Pc-Tel ist sie jezt ein Kauf wert?
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neuester Beitrag: 10.05.06 17:46
eröffnet am: | 18.05.04 20:36 von: | gue100 | Anzahl Beiträge: | 42 |
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125,5 Mill. Cash Reserven! KGV 13 für das kommente Jahr.Marktkapitalisierung 243Mill. Dollar
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Share Price as of 8/3/04: $9.84
Basic Shares Outstanding: 20.3 M
Float (Institutional Ownership): 79%
Market Capitalization: $206M
Cash $104 M
Equity Snapshot Equity Snapshot
2Q’04------------ Q3’04---------------------------2004
11.5$ mill.------12.5 – 13.0$ mill.-------------$50 mill.
sieht nicht schlecht aus!:)
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Neue Freigabe optimiert Benutzermobilität und vereinfacht Fördermaschinemanagement
CHICAGO, Sept 1, 2004 (GESCHÄFTSCLeitung) -- PCTEL, Inc. (NASDAQ:PCTI), ein globaler Führer, wenn die Mobilität vereinfacht wird, heute verkündet, daß seine Mobilitätslösungsgruppe die neueste Version seines durchstreifenden Klienten freigegeben hat. Diese neue Freigabe umfaßt jetzt Unterstützung für Standards 3G und Netze, wie RAND und UMTS.
"unser neuer durchstreifender Klient ermöglicht Trägern zu vereinfachen und die bewegliche Datenerfahrung des Verbrauchers handhaben,", sagte Sänger, Vorsitzenden und CEO Marty von PCTEL. "die schnelle Entwicklung der Netze 3G, die mit GPRS und Wi-FI koexistieren, verursacht eine Notwendigkeit an der Software, die Benutzer ermöglicht, an die mehrfachen drahtlosen Netze des Internet-Over anzuschließen. Unser durchstreifender Klient vollendet, daß, beim Ermöglichen der Träger, Präferenzen zu handhaben, Politik und Informationen über unseren zentralen Konfigurationsbediener, "Sänger addierten.
Durchstreifender Klient PCTEL's erlaubt Benutzern, RAND- oder UMTS-Datenlernabschnitte durch kompatible zellulare Telefon- oder Schaltkartenmodem herzustellen. Wenn er ein bewegliches Telefon verwendet, hat der Benutzer die Wahl der übertragenden Daten durch das Telefon über Bluetooth, Infrared oder USB-Kabelverbindungen. Der durchstreifende Klient ermöglicht Benutzern, an das schnellste und kosteneffektivste Netz und in fast jeder möglicher Position immer jederzeit anzuschließen. Der durchstreifende Klient kann an bevorzugte Datenservices und -übergang der Benutzer zu den besseren Connectivitywahlen automatisch finden und anschließen, während sie vorhanden werden. Z.B. wenn ein Benutzer aus UMTS-Deckung heraus fährt, versucht der durchstreifende Klient PCTEL automatisch, den Benutzer zu einem vorhandenen GPRS-Netz wieder anzuschließen. Auch der Netzbetreiber oder der Endbenutzer können die Präferenzen für den automatischen Anschluß breite Netze zu Bereich (GPRS/EDGE/UMTS) oder zu Wi-FI definieren und handhaben.
Zusätzlich kennzeichnet der durchstreifende Klient PCTEL jetzt einen intelligenten "Vorrichtungsinstallationswizard.", Diesem Bestandteil vereinfacht Einleitung der von Netzwerk-Operatoren zusätzliche Vorrichtungen und Gerätebetreibung zum Markt. Während des Ausgangsanschlußes zum drahtlosen Netz, erkennt PCTEL's-Vorrichtungsinstallationswizard automatisch kompatible Kleinteile und bringt die passenden Treiber an. Dieses findet für Telefone und Schaltkartenmodem statt. Drahtlose Träger umfassen diese Fähigkeit als leistungsfähige Weise, Betriebskosten zu verringern, weil diese Eigenschaft ihnen ermöglicht, ein Einzelstück von Software zu versenden, die alle Vorrichtungen im Netz stützt.
PCTEL's GPRS/EDGE/UMTS und Wi-FI gestützter durchstreifender Klient versendet jetzt mit RAND-Schaltkartenmodem AT&T drahtlosen.
Durchstreifender Klient PCTEL's stellt die beweglichen über sicheren Benutzer, nahtlose Zugangs- und Durchstreifenfähigkeiten Wi-FI und zellulare Datennetze zur Verfügung. Von der durchstreifende Klient ermöglicht schneller Abtastung vorhandene Netze und ein benutzerfreundlicher Anschlußprozeß. Der Klient ist auch mit 802,11 chipsets zusammengerollt worden und genehmigt worden zu den Hauptfördermaschinen innerhalb und außerhalb der US.
PCTEL (NASDAQ:PCTI), gegründet im März 1994, ist ein globaler Führer, wenn es Mobilität vereinfacht. Software-Werkzeuge der PCTEL's-Mobilitätslösungen vereinfachen Installation, das Durchstreifen, Internet-Zugang und das Berechnen. Mappe der PCTEL's-Rf-Lösungen der Soemempfänger und der Empfänger-gegründeten Produkte messen und überwachen zellulare Netze. Produktgruppe PCTEL's MAXRAD entwirft, verteilt und stützt erfinderische Antennenlösungen, die drahtlose Kommunikationen erleichtern und vereinfachen. PCTEL schützt seine Führungposition mit einer Mappe mehr als von 130 analog und von Breitbandkommunikationen und von drahtlosen Patenten, herausgegeben oder schwebend, einschließlich der Schlüssel- und wesentlichen Patente für Modemtechnologie. Die Produkte der Firma werden zu den PC-Hersteller-, Schaltkarten- und Brettherstellern, zu den drahtlosen Fördermaschinen, zu drahtlosem ISPs, zu den Verteilern, zu den drahtlosen Test- und Maßfirmen und zu den Systemintegratoren verkauft oder genehmigt. PCTEL-Headquarters befinden sich bei 8725 der WestHiggins Straße, Suite 400, Chicago, IL 60631. Telefon: 773-243-3000. Zu mehr Information besuchen Sie bitte unsere Web site an: http://www.pctel.com .
Sichere HafencAussage PCTEL
Dieses Pressekommuniqué enthält das Vorwärts-Schauen von Aussagen, wie definiert in der privaten Sicherheitsrechtsstreit-Verbesserungtat von 1995. Spezifisch umfassen diese schauenden Vorwärtsaussagen, aber werden nicht auf begrenzt, die Aussagen betreffend sind den möglichen Netzbetreiber und Endbenutzernutzen, resultierend aus der Verteilung und dem Gebrauch von einer neuen Freigabe des durchstreifenden Klienten PCTEL's, einschließlich der vereinfachten Endbenutzererfahrung, die dem Durchstreifen unter RAND- und UMTS-Netzen durch kompatible zellulare Telefon- oder Schaltkartenmodem ermöglicht. Diese Aussagen basieren auf gegenwärtigen Erwartungen PCTEL's und vorweggenommener Kundennutzen und die Produktfähigkeiten können von denen materiell sich unterscheiden projiziert resultierend aus bestimmten Gefahren und Ungewißheiten. Diese Gefahren und Ungewißheiten umfassen, aber werden nicht auf, PCTEL's-Erfolg am Marketing begrenzt und verkaufen und stützen diese Produkte und Dienstleistungen; Potential verzögert oder Störungen im Produkt und in der Service-Entwicklung; ob solche Produkte und Dienstleistungen Marktannahme erzielen; PCTEL's-Fähigkeit, Kundenanforderungen zu prognostizieren; Konkurrenz von anderen Versorgern der drahtlosen Technologie und der Preiskalkulation von Ungewißheiten in Bezug auf diese Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Die Gefahren und die Ungewißheiten im PCTEL's-Geschäft, umfassend aber nicht auf die, die von Zeit zu Zeit in den PCTEL's-Sicherheits- und -austauschkommissionsarchivierungen begrenzt genau geschildert werden, können Resultate beeinflussen. Diese Vorwärts-schauenden Aussagen werden nur ab dem Datum hiervon abgegeben, und PCTEL dementiert jede mögliche Verpflichtung, die Informationen zu aktualisieren oder zu verbessern, die in irgendwelchen Vorwärts-schauenden Aussagen, ob resultierend aus neuen Informationen, zukünftige Fälle oder anders enthalten werden
PCTEL, Inc. John Schoen, 773-243-3000 oder Jackverkäufer, 773-243-3016 jack_seller@pctel.com
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GeschäftscLeitung 2004 Des Copyright (c). Alle Rechte vorbehalten.Nachrichten stellten durch COMTEX
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Letzter Update: Sept 17, 2004
PeriodencEnde # von
Ests Mittel Hoch Niedrig Jahr-Vorheriges Tatsächliches % Wachstum
ViertelcEnde Sept 04 1 02 02 02 -,13 115,38
ViertelcEnde Dez 04 1 10 10 10 -,04 350,00 :-))
JahrcEnde Dez 04 2 09 17 01 -,16 156,25
JahrcEnde Dez 05 2 50 60 40 09 (est) 455,56 (est)
Langes BezeichnungscWachstum 1 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% --- ---
Verzicht: Übereinstimmungseinkommenschätzungen werden von Zacks errechnet, der auf den Einkommenprojektionen basiert, die von den Analytikern gebildet werden, die PCTEL bedecken, Inc.. Merken Sie bitte daß alle mögliche Meinungen, Schätzungen oder Prognosen betreffend sind PCTEL, Inc.. die Leistung, die durch diese Analytiker gebildet wird (und folglich die Übereinstimmungsschätzungszahlen) sind alleinihre und stellen nicht Meinungen, Prognosen oder Vorhersagen von PCTEL, von Inc. oder von seinem Management dar. PCTEL, Inc. nicht durch seinen Hinweis oben oder Verteilung deutet seine Aufschrift von oder Zusammentreffen mit solchen Informationen, Zusammenfassungen oder Empfehlungen an.
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BW5989 JAN 10,2005 13:31 PACIFIC 16:31 EASTERN
( BW)(IL-PCTEL)(PCTI) PCTEL to Present at Needham & Company´s SeventhAnnual Growth Conference
Business Editors/Technology Writers
7th Annual Needham Growth Conference
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 10, 2005--PCTEL, Inc.(NASDAQ:PCTI), a global leader in simplifying mobility, announcedtoday that Marty Singer, PCTEL Chairman and CEO will present atNeedham & Company´s Seventh Annual Growth Conference on Thursday,January 13, 2005 at 10:30 a.m. EST. Mr. Singer will present a companyoverview that will address key industry issues and trends and discussthe financial projections and competitive strategy for PCTEL. Theconference is being held at the New York Palace Hotel in New YorkCity.
PCTEL´s presentation will also be available via webcast and can beaccessed at www.pctel.com orhttp://www.wsw.com/webcast/needham10/pcti/. A copy of the presentationwill be made available on the PCTEL web site soon after thepresentation.
PCTEL (NASDAQ:PCTI), founded in March 1994, is a global leader insimplifying mobility. PCTEL´s Mobility Solutions´(http://mobilitysolutions.pctel.com) software tools simplifyinstallation, roaming, Internet access and billing. PCTEL´s RFSolutions´ (http://rfsolutions.pctel.com) portfolio of OEM receiversand receiver-based products are used to measure and monitor cellularnetworks. PCTEL´s Antenna Products Group (http://maxrad.pctel.com)designs, distributes, and supports innovative antenna solutions thatfacilitate and simplify wireless communications. PCTEL protects itsleadership position with a portfolio of more than 130 analog andbroadband communications and wireless patents, issued or pending,including key and essential patents for modem technology. Thecompany´s products are sold or licensed to wireless carriers, wirelessISPs, distributors, wireless test and measurement companies, systemintegrators, PC manufacturers and PC card and board manufacturers.PCTEL headquarters are located at 8725 West Higgins Road, Suite 400,Chicago, IL 60631. Telephone: 773-243-3000. For more information,please visit our web site at: http://www.pctel.com.
--30--AC/cg* CONTACT: PCTEL, Inc. John Schoen, 773-243-3000 or Public Relations: Jack Seller, 773-243-3016 jack.seller@pctel.com KEYWORD: ILLINOIS NEW YORK TRACK INDUSTRY KEYWORD: TELECOMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE NETWORKING INTERNETE-COMMERCE TRADESHOW SOURCE: PCTEL, Inc.Copyright Business Wire 2005
(c) 2005 Business Wire. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.
Autor: © Business Wire , 22:31 10.01.05
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CHICAGO, Jan. 10, 2005 (GESCHÄFTSCLeitung) -- PCTEL, Inc. (NASDAQ:PCTI), ein globaler Führer, wenn die Mobilität vereinfacht wird, heute verkündet, daß Sänger Marty, PCTEL-Vorsitzender und CEO an Needham u. an der jährlichen Wachstumkonferenz der Firma 7. am Donnerstag, Januar 13, 2005 um 10:30 a.m. sich darstellen. Est. Herr Singer stellt einen Firmaüberblick, der Schlüsselindustriepunkte anspricht und neigt dar und bespricht die finanziellen Projektionen und die konkurrierende Strategie für PCTEL. Die Konferenz wird im Palasthotel neuen Yorks in New York City gehalten.
PCTEL's-Darstellung auch ist über webcast vorhanden und kann an www.pctel.com oder an http://www.wsw.com/webcast/needham10/pcti erreicht werden/. Eine Kopie der Darstellung wird auf der PCTEL-Web site bald nach der Darstellung zur Verfügung gestellt.
PCTEL (NASDAQ:PCTI), gegründet im März 1994, ist ein globaler Führer, wenn es Mobilität vereinfacht. Software-Werkzeuge der PCTEL's-Mobilitätß$+1 lösungen (http://mobilitysolutions.pctel.com) vereinfachen Installation, das Durchstreifen, Internet-Zugang und das Berechnen. Mappe der PCTEL's-Rf-Lösungen ( http://rfsolutions.pctel.com) der Soemempfänger und der Empfänger-gegründeten Produkte werden benutzt, um zellulare Netze zu messen und zu überwachen. PCTEL's-Antennen-Produktgruppe ( http://maxrad.pctel.com ) entwirft, verteilt und stützt erfinderische Antennenlösungen, die drahtlose Kommunikationen erleichtern und vereinfachen. PCTEL schützt seine Führungposition mit einer Mappe mehr als von 130 analog und von Breitbandkommunikationen und von drahtlosen Patenten, herausgegeben oder schwebend, einschließlich der Schlüssel- und wesentlichen Patente für Modemtechnologie. Die Produkte der Firma werden zu den drahtlosen Fördermaschinen, zu drahtlosem ISPs, zu den Verteilern, zu den drahtlosen Test- und Maßfirmen, zu den Systemintegratoren, ZU DEN PC-Herstellern und ZUR gedruckten Schaltkarte und zu den Brettherstellern verkauft oder genehmigt. PCTEL-Headquarters befinden sich bei 8725 der WestHiggins Straße, Suite 400, Chicago, IL 60631. Telefon: 773-243-3000. Zu mehr Information besuchen Sie bitte unsere Web site an: http://www.pctel.com .
PCTEL, Inc. John Schoen, 773-243-3000 oder Öffentlichkeitsarbeiten: Jackverkäufer, 773-243-3016 jack.seller@pctel.com
Copyright- ©- GeschäftscLeitung 2005. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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Nie wieder PC-Tel !!!
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U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Issues Reexamination Certificate On Key PCTEL ``Soft`` Modem Patent
BW5944 JAN 26,2005 14:46 PACIFIC 17:46 EASTERN
( BW)(IL-PCTEL)(PCTI) U.S. Patent and Trademark Office IssuesReexamination Certificate On Key PCTEL ``Soft´´ Modem Patent
Business Editors
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 26, 2005--PCTEL, Inc.(NASDAQ:PCTI), a global leader in simplifying mobility, announcedtoday that the reexamination certificate for one of PCTEL´sfundamental "soft" modem patents, United States Patent No. 5,787,305,has been issued. This patent will now become part of the patentinfringement lawsuit filed against Lucent and Agere. The ´305 patentis a fundamental invention that made software modems viable undermodern operating systems such as Microsoft(TM) Windows.
"The soft modem patent adds considerable strength to ourinfringement claims," said Marty Singer, PCTEL Chairman and CEO. "Inaddition to its potential impact on our lawsuit, we may haveadditional licensing opportunities," added Singer.
PCTEL exited the modem business in 2003. Since then, the companyhas licensed its modem patents to several modem suppliers, includingIntel, Broadcom, 3COM and Silicon Laboratories. PCTEL remains inlitigation with Agere, Lucent and U.S. Robotics. A Markman hearingpertaining to the dispute is scheduled for April 6, 2005.
PCTEL (NASDAQ:PCTI), founded in March 1994, is a global leader insimplifying mobility. PCTEL´s Mobility Solutions´(http://mobilitysolutions.pctel.com) software tools simplifyinstallation, roaming, Internet access and billing. PCTEL´s RFSolutions´ (http://rfsolutions.pctel.com) portfolio of OEM receiversand receiver-based products are used to measure and monitor cellularnetworks. PCTEL´s Antenna Products Group (http://maxrad.pctel.com)designs, distributes, and supports innovative antenna solutions thatfacilitate and simplify wireless communications. PCTEL protects itsleadership position with a portfolio of more than 130 analog andbroadband communications and wireless patents, issued or pending,including key and essential patents for modem technology. Thecompany´s products are sold or licensed to wireless carriers, wirelessISPs, distributors, wireless test and measurement companies, systemintegrators, PC manufacturers and PC card and board manufacturers.PCTEL headquarters are located at 8725 West Higgins Road, Suite 400,Chicago, IL 60631. Telephone: 773-243-3000. For more information,please visit our web site at: http://www.pctel.com.
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" asdefined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.Specifically, the statements regarding the company´s litigationproceedings and licensing activities; the strength of its patentportfolio; and its expectations regarding its future licensinginitiatives, are forward looking statements within the meaning of thesafe harbor. These statements are based on management´s currentexpectations and actual results may differ materially from thoseprojected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, includingthe ability of the company to successfully license and obtainprotection for its intellectual property; the risks inherent inlitigation proceedings; and its ability to realize the benefits ofpast and future initiatives, including the licensing of technology.These and other risks and uncertainties are detailed in PCTEL´sSecurities and Exchange Commission filings. These forward-lookingstatements are made only as of the date hereof, and PCTEL disclaimsany obligation to update or revise the information contained in anyforward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information,future events or otherwise.
--30--BM/cg* CONTACT: PCTEL, Inc. John Schoen, 773-243-3000 or Jack Seller (Public Relations), 773-243-3016 jack.seller@pctel.com KEYWORD: ILLINOIS INDUSTRY KEYWORD: SOFTWARE NETWORKING SOURCE: PCTEL, Inc.Copyright Business Wire 2005
(c) 2005 Business Wire. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.
Autor: © Business Wire , 23:46 26.01.05
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PCTEL Delivers VoIP-Enabled Roaming Client; Initial Release Compatible With PocketPC Phone Edition OS
BW5208 FEB 02,2005 5:04 PACIFIC 08:04 EASTERN
( BW)(IL-PCTEL)(PCTI) PCTEL Delivers VoIP-Enabled Roaming Client;Initial Release Compatible With PocketPC Phone Edition OS
Business Editors/High-Tech Editors
3GSM World Congress 2005
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 2, 2005--PCTEL, Inc. (NASDAQ:PCTI),a global leader in simplifying mobility, announced today that it hadcompleted development on a VoIP-Enabled Roaming Client (RoamingClient-VE). The Roaming Client-VE, when deployed with a compatibleserver, permits users to initiate and receive calls using a singlenumber on cellular and IP networks. The initial release operates overGSM and Wi-Fi networks. Later releases will incorporate CDMAstandards.
The Roaming Client VE provides industry-leading features,including connection management, profile management, Wi-Fi HotSpotauthentication and 802.1x / WPA security, on wireless networks.Additionally, the Roaming Client-VE includes a Voice Dialer thatoperates on both cellular and IP networks. The Roaming Client-VEutilizes SIM-EAP for authentication. Using a single user interface, auser can share contacts, call histories, and other common phonefeatures. Utilizing the latest converged devices (e.g., a 3G/WiFiSmart Phone), consumers will be able to initiate a VoIP call from aWi-Fi HotSpot and then maintain that call while roaming onto acellular network, when supported by the appropriate infrastructure.The initial release will roam in standby mode.
"PCTEL continues to set the standard in connection managementutilities," said Marty Singer, PCTEL´s Chairman and CEO. "Voice willbe the killer app for some time to come and VoIP has already changedthe industry. Meaningful connection management applications mustenable VoIP roaming across networks," added Singer.
PCTEL developed its Roaming Client-VE in cooperation with aleading MobileVoIP infrastructure vendor. The commercial relationshipwill be announced at the 3GSM World Congress, scheduled for February14-17 in Cannes, France. The system will be demonstrated at that time.PCTEL will be exhibiting its scanning and test tools as well as itsRoaming Client products at the Congress (Hall 2, Booth E25).
PCTEL currently supplies its Roaming Client products to T-Mobile(U.S.), Cingular, SBC, NTT DoCoMo, NTT Communications, GoRemote andothers. The product includes a powerful back-end server (CentralConfiguration Server) that enables complete carrier control over thecontents and use of the client.
PCTEL (NASDAQ:PCTI), founded in March 1994, is a global leader insimplifying mobility. PCTEL´s Mobility Solutions´(http://mobilitysolutions.pctel.com) software tools provide secure,access independent, remote connectivity. PCTEL´s RF Solutions´(http://rfsolutions.pctel.com) portfolio of OEM receivers andreceiver-based products are used to measure and monitor cellularnetworks. PCTEL´s Antenna Products Group (http://maxrad.pctel.com)designs, distributes, and supports innovative antenna solutions thatfacilitate and simplify wireless communications. PCTEL protects itsleadership position with a portfolio of more than 130 analog andbroadband communications and wireless patents, issued or pending,including key and essential patents for modem technology. Thecompany´s products are sold or licensed to wireless carriers, wirelessISPs, distributors, wireless test and measurement companies, systemintegrators, PC manufacturers and PC card and board manufacturers.PCTEL headquarters are located at 8725 West Higgins Road, Suite 400,Chicago, IL 60631. Telephone: 773-243-3000. For more information,please visit our web site at: http://www.pctel.com.
PCTEL Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements as definedin the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Specifically,these forward looking statements include, but are not limited to,statements regarding the potential benefits from the distribution anduse of a newly developed VoIP-Enabled Roaming Client that permitsusers to initiate and receive calls using a single number on cellularand IP networks. These statements are based on PCTEL´s currentexpectations and anticipated customer benefits and productcapabilities may differ materially from those projected as a result ofcertain risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertaintiesinclude, but are not limited to, PCTEL´s success at marketing, sellingand supporting these products; potential delays or errors in productdevelopment; whether such products achieve market acceptance; PCTEL´sability to forecast customer requirements; competition from otherproviders of wireless technology, and pricing uncertainties withrespect to these products. The risks and uncertainties in PCTEL´sbusiness, including but not limited to those detailed from time totime in PCTEL´s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, can affectresults. These forward-looking statements are made only as of the datehereof, and PCTEL disclaims any obligation to update or revise theinformation contained in any forward-looking statements, whether as aresult of new information, future events or otherwise.
--30--VS/cg* CONTACT: PCTEL, Inc. John Schoen, 773-243-3000 or Jack Seller (Public Relations), 773-243-3016 jack.seller@pctel.com KEYWORD: ILLINOIS FRANCE INTERNATIONAL EUROPE TRACK INDUSTRY KEYWORD: TELECOMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE NETWORKING TRADESHOWPRODUCT SOURCE: PCTEL, Inc.Copyright Business Wire 2005
(c) 2005 Business Wire. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.
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BW5020 FEB 14,2005 21:16 PACIFIC 00:16 EASTERN
Business Editors/High-Tech Editors
3GSM World Congress 2005
CANNES, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 14, 2005--
Simultaneous Collection of GSM and WCDMA Propagation and Interference
Data Meets Operator Requirements for Technology
Co-Existence and Transition
PCTEL, Inc. (NASDAQ:PCTI), a global leader in simplifyingmobility, announced today the introduction of a Tri-Band CLARIFY(TM)solution that supports both WCDMA and GSM. PCTEL will demonstrate theCLARIFY WCDMA/GSM solution at the 3GSM World Congress in Cannes,France, February 14-17 (Booth E25 in Hall 2).
With its high dynamic range and ability to identify and locateinterference sources, CLARIFY sets the industry standard forinterference management in cellular networks. Dual mode capabilitywill enable operators to manage WCDMA/GSM networks and optimizeperformance without additional infrastructure investment. CLARIFYsimplifies technically difficult network problems without requiringnetwork interruption, off-hours driving, the use of CW transmitters oremploying other expensive methods. It is essential to cell andfrequency planning.
"We are pleased to be able to respond to the many customerrequests for CLARIFY WCDMA by announcing the addition of WCDMA to oursuccessful CLARIFY product line," says Larry Swift, General Manager ofPCTEL´s RF Solutions Group. "This new solution will be invaluable tooperators as they plan and launch their WCDMA networks and managecomplex RF issues like co-siting, interference and inter-networkhandoff."
The CLARIFY product line includes a collection and analysis systemthat can export critical data to industry tools used in propagationmanagement, frequency and cell planning applications. The product isavailable globally.
PCTEL (NASDAQ:PCTI), founded in March 1994, is a global leader insimplifying mobility. PCTEL´s Mobility Solution Group´s(http://mobilitysolutions.pctel.com) software tools provide secure,access independent, remote connectivity. PCTEL´s RF Solution Group´s(http://rfsolutions.pctel.com) portfolio of OEM receivers andreceiver-based products are used to measure and monitor cellularnetworks. PCTEL´s Antenna Products Group (http://antenna.pctel.com)designs, distributes, and supports innovative antenna solutions thatfacilitate and simplify wireless communications. PCTEL protects itsleadership position with a portfolio of more than 130 analog andbroadband communications and wireless patents, issued or pending,including key and essential patents for modem technology. PCTEL´sproducts are sold or licensed to wireless carriers, wireless ISPs,distributors, wireless test and measurement companies, systemintegrators, PC manufacturers and PC card and board manufacturers.PCTEL headquarters are located at 8725 West Higgins Road, Suite 400,Chicago, IL 60631. Telephone: 773-243-3000. For more information,please visit our web site at: http://www.pctel.com.
This press release contains forward-looking statements as definedin the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Specifically,these forward looking statements include, but are not limited to,statements regarding the potential benefits resulting from the use ofPCTEL, RF Solutions Group new Tri-Band Clarify solutions that supportsboth WCDMA and GSM. These statements are based on PCTEL´s currentexpectations and anticipated marketing benefits and actual results maydiffer materially from those projected as a result of certain risksand uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the success atmarketing, selling and supporting this product; whether such productachieves market acceptance; the ability to forecast customerrequirements; competition from other providers; and pricinguncertainties. These risks and uncertainties and others that relate toPCTEL´s business, including but not limited to those detailed fromtime to time in PCTEL´s Securities and Exchange Commission filings,can affect actual results. These forward-looking statements are madeonly as of the date hereof, and PCTEL disclaims any obligation toupdate or revise the information contained in any forward-lookingstatements, whether as a result of new information, future events orotherwise.
--30--CE/cg* CONTACT: PCTEL, Inc. John Schoen, 773-243-3000 or Jack Seller (Public Relations), 773-243-3016 jack.seller@pctel.com KEYWORD: ILLINOIS FRANCE INTERNATIONAL EUROPE TRACK INDUSTRY KEYWORD: TELECOMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE NETWORKING TRADESHOWPRODUCT SOURCE: PCTEL, Inc.Copyright Business Wire 2005
(c) 2005 Business Wire. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.
Autor: © Business Wire , 06:16 14.02.05
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PCTEL Posts $15.3 Million In Fourth Quarter Revenue; Wireless Revenue Up 305% Over Fourth Quarter Last Year
BW6119 FEB 22,2005 13:16 PACIFIC 16:16 EASTERN
( BW)(IL-PCTEL)(PCTI) PCTEL Posts $15.3 Million In Fourth QuarterRevenue; Wireless Revenue Up 305% Over Fourth Quarter Last Year
Business Editors
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 22, 2005--
2004 Revenue Climbs To $48.2 Million
PCTEL, Inc. (NASDAQ:PCTI), a global leader in simplifyingmobility, today announced financial results for the fourth quarterended December 31, 2004. Total revenue was $15.3 million for thefourth quarter of 2004, including $14.2 million of wireless productrevenue and $1.1 million of licensing revenue. This compares to $18.3million of revenue in the fourth quarter 2003, which included $3.5million of wireless revenue and $14.8 million of licensing revenue.The increase in wireless revenue was primarily due to the acquisitionof MAXRAD in the first quarter 2004 and several antenna product linesfrom Andrew Corporation (NASDAQ: ANDW) in the fourth quarter 2004.
Net income for the fourth quarter of 2004 was $1.1 million, or$0.05 per diluted share, compared to net income of $8.0 million, or$0.39 per diluted share reported in the fourth quarter of 2003. Boththe fourth quarter of 2004 and 2003 contained significant one-timeitems that positively impacted net income. The fourth quarter of 2004included a $3.2 million reversal of a modem royalty expense reservemade possible by the settlement of the company´s patent litigationwith 3Com. The fourth quarter of 2003 included $13.5 million in netlicensing revenue and gross profit related to an intellectual propertysettlement with Intel.
The company previously announced the acquisition of severalantenna product lines from Andrew Corporation (NASDAQ: ANDW). Thattransaction closed on October 29, 2004 and the results from theseoperations for November and December are reported in the fourthquarter 2004 results.
The company realized strong sales for its Wi-Fi Antennas and itsnew CLARIFY(TM) Interference Management System (IMS). During thequarter, the company released its secure Roaming Client for wirelessconnectivity and realized software licensing revenue through carriersales.
For the year ended December 31, 2004, the company´s total revenuewas $48.2 million, comprised of $42.3 million of wireless revenue and$5.9 million of licensing revenue. In 2003 the company had $45.6million of total revenue, comprised of $9.6 million of wirelessrevenue, $18.1 million of licensing revenue and $17.9 million of HSPmodem revenue. The HSP modem product line was sold to Conexant in Mayof 2003. Net loss for 2004 was $(2.7) million, or $(0.14) per dilutedshare, compared to net income of $5.9 million, or $0.28 cents perdiluted share in 2003.
"We are excited about our strong fourth quarter results," saidMarty Singer, PCTEL´s Chairman and CEO. "We achieved consistency inour software sales, established CLARIFY as a leading cellularoptimization tool, and immediately integrated our recent antennaproduct acquisitions into our core operations. Our efforts to simplifymobility now extend to both RFID and satellite radio as we continue toexpand our antenna product line. We look forward to continuing ourcorporate development activities and increasing revenue in 2005,"added Singer.
Cash and short-term investments on December 31, 2004 were $84.1million, a decrease of $18.2 million from the third quarter of 2004.The decrease is primarily attributed to the purchase of the Andrewproduct lines, the purchase of a new building for the Antenna ProductGroup, and the stock buyback program. The company repurchased 135,400of its shares during the quarter just ended. As of December 31, 2004,the company has repurchased 2.0 million out of the 2.5 million sharesauthorized by the Board of Directors under its share buyback program.
In connection with its evaluation and testing activities underSection 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, the company hasconcluded that a control deficiency in its internal controls overfinancial reporting as of December 31, 2004 constitutes a "materialweakness" within the meaning of the Public Company AccountingOversight Board Auditing Standard No. 2. The material weakness relatesto the company´s accounting for income taxes in the fourth quarter aspart of the year-end reporting process. The financial statementspresented have been appropriately adjusted and reflect the correctincome tax expense and income tax accrual. Because the error relatesto our tax accounting, it has no effect on our business or customers,and has no impact on our revenues, our cash flows or our financialcondition. To remediate the deficiency, the company has engaged anoutside tax consultant and is implementing an internal trainingprogram to enhance the capabilities of its internal tax personnel.Management will disclose the material weakness in internal controls inits 2004 annual Form 10-K and indicate that the company´s internalcontrols over financial reporting were not effective as of year-end.In addition, the company expects that the material weakness willresult in an adverse opinion by the company´s independent registeredpublic accountants on the effectiveness of the company´s internalcontrols.
The company will hold a conference call at 4:00 PM CST (5:00 PMEST) today with Marty Singer, chairman and chief executive officer,and John Schoen, chief operating officer and chief financial officer.The session will include brief remarks, and can be accessed by calling(800) 545-9583 (U.S. / Canada) or (913) 981-4910 (international).
To listen via the Internet, please visit, www.pctel.com, orhttp://www.shareholder.com/pctel/MediaList.cfm
REPLAY: A replay will be available for two weeks after the call onPCTEL´s web site at www.pctel.com or by calling (888) 203-1112 (U.S. /Canada) or (719) 457-0820 (international) access code: 3254384.
PCTEL (NASDAQ:PCTI), founded in March 1994, is a global leader insimplifying mobility. PCTEL´s Mobility Solution Group´s(http://mobilitysolutions.pctel.com) software tools provide secure,access independent, remote connectivity. PCTEL´s RF Solution Group´s(http://rfsolutions.pctel.com) portfolio of OEM receivers andreceiver-based products are used to measure and monitor cellularnetworks. PCTEL´s Antenna Products Group (http://antenna.pctel.com)designs, distributes, and supports innovative antenna solutions thatfacilitate and simplify wireless communications. PCTEL protects itsleadership position with a portfolio of more than 130 analog andbroadband communications and wireless patents, issued or pending,including key and essential patents for modem technology. PCTEL´sproducts are sold or licensed to wireless carriers, wireless ISPs,distributors, wireless test and measurement companies, systemintegrators, PC manufacturers and PC card and board manufacturers.PCTEL headquarters are located at 8725 West Higgins Road, Suite 400,Chicago, IL 60631. Telephone: 773-243-3000. For more information,please visit our web site at: http://www.pctel.com.
PCTEL Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" asdefined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.Specifically, the statements regarding PCTEL´s expectations regardingits future business prospects and the future growth of its wirelessand licensing businesses are forward looking statements within themeaning of the safe harbor. These statements are based on management´scurrent expectations and actual results may differ materially fromthose projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties,including the ability to successfully grow the wireless productsbusiness, the ability to implement new technologies and obtainprotection for the related intellectual property, and the risksinherent in potential acquisitions. In addition, there is no certaintythat, in connection with the required compliance activities underSection 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, PCTEL or itsindependent auditors will not identify additional control deficienciesin the company´s internal controls over financial reporting, includingdeficiencies that constitute additional material weaknesses within themeaning of the accounting requirements. These and other risks anduncertainties are detailed in PCTEL´s Securities and ExchangeCommission filings. These forward-looking statements are made only asof the date hereof, and PCTEL disclaims any obligation to update orrevise the information contained in any forward-looking statement,whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
PCTEL, Inc. Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (unaudited, in thousands, except per share information) Three Months Twelve Months Ended Ended December 31, December 31, ----------------- ----------------- 2004 2003 2004 2003 -------- -------- -------- --------REVENUES $15,298 $18,311 $48,221 $45,600COST OF REVENUES 7,335 592 19,786 13,464MODEM INVENTORY AND ROYALTY EXPENSE RECOVERY (3,208) - (3,208) (1,800) -------- -------- -------- --------GROSS PROFIT 11,171 17,719 31,643 33,936 -------- -------- -------- --------OPERATING EXPENSES: Research and development 2,376 1,715 8,506 7,808 Sales and marketing 2,863 1,848 10,944 7,503 General and administrative 4,243 3,092 14,402 10,387 Amortization of other intangible assets 840 343 2,972 1,124 Acquired in-process research and development - - - 1,100 Restructuring charges 129 522 (66) 3,462 Gain on sale of assets and related royalties (500) (500) (2,000) (5,476) Stock Based Payments 385 210 1,425 958 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total operating expenses 10,336 7,230 36,183 26,866 -------- -------- -------- --------INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS 835 10,489 (4,540) 7,070OTHER INCOME, NET 402 263 1,261 1,383 -------- -------- -------- --------INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE PROVISION (BENEFIT) FOR INCOME TAXES 1,237 10,752 (3,279) 8,453PROVISION (BENEFIT) FOR INCOME TAXES 173 2,730 (541) 2,575 -------- -------- -------- --------NET INCOME (LOSS) $ 1,064 $ 8,022 $(2,738) $ 5,878 ======== ======== ======== ========Basic earnings (loss) per share $ 0.05 $ 0.41 $ (0.14) $ 0.29Shares used in computing basic earnings (loss) per share 20,064 19,722 19,857 20,145Diluted earnings (loss) per share $ 0.05 $ 0.39 $ (0.14) $ 0.28Shares used in computing diluted earnings (loss) per share 20,408 20,403 19,857 20,975 PCTEL, Inc. Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets (unaudited, in thousands) December 31, December 31, 2004 2003 ------------- ------------- ASSETSCURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 83,887 $ 106,007 Restricted cash 208 278 Short-term investments - 19,177 Accounts receivable, net 10,819 3,630 Inventories, net 8,554 1,267 Prepaid expenses and other assets 2,969 1,929 ------------- ------------- Total current assets 106,437 132,288PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net 9,746 1,197GOODWILL 14,114 5,561OTHER INTANGIBLE ASSETS, net 11,628 4,140OTHER ASSETS 180 55 ------------- -------------TOTAL ASSETS $ 142,105 $ 143,241 ============= ============= LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS´ EQUITY-----------------------------------------CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable $ 1,085 $ 333 Accrued royalties 11 3,208 Income taxes payable 5,692 7,359 Deferred revenue 1,920 2,960 Accrued liabilities 10,140 5,739 ------------- ------------- Total current liabilities 18,848 19,599LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 334 736 ------------- ------------- Total liabilities 19,182 20,335 ------------- -------------STOCKHOLDERS´ EQUITY: Common stock 21 20 Additional paid-in capital 160,180 155,548 Deferred compensation (4,422) (2,552) Accumulated deficit (32,938) (30,201) Accumulated other comprehensive income 82 91 ------------- ------------- Total stockholders´ equity 122,923 122,906 ------------- -------------TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS´ EQUITY $ 142,105 $ 143,241 ============= =============
(c) 2005 Business Wire. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission
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Boardmail an "lancerevo7" |
Den Kauf im März 06 habe ich mit dem Ziel, eines für meine Verhältnisse, schnellen Verkaufs gemacht, da ich a) die Zahlen 4.Q 05 bzw GJ 2005, die Ende Februar veröffentlicht wurden ganz gut fand und b) aus dem Gefühl heraus (womit etwas öfter richtig und etwas seltener daneben liege).
Ich werde PC-Tel auf jeden Fall weiter beobachten, ob ich nochmal was mache weiß ich nicht.
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17-Apr-06 | Ferris Baker Watts | Upgrade | Neutral | Buy |
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