ANNOUNCEMENT Notification of important changes concerning voting rights under L. 3864/2010
Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (hereafter "Eurobank") announces pursuant to article 7a (par.6 c) of Law 3864/2010, as in force, the following:
a) Based on the notification received from the company "Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited" (hereafter "Fairfax") on June 3, 2014, Fairfax acquired indirectly on May 30, 2014, through its controlled subsidiaries, 1,290,322,580 ordinary shares with voting rights, issued by Eurobank, representing 13.58% of its total number of ordinary shares with voting rights excluding those held by the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (hereafter "HFSF").
b) Based on the information received from the company "Capital Group Companies, Inc." (hereafter "Capital") on June 2, 2014, Capital held in total (indirectly), as of May 30, 2014, 1,921,212,454 voting rights in Eurobank, corresponding to 20.224% of the total voting rights, excluding those held by the HFSF. The above percentage relates to:
i) 1,796,133,096 (18.907%) voting rights of "Capital Research and Management Company" (hereafter "CRMC"), a company controlled by Capital, excluding those held by HFSF. In these rights are included 800,389,651 (8.425%) voting rights assigned to CRMC under its capacity as investment adviser, from the company "EuroPacific Growth Fund" (hereafter "EUPAC"), holder of 800,389,651 Eurobank's ordinary shares, based on the respective information received on June 2, 2014 from EUPAC.
ii) 125,079,358 (1.317%) voting rights of "Capital Group International, Inc." (hereafter "CGII"), a company controlled by Capital excluding those held by HFSF. These rights are controlled by 4 subsidiaries of CGII, acting in their capacity as investment managers on behalf of international institutional clients.
c) Based on the information received from the company "Mackenzie Financial Corporation" (hereafter «MFC») on June 3, 2014, MFC held in total (indirectly), as of May 30, 2014, 554,838,709 voting rights in Eurobank, corresponding to 5.84% of the total voting rights, excluding those held by the HFSF. MFC has the right to exercise at its discretion these voting rights in its capacity as portfolio manager of its mutual funds, third party clients assets and mutual funds that are structured within its 100% subsidiary "Mackenzie Financial Capital Corporation".