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31.08.07 10:13

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroNew Cabinet named today

New Cabinet named today

PRIME Minister Sir Michael Somare is expected to announce his full Cabinet today with the National Alliance retaining the deputy prime ministership.
But the man tipped to occupy the post, former deputy prime Minister and Kandep MP Don Polye last night said it was the Prime Minister's prerogative on who he chose as his number two. He said he would accept Sir Michael’s decision.
NA president Simon Kaiwi confirmed the second highest post would be retained by the party and given the Highlands branch had returned the second largest number of MPs, Mr Poyle was among the top contenders for the job.
It is understood that the party has unanimously agreed Mr Polye should get the job.
It is a closed camp as far as the new Cabinet makeup goes, but sources have tipped the all-important Finance ministry going to former Opposition Leader and Ialibu Pangia MP Peter O’Neill and Treasury to former Forest Minister and Aitape Lumi MP Patrick Pruaitch.
Former soldier and Vanimo Green River MP Belden Namah is tipped for the Forestry job, according to party insiders.
Former National Planning Secretary and Lagaip Porgera MP Philip Kikala is tipped to take on the National Planning ministry with Wabag MP Sam Abal continuing as Inter-Government Relations Minister.
POMIO MP and former Foreign Affairs Minister Paul Tiensten is likely to retain his portfolio and two of his colleague MPs from East New Britain – Dr Allan Marat of Rabaul and Patrick Tammur – are also tipped for ministries.
Leader of People’s Democratic Movement and North Bougainville MP Michael Ogio is expected to be given the public Service Ministry while Bougainville Regional MP Fidelis Semoso is tipped to be the Government Whip and also Minister for Bougainville Affairs.
Angoram MP Arthur Somare is tipped to be the minister responsible for Internal Security and leader of People’s Action Party and Maprik MP Gabriel Kapris is set to retain his Works ministry.
Leader of United Resource Party and Hagen MP William Duma has been acting in three ministries and may be given the Petroleum and Energy Ministry. The deputy leader of the NA party from the Southern region Dr Puka Temu could retain his Land ministry and leader of the Pangu party Andrew Kumbakor is likely to be given a ministry.
However, as Mr Polye said, the prerogative is with Sir Michael.


31.08.07 22:10

14 Postings, 6241 Tage anleger123radiosender

es gab mal eine interessante radiosendung, die hieß glaub ich onkel hottes märchenstunde. auf einer australischen seite gibt es auch eine anleitung (in 11 schritten) eine aktie zu manipulieren (lektion glernt). ich weiß nicht bei welcher stufe  hier angelangt ist (bin nicht investiert, war`s mal). wie weit seid ihr eigentlich wegen eurer klage bzw. mit dem invest in w:o? ((lach mich geradezu schief)) rentner ist (meine meinung) me lachnummer, aber ihr gebt noch eins drauf, sorry (meine meinung). wenn ich eure mehrfach id`s hier lese und mit denen bei w:o vergleiche (oh, oh). ich hoffe die gesetzgebung ändert sich und ihr könnt belangt werden. (wie gesagt, bin kein anleger und alles ist meine persönliche meinung).  

31.08.07 22:50

22 Postings, 6343 Tage gertschiradiosender

Hallo Anleger123,
du mußt Journalist sein. Viele Themen angeschnitten - aber ohne stimmige Aussagen.

PS: Die tägliche Volatilität bei BOC ist zwar hoch, aber die maximalen Ausschläge im Jahr unter 50 %. Willst Du die Aktie mit Deiner "Meinung" manipulieren ?    

01.09.07 12:06

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro#577

Für den Stuss extra angemeldet ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))  

02.09.07 20:48

177 Postings, 6274 Tage joeboein wichtiger Schritt

Papua New Guinea's Autonomous Bougainville province President, Joseph Kabui, has signed an agreement with Mekamui rebels for reconciliation and the resumption of mining.

Our reporter, Firmin Nanol, says that President Joseph Kabui says the Autonomous government and Mekamui rebels have to work together to achieve lasting peace on the island.

He says they have signed the Panguna Communique with a faction of the rebels which wants unity to work towards a political future for Bougainville.

"A time has come now when ABG and the Mekamui cannot stay as two separate entities for the ultimate question of the political future of Bougainville," President Kabui said.

The rebels have pledged to remove a road blockade near the abandoned Panguna Copper mine.

The owner of the mine, Bougainville Copper, says it is ready to reopen the mine.

PNG's new Mining Minister, Dr Puka Temu, has supported the plans.  

03.09.07 01:35

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroMe ekamui to remove Morgan Junction roadblock

Teil 1

Me’ekamui to remove Morgan Junction roadblock

THE Me’ekamui rebels in Panguna will do everything they can to remove the Morgan Junction roadblock.
They said the roadblock had prevented government services from reaching their areas and caused their people to suffer.
Panguna Me’ekamui commander General Moses Pipiro said he was unhappy with the presence of the roadblock because many of those manning the roadblock did not come from Panguna or the Kieta district and had caused the Panguna people to suffer.
He said many of those manning the roadblock had run away from their areas after causing trouble.
Meanwhile, Mr Pipiro called on the members of the Panguna Me’ekamui and the former combatants from the Ioro constituency to respect the signing of the Panguna Communiqué.
He said the signing of the agreement was a significant milestone because it paved the way for government services to reach their areas.


03.09.07 02:02

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroMeekamui does deal

Aufhebung der No-Go-Zone
Einsammeln aller Waffen um die Panguna-Area sowie Gewaltverbot.
Repräsentation der Panguna Landeigner an allen Verhandlungen.
Sicherheit u. Umweltschutz in der Panguna Area
AGB u. Meekamuis als Partner

Damit dürften  im Prinzip alle Unstimmigkeiten zwischen ABG,Landeignern,Meekamui u. BOC kurz vor ihrer Löesung stehen.;-)))))))))))

Me’ekamui does deal

THE Me’ekamui faction at Panguna in the Ioro constituency of Central Bougainville has pledged their total support to work with the Autonomous Bougainville Government to bring basic services to their area.
This follows the signing of an agreement last Thursday at Panguna between the ABG, the Me’ekamui Government of Unity, Me’ekamui Defence Force, chiefs, women leaders and youth representatives from the area.
The ABG was represented by President Joseph Kabui, vice president John Tabinaman, member for ex-combatants in Central Bougainville Glynne Tovirika, Ioro constituency member Dr Benedict Pisi and acting chief administrator Raymond Masono.
Called the Panguna Communiqué, the signing also paves the way for the establishment of the Panguna people’s own district administration to administer the affairs of their area.
According to the secretary of the Me’ekamui Government of Unity, Robin Tekapu, they had decided to sign this agreement with the ABG because they saw that there were no basic services reaching their areas resulting in their people suffering.
“We have decided to sign this Panguna Communiqué because we saw that while other Me’ekamui factions in the region were benefiting from government services, the people where Me’ekamui originated from were suffering. That is why we have decided to work closely with the ABG because they will be able to bring basic services like education and health services into our area,” Mr Tekapu said.
“We have also decided to work with the ABG because we saw that we are both aiming for the same destination and that is the political independence of Bougainville,” Mr Tekapu added.
Mr Tekapu said they now had a big role to come up with plans for the containment of all weapons in their area.
Some of the points mentioned in the communiqué include:
* Establishment of the Panguna district administration;
* Healing political differences between Panguna people and the rest of Bougainville;
* Unity between Me’ekamui and ABG aligned chiefs;
* DENOUNCING the use of violence and weapons containment plan;
* REMOVAL of the Morgan Junction roadblock;
* THE Panguna mine issue;
* REPRESENTATION of Panguna landowners at any talks regarding mining at Panguna; and
* SAFETY and environmental concerns of the Panguna mining areas.
After the signing of the Panguna Communiqué’, Mr Kabui told the people of Panguna that the signing had “now cemented” the ABG and Me’ekamui.
“I want to salute and thank you all for making it possible for us to come for this important occasion. The signing has now cemented us as partners. This signing is not for separation, we are heading for the same destination.
“We should not see each other as competitors, but as partners. We should all work together because we are all heading for the same target,” Mr Kabui said.
“You have the total support of the ABG to establish the Panguna district administration. I will give A special case for people who will work in this administration. You will be responsible to manage it because you know how critical the situation is. Later on we will follow the proper procedures to recruit people who will manage this administration,” Mr Kabui said.
He is appealing to the other Me’ekamui factions in the region to respect the decision of the Me’ekamui faction in Panguna.

03.09.07 03:37

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroErstes AU BID 100 K a 0,87 AUD ;-))))

Trade 89.5K

Me’ekamui, B’ville govt sign communique

Versöhnungsfeier unter Aufsicht der UN abgehalten. ;-)))


THE people of Ioro 1 and Ioro 2 in the heart of Panguna have buried their differences and decided to form one Panguna district administration to serve its people for the first time in 18 years.
This resulted in the signing of the Panguna Communique between the Me’ekamui unity government and Autonomous Bougainville Government at the Panguna Oval last Thursday.
The ceremony was witnessed by a United Nations representative, UNDP programme coordinator on Bougainville Howard Wilson, acting chief administrator for Bougainville Raymond Masono and the chief executive officer for Kokopau district Tony Tsora.
The event started with a reconciliation ceremony during a mass served by Panguna’s priest Fr Mathew Pisi.
The ceremony was to mark the reconciliation between Panguna leaders and people who were on the ABG side, who were headed by ABG member for Ioro Dr Benedict Pisi, and Panguna leaders and people currently on the Mekamui side led by Philip Takaun and Philip Miriori.
After the reconciliation ceremony, the group was led by a singsing group to the oval where a flag raising ceremony was held, followed by speeches and the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoA).
Fr Pisi called on the people to change their attitude and work as partners to develop Panguna.


03.09.07 10:35

1158 Postings, 6353 Tage sumoeyBOC wird wie Petrel steigen und keiner merkt es

Petrel hat sich verzehnfacht,BOC wird das Gleiche passieren  

03.09.07 11:27

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBougainville rebels sign deal with govt

Monday September 3, 06:19 PM

Bougainville rebels sign deal with govt

Secessionist rebels based around Bougainville's derelict Panguna copper mine have agreed to work with the island's autonomous government to restore services, destroy illegal weapons and assess a return to mining.

A faction of the pro-independence Meekamui movement at Panguna signed an agreement with Bougainville President Joseph Kabui on Thursday.

The movement, formed by the late secessionist leader Francis Ona, has maintained no-go zones in south and central Bougainville and previously avoided working with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), elected in 2005.

Ona led a secessionist revolt against the Papua New Guinea government in which thousands of people died during the 1990s.

Landowner anger over environmental damage and lack of returns from the Australian-run Panguna mine sparked the conflict and shut the mine in 1989.

Since Ona's death from illness in 2005, the Meekamui movement has fragmented, but some factions now want the services the autonomous government can provide.

The ousted mining company, Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL), more than 50 per cent owned by Rio Tinto, is hopeful of a return to mining on the island.

Panguna is estimated to have a remaining mining life of 15 years but it could take more than $US1 billion ($A1.23 billion) to get it up and running again.

Under the new Panguna Communique, the people of the area will form their own district administration.

Meekamui Government of Unity secretary Robin Tekapu told PNG's Post-Courier newspaper that his people had decided to sign the communique because no government services were reaching his people and they were suffering.

"We have decided to work closely with the ABG because they will be able to bring basic services like education and health services into our area.

"We have also decided to work with the ABG because we saw that we are both aiming for the same destination and that is the political independence of Bougainville."

Under the 2001 Bougainville Peace Agreement, Bougainvilleans have been promised a referendum on independence in about 10 years time.

Tekapu said it was now a case of making plans to contain and destroy weapons, remove the roadblock patrolled by armed men at Morgan Junction below the mine and look at the resumption of mining.

Under the communique, Panguna landowners will be represented at any talks on mining and their concerns over safety and environmental issues surrounding the mine will be addressed.

Kabui told the Panguna people they were now partners with his government and were heading for the same target.

"A time has come now when ABG and the Meekamui cannot stay as two separate entities for the ultimate question of the political future of Bougainville," he said.


03.09.07 11:46

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBougainville rebels sign deal with govt

03.09.07 16:52

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroVOL

Nach einem VOL von 116.500 St (+2,3%)in Au wurden heute in D 332.000 ADRs (+7,69%)u. 180.000 Aktien(+12,24%) umgesetzt.

Auf das US VOL darf man gespannt sein.;-))))

Das BID im AU Orderbuch zumindest ist schon gut gefüllt,scheint also als ob die News auch bei den Aussies so langsam die Runde machen.  

03.09.07 20:57

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro380K ADRs + 188K Aktien in D

USA zum Labour Day heute geschlossen :-(

Aussi $ wieder über der 0,60er Marke (0,6027€)

Ausgabe vom 3. September 2007

Interessante News bei Minenwerten
von Daniel Wilhelmi

Die letzten Male hatte ich ja über die antizyklische Kaufgelegenheit bei Minenwerten aus dem Rohstoff-Sektor gesprochen. Dazu möchte ich heute noch einen ultra-interessanten Fakt nachliefern. Dieser Fakt haut genau in die Kerbe, die ich hier ja schon angeschnitten hatte.

Wie Sie wissen, achte ich genau auf das Verhalten der erfolgreichen Großinvestoren wie Jim Rogers oder Marc Faber. Diese Leute haben beste Kontakte und sind an der Börse reich geworden. Die wissen, wie man erfolgreich an der Börse agiert. In meinen Augen ist jeder Anleger dumm, der sich deren Meinungen und Börsenhandlungen einfach verschließt.

Ich maße mir solche Besserwisserei jedenfalls nicht an und höre immer ganz genau zu, wenn sich solche Leute zum Markt äußern. Und hier gibt es eine Entwicklung, die mir in den letzten Wochen besonders ins Auge gesprungen ist. Das ist wirklich sehr, sehr spannend.

Der Börsen-Milliardär George Soros kauft aktuell verstärkt Minenaktien. Ja, Sie haben richtig gelesen. Der große George Soros, der durch seine Devisenspekulation gegen die Bank of England bekannt und steinreich wurde, kauft sich im Minensektor ein. Und das, obwohl Minenwerte derzeit doch völlig out sind.

Ist das nicht interessant? Während die „normalen“ Anleger in Panik verkaufen, nutzt das „Smart Money“ wie George Soros die Korrektur im Minensektor, um Positionen aufzubauen. So wurde bekannt, dass die Manager der Soros-Fonds Aktien von verschiedenen Minenbetreibern aus den Sektoren Gold, Silber, Aluminium, Kupfer und Kohle gekauft haben.

Das ist ein klassisches Zeichen, dass das Smart Money, das kluge, top-informierte Geld der Hochfinanz, die aktuelle Korrektur im Minensektor zum antizyklischen Einstieg nutzt. Natürlich kaufen die Soros-Manager aufgrund der Größe ihrer Fonds vor allem Minenschwergewichte. Anders können sie ihre Millionen ja gar nicht unterbringen.

Ich erinnere mich noch gut, als ich vor Jahren auf einem Kongress in München war und zum 1. Mal die beiden Wörter „Soros“ und „Rohstoffe“ in einem Satz hörte. Damals kam mir zu Ohren, dass Soros, Warren Buffett und Co. in Silber eingestiegen waren. Und zwar bei Kursen um ca. 4,00 US$/Unze, als sich niemand für Silber interessierte. (Wie ich schon sagte: Die Konferenz ist schon wirklich lange her.) Heute steht Silber bei knapp 12 US$. So viel zum Thema top-informiertes „Smart Money“.

Noch kurz ein Wort zu den Märkten. Mir machen die Märkte etwas Bauchschmerzen. Wir sehen eine klassische selektive Wahrnehmung. Derzeit preisen die Märkte eine Zinssenkung der FED ein. Das Interessante daran: Die Märkte spielen nur die Zinssenkungsphantasie – niemand interessiert sich derzeit dafür, warum die FED trotz einer grenzwertig hohen Inflation die Zinsen eventuell (!) senken wird.

Die Gefahrengründe interessieren derzeit niemanden (Stichwort: Hedge Fonds und Subprime-Krise). Das gefällt mir nicht. Denn es bedeutet: Wenn der Markt nun die Zinssenkungen bereits einpreist, dann liegt das Überraschungspotenzial auf der Short-Seite. Denn dann ist ja alles Positive eingepreist. Da braucht die FED nur die Zinsen unverändert zu lassen, und schon sind die Märkte enttäuscht. Eine schwierige Marktphase also, die es erfordert, dass man defensiv agiert. Man muss im Markt sein. Das stand nie zur Debatte.

Denn der übergeordnete Aufwärtstrend ist weiterhin intakt. Aber in diesem Marktumfeld sollte man nicht voll investiert sein und nicht auf hoch-riskante Long- oder Short-Engagements setzen.

Have a successful day,


Daniel Wilhelmi


04.09.07 00:42

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroChiefs appreciate UN boss visit

Chiefs appreciate UN boss visit

THE people of Panguna in the Ioro constituency of Central Bougainville were happy last Thursday when they saw the United Nations development project head, Howard Wilson, in Panguna.
Mr Howard’s visit to Panguna makes him the first UN member to enter the area since the UN entered the region.
Mr Wilson was invited by the Panguna chiefs and Me’ekamui defence force members to witness the signing of the Panguna Communiqué between the chiefs, the Me’ekamui and the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
According to the people of Panguna, they had invited Mr Wilson into their area to witness the state they are in and assist in whatever way he can.
“We are very happy to see the UN development project head in Panguna. We had invited him here so he will see how we are living and assist us in whatever way he can,” the people said.
Mr Wilson said the signing was a significant milestone for the people and paved the way for them to move forward.
“The heart has now met its body, and shows that we now have a united Bougainville. You have now set the ground to move forward, and I wish you good luck and strong heart for your future,” Mr Wilson said.


04.09.07 02:23

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPanguna: Now It Is Time for a Welcome-Zone

International Wire of Scoop
Press Release: European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper
Date: Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Time: 11:44 am NZT

Panguna: Now It Is Time for a Welcome-Zone

Panguna: Now It Is Time for a Welcome-Zone!

In a short statement on Monday the president of the European
Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC), Mr Axel G. Sturm
said in France: “We are very satisfied, after years of agony,
the Panguna district will become revitalized now.

The European friends of the Bougainville people and the investors
in Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) will keep an eye on the future
politics of BCL.

We want that the suffering of the people comes to an end and
that everybody soon will live in prosperity with work and healthcare
for all. Especially the fact that weapons will disappear now
from the region makes me very happy.

If ABG-president Joseph Kabui succeeds in transforming Bougainville
into a prosperous and secure country he will enter in history
as a great leader.

BCL and the European Shareholders will do their very best that
Bougainville will become one of the nicest places in the world
to stay in. So let us stand together and work on a better Bougainville.

Remember: BCL is the best brand for the island that will soon
been known all over the world for peace, prosperity and intelligent
politics. Now, after the roadblocks are lifted, it is time that
the ABG, the Me’ekamui and the landowners declare Panguna a

In Frankfurt Bougainville Copper Ltd. rose 12 percent to 0,55
€ today!

04.09.07 06:43

16 Postings, 8933 Tage juthoOrderbuch Australien

Buyers  Volume  Price
1 5,000 $0.950
3 6,098 $0.945
1 2,500 $0.940
1 15,000 $0.930
2 15,755 $0.920
1 10,000 $0.910
3 197,492 $0.900
1 5,000 $0.890
1 1,000 $0.850
1 4,100 $0.820
1 2,430 $0.810
2 6,000 $0.800
2 20,676 $0.785
2 6,000 $0.780
1 13,000 $0.765
4 36,161 $0.760
2 6,000 $0.755
1 2,000 $0.750
1 2,000 $0.600
32 366,212

Price   Volume Sellers  
$0.980 10,000 1
$0.990 3,200 1
$0.995 10,013 2
$1.000 25,150 3
$1.030 11,000 1
$1.040 50,000 1
$1.050 68,568 4
$1.120 9,000 1
$1.350 14,200 1
      201,131 15 Market Total  

04.09.07 07:37

286 Postings, 7040 Tage bergfex58dann eben "unquickly"

Panguna delay call

THE re-opening of the Panguna mine in Central Bougainville should not be addressed quickly because it is a major cause of conflict and a very sensitive issue.
This is an opinion from the chiefs, Me’ekamui Defence Force, women and youths from the villages in the Ioro constituency surrounding the Panguna special mining lease. In the agreement — the Panguna Communiqué — which they signed with the Autonomous Bougainville Government last week, the main points they outlined in the agreement concerning the re-opening of the Panguna mine include:
l Panguna mine should be discussed until Bougainville is a sovereign and independent state and a suitable compensation package is offered to the people of Panguna and Bougainville for the deaths and destruction arising as a result of the Bougainville conflict
l Until mining powers and functions are drawn down to the ABG, and that ABG is able constitutionally to make new laws and policies over mining within Bougainville
l A review of mining laws, policies, and legal agreements is reached.


04.09.07 08:58

13 Postings, 6289 Tage dewinseeslowopening

interessanterweise wird diese Meldung als Gerücht gestreut, niemand möchte seinen namen als Bedenkenträger abgedruckt sehen.

04.09.07 09:31

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroSchlusskurs AU

0,98 AUD 0,5906 € 0,8052 USD VOL 237993 St +10.11%


Dass die Wiedereröffnung nicht überstürzt angegangen werden sollte versteht sich von selbst.Vor allen Dingen wollen die Landeigner wasserdichte Verträge u.nicht mehr über den Tisch gezogen werden.Ist das Landowners Proposal erstmal umgesetzt werden wohl alle damit leben können.

Die Frage ist jetzt:Kommt es erst zu dem Treffen Kabui/Albanese oder wird zuerst die Panguna Mine durch BOC besichtigt.Beides dürfte einen ersten Kursschub auslösen.

Wenn man bedenkt dass Pritzker,mitten in Krisenzeiten (94) schon 3,35 USD/Share geboten hat so ist noch sehr viel Luft nach oben ;-))))))))))))  

04.09.07 19:26

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroUS Käufer versucht sich heute als Schnäppchenjäger


05.09.07 02:05

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPanguna people lauded for peace pact

Panguna people lauded for peace pact

THE people of Panguna in the Ioro constituency of Central Bougainville should be commended for signing the Panguna Communique with the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
Bougainville acting chief administrator Raymond Masono said this after the signing of the Panguna agreement.
Mr Masono said the signing, which took place at the Panguna oval last Thursday was a milestone because one of the main concerns of the Bougainville administration — as a machinery of the Autonomous Bougainville Government — is that everyone should be getting services and developments with whatever resources they had.
Mr Masono said the signing of the communique was the outcome of a lot of hard work between the Panguna leaders to work with the ABG to bring peace and development into the Panguna area.
“This communiqué is the outcome of hard work and tireless efforts between all the leaders of Panguna and the ABG to bring peace and development into the Panguna area and I want to congratulate all those leaders who had tried their very best to come up with this communiqué,” Mr Masono said.
“Although the Bougainville crises had separated us we all have the same dream, and that is to have the type of Me’ekamui that we all want.
“But this dream will not be achieved unless we all work together.
“However, I believe the signing of this Panguna Communique will be the beginning of a new working relationship between the ABG and Me’ekamui to bring new developments in Bougainville,” Mr Masono added.
He said if all Bougainvilleans worked together they would make “…Bougainville the type of place they want”.
Constituency member for Ioro in the Bougainville House of Representatives, Dr Benedict Pisi, also congratulated the chiefs, the Me’ekamui government of unity and the Me’ekamui defence force on the signing of the agreement.
Dr Pisi said the signing showed the strength of character, courage and leadership among the leaders, chiefs, women, children and the people of Panguna, and was a significant step towards reconciliation in Panguna and the whole of Bougainville.
“The signing of the communiqué will have great impact in enhancing the peace process in the region. It will also pave the way for a new start with new direction for the people of Panguna,” Dr Pisi said.

05.09.07 02:15

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroKabui in the capital to brief PM

Dass Kabui es so eilig hat Somare Bericht zu erstatten zeugt wohl davon dass die Dinge in immer schnellere Bewegung geraten.
Somare hat schon letztes Jahr in Buka die Zusage der Rückübertragung der BOC Shares ans ABG zugestimmt.Ein Budget für die Kosten der übertragung der Mining Power steht bereit.Die Berufung des B'viller Fidelis Semoso als Parlamentarischer Sekretär u. für B'viller Angelegenheiten setzen wohl gewisse Prioritäten.Kabuis Drohung notfals auch ohne Mining Power übertragung das Mining zu beginnen da PNG damit schon lange in Verzug ist setzt Somare unter Zugzwang.Dazu vielleicht noch etwas Druck von RT.....;-)))

Kabui in the capital to brief PM

THE President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government yesterday briefed the Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare on developments on Bougainville since the Somare-Temu government came into office.
Sir Michael said he was pleased that Bougainville had seen some “exciting” developments since it was given autonomous status, and asked President Joseph Kabui and his administration to continue the good work. “I have always held Bougainville close to my heart, both pre and post-crisis, and it is heartening to know that the island is moving on rapidly,” Sir Michael said.
He said that was also why he had kept autonomous issues under his ministry and also appointed Bougainville Governor Fidelis Semoso as his Parliamentary Secretary.
Sir Michael said he was particularly encouraged by developments on Bougainville in recent days when the ABG and the Me’ekamui faction decided to put peace and goodwill ahead of everything else.
“This is a very positive development since the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the subsequent granting of autonomous status; we must build on this momentum,” Sir Michael said. Both leaders also discussed the issue of reopening the Panguna mine and the mining laws as they related to Bougainville.


05.09.07 03:02

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroLess risk for mining investors

Less risk for mining investors

Mining investment in Papua New Guinea carries less risk than it did a year ago, the recent World Risk Survey 2007 in Resource Stocks reported.
The survey of senior mining company executives gave PNG an overall risk-weighted score of 17.4, a solid improvement from last year’s 19.4 and from the 2005 and 2004 scores of 22.4 in both years.
It also climbed up two positions on the ranking ladder to 29th position this year, putting it ahead of Indonesia.
The survey, based on responses to a detailed questionnaire, measures 10 categories of risk – sovereign (loss of title to an asset), land access, green tape, red tape, social risk, infrastructure, civil unrest, natural disasters and labour unrest.
Each category is ranked on a scale of 0-5, with 0 equalling no risk, and 5 equalling maximum risk.
The survey also showed improvements in the social risk and labour relations categories, with the former improving from 4 to 3, while the latter went from 3 to 2.
The results coincide with the country’s improvements in gross domestic product (GDP) growth and debt reduction.
The Asian Development Bank said PNG’s GDP grew by 3.7% last year from 3.3% in 2005 while its external debt fell from 25.2% of its gross national income in 2005 to 21.4% in 2006.
The Government has also reported increases to its budget on the back of higher mineral and petroleum taxes and dividends stemming from higher than anticipated prices from its major exports.
Miners have also backed up the survey results with their pockets. More foreign investment was expected to flow into projects in the mining sector in the next five years than it had over the past three decades.
These include the US$820 million (K2.5 billion) Ramu nickel project that is expected to come onstream in late 2009, Nautilus Mineral’s Solwara deep-sea base and precious metals operation and the Yandera copper-molybdenum project.


05.09.07 21:09

177 Postings, 6274 Tage joeboläuft der Kurs mal nicht

dann sind die Meldungen hier rar,

ich dachte eigentlich, dies sei ein Austauschforum,

und erinnere mal an eine vorsichtigere Nachricht von mir hier vor ein paar Wochen,

als die Akzeptanz für BCL seitens der(s) ABG noch in Frage stand und das Problem der no-go-areas noch real war,

ich bin mir schon bewusst, dass man mit ein paar tausend Stück schön zocken kann, warum auch nicht, das ist nun einmal das System,

aber ich halte mich da raus, bin da eher langfristig investiert,
und da stimmen die Vorraussetzungen


05.09.07 21:39

1158 Postings, 6353 Tage sumoeyWarum soll man dann schreiben,

wenn es keine News gibt muß der Thread ja nicht noch von anderen als rentnerdasein vollgemüllt werden.Sollte es interessante kursbewegende News geben,werden sie hier oder in einem anderen Portal veröffentlicht.  

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