Die Nachricht ist zwar schon etwas älter - stammt vom 16.1.2012- wurde aber an dieser Stelle noch nicht veröffentlicht. Das Gelände bietet aus meiner Sicht ein sehr hohes Explorationspotential. Bei den historischen Werten aus den 1960ern und der Sondierungsbohrung aus dem Jahr 2006 wird TAM mit den Planungen der Orientierungsbohrungen beginnen, um danach Infill-Bohrungen abteufen zu können. Somit steht einer aktuellen Quantifizierung der Kupfer, Gold und Silber-Gehalte zum einen und der Resourcenbewertung (in to) zum anderen nichts entgegen.
Hier die Nachricht:
Tamerlane Acquires Additional Properties in the Indian Mountain Lake Area
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. (“Tamerlane” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: TAM) is pleased to announce it has acquired the Susu Lake and North Zinc zones in Canada’s Northwest Territories as part of the acquisition of the Indian Mountain Lake property from Panarc Resources Ltd. (“Panarc”), announced on January 9 of this year. The land areas comprised of these two zones were components of the Indian Mountain Lake option agreement between the two companies, but were not described in the January 9 press release pending the final procurement of necessary mineral claims.
The Susu Lake and North Zinc zone properties are part of the Panarc deal announced on January 9, and Tamerlane’s right to earn up to a 100% interest in these properties is identical to the terms described the Indian Mountain Lake acquisition announcement.
Signing of the definitive agreement is subject to fulfillment of a number of conditions, including TSX Venture Exchange approval, board approvals of both parties and secured creditor approvals, where required.
The Susu Lake volcanic belt is located 7 kilometers southeast of the Indian Mountain Lake Property in the Northwest Territories and contains 3 claims and a total of 2,582 acres. The location of the Susu Lake copper showing and other copper showings within this large area of felsic volcanics indicates good potential for base metals deposits in this area.
In 1967, historical resources* were calculated at 142,500 tons grading 0.95% Cu from 9 diamond drill holes that were drilled by Indian Mountain Metal Mines.
The North Zinc zone is located on the south side of Tindale Lake, about 12 kilometers north of the BB Lake deposit, and the claims are contiguous with the Indian Mountain Lake claims, covering the northern extension of the volcanic belt. The area contains the Taco Island and North Zinc zone showings. Low grade gold-copper mineralization on Taco Island was recognized as early as 1949 and many of the trenches date back to that time. During work in the 1990’s, samples were taken from historic trenches and returned values as high as 5.69% Cu and 740 ppb Au over 1 meter and grab samples contained up to 11%Cu, over 1600 ppb gold and 5 opt silver. A 2006 exploration program provided samples which contained up to 4.2 g/t Au, 60 g/t Ag and 0.29% Cu and 1.33 g/t Au and 160 g/t Ag plus 7.6% Cu. |