By: tcr7309 29 Sep 2006, 12:08 PM EDT Msg. 173491 of 173522 FACT: 99% LIKELY HOOD J3+ARM SETTLE OR PTSC WINS IN COURT, SEE BELOW;
straight from the ny times article: so what do we really have here, 234 patent infringement cases filed in the texas district that includes marshall, of those 234 lawsuits, 95% settle before trial, of the remaining 5% of defendants that decide to go to trial, 78% of the defendants lose, so combining both variables the likely hood of the plaintiff either winning a settlement or winning in court is an amazing 99%. let me say that again, 99%, to make this easier for the bashers to understand, only 3 of 234 lawsuits filed in the district that includes marshall were won by the defendants, yes, 231 out of 234 were victories for the plaintiff, so what is the risk/reward here, the risk is not whether the j3+arm wins, because the likely hood of that occurring is only 1%, the risk is not having the patience to ride the waves until either the j3 + arm settle or we go to court and win, all comes to finality no later than nov/dec 07, this is going to be fun!!!!!!!!!
from the ny times: september 06 What sets Marshall apart from its neighbors is a red-hot patent docket. Four years ago, 32 patent lawsuits were filed in the Federal Eastern District of Texas, which includes Tyler, Texarkana and Marshall. This year, an estimated 234 cases will be filed in the district, a majority of them in Marshall.
What’s behind the rush to file patent lawsuits here? A combination of quick trials and plaintiff-friendly juries, many lawyers say. Patent cases are heard faster in Marshall than in many other courts. And while only a small number of cases make it to trial — roughly 5 percent — patent holders win 78 percent of the time, compared with an average of 59 percent nationwide
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