sunwin wird laufen

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14.05.11 01:28

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clownder drops

ist gelutscht,stevia ist am zug,auch die produktion von xylit ist aufwendig und so auch nicht gerade preisgünstig.  

14.05.11 01:49

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clown@Ice-bein

egal wer welchen blocker entwickelt?
oetker,haribo und alle anderen stammkunden von wild sehen das bestimmt anders,da gehe ich von aus und nachfrage nach stevia mit ca.150millionen menschen die es schon nutzen......
Das Interesse an dem natürlichen, kalorienfreien Süßstoff Stevia steigt sowohl in der Industrie als auch seitens der Verbraucher – nicht zuletzt angesichts der Beurteilung der EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) vom 14. April 2010, Stevia-Süßstoffe mit einem Steviolglycosid-Gehalt von mindestens 95 Prozent seien für den Einsatz in Lebensmitteln gesundheitlich unbedenklich. „Wir hatten uns frühzeitig auf eine positive EFSA-Bewertung zu Stevia als sicherem Lebensmittelzusatzstoff eingestellt und mit Hochdruck an unserem Stevia-Portfolio gearbeitet“, erklärt Peter Naylor, Director Strategic Business Development bei WILD. WILD kombiniert qualitativ hochwertige Stevia-Extrakte mit seiner „Taste Modification Technology“ und bietet damit als eines der ersten Unternehmen Komplettlösungen für eine breite Range an Stevia-gesüßten Lebensmitteln wie Süß- und Backwaren und Getränken an.

Abgerundetes Geschmacksprofil
Die Beteiligung von WILD Flavors, Inc. an Sunwin International schafft WILD dabei entscheidende Vorteile. „Wir konnten früh am Geschmacksprofil der Sunwin Stevia™-Süßung feilen. Dabei haben wir entdeckt, dass unsere natürliche ‘Taste Modification Technology‘ optimal ist, um den unerwünschten lakritzartigen, teilweise bitteren Nachgeschmack, den Stevia von Natur aus aufweist, zu eliminieren“, berichtet Peter Naylor. Hersteller profitieren, da sie mit Sunwin Stevia™ hervorragend schmeckende Lebensmittel und Getränke auf den europäischen Markt bringen können, sobald die offizielle EU-Zulassung erfolgt – „als zuckerreduzierte, zuckerarme oder zuckerfreie Varianten“, umreißt Peter Naylor die Möglichkeiten, die WILD der Industrie eröffnet.

Reb A von 60 bis 98 Prozent
Sunwin Stevia™-Süßungen enthalten unterschiedliche Zusammensetzungen von Steviolglycosiden. WILD kann damit individuell auf die Anforderungen der Hersteller eingehen und macht eine flexible Kostenkalkulation möglich. Steviolglycoside kommen von Natur aus in den Blättern der Stevia-Pflanze vor und sind ihre süßenden Komponenten. Unter den Steviolglycosiden ist Rebaudiosid A für seine besonders guten sensorischen Eigenschaften bekannt. Sunwin Stevia™-Süßungen weisen je nach Kundenwunsch aktuell einen Anteil an Rebaudiosid A von 60, 80, 95 oder
98 Prozent auf. Dabei erfüllen sie stets die 95-Prozent-Steviolglycosid-Standards der JECFA (Joint FAO / WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) und anderer nationaler Behörden sowie der aktuellen EFSA-Beurteilung.

Dank der signifikanten Beteiligung von WILD Flavors, Inc. an Sunwin International hat WILD sich nicht nur einen kontinuierlichen Zugang zu Stevia gesichert, sondern zudem Einfluss auf den gesamten Herstellungsprozess gewonnen – „vom Blatt bis zum Endprodukt in flüssiger Form oder als Pulver“, fasst Peter Naylor zusammen.
WILD kann daher die höchste Reinheit von Sunwin Stevia™ garantieren.

und das wissen auch die stammkunden von wild,es werden vielleicht nicht alle stevia einsetzen aber sicherlich so viele das es sich für sunwin lohnt......

EU-Zulassung für Stevia erwartet
Weltweit verwenden aktuellen Schätzungen zufolge bereits rund 150 Millionen Menschen täglich Stevia.  

14.05.11 03:08

3606 Postings, 5478 Tage dieterkuhn@ice-bein #2100

nun ja, es gibt immer ausnahmen in der religion, aber darüber solltest du dir wahrlich nicht den kopf zerbrechen meiner meinung nach ;-)  

14.05.11 10:16

2093 Postings, 6615 Tage GanswindtWollte ich noch nachtragen:

Bin übrigens aufmerksam gemacht worden auf Xucker durch eine direkte, unangeforderte e-mail-Werbeaktion eines Stevia- und Xucker-Anbieters, der darauf hinweist, dass er bei ebay verkaufe.
Also: Es tut sich ungeheuer was, der Stevia-Motor (ein V-12) ist schon warm, läuft allerdings noch im Stand und die Handbremse ist angezogen.

Es kann m.M. nach nur gut sein, wenn ordentlich geworben wird, auch wenn Stevia noch nicht offiziell erhältlich ist. Es erwachen Begehrlichkeiten und Bewußtsein für die Vorteile.
Wir werden sehen, sprach der Blinde!
Carpe diem!

15.05.11 03:29

213 Postings, 5136 Tage guter vaterzu

der info auf der caprisonne.
schon immer ohne künstliche farbstoffe .......
bin gespannt wie das unternehmen diesen schriftzug ändert wenn mit stevia gesüsst wird.
was meint ihr?mit dieser info wirbt das unternehmen damit das sie wert auf gesunde zutaten legen.  

15.05.11 19:24

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clownimmer noch zucker!

15.05.11 20:28

213 Postings, 5136 Tage guter vater@clown

um das gehts.wild solte oder muss ne menge öffentlichkeitsarbeit verrichten damit die zielgruppenn die sie versucht zu erreichen von vorneherein nicht veräppelt.menschen ernähren sich immer gesundheitsbewusster.das sollten sie wissen.  

17.05.11 09:26

1238 Postings, 5549 Tage Papago65Ohne Umsatz in FFM

also NULL AKTIE und dennoch -8% !!?

Wie kann das sein?  

17.05.11 09:56

531 Postings, 5365 Tage Lucky StarterKeine Ahnung

Besonders wenn man sich die Briefkurse anschaut sind die alle noch gleich! Stuttgart sogar 0,26 Cent  

17.05.11 10:00

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clownnach pc nun glg

zahlen von glg,heute ein minus von 6%
es wird hart werden,für einige vielleicht ein überlebenskampf?!
sollten im juni die zahlen von sunwin richtung positiv drehen,dann werden viele aufschrecken.......aber es wird wieder ohne eu sein und deshalb glaube ich nichts neues.  

17.05.11 10:10

531 Postings, 5365 Tage Lucky Starter@clown

hast du vielleicht eine Erklärung warum der Spread heute so extrem ist? Besonders in Stuttgart satte 6 Cent  

17.05.11 10:40

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clown@lucky

eventuell ein beispiel,
an der otc haben wir einen spread von momentan 51%  

17.05.11 12:35

531 Postings, 5365 Tage Lucky StarterInteressant!

Was denkst du wie es sich die nächsten wochen entwickeln wird? Nur deine Meinung!  

17.05.11 13:12

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clownzahlen,

aus wo von fritz 64,
Die nächsten Zahlen kommen hier erst Ende Juli 2011, da es sich um die Q4-Zahlen und um die Jahreszahlen des FY 2011 handelt.
also nicht juni wie ich es dachte,sorry.  

17.05.11 13:18

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clownwie wirds die

nächsten wochen?
nochmal der auszug,hier besteht natürlich fantasie was man noch vorhat,

Allen & Overy berät Commerzbank, UBS und Citigroup bei 250-Millionen-Euro-Kredit für WILD Flavors Gruppe

Frankfurt am Main, 10. Mai 2011. Allen & Overy LLP hat die Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft, die UBS AG und die Citigroup Global Markets Limited als Arrangeure im Rahmen eines 250-Millionen-Euro-Konsortialkreditvertrages für die WILD Flavors Gruppe beraten.

WILD Flavors mit Sitz in Zug in der Schweiz ist einer der weltweit führenden Produzenten von natürlichen Zutaten für die Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie. Das Unternehmen mit rund 2000 Mitarbeitern besteht aus drei operativen, regional ausgerichteten Geschäftseinheiten mit den Schwerpunkten Europa, Nordamerika und Asien/Südamerika.

Der Kreditvertrag besteht aus einer Term Loan Fazilität in Höhe von 100 Millionen Euro und einer revolvierenden Fazilität in Höhe von 150 Millionen Euro. Er dient der Rückführung verschiedener bilateraler Linien und damit einhergehend der Vereinfachung der Finanzierungsstruktur sowie zur Finanzierung des von der Gesellschaft geplanten Wachstums.

ob stevia hier eine rolle spielt?  

17.05.11 17:05

8524 Postings, 7346 Tage sts091280hier nochmal die news

May 17, 2011 - 8:00 AM EDT
SUWN 0.35  0.049
Sunwin International, WILD Flavors and Domino Sugar Collaborate to Leverage All Natural Sweetener Expertise

Domino Sugar and WILD Utilizing Sunwin Stevia(TM) Will Offer the Broadest Sweetening Options for Taste, Price and Flavor Needs

May 17, 2011 (Marketwire) --

QUFU, CHINA and ISELIN, NJ and ZUG, SWITZERLAND -- (Marketwire) -- 05/17/11 -- Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: SUWN), Domino Foods, Inc. (Domino Sugar), and WILD Flavors GmbH (WILD) have entered into an collaboration agreement to support the food and beverage industry by offering all natural sweeteners made from all natural products such as cane sugar, rice, malt and stevia. The three companies have agreed to partner in an unprecedented fashion to focus their company's efforts to introduce a wide range of all natural, low calorie and no calorie sweetening solutions that contain Sunwin Stevia™. These innovative sweeteners can include both natural and artificial sweeteners plus sophisticated flavor modifiers based on the needs and demands of specific customers.

Domino Sugar is the largest marketer of refined sugar in the United States and its affiliates produce and market the nationally recognized Domino®, C&H® and Florida Crystals® brands. In addition to the most comprehensive assortment of refined cane sugar products, Domino also produces brown rice syrup, evaporated cane juice, fondants, honey, invert sugar, malt, molasses, as well as flavor and texture modifiers. Based on this wide assortment of sweeteners, Domino has built long-term, outstanding business relationships with many consumer product companies, retailers, foodservice operators and distributors.

WILD Flavors is a worldwide leader in natural flavor and ingredient systems as well as individual components including: natural flavors, extracts, natural colors, concentrates, sweetening systems, specialty ingredients and seasonings for the food and beverage industry. WILD's innovations consist of a broad range of natural products, vast experience and knowledge in providing unique, complete system solutions that create great taste, functionality and value for their customers.

Sunwin International (Sunwin) is one of the leading global suppliers of stevia and is committed to sustainable production and supply of the widest range of high quality stevia extracts available. Two years ago, WILD and Sunwin created a strategic collaboration focused on the distribution of Sunwin Stevia™ extracts, and the development of world-class stevia related taste modification technologies to support the creation of great-tasting products that are of the highest purity and quality available in the industry.

Mr. Laiwang Zhang, Chairman of Sunwin International, stated, "Two years ago we created a partnership with the greatest flavor innovation company in the world in WILD Flavors. Now we are collaborating with the most recognized leader in the sugar industry in Domino Sugar. Through quality, innovation and teamwork, our three companies will create great tasting, all natural, sweetener solutions for consumer product companies who are focused on satisfying the latest consumer trends. We are excited about the future opportunities we will encounter together."

"With our strength and breadth in natural sweeteners, we are very excited about the opportunity to create new blends and offer the healthy benefits of stevia to consumers," stated Mr. Brian F. O'Malley, President and Chief Executive Officer of Domino Sugar. "As we continue to focus on our customers' demands to provide competitive and natural solutions for their sweetener solutions, Sunwin International and WILD Flavors are the perfect partners and leaders in the stevia industry, as well as innovators in the use of stevia with other ingredients to create great tasting food and beverages."

Mr. Michael Ponder, Global Chief Executive Officer of WILD Flavors GmbH, commented, "With Domino Foods and its affiliates as suppliers of sugar and sweetening systems, WILD, Domino and Sunwin will benefit from the systems' approach to drive the growth of the stevia market meeting the consumers' growing interest for calorie reduction and 'naturalness.' WILD has invested substantial time and technical efforts for several years to develop proprietary taste modification technologies for stevia, sugar, and artificial sweeteners, and looks forward to working with Domino and Sunwin for mutual worldwide opportunities for our companies and customers."

About Domino Foods, Inc.
Headquartered in Iselin, NJ, Domino Foods, Inc. is the largest marketer of refined sugar in the U.S. The company is responsible for the sales, marketing and logistics (including the order to cash cycle) for the output of the American Sugar Refining, Inc., C&H Sugar Company, Inc., and Okeelanta Corporation (a subsidiary of Florida Crystals Corporation). The company sells through five distribution channels (Industrial, Grocery, Foodservice, Specialty and Export). Products are sold with the following trademarks -- Domino®, C&H® and Florida Crystals®.

About WILD Flavors GmbH
WILD Flavors GmbH, based in Zug, Switzerland, is one of the world's leading privately-owned manufacturers of natural ingredients for the food and beverage industry. WILD Flavors provides specific flavors, colors, and ingredients as well as innovative and great tasting concepts through application expertise and technological advancements. For more information about WILD, please visit: or

About Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc.
Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc. engages in the areas of essential traditional Chinese medicine and zero calorie natural sweeteners (Sunwin Stevia™ Extracts). As an industry leader in agricultural processing, Sunwin has built an integrated global firm with the sourcing and production capabilities to meet the needs of consumers throughout the world. For more info about Sunwin, please visit

Safe Harbor Statement
Sunwin International, Inc., is hereby providing cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those projected in forward-looking statements (as defined in such act). Any statements that are not historical facts and that express, or involve discussions as to, expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, indicated through the use of words or phrases such as "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimated," "intends," "plans," "believes" and "projects") may be forward-looking and may involve estimates and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. These statements include, but are not limited to, our guidance and expectations regarding revenues, net income and earnings.

We caution that the factors described herein could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements we make and that investors should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. Further, any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made, and we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict all of such factors. Further, we cannot assess the impact of each such factor on our results of operations or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. This press release is qualified in its entirety by the cautionary statements and risk factor disclosure contained in our Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2010.


Domino Foods
Mr. Brian O'Malley
President & CEO
120 Wood Avenue
Suite 515
Iselin, NJ 08830

WILD Flavors GmbH
Dr. Erik Donhowe
WILD Flavors, Inc.
Chief Operating Officer
1261 Pacific Avenue
Erlanger, KY 41018

Sunwin International
Mr. Jeff Reynolds
PO Box 1017
Frisco, Texas 75034

Source: Marketwire (May 17, 2011 - 8:00 AM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia  

17.05.11 17:05

8524 Postings, 7346 Tage sts091280neukunden.... klingeling....

17.05.11 17:29

531 Postings, 5365 Tage Lucky StarterNasdaqu 19,99% ?

17.05.11 17:29

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clownlucky!

so schnell kanns gehen!
ich denke es wird wieder wie in der vergangenheit,es ist erst dienstag bis sich richtig verbreitet hat,kann es bis freitag richtig knallen........  

17.05.11 17:57

8524 Postings, 7346 Tage sts091280hier nochmal die news

May 17, 2011 - 8:00 AM EDT
SUWN 0.35  0.049
Sunwin International, WILD Flavors and Domino Sugar Collaborate to Leverage All Natural Sweetener Expertise

Domino Sugar and WILD Utilizing Sunwin Stevia(TM) Will Offer the Broadest Sweetening Options for Taste, Price and Flavor Needs

May 17, 2011 (Marketwire) --

QUFU, CHINA and ISELIN, NJ and ZUG, SWITZERLAND -- (Marketwire) -- 05/17/11 -- Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: SUWN), Domino Foods, Inc. (Domino Sugar), and WILD Flavors GmbH (WILD) have entered into an collaboration agreement to support the food and beverage industry by offering all natural sweeteners made from all natural products such as cane sugar, rice, malt and stevia. The three companies have agreed to partner in an unprecedented fashion to focus their company's efforts to introduce a wide range of all natural, low calorie and no calorie sweetening solutions that contain Sunwin Stevia™. These innovative sweeteners can include both natural and artificial sweeteners plus sophisticated flavor modifiers based on the needs and demands of specific customers.

Domino Sugar is the largest marketer of refined sugar in the United States and its affiliates produce and market the nationally recognized Domino®, C&H® and Florida Crystals® brands. In addition to the most comprehensive assortment of refined cane sugar products, Domino also produces brown rice syrup, evaporated cane juice, fondants, honey, invert sugar, malt, molasses, as well as flavor and texture modifiers. Based on this wide assortment of sweeteners, Domino has built long-term, outstanding business relationships with many consumer product companies, retailers, foodservice operators and distributors.

WILD Flavors is a worldwide leader in natural flavor and ingredient systems as well as individual components including: natural flavors, extracts, natural colors, concentrates, sweetening systems, specialty ingredients and seasonings for the food and beverage industry. WILD's innovations consist of a broad range of natural products, vast experience and knowledge in providing unique, complete system solutions that create great taste, functionality and value for their customers.

Sunwin International (Sunwin) is one of the leading global suppliers of stevia and is committed to sustainable production and supply of the widest range of high quality stevia extracts available. Two years ago, WILD and Sunwin created a strategic collaboration focused on the distribution of Sunwin Stevia™ extracts, and the development of world-class stevia related taste modification technologies to support the creation of great-tasting products that are of the highest purity and quality available in the industry.

Mr. Laiwang Zhang, Chairman of Sunwin International, stated, "Two years ago we created a partnership with the greatest flavor innovation company in the world in WILD Flavors. Now we are collaborating with the most recognized leader in the sugar industry in Domino Sugar. Through quality, innovation and teamwork, our three companies will create great tasting, all natural, sweetener solutions for consumer product companies who are focused on satisfying the latest consumer trends. We are excited about the future opportunities we will encounter together."

"With our strength and breadth in natural sweeteners, we are very excited about the opportunity to create new blends and offer the healthy benefits of stevia to consumers," stated Mr. Brian F. O'Malley, President and Chief Executive Officer of Domino Sugar. "As we continue to focus on our customers' demands to provide competitive and natural solutions for their sweetener solutions, Sunwin International and WILD Flavors are the perfect partners and leaders in the stevia industry, as well as innovators in the use of stevia with other ingredients to create great tasting food and beverages."

Mr. Michael Ponder, Global Chief Executive Officer of WILD Flavors GmbH, commented, "With Domino Foods and its affiliates as suppliers of sugar and sweetening systems, WILD, Domino and Sunwin will benefit from the systems' approach to drive the growth of the stevia market meeting the consumers' growing interest for calorie reduction and 'naturalness.' WILD has invested substantial time and technical efforts for several years to develop proprietary taste modification technologies for stevia, sugar, and artificial sweeteners, and looks forward to working with Domino and Sunwin for mutual worldwide opportunities for our companies and customers."

About Domino Foods, Inc.
Headquartered in Iselin, NJ, Domino Foods, Inc. is the largest marketer of refined sugar in the U.S. The company is responsible for the sales, marketing and logistics (including the order to cash cycle) for the output of the American Sugar Refining, Inc., C&H Sugar Company, Inc., and Okeelanta Corporation (a subsidiary of Florida Crystals Corporation). The company sells through five distribution channels (Industrial, Grocery, Foodservice, Specialty and Export). Products are sold with the following trademarks -- Domino®, C&H® and Florida Crystals®.

About WILD Flavors GmbH
WILD Flavors GmbH, based in Zug, Switzerland, is one of the world's leading privately-owned manufacturers of natural ingredients for the food and beverage industry. WILD Flavors provides specific flavors, colors, and ingredients as well as innovative and great tasting concepts through application expertise and technological advancements. For more information about WILD, please visit: or

About Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc.
Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc. engages in the areas of essential traditional Chinese medicine and zero calorie natural sweeteners (Sunwin Stevia™ Extracts). As an industry leader in agricultural processing, Sunwin has built an integrated global firm with the sourcing and production capabilities to meet the needs of consumers throughout the world. For more info about Sunwin, please visit

Safe Harbor Statement
Sunwin International, Inc., is hereby providing cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those projected in forward-looking statements (as defined in such act). Any statements that are not historical facts and that express, or involve discussions as to, expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, indicated through the use of words or phrases such as "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimated," "intends," "plans," "believes" and "projects") may be forward-looking and may involve estimates and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. These statements include, but are not limited to, our guidance and expectations regarding revenues, net income and earnings.

We caution that the factors described herein could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements we make and that investors should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. Further, any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made, and we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict all of such factors. Further, we cannot assess the impact of each such factor on our results of operations or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. This press release is qualified in its entirety by the cautionary statements and risk factor disclosure contained in our Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2010.


Domino Foods
Mr. Brian O'Malley
President & CEO
120 Wood Avenue
Suite 515
Iselin, NJ 08830

WILD Flavors GmbH
Dr. Erik Donhowe
WILD Flavors, Inc.
Chief Operating Officer
1261 Pacific Avenue
Erlanger, KY 41018

Sunwin International
Mr. Jeff Reynolds
PO Box 1017
Frisco, Texas 75034

Source: Marketwire (May 17, 2011 - 8:00 AM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia  

17.05.11 17:58

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clownund hier

17.05.11 18:09

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clownund medien!

17.05.11 18:40

1281 Postings, 5167 Tage art1631So langsam sollten die 40 USD cent fallen

 Dieser Zickzackkurs kann nicht lange anhalten.


17.05.11 19:49

5560 Postings, 5571 Tage clownzickzack nach oben
der gigantische markt erwacht nun langsam und setzt europa gleichzeitig immer mehr unter druck!
es werden sicherlich noch einige meldungen folgen......  

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| 86 | 87 | 88 | ... | 1440   
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