John W. Appel Long/short equity, commodities, foreign companies Profile| Send Message| Follow (6) Pacific Ethanol: West Coast Ethanol Margins Indicate Large Profits Starting Q4 2013 Feb. 24, 2014 4:41 AM ET | About: PEIX
A conservative estimate of operational costs is $0.50 a gallon; that leaves an operating income of $0.75 per gallon for PEIX. This does not include revenue from corn oil production, California carbon credits generated from the low carbon intensity of PEIX ethanol, or the expected gain from processing sugar purchased from the federal government at a steep discount. PEIX currently produces roughly 40 million gallons of ethanol a quarter; that implies an EBITDA per quarter of ~20 million is likely. Currently the number of PEIX shares outstanding is ~17 million, meaning EBITDA per share could be well above a dollar per quarter. The current stock price is near $9, greatly undervalued given the positive outlook.
das macht also ohne feedstock , viehfutter und gepresstem oilextrakt die reine alleinige ethanolmarge 30 MILLIONEN Dollar Gewinn !!!!!!!!!!!
konservative schaetzung.... merkst net , dass du keine ahnung |