Second-line chemotherapy for advanced or recurrent endometrial carcinoma previously treated with paclitaxel and carboplatin, with or without epirubicin PFS and OS after second-line chemotherapy by TFIThe differences by TFI in the effectiveness of second-line chemotherapy regimens were investigated. The median PFS was 7 months (1–20 months) for the 26 patients whose TFI was equal to or longer than 6 months, which was significantly longer than the 2 months (0–9 months) for the 14 whose TFI was shorter than 6 months (P = 0.0003 by log-rank test) (Fig. 1). The median OS was 13 months (3–22 months) for the 26 patients whose TFI was equal to or longer than 6 months, which was significantly longer than the 5.5 months(2–44 months) for the 14 whose TFI was shorter than 6 months (P = 0.025 by log-rank test) Tabelle
The treatment-free interval (TFI) is the time between the end of one regimen and the start of the next regimen Was so unwichtige Patientenkriterien mit dem OS anstellen können!;-) Da habe ich noch mal die Zoptrex! E.3
| Principal inclusion criteria | 1. Woman ≥ 18 years of age 2. Histologically confirmed endometrial adenocarcinoma of any subtype. a) Endometrioid carcinoma i.Variant with squamous differentiations ii.Villoglandular variant iii.Secretory variant iv.Ciliated cell variant b) Mucinous adenocarcinoma c) Serous adenocarcinoma d) Clear cell adenocarcinoma e) Mixed cell adenocarcinoma f) Squamous cell carcinoma g) Transitional cell carcinoma h) Small cell carcinoma i) Undifferentiated carcinoma 3. Advanced (FIGO stage III or IV), recurrent or metastatic disease. 4. Measurable or non-measurable disease that has progressed since last treatment. 5. Patients who have progressed after prior first line treatment with platinum/taxane based chemotherapy for advanced, recurrent or metastatic endometrial cancer. 6. Availability of fresh or archival FFPE tumor specimens for analysis of LHRH receptor expression. |
| E.4 | Principal exclusion criteria | 1. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status > 2 2. Inadequate hematologic, hepatic or renal function - thrombocyte count: < 100 x 109/L; - absolute neutrophil count (ANC): < 1.5 x 109/L; - hemoglobin: < 5.6 mmol/L (< 9 g/dL); - ASAT, ALAT, AP: > 2.5 times upper limit of normal range (ULN) (> 5x ULN if clearly related to liver metastases); - creatinine, bilirubin: > 1.5x ULN. 3. Red blood cell transfusion within 2 weeks prior to anticipated start of study treatment. 4. History of myocardial infarction, acute inflammatory heart disease, unstable angina, or uncontrolled arrhythmia within the past 6 months. 5. Impaired cardiac function defined as left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 50% (or below the study site’s lower limit of normal) as measured by MUGA or ECHO. 6. Planned concomitant use of potentially cardiotoxic medication. 7. Chemo-, immune-, hormone-, or radiotherapy (including pre- or post-operative brachytherapy) within 4 weeks prior to randomization. 8. Previous anthracycline-based chemotherapy (daunorubicin, doxorubicin, epirubicin, idarubicin, mitoxantrone and valrubicin), in any formulation. 9. Anticipated ongoing concomitant anticancer therapy during the study. 10. History of serious co-morbidity or uncontrolled illness that would preclude study therapy, such as active tuberculosis or any other active infection. 11. Brain metastasis, leptomeningeal disease. 12. Pregnant or lactating female or female of child-bearing potential not employing adequate contraception. Women of childbearing potential must agree to employ adequate contraception until 6 months after the last dose of study drug, defined as - complete abstinence (Note: acceptable only as “True abstinence”, i.e. when this is in line with the preferred and usual lifestyle of the subject. Periodic abstinence, e.g., calendar, ovulation, symptothermal, post-ovulation methods, and withdrawal are not acceptable methods of contraception); - any intrauterine device (IUD) with published data showing that the lowest expected failure rate is < 1% per year; or - any other methods with published data showing that the lowest expected failure rate is less than 1% per year. 13. Subjects with known hypersensitivity to anthracyclines or peptide drugs, including LHRH agonists. Lack of suitability for the trial: 14. Malignancies arising from the uterine Cervix 15. Uterine sarcomas or mixed epithelial and mesenchymal tumors including carcinosarcoma, adenosarcoma, or carcinofibroma 16. Receipt of 2 or more prior chemotherapy regimens for advanced, recurrent, or metastatic endometrial cancer. 17. Prior treatment with AEZS-108. 18. Use of LHRH agonist or antagonist treatment within 6 months prior to randomization. 19. Malignancy within last 5 years except non-melanoma skin cancer. 20. Any concomitant disease or condition which would interfere with the subjects’ proper completion of the protocol assignment. 21. Concomitant or recent treatment with other investigational drug (within 8 weeks or 5 elimination half life times prior to anticipated start of study treatment). 22. and 23. Administrative reasons |