Novelos hat anscheinend durch Umwandlung von Vorzugsaktien in Stammaktien den Kapitalstock ausgeweitet: Nach neuesten Angaben gibt es derzeit 453 Millionen Stammaktien. Das war aber keine Umwandlung, die umsonst geschah, die Conversion ist zumindest wohl einigermassen Geld-neutral abgelaufen:
Additionally, on November 30, 2010, Novelos effected a share exchange by issuing 340,935,801 shares of common stock in exchange for all outstanding shares of two series of preferred stock. The preferred stock represented a cumulative liquidation preference of $27.3 million prior to exchange into common stock and had been convertible at $0.65 per common share. In the share exchange, the common stock was issued at $0.08 per common share, calculated as the liquidation preference divided by the number of shares issued, representing a 100% premium over market price. The share exchange eliminated special voting rights previously held by the preferred stockholders, $2.4 million of accumulating annual dividends and the $27.3 million liquidation preference. Following the share exchange, Novelos has approximately 453 million shares of common stock outstanding. |