INGN lohnt sich sicherlich..

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13.06.03 01:39

36803 Postings, 8363 Tage first-henriINGN lohnt sich sicherlich..

Der Chart sieht ganz böse nach bullflag aus wie ich meine, SK US 6,556, bei 6 US$ werde ich reingehen mit SL 5,40




Introgen Reports Anti-Angiogenic Properties of INGN 241 Cancer Therapy at Gene Therapy Meeting

AUSTIN, Texas, Jun 10, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- IntrogenTherapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INGN) announced that its mda-7 based cancer drug,INGN 241, demonstrated potent anti-angiogenic properties in a preclinical studyrecently presented during the annual meeting of the American Society of GeneTherapy. INGN 241 is also the subject of an ongoing phase 2 study for thetreatment of solid tumors.INGN 241 supplies MDA-7 protein which induces cancer cell killing, or apoptosis,in many types of cancer. Importantly, MDA-7 can diffuse out of the treated tumorcells and affect tumor cells throughout a tumor mass. MDA-7 also functionssystemically, as a novel immune boosting cytokine, resulting in the recentrenaming of mda-7 as Interleukin-24 (IL-24). Introgen's preclinical studies haveshown that INGN 241 and the resulting MDA-7 protein have the capacity tosuppress and kill cancer cells widely, and by complementary mechanisms.Dr. Sunil Chada, Introgen's director of research and development said, "INGN 241is a promising anti-cancer drug which has previously demonstrated the ability tokill cancer cells in a number of ways, including apoptosis and by activating theimmune system. These new findings show that INGN 241 is also a potentanti-angiogenic agent. We are enthusiastic about a single therapeutic agentemploying multiple mechanisms of action to attack cancer."Angiogenesis is the growth of blood vessels, and in cancer, allows tumors togrow. Anti-angiogenesis is a process which halts the growth of new blood vesselsto starve a tumor by cutting off its blood supply.In the Cancer Targeted Gene Therapy poster session at the meeting, Introgen andcollaborators presented a study which described the anti- angiogenic propertiesof MDA-7 protein. The study showed that MDA-7 protein was 20-50 fold more potentin anti-angiogenic experiments than endostatin, a molecule being evaluatedclinically as an anti-cancer agent. In vivo studies demonstrated anti-angiogenicactivity of MDA-7 in animals -- this activity resulted in inhibition of growthof lung tumors. (Abstract # 325)INGN 241 consists of the human mda-7 gene in Introgen's proprietary adenovirusvector. The mda-7 gene was discovered by the laboratory of Dr. Paul B. Fisher,professor of clinical pathology and the Michael and Stella Chernow UrologicalCancer Research Scientist in the Departments of Neurological Surgery, Pathologyand Urology at Columbia University. Introgen holds an exclusive worldwidelicense from the Corixa Corporation.Introgen is a leader in the development and production of gene-based drugs forthe treatment of cancer and other diseases. Introgen maintains integratedresearch, development, manufacturing, clinical and regulatory departments andoperates a commercial-scale, CGMP manufacturing facility.Certain statements in this press release that are not strictly historical may be"forward-looking" statements, which are based on current expectations and entailvarious risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements include, butare not limited to, those relating to Introgen's future success with itsclinical development program with INGN 241 for the treatment of cancer. Therecan be no assurance that Introgen will be able to commercially developgene-based drugs, that necessary regulatory approvals will be obtained or thatany clinical trials or studies undertaken will be successful or that theproposed treatments will prove to be safe and/or effective. The actual resultsmay differ from those described in this press release due to risks anduncertainties that exist in Introgen's operations and business environment,including, but without limitation, Introgen's stage of product development andthe limited experience in the development of gene-based drugs in general,Introgen's dependence upon proprietary technology and current competition,history of operating losses and accumulated deficits, reliance on collaborativerelationships, and uncertainties related to clinical trials, the safety andefficacy of Introgen's product candidates, the ability to obtain the appropriateregulatory approvals, patent protection and market acceptance, as well as otherrisks detailed from time to time in Introgen's filings with the Securities andExchange Commission, including its annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SECon March 31, 2003 and its quarterly report on Form 10- Q filed with the SEC onMay 15, 2002. Introgen undertakes no obligation to publicly release the resultsof any revisions to any forward-looking statements that reflect events orcircumstances arising after the date hereof.Editor's Note: For more information on Introgen Therapeutics, or for a menu ofarchived press releases, please visit Introgen's Website at: .
Introgen's Progress With Cancer Drugs Presented at American Society of Gene Therapy Conference Mechanisms of INGN 241 Highlighted in 6 Presentations

AUSTIN, Texas, Jun 11, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- IntrogenTherapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INGN) announced that several abstracts highlightingIntrogen's mda-7 based cancer drug, INGN 241, were presented and publishedduring the recently concluded annual meeting of the American Society of GeneTherapy. The studies provide insight into how the mda-7 gene works againstcancer. INGN 241 is the subject of an ongoing phase 2 study for the treatment ofsolid tumors. Another abstract reviewed the effect of Advexin on normal cells.Advexin is Introgen's cancer therapy in phase 3 clinical testing."Introgen had a strong presence at this year's ASGT meeting in which wepresented data from preclinical and clinical studies which define the mechanismsof action of INGN 241 in several types of cancer and suggest anti- canceractivity against a broad spectrum of cancers," said Sunil Chada, Ph.D., directorof research and development at Introgen.Dr. James Merritt, Introgen's chief medical officer presented clinical data inthe Advances in Clinical Gene Therapy session and Shawn Gallagher, Introgen'svice president of production and technical processes reviewed adenoviralmanufacturing for Biologics License Applications in the Industrial Liaison: BestPractice Approaches to achieving GMP Manufacturing in Academia and Industrysession. Introgen anticipates filing a license application for its Advexintherapy in 2004.Some of the highlights presented during the conference include:Introgen evaluated molecular mechanisms underlying tumor-specific cell death inboth lung and breast cancer cells and discovered that treatment of tumor cellswith INGN 241 activates other tumor suppressor proteins, known as PTEN, APC andGSK-3, as well as inactivating important growth promoting genes, such as P13Kand beta-catenin. By learning what happens after treatment with INGN 241 in thepathways which allow cancer cells to grow, a more effective cancer treatment maybe developed. (Abstract #41) This study was presented orally by Dr. Chada in thesession Cancer Apoptosis.Introgen and its collaborators identified a novel pathway activated by INGN 241and demonstrated that killing of tumor cells was substantially enhanced whenINGN 241 was combined with sulindac, a non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drug.Combining both agents resulted in a synergistic anti- cancer effect. (Abstract #20) This study was presented orally in the session Host Interactions and CancerTherapy.A poster in the Cancer Targeted Gene Therapy session described studiesevaluating the anti-angiogenic properties of MDA-7 protein. The study showedthat MDA-7 protein was 20-50 fold more potent in anti-angiogenic assays thanendostatin, a molecule being evaluated clinically as an anti-cancer agent. Invivo studies demonstrated anti-angiogenic activity of MDA-7 in animals -- thisactivity resulted in inhibition of growth of lung tumors. (Abstract # 325) MDA-7protein produced by INGN 241 has potent cytokine activity; this may play animportant role in controlling the growth of tumors. This discovery resulted inthe reclassification of mda-7 as interleukin-24, or IL-24. Interleukins are aclass of proteins that regulate the immune system and have been shown to beintegral in controlling cancer. These data were presented by Dr. Chada in the"Cancer Vaccines" poster session. (Abstract #694)Studies supporting the potential application of INGN 241 for the treatment ofmetastatic disease were reviewed by Dr. Chada in a scientific symposium entitledSystemic Cancer Gene Therapy. The identification of the bystander activities ofMDA-7 protein, namely cytokine and anti-angiogenic activities were discussed. Akey feature of INGN 241 is its tumor cell selectivity; normal cells areunaffected by INGN 241 treatment. (Abstract # SS310)Finally, Advexin has previously been shown to have little or no effect on normalcells, as compared to cancer cell lines. However, in an in vitro study presentedin a cancer therapy poster cells were grown on traditional plastic culturesurfaces (Abstract # 945). When normal cells and lung cancer cell lines weregrown on collagen coated plastic, a much more physiologically relevant surface,and transduced treated with Advexin, the therapeutic index was enhanced, witheven less effect on normal cells, and greater killing of the lung cancer celllines.The mda-7 gene was discovered by the laboratory of Dr. Paul B. Fisher, professorof clinical pathology and the Michael and Stella Chernow Urological CancerResearch Scientist in the Departments of Neurological Surgery, Pathology andUrology at Columbia University. Introgen holds an exclusive worldwide licensefor the gene from the Corixa Corporation.Introgen is a leader in the development and production of gene-based drugs forthe treatment of cancer and other diseases. Introgen maintains integratedresearch, development, manufacturing, clinical and regulatory departments andoperates a commercial-scale, CGMP manufacturing facility.Certain statements in this press release that are not strictly historical may be"forward-looking" statements, which are based on current expectations and entailvarious risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements include, butare not limited to, those relating to Introgen's future success with itsclinical development programs with INGN 241 and Advexin. There can be noassurance that Introgen will be able to commercially develop gene-based drugs,that necessary regulatory approvals will be obtained or that any clinical trialsor studies undertaken will be successful or that the proposed treatments willprove to be safe and/or effective. The actual results may differ from thosedescribed in this press release due to risks and uncertainties that exist inIntrogen's operations and business environment, including, but withoutlimitation, Introgen's stage of product development and the limited experiencein the development of gene-based drugs in general, Introgen's dependence uponproprietary technology and current competition, history of operating losses andaccumulated deficits, reliance on collaborative relationships, and uncertaintiesrelated to clinical trials, the safety and efficacy of Introgen's productcandidates, the ability to obtain the appropriate regulatory approvals, patentprotection and market acceptance, as well as other risks detailed from time totime in Introgen's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission,including its annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 31, 2003and its quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on May 15, 2002.Introgen undertakes no obligation to publicly release the results of anyrevisions to any forward-looking statements that reflect events or circumstancesarising after the date hereof.Editor's Note: For more information on Introgen Therapeutics, or for a menu ofarchived press releases, please visit Introgen's Website at: .     Contact:     Introgen Therapeutics, Inc.     C. Channing Burke     (512) 708 9310 Ext. 322     Email: c.burke@introgen.comSOURCE Introgen Therapeutics, Inc.CONTACT:          C. Channing Burke of Introgen Therapeutics, Inc.,                  +1-512-708-9310, Ext. 322, or

Introgen Reports Anti-Angiogenic Properties of INGN 241 Cancer Therapy at Gene Therapy Meeting

AUSTIN, Texas, Jun 10, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- IntrogenTherapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INGN) announced that its mda-7 based cancer drug,INGN 241, demonstrated potent anti-angiogenic properties in a preclinical studyrecently presented during the annual meeting of the American Society of GeneTherapy. INGN 241 is also the subject of an ongoing phase 2 study for thetreatment of solid tumors.INGN 241 supplies MDA-7 protein which induces cancer cell killing, or apoptosis,in many types of cancer. Importantly, MDA-7 can diffuse out of the treated tumorcells and affect tumor cells throughout a tumor mass. MDA-7 also functionssystemically, as a novel immune boosting cytokine, resulting in the recentrenaming of mda-7 as Interleukin-24 (IL-24). Introgen's preclinical studies haveshown that INGN 241 and the resulting MDA-7 protein have the capacity tosuppress and kill cancer cells widely, and by complementary mechanisms.Dr. Sunil Chada, Introgen's director of research and development said, "INGN 241is a promising anti-cancer drug which has previously demonstrated the ability tokill cancer cells in a number of ways, including apoptosis and by activating theimmune system. These new findings show that INGN 241 is also a potentanti-angiogenic agent. We are enthusiastic about a single therapeutic agentemploying multiple mechanisms of action to attack cancer."Angiogenesis is the growth of blood vessels, and in cancer, allows tumors togrow. Anti-angiogenesis is a process which halts the growth of new blood vesselsto starve a tumor by cutting off its blood supply.In the Cancer Targeted Gene Therapy poster session at the meeting, Introgen andcollaborators presented a study which described the anti- angiogenic propertiesof MDA-7 protein. The study showed that MDA-7 protein was 20-50 fold more potentin anti-angiogenic experiments than endostatin, a molecule being evaluatedclinically as an anti-cancer agent. In vivo studies demonstrated anti-angiogenicactivity of MDA-7 in animals -- this activity resulted in inhibition of growthof lung tumors. (Abstract # 325)INGN 241 consists of the human mda-7 gene in Introgen's proprietary adenovirusvector. The mda-7 gene was discovered by the laboratory of Dr. Paul B. Fisher,professor of clinical pathology and the Michael and Stella Chernow UrologicalCancer Research Scientist in the Departments of Neurological Surgery, Pathologyand Urology at Columbia University. Introgen holds an exclusive worldwidelicense from the Corixa Corporation.Introgen is a leader in the development and production of gene-based drugs forthe treatment of cancer and other diseases. Introgen maintains integratedresearch, development, manufacturing, clinical and regulatory departments andoperates a commercial-scale, CGMP manufacturing facility.Certain statements in this press release that are not strictly historical may be"forward-looking" statements, which are based on current expectations and entailvarious risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements include, butare not limited to, those relating to Introgen's future success with itsclinical development program with INGN 241 for the treatment of cancer. Therecan be no assurance that Introgen will be able to commercially developgene-based drugs, that necessary regulatory approvals will be obtained or thatany clinical trials or studies undertaken will be successful or that theproposed treatments will prove to be safe and/or effective. The actual resultsmay differ from those described in this press release due to risks anduncertainties that exist in Introgen's operations and business environment,including, but without limitation, Introgen's stage of product development andthe limited experience in the development of gene-based drugs in general,Introgen's dependence upon proprietary technology and current competition,history of operating losses and accumulated deficits, reliance on collaborativerelationships, and uncertainties related to clinical trials, the safety andefficacy of Introgen's product candidates, the ability to obtain the appropriateregulatory approvals, patent protection and market acceptance, as well as otherrisks detailed from time to time in Introgen's filings with the Securities andExchange Commission, including its annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SECon March 31, 2003 and its quarterly report on Form 10- Q filed with the SEC onMay 15, 2002. Introgen undertakes no obligation to publicly release the resultsof any revisions to any forward-looking statements that reflect events orcircumstances arising after the date hereof.Editor's Note: For more information on Introgen Therapeutics, or for a menu ofarchived press releases, please visit Introgen's Website at: .







New Introgen Product Candidate INGN 007 Presented at American Society of Gene Therapy Meeting Potent Anti-Cancer Activity Demonstrated in Preclinical Studies

AUSTIN, Texas, Jun 9, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- New adenoviraltechnology exclusively licensed by Introgen Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INGN)from VirRx, Inc. has yielded a promising anti-cancer product candidate,according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Society ofGene Therapy. The new product, INGN 007 (VRX-007), over-expresses a gene thatallows the vector to saturate the entire tumor and to eradicate cancer in animalmodels. Introgen's collaborator, Dr. William S.M. Wold, founder and CEO of VirRxand chairman of the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at St.Louis University School of Medicine presented the data during the recentlyconcluded meeting.Dr. Wold said, "The dramatic activity of these oncolytic viruses in acceptedanimal tumor models is very encouraging and we look forward to moving thisapproach as rapidly as possible into the clinic."VirRx has developed a series of replication competent adenovirus vectors thatover-express an adenoviral gene (ADP gene) that causes rapid disruption(oncolysis) of tumor cells in which it replicates. The ability to overexpressthe ADP gene sets this technology apart from other existing oncolytic virusesand is shown in these studies to provide a powerful antitumor effect. Introgenholds an exclusive license to this technology from VirRx. Most of these vectorshave been genetically engineered to incorporate certain genetic features thatrestrict their replication competency to selected types of cells, such as tumorcells. Additionally, some of these vectors have been further modified withtransgenes which specifically kill cancer cells. These vectors have beenextensively tested in cell and animal models and shown to be very highly activein killing tumor cells."We and others have repeatedly demonstrated that adenovirus based agents can besafely administered in the clinic and have therapeutic activity," said James A.Merritt, M.D., Introgen's chief medical officer. "Dr. Wold's new adenovirusconcepts are very exciting and have the potential for significantly enhancedactivity."Introgen is a leading developer of biopharmaceutical products designed to inducetherapeutic protein expression using non-integrating gene agents for thetreatment of cancer and other diseases. Introgen maintains integrated research,development, manufacturing, clinical and regulatory departments and operates acommercial-scale, CGMP manufacturing facility.Certain statements in this press release that are not strictly historical may be"forward-looking" statements, which are based on current expectations and entailvarious risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements include, butare not limited to, those relating to Introgen's future success with itsclinical development program for oncolytic viruses in the treatment of cancer orother diseases. There can be no assurance that Introgen will be able tocommercially develop gene-based drugs, that necessary regulatory approvals willbe obtained or that any clinical trials or studies undertaken will be successfulor that the proposed treatments will prove to be safe and/or effective. Theactual results may differ from those described in this press release due torisks and uncertainties that exist in Introgen's operations and businessenvironment, including, but without limitation, Introgen's stage of productdevelopment and the limited experience in the development of gene-based drugs ingeneral, Introgen's dependence upon proprietary technology and currentcompetition, history of operating losses and accumulated deficits, reliance oncollaborative relationships, and uncertainties related to clinical trials, thesafety and efficacy of Introgen's product candidates, the ability to obtain theappropriate regulatory approvals, patent protection and market acceptance, aswell as other risks detailed from time to time in Introgen's filings with theSecurities and Exchange Commission, including its annual report on Form 10-Kfiled with the SEC on March 31, 2003 and its quarterly report on Form 10-Q filedwith the SEC on May 15, 2003. Introgen undertakes no obligation to publiclyrelease the results of any revisions to any forward-looking statements thatreflect events or circumstances arising after the date hereof.Editor's Note: For more information on Introgen Therapeutics, or for a menu ofarchived press releases, please visit Introgen's Website at: .


Introgen Reports Safety and Clinical Activity for INGN 241 Therapy; Phase 1/2 Study Shows Potency of INGN 241 as Cancer Cell Killer

WASHINGTON, Jun 6, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- A report of finalphase 1 and initial phase 2 evaluation of Introgen Therapeutics' (Nasdaq: INGN)anti- cancer drug INGN 241 was presented during a scheduled press conference atthe annual meeting of the American Society of Gene Therapy. The trial results inpatients with solid tumors demonstrate that INGN 241 is well tolerated, that theagent is biologically active, and importantly, minimal toxicities are associatedwith the treatment. Introgen's chief medical officer, Dr. James Merritt, wasinvited to present these data at the press conference."Introgen's belief that INGN 241 is one of the most promising anti-cancer genedrugs in clinical development today has been validated repeatedly in ourstudies, and we are gratified that our research has been highlighted asnewsworthy by the ASGT review committee," said Dr. Merritt.Previous studies show that INGN 241 causes cancer cells to die and the MDA-7protein released from the tumor cells may stimulate the immune system to attackadditional metastatic tumor cells. A phase 1 study confirmed that INGN 241 issafe and that the MDA-7 protein is active, and importantly, has a wide area ofbiological effect within injected tumors. In the phase 1 dose- escalating study,tumors from patients treated with the higher dose of the therapy were observedto have the MDA-7 protein in up to 80 percent of cells. The cancer therapeutichas the potential to trigger the human immune system to attack cancer cells.Increases in killer T cells were observed following treatment. To date, in thephase 2 study, although no tumor has responded after a single dose, tumors intwo patients regressed after as few as two doses. Complete regression was notedin a melanoma. Regression was also noted in a case of squamous cell cancer.INGN 241 consists of the human mda-7 gene in Introgen's proprietary adenovirusvector. The mda-7 gene was discovered by the laboratory of Dr. Paul B. Fisher,professor of clinical pathology and the Michael and Stella Chernow UrologicalCancer Research Scientist in the Departments of Neurological Surgery, Pathologyand Urology at Columbia University. Introgen holds an exclusive worldwidelicense from the Corixa Corporation.Introgen is a leading developer of biopharmaceutical products designed to inducetherapeutic protein expression using non-integrating gene agents for thetreatment of cancer and other diseases. Introgen maintains integrated research,development, manufacturing, clinical and regulatory departments and operates acommercial-scale, CGMP manufacturing facility.Certain statements in this press release that are not strictly historical may be"forward-looking" statements, which are based on current expectations and entailvarious risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements include, butare not limited to, those relating to Introgen's future success with itsclinical development program with INGN 241 for solid tumors. There can be noassurance that Introgen will be able to commercially develop gene- based drugs,that necessary regulatory approvals will be obtained or that any clinical trialsor studies undertaken will be successful or that the proposed treatments willprove to be safe and/or effective. The actual results may differ from thosedescribed in this press release due to risks and uncertainties that exist inIntrogen's operations and business environment, including, but withoutlimitation, Introgen's stage of product development and the limited experiencein the development of gene-based drugs in general, Introgen's dependence uponproprietary technology and current competition, history of operating losses andaccumulated deficits, reliance on collaborative relationships, and uncertaintiesrelated to clinical trials, the safety and efficacy of Introgen's productcandidates, the ability to obtain the appropriate regulatory approvals, patentprotection and market acceptance, as well as other risks detailed from time totime in Introgen's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission,including its annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 31, 2003and its quarterly report on Form 10- Q filed with the SEC on May 15, 2003.Introgen undertakes no obligation to publicly release the results of anyrevisions to any forward-looking statements that reflect events or circumstancesarising after the date hereof.Editor's Note: For more information on Introgen Therapeutics, or for a menu ofarchived press releases, please visit Introgen's Website at: .

Mein KZ für die nächsten Tage liegt bei über 8 US$, mein Limit bei knapp unter 6


13.06.03 01:45

36803 Postings, 8363 Tage first-henrikönnte sich auch ein Eistieg lohnen..

Vielleicht eine kleine Konsolidierung abwarten, bei ~ 3,70 $ bin ich drin, SL 3,55 


11.08.10 09:51

4254 Postings, 5795 Tage HeffalumpDas waren Zeiten, aber er lebt

11.08.10 10:35

25951 Postings, 8488 Tage Pichelwie bist denn du drauf?

Mit genug Insiderinformationen und 1 Mio $ kann man schon in 1 Jahr ruiniert sein.
(Warren Buffett)

11.08.10 10:38

10366 Postings, 5866 Tage musicus1yes, man , man man.......

11.08.10 10:41

4254 Postings, 5795 Tage HeffalumpGut drauf, meinte den hier

11.08.10 10:57

10366 Postings, 5866 Tage musicus1Heff, das ist doch hier normal

im board, wer da mitmischt, sollte das risiko kennen, totalverlust, als ich hier erstmals  im board  auftauchte, bin ich auch auf  das pushen hereingefallen, soll heissen, etliche id s , von denen man das nicht erwartet hat, sind auch darunter, also immer be carefull,  ganz wenige hier mit ehrlichen absichten..... und die kennen sich im laufe der zeit....  

11.08.10 11:04

4254 Postings, 5795 Tage Heffalumpmusicus, immer mit der Ruhe, bin am suchen

nach Werten, die heute an Ihrem Tief stehen und da stolpert man über sehr viele Leichen, die so mir nix dir nix von der Börse verschwunden sind (von Hochs weit über 100), leere Hüllen die noch ab und an pupsen aber auch auf einige sehr interessante Werte. Intro hatte ich früher auch auf der watch mal und ist einer von vielen...gehandelt werden die aber noch anscheinend...

Tote gibts genug und carefull bin ich mit Sicherheit nicht...keine Zeit dafür..  

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