Zu später Stunde noch ein super Beitrag von Dr. Jerry aus ihub:
look for news soon of a combo trial using MANF plus GDNF or Ceregene's" trophic agent". Combo therapy is the way to go to insure both regeneration as well as increase in SN Dopamine levels. They also have the option of using MANF plus the gene in a novel adenoviral vector. The synergistic effect is revolutionizing the oncology and diabetes treatment arena. Look for it at AMBS soon. There is a lot of rumble in the internal medicine community to find a proactive disease altering treatment for Parkinson's and Alzheimers as our population ages and the medical cost skyrocket. This company will reap huge returns to the faithful who hold. The science is sound, soon will come the funding from academia and the Federal Government. Many eyes around the globe are watching this tiny company and for proof look at the advisory board being developed |