Die Bestätigung des sehr guten Ausblicks als Reaktion auf die nach meiner Auffassung von Shortsellern bestellten Lügengeschichten hat man dann Mitte Oktober noch einmal angepasst: bei den Umsätzen geringfügig nach unten, beim Gewinn erheblich nach oben. Als Begründung für die geringfügig reduzierten Umsatzerwartungen wird angegeben, dass bei den zugekauften Adressen die Umsätze nicht ganz im erhofften Umfang übernommen werden können, während eine zugekaufte Plattform dagegen noch höhere als erhoffte Margen abwirft. Gerade der Kauf dieser Plattform war in den meines Erachtens von den Shortsellern bestellten Lügenartikeln heftig kritisiert worden. Seit dieser Bekanntgabe liegen wir zwar wieder über 4 Dollar, aber Ihr könnt sicher selber den im folgenden anvisierten Quartalsgewinn von 0,27 - 0,29 Dollar mal vier nehmen und dann den Kurs durch diese Zahl teilen - das KGV liegt danach noch knapp unter 4 - ein unglaublich niedriger Wert für ein Unternehmen, das im Wachstumsbereich 1, dem Local Search, angesiedelt ist. Genau dieser Aspekt hat mich gereizt, mit einer gewissen Stückzahl einzusteigen - allerdings werde ich nicht über meine momentan 5.800 Stück hinausgehen, denn wenn etwas so extrem billig ist, müssen eigentlich auch Risiken da sein, denn andere Anleger sind ja auch nicht blöd.
Press Release
Local.com® Reports Preliminary Third Quarter 2010 Financial Results
Achieves Record Profits
IRVINE, CA, October 13, 2010 — Local.com Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM), a leading local search site and network, today announced that based on unaudited preliminary results for the three months ended Sept. 30, 2010, the company expects revenue to be between $22.5 million and $22.7 million.
The company also said it expects record Adjusted Net Income to be between $4.7 million and $5.0 million or $0.27 to $0.29 per diluted share, which is higher than its previous guidance and primarily due to the higher margins achieved from sales of newly launched products utilizing the recently acquired OCTANE360 platform.
The company has received significant interest in its new product portfolio from existing and potential partners. Since these products have a limited record in the marketplace, the company cautions that there may not be similar transactions in future periods; and even if there are, those transactions may not have similar financial characteristics.
In accordance with normal procedures, these unaudited preliminary revenue and earnings results are subject to further review and completion by the company and its auditors.
“We believe our third quarter sales of OCTANE360-based products represent early validation of this acquisition. Integration of the OCTANE360 product suite into our sales and business development channels is ahead of schedule, and we continue to orient the company towards the sale of these higher volume, higher value ad products for our small business customers,” said Local.com chief executive officer, Heath Clarke. “Revenue came in slightly lower than expected due to lower traffic, almost entirely offset by increased monetization over the second quarter.”
Key Third Quarter Operating Highlights:
Traffic – In Q3 2010, Owned & Operated (O&O) traffic was 50 million monthly unique visitors (MUVs), up 15 percent from the year ago period.
Organic Traffic – O&O organic traffic was 5 million MUVs, flat from the year ago period. Organic traffic is defined as all non-SEM sourced traffic on O&O websites.
Monetization of Traffic – Revenue per thousand visitors was $266 for the quarter, down 1 percent from the year ago period.
Network Sites – The company ended Q3, 2010 with over 1,000 Network sites, and over 82,000 local domains under management.
Small Business Subscribers - The company ended Q3 2010 with over 60,000 small business subscribers.
The preliminary third quarter 2010 financial results are being disclosed because Adjusted Net Income is expected to be significantly higher than previously announced guidance. The company does not intend to release preliminary financial results in future periods unless such results differ materially from prior guidance.
The regularly scheduled conference call to discuss the company’s third quarter 2010 financial results will be announced at a later date.
Adjusted Net Income is defined as net income excluding: provision for income taxes; interest and other income (expense), net; depreciation; amortization; stock-based compensation charges; gain or loss on warrant revaluation and non-recurring items.
An explanation of the company’s use of non-GAAP financial measures, including the limitations of such measures relative to GAAP measures is included below, along with a table that reconciles expected net income to expected Adjusted Net Income for the company’s third quarter 2010 financial results.
For more information on the company please visit:
http://corporate.local.com. About Local.com®
Local.com Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM) owns and operates a leading local search site and network in the United States. The company uses patented and proprietary technologies to provide over 20 million consumers each month with relevant search results for local businesses, products and services on Local.com and over 1,000 partner sites. Local.com owns or manages over 100,000 geo-category domain sites, and tens of thousands of small business customers use Local.com products and services to reach consumers using a variety of subscription, performance and display advertising and website products. To advertise, or for more information visit: