringing trade secrets. They are still being heldand have yet to face trial.
Last July, China arrested four Rio Tinto executives at the company's Shanghai office and charged them with bribery and infringing trade secrets. They are still being held and have yet to face trial.LastJuly, China arrested four Rio Tinto executives at the company'sShanghai office and charged them with bribery and infringing tradesecrets. They are still being held and have yet to face trial. (Associated Press)
"Iconsider them almost as hostages in the negotiations," Letourneau toldCBC News. "So, it makes it very difficult for iron ore executives toeven want to set foot in China now because you never know what's goingto happen."
In fact, the Financial Times and Agence France-Presse have bothreported that this year's negotiations are being held in Singapore.
And it's widely reported that the big three producers this year planfirst to reach a deal with Japan and then present those terms to Chinaas a done deal.
"The deal gets presented to the Chinese as 'This is what the rest ofthe rest of the world is paying; now, take it or leave it'," saidLetourneau.
"The big three have that kind of pricing power because they control70 to 80 per cent of the sea-borne iron ore trade, which is how Chinagets its iron ore, so it gets really nasty."
The same economic stimulus spending that has powered China's rise tobecome the world's leading exporter in December 2009 has also increasedsteel demand from the country's 72 major steelmakers and hundreds ofsmaller operations and resulted in "very strong" requirements for ironore, said Patricia Mohr, vice-president for economics with ScotiaCapital in Toronto.
Import volumes at record highs
Sincethe spring of 2009, import volumes of iron ore into China from majorsuppliers in places like Australia and Brazil have moved to recordhighs.
Cash prices have risen sharply as Chinese traders build up stocksbefore a new contract price is negotiated. The China Daily newspaperhas reported iron ore prices soaring to about $150 US per tonne, morethan double April 2009's low.
Mohr said it's hard to say how long it will take to conclude negotiations.
"Even though prices moved down last year, they remained historicallyquite high, and it is of some concern to Chinese steelmakers inparticular and also to Japanese steelmakers," she said.
Rio Tinto three-month chart.Rio Tinto three-month chart.
"Thisyear, I'm expecting contract prices to move up at least about 14 percent from key export points in western Australia into the Asian market.So there probably will be quite a nice jump in price. It could bemore."
Industry analysts have been falling over themselves to raise theirestimates of profits for Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, with Deutsche BankAG recently raising its forecast by as much as 39 per cent.
BHP Billiton three-month chart.BHP Billiton three-month chart.
Mohr predicted Canadian producers, even though they are more focused on western European markets, will also benefit.
"Canadian producers, most of who are found in Quebec and Labrador,can also expect a double digit price increase," predicted Mohr, perhapsof about 12 per cent.
That alone would add to their potential profitability, butLetourneau said junior resources companies might also see their shareprices increase on speculation about asset sales to Chinese companies.
Asian steelmakers, fed up with the market power of the big three,are "motivated to go out and find their own sources," Letourneau said."So, the opportunity is for junior companies developing iron oreprojects that China might want to come along and buy later on."
Vancouver-based Cardero Resource Corp. sold its Pampa de Pongo ironore property in southern Peru to a Chinese steelmaker last year for$100 million US. Letourneau said he expects Cardero could do more deals and that Toronto-based Baffinland Iron Mines, with its property inNunavut, and Calgary's New Millennium Capital Corp. could also dosimilar deals.
Prices good economic barometer
Higher iron ore prices will be good overall for a commodity-based economy such as Canada's, said Letourneau.
"[They are] a really good barometer for economic activity," saidLetourneau. "Demand for steel creates demand for iron ore; demand foriron ore creates demand for shipping and demand for drilling and miners.
"So, there's a whole chain of activity that's created just by the stimulus spending in China."
By Peter Shout
(SP) Toronto - Cardero Resource Corp. (TSX: CDU, AMEX: CDY) is on the hunt for acquisitions after having sold its iron ore interest in its Pampa de Pongo iron deposit in Peru to Nanjinzhao Group for $100 million, having received the final $30 million payment two weeks ago as of today. Metals investors were chatting furiously on the boards Friday over where Cardero would look.
In a January 11th press release Cardero pointed out that when the mining company originally bought the Peruvian iron ore property it only paid $630,000 in cash and 70,000 shares of stock. The comment suggests that Cardero's management was more savvy than lucky and that it might be able to duplicate that success but on a much larger scale - considering the amount of cash laying in Cardero's bank account just itching to be invested.
Still, the base metals mining company stuck to its guns in not adjusting its plans of development on other properties Cardero owns.
Speculation on China's interest in iron ore is also adding to the puzzling direction of the base metal, which is used in the manufacture of steel. The Telegraph's Gary White noted in a January 24th story that, "All of this means that China needs the three main suppliers - Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Brazil's Vale –-as much as these companies need China, the world's number one customer for the sector."
White observed that "talks remain sticky" over price. That could mean other iron ore mining companies might look to partner in property development, or if capital wasn't an issue, develop ore reserves for export to China. Could Cardero fit the bill? The price of Cardero's shares Monday morning say that thought's a stretch with Cardero's shares down 1.4% in AMEX trading at $1.38.
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Cardero Resources
Cardero Updates Project Development Strategy
Evaluating Potential Major Acquisitions
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 2, 2010) - Cardero Resource Corp. ("Cardero" or the "Company") (TSX:CDU)(NYSE Amex:CDY)(FRANKFURT:CR5) is pleased to provide an update on its corporate strategy and key mineral projects following the recently completed sale of the Pampa de Pongo Iron Deposit in Peru for total gross proceeds of USD 100 million. Cardero is now focused on utilizing these substantial funds to maximize shareholder value through advancement of its key development and exploration projects in addition to potential major acquisitions.
The Company continues to advance its Pampa El Toro Iron Sands deposit in southern Peru as ongoing discussions and technical reviews with potential strategic partners progress. Strengthening iron ore markets have triggered an increased interest in this iron deposit that is strategically situated in close proximity to substantial infrastructure including highways, power, a deepwater port and an operating iron ore mine.
Given the Company's current working capital of approximately $93.5 million (prior to payment of the as-yet unquantified taxes in connection with the Pampa de Pongo sale) and significant marketable securities portfolio (current gross market value approximately $31 million), Cardero is also actively reviewing potential mineral project acquisitions. Advanced-stage projects in both the base and precious metals sectors are currently being evaluated with the impetus to identify assets that will contribute significantly to increasing the market value of the Company.
"With the recent sale of Pampa de Pongo for USD 100 million, the Company is now endowed with a strong treasury to put to work on behalf of its shareholders," stated Hendrik van Alphen, Cardero's President and Chief Executive Officer. "We are excited to have the significant funds available for our growth plans but will remain very selective and diligent in their utilization."
"Over the past few years Cardero has also excelled in an 'incubator' role for a number of junior exploration companies within the Cardero Group (," continued Mr. van Alphen. "The Company's shareholdings in International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. (TSX: ITH), Trevali Resources Corp. (CNSX: TV), Dorato Resources Inc. (TSX-V: DRI) and Wealth Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V: WML) have all garnered significant returns. The Cardero Group model has earned significant investor and industry interest – and has emerged as a highly-qualified, multi-disciplinary team of mineral explorationists and technical personnel that can boast a very successful track record."
An exploration drill program is currently underway on the Company's Baja Iron Oxide-Copper- Gold project in Mexico and a follow-up drill program is also planned for the Organullo Gold project in Argentina. A resource definition drill program has recently been initiated on the Longnose Iron-Titanium Deposit, as well as an exploration drill program on the TiTac Iron-Titanium-Vanadium Deposit, both in Minnesota.
Ongoing exploration and development efforts will focus on the following key projects:
- Pampa El Toro Iron Sands, Peru – advancing a large, bulk-tonnage, potentially low-OPEX iron-titanium-vanadium deposit. An initial independent resource estimate completed in mid-2009 indicates a substantial resource within only a fraction of the total concession area. Multi-phase melting tests have successfully been completed (producing pig iron) on iron ore concentrates produced from pilot plant operations at Pampa El Toro. Cardero is in preliminary discussions with major iron and steel groups and is considering both a strategic joint venture to production scenario and/or a potential sale. A conceptual project overview video can be seen at:
- Iron-Titanium Deposits, Minnesota – The Company is undertaking a drill program to generate an independent NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate at the Longnose Deposit, Minnesota, USA. Previous work by BHP stated that Longnose is "the largest, highest-grade resource of ilmenite (FeTiO3) in North America". The independent resource estimate is anticipated in mid-2010. The Company is also carrying out a drill program on the TiTac Iron-Titanium-Vanadium project in Minnesota.
- Organullo Gold Project, Argentina – targeting multi-million ounce gold potential. Initial drill testing of the Organullo gold project is planned for Q1-2010. The Company believes that historic exploration failed to adequately test this large, pervasive gold -bearing system and that it has the potential to host a large bulk tonnage gold deposit. Recent geophysical surveys by the Company, which generated significant anomalies, substantiate this model.
- Baja Iron Oxide-Copper- Gold Belt – an aggressive drilling program is underway following-up previous drill intercepts, highlights of which include 260 metres @ 0.24% copper (within which 47 metres returned 0.74% copper and high grade replacement mineralization of 6.5 metres of 4% copper and 0.4 g/t gold ).
Iron – Titanium – Vanadium Portfolio
Pampa El Toro Iron Sands Deposit - Peru
The initial independent NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate of the dune-field hosted Pampa El Toro Iron Sands Deposit by SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. (SRK) has identified an indicated resource of 241,831,000 tonnes grading 6.67% Fe2O3, 0.72% TiO2 and 172 ppm vanadium plus an additional inferred resource of 629,881,000 tonnes at 6.48% Fe2O3, 0.70% TiO2 and 166 ppm vanadium within only approximately 15% of the total 10,300-hectare concession area. SRK calculated the resource to a nominal depth of 30 metres as a conceptual mining depth to provide a 30-year life-of-mine resource. Drill testing of the dune sands has been undertaken to depths of up to 60 metres in certain drill holes, which have returned similar grades. The September, 2009 SRK report is available in full on SEDAR.
Metallurgical test-work undertaken at the US Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory's 'state-of-the-art' laboratory and testing facilities in Oregon, USA has successfully produced high-quality Pig Iron at a bench-scale level and according to design. Ongoing metallurgical testing at the Colorado School of Mines during 2010 is ascertaining the recoverability of vanadium and titanium from the smelter slag produced during the melting tests.
The Company continues preliminary discussions with several major iron and steel groups with respect to the Iron Sands project, although there can be no assurance that such discussions will lead to an agreement for the sale or joint venture of the project nor can the Company estimate a time-line for any such agreement to be reached. The Company believes that the combination of potentially low CAPEX and OPEX and a quick time to market - offering the potential opportunity to generate significant medium-term cash flow - make the projected economics of the project attractive. Accordingly, the Company will evaluate very carefully any sale or JV proposal with a view to determining the best way to create and enhance long-term shareholder value.
Iron-Titanium-Vanadium Deposits – Minnesota, USA
Cardero is commencing drill programs on both its Longnose Iron-Titanium deposit and TiTac Iron-Titanium-Vanadium deposit, located in north-eastern Minnesota, USA. Previous work by BHP Minerals, a precursor to BHP Billiton (the world's largest mining conglomerate), estimated the Longnose deposit contained 27.57 million tonnes at 21.3% titanium dioxide (TiO2), which it classified as a "probable reserve". BHP also estimated a global resource for the deposit of approximately 45.36 million tonnes, and noted that this remains open. During this period BHP stated that Longnose is "the largest known resource (grading over 46% FeTiO3) of ilmenite in North America with over 27 million tonnes identified".
This historical resource estimate is considered relevant by the Company, both for the purposes of the Company's decision to initially acquire the property and to guide the Company in formulating its resource definition and exploration program for the project. The current drill program will seek to verify the historical resources and includes re-sampling, re-analysis and an independent NI 43-101 resource calculation, which will be completed by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. In parallel with this work, planned metallurgical work will build on work previously completed by Pickands-Mather, Hazen Research and the Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI). Results are anticipated by mid-2010.
The Company cautions that both the BHP report and the included resource estimate were prepared before the introduction of NI 43-101, and are therefore historical in nature and the Company is not treating such resources as a current resource under NI 43-101. Investors are further cautioned that a qualified person has not yet completed sufficient work to be able to verify the historical resources, and therefore they should not be relied upon.
Gold Projects
Organullo Bulk Tonnage Gold Prospect – Argentina
The 100% owned 6,100-hectare Organullo property is located in Salta Province, NW Argentina. The Company is evaluating a large gold -endowed system where the geological features share similarities with the deeper, structurally controlled, epithermal gold mineralization at El Indio in Chile. The Company believes historic exploration failed to adequately test this large, pervasive gold -bearing system and it has the potential to host a large bulk-tonnage gold (with accessory copper and bismuth) deposit.
Earliest recorded work in the area of the Organullo property comes from reports of small-scale production from the Julio Verne mine during the 1930's. Mining activity focussed on two high-grade, sub-parallel veins with concentrates reported to average between 10-20 g/t gold , 8.2% copper and 12.5% bismuth. Most recently, in 1994-1995, Triton Mining Corp. and Northern Orion Explorations, Ltd. jointly conducted a mapping and prospecting campaign and completed a 17-hole, 3,295-metre reverse circulation (RC) drill program. This was followed with a 6-hole diamond drill program in 1997 and an additional 12-hole RC drill program in 1999 by Northern Orion. Despite the aggressive historic drilling, it appears that most of those holes were oriented parallel to mineralized structures and consequently either missed completely the main target structure identified at the Julio Verne mine or provided intersections that are not representative. In addition, recoveries were very poor, on the order of 20-30%, due to loss of potentially mineralized clay rich zones and high groundwater saturation.
Potential remains open at depth below the Julio Verne workings, along strike of known mineralization and along postulated parallel structures that remain untested.
The Company successfully completed its Phase 1 exploration program in mid-December 2009, undertaking components of mapping, soil and rock sampling, and ground geophysics. Initial drill testing is scheduled to occur in late Q1-2010.
Textures, geochemistry, host rocks and alteration assemblages are consistent with the high-sulphidation styles of epithermal mineralization that host prolific gold mineralization elsewhere in the central Andes. Detailed structural and alteration surveys indicate significant hydrothermal fluid activity on the property associated with epithermal mineralization. Drilling will test the potential for large Bajo de la Alumbrera or El Salvador-style porphyry deposits at depth.
Copper – Gold Projects
Baja Iron Oxide-Copper- Gold (IOCG) Belt
Recent structural re-interpretation and analysis has successfully developed multiple bulk-tonnage copper- gold targets on the Company's Baja Iron Oxide-Copper- Gold project. Previous exploration by Anglo American and Cardero successfully intersected locally productive and large pervasive IOCG systems at the Picale and San Fernando prospects in addition to identifying several other large copper bearing IOCG targets. Technical reports with respect to the results of previous work by Anglo and the Company at the Baja IOCG project are available on SEDAR.
Drill highlights ranged from 260 to 280 metres @ 0.20% to 0.24% copper & 19% iron within which higher-grade intervals occur, ranging from 31 to 47 metres at 0.96% to 0.74% copper at San Fernando. At Picale previous exploration drilling by Cardero intersected high-grade mineralization in a flat lying replacement body – highlights include 6.5 metres @ 4% copper and 0.4 g/t gold . Current exploration drilling is testing the test bulk tonnage copper targets at the San Fernando, San Jose and Santa Maria prospects.
Qualified Person
EurGeol Dr. Mark D. Cruise, Cardero's Vice President-Business Development and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release. Dr. Cruise is not independent of the Company as he is an employee and shareholder.
Grant of Incentive Stock Options
The Company announces that, pursuant to its 2002 Incentive Stock Option Plan, it has granted incentive stock options to a director and a consultant allowing them to purchase up to an aggregate of 500,000 common shares in the capital stock of the Company. The options are exercisable at a price of $1.41 for a period of two years ending February 1, 2012.
Audited Financial Statements/Annual Report
The Company announces that its audited financial statements, associated management discussion and analysis, Annual Information Form and Annual Report on Form 40-F for the year ended October 31, 2009 were all filed on SEDAR and EDGAR on January 29, 2010. The Company will provide hard copies of all or any of the foregoing documents to its shareholders, free of charge, upon request to the Company at 1-888-770-7488 or by e-mail to Copies of these documents can also be downloaded from the Company's website at
About Cardero Resource Corp.
Cardero's focus through 2010 is to realise the considerable value it believes is locked in its remaining iron ore assets in the Marcona District of southern Peru, the Baja district of Mexico and in Minnesota, USA while continuing to progress its base and precious metal exploration projects in Argentina and Mexico and aggressively seek out and potentially acquire new advanced stage projects. The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol CDU), the New York Stock Exchange Amex (symbol CDY) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol CR5). For further details on the Company readers are referred to the Company's web site (, Canadian regulatory filings on SEDAR at and United States regulatory filings on EDGAR at
On Behalf of the Board of Directors of CARDERO RESOURCE CORP.
Hendrik van Alphen, President
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 27E of the Exchange Act. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding the anticipated content, commencement and cost of exploration and testing programs, anticipated exploration program results, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves, the potential for the expansion of the estimated mineral resources at Pampa el Toro, the potential for further upgrading of the concentrate from Pampa el Toro, the potential for the commercial production of pig iron from Pampa el Toro concentrate, the potential for the commercial recovery of titanium and vanadium from the slag resulting from the processing of Pampa el Toro concentrate to make pig iron, the timing of any agreement with respect to the sale or joint-venturing, or the development of, Pampa el Toro, the potential low CAPEX and OPEX at Pampa el Toro, business and financing plans and business trends, are forward-looking statements. Information concerning mineral resource estimates also may be deemed to be forward-looking statements in that it reflects a prediction of the mineralization that would be encountered if a mineral deposit were developed and mined. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate, potential and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, adverse changes in the world prices for iron, titanium and/or vanadium, the Company's inability to enter into appropriate off-take agreements for the potential products from any operation at Pampa el Toro, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities, potential difficulties in adapting pilot scale operations and testing to commercial scale operations, the Company's inability to produce minerals from its properties successfully or profitably, to continue its projected growth, to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies, and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's Annual Information Form filed with certain securities commissions in Canada and the Company's annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), and other information released by the Company and filed with the appropriate regulatory agencies. All of the Company's Canadian public disclosure filings may be accessed via and its United States public disclosure filings may be accessed via, and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.
Cautionary Note Regarding References to Resources and Reserves
National Instrument 43 101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43 101") is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators which establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. Unless otherwise indicated, all reserve and resource estimates contained in or incorporated by reference in this press release have been prepared in accordance with NI 43 101 and the guidelines set out in the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (the "CIM") Standards on Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves, adopted by the CIM Council on November 14, 2004 (the "CIM Standards") as they may be amended from time to time by the CIM. United States shareholders are cautioned that the requirements and terminology of NI 43-101 and the CIM Standards differ significantly from the requirements and terminology of the SEC set forth Industry Guide 7. Accordingly, the Company's disclosures regarding mineralization may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by companies subject to the SEC's Industry Guide 7. Without limiting the foregoing, while the terms "mineral resources", "inferred mineral resources" and "indicated mineral resources" are recognized and required by NI 43-101 and the CIM Standards, they are not recognized by the SEC and are not permitted to be used in documents filed with the SEC by companies subject to Industry Guide 7. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability, and United States shareholders are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of a mineral resource will ever be converted into reserves. Further, inferred resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and as to whether they can be mined legally or economically. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of the inferred resources will ever be upgraded to a higher resource category. In addition, the NI 43-101 and CIM Standards definition of a "reserve" differs from the definition adopted by the SEC in Industry Guide 7. In the United States, a mineral reserve is defined as a part of a mineral deposit which could be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time the mineral reserve determination is made.
Cautionary Note Regarding References to Other Mineral Properties
This press release contains information with respect to adjacent or similar mineral properties in respect of which the Company has no interest or rights to explore or mine. The Company advises US investors that the SEC's mining guidelines strictly prohibit information of this type in documents filed with the SEC. Readers are cautioned that the Company has no interest in or right to acquire any interest in any such properties, and that mineral deposits on adjacent or similar properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties.
This press release is not, and is not to be construed in any way as, an offer to buy or sell securities in the United States.
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Boardmail an "Greeny" |
Cardero Resources
2010-02-02 12:00 ET - News Release
Mr. Hendrik van Alphen reports
Cardero Resource Corp. has released an update on its corporate strategy and key mineral projects following the recently completed sale of the Pampa de Pongo iron deposit in Peru for total gross proceeds of $100-million (U.S.). Cardero is now focused on using these substantial funds to maximize shareholder value through advancement of its key development and exploration projects in addition to potential major acquisitions.
The company continues to advance its Pampa El Toro iron sands deposit in southern Peru as continuing discussions and technical reviews with potential strategic partners progress. Strengthening iron ore markets have triggered an increased interest in this iron deposit that is strategically situated in close proximity to substantial infrastructure including highways, power, a deepwater port and an operating iron ore mine.
Given the company's current working capital of approximately $93.5-million (prior to payment of the as-yet unquantified taxes in connection with the Pampa de Pongo sale) and significant marketable securities portfolio (current gross market value approximately $31-million), Cardero is also actively reviewing potential mineral project acquisitions. Advanced-stage projects in both the base- and precious-metal sectors are currently being evaluated with the impetus to identify assets that will contribute significantly to increasing the market value of the company.
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Boardmail an "Greeny" |
Cardero Resources
nach dem Geldeingang
da muß der Holländer wo Neono, Frank Gagel-Matrix, wieder angaschieren, um die Bude zu puschen
vielleicht steigt der Mist dann mal über 1 Euro
man man man. hat man hier den Michel abgekocht, nach allen Regeln der Kunst
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Boardmail an "morleene" |
Cardero Resources
und Luxor hat nun auch begonnen, seinen Bestand zu veringern ( minus 3%)
dem deutschen Michel hat man Sand in die Augen gestreut
Neono (Frang Gagel) mit vollen Taschen über alle Berge
ich hoffe man hat die Lehren aus dieser Abzocke gezogen
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Boardmail an "morleene" |
Cardero Resources
verkauft, dann ist klar, das der Sand auch ein Flopp ist/wird
für die Aktionäre würde es nur noch was bringen, wenn der Laden übernommen werden würde
nur besteht derzeit kein Grund
das bischen Geld was man hat , verballert man gerade mit sinnlosen Bohrungen
am besten wäre es , das Management sofort abzusetzen, die Beteiligungen verkaufen, solange der Preis noch so hoch ist
zusammen mit den Bargeld in der Kasse, könnten die Aktionäre ausgezahlt werden
der Holländer und seine Gang haben mehrfach bewiesen, das sie es nicht können oder wollen
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Boardmail an "morleene" |
Cardero Resources
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Boardmail an "morleene" |
Cardero Resources
sollte auch jedem klar sein, da nun die Eisenerzpreise wieder fallen und immer noch kein JV Partner für PeT gefunden wurde, das dieses Projekt auch nur eine Luftnummer dieser Gang ist. Luxor hat offensichtlich mit dem Abverkauf begonnen
Neono, Frank Gagel und Gang mit dem Geld vom abgezockten Michel über alle Berge
aber vielleicht wird er gerade mit der selben Masche schon wieder zuschlagen
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Boardmail an "morleene" |
Cardero Resources
Antwort einfügen |
Boardmail an "morleene" |
Cardero Resources