Der Monat Mai wird ein Meilensteinmonat in der Geschichte von Indo Mines werden:
o Completing the Conditions Precedent on the Fireside Acquisition and holding the
General Meeting on 21 May 2010 to obtain approval from the Indo Mines
shareholders to complete the transaction;
o Complete the acquisition of the Feasibility Study on the Mangkok Project;
o Ongoing Planning and development of the Mangkok Project with the target of
producing thermal coal (trial mining basis) by the end of May 2010;
o Progress negotiations to access additional coal assets adjacent to the Mangkok
o Continue with the Social and Environmental studies for the JPI Project including
submission of the AMDAL documentation and commencement of field studies;
o Progress the Bankable Feasibility Study for the JPI Project;
o Continue assaying of the gravels resource and assessing the potential improvement
in recoveries to increase the potential reserve available for processing with the aim of
increasing overall process plant output.
Das alles im Mai. Wow.