San Telmo CA7995491007

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neuester Beitrag: 01.11.05 22:11
eröffnet am: 16.08.03 00:58 von: rapido Anzahl Beiträge: 387
neuester Beitrag: 01.11.05 22:11 von: nightfly Leser gesamt: 72222
davon Heute: 15
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18.08.04 00:41

2756 Postings, 7894 Tage rapidoNeues Tief! 0,38(38/39)F, OTC 0,51$=0,413

aber in D 164229 OTC 106520 geh.Stück.

18.08.04 09:19

1575 Postings, 7785 Tage Ölmausvor allem in den USA plus minus null

und in deutschland ...  

21.08.04 13:18

4 Postings, 7694 Tage kjkunathHat eigentlich

irgend jemand mal kontakt mit Santelmo aufgenommen
Würde mich sehr interessieren

bekam ich von  Nick Boutsalis wer immer das sein mag

Why would you say that the company is fake? All of STUOF filings are on the SEC,  site, where you can review them, and see for yourself that they are a real company with real production.


23.08.04 10:04

1575 Postings, 7785 Tage Ölmausist das nicht einer von stan telmos

PR / IR-Firma (Primoris Group)?  

23.08.04 12:15

4 Postings, 7694 Tage kjkunaths.telmo

ist wohl PR
Nick Boutsalis []  

25.08.04 20:18

214 Postings, 7565 Tage oldawkn 675088

Ist jemand da der mir diese paar Saetze ins Deutsche uebersetzen kann.
You can discuss any stocks you want as long as they have comparison charts like the XOM one. Do you know San Telmo Energy (CANADA) STUOF? All the numbers look in order but the stock price, which is what counts. Meanwhile with WTZ we just have to wait for the PM sector to finish bottoming and begin a new uptrend, a process which looks as if it has started. These stocks are great trading vehicles,sell on spikes up and use the downtrends to reload positions would be my theory, holding only a core position in case we ever do get the BIG one, the upside breakout all the neophytes are so intent on.

25.08.04 23:04

2621 Postings, 7421 Tage Nostra2Hatte das Ding auch mal

hab es nach 10% Minus rausgeschmissen.
Würde jetzt jedem raten auszusteigen.
Ist alles nur Pusherei,von den Hot Stocks Agenturen.  

01.09.04 10:50

2756 Postings, 7894 Tage rapido0,39 trauriges Spiel

aber der Ami(?)da oben meint eine Bodenbildung abzuwarten und dann
auf den Aufwärtstrend zu setzen.Soller doch.

13.09.04 23:49

2756 Postings, 7894 Tage rapidoneues Tief -10k in M zu 0,35 SK OTC 0,367(0,45$) o. T.

14.09.04 00:00

196 Postings, 7637 Tage inlinerDas sieht mit San Telmo schlecht aus.

die scheinen die Kurve nicht mehr zu kriegen.
Mann, was bin ich froh, nurm 800 Euronen in den Sand gesetzt zu haben.

21.09.04 01:01

2756 Postings, 7894 Tage rapido0,33 nach unten keine Grenze

aber bei 0,28 werde ich schwach-oder bei der nächsten news.
Nach oben(wenn überhaupt)dürfte bei 0,40/42 der Deckel drauf sein.

21.09.04 13:05

7 Postings, 7393 Tage baianower wird schon bei 0,28 schwach...

Habt Ihr keine Nerven? Ich bleibe  long  und werde lieber bei 2,00 € ein Fäßchen aufmachen. Bei 3,00 oder mehr lasse ich mir noch was einfallen...


21.09.04 13:09

967 Postings, 8435 Tage HAMSIJungs!

Nur keine Nerven zeigen.

01.10.04 11:20

967 Postings, 8435 Tage HAMSIWeiss denn jemand,

warum der Kurs so stark gefallen ist? So weit ich weiss gibt es
keine positive und negative Nachrichten. Also ist der Kurs
doch nach unten hin übertrieben, da wir ja wissen, dass San Telmo
bereits Öl fördert (ob das Ganze wahr ist, weiss vermutlich auch keiner).
Doch wenn etwas betrügerisches dahinter wäre, dann würde es ja schon
bekannt werden. Immerhin sind es ja schon einige Monate her...


01.10.04 13:25

2756 Postings, 7894 Tage rapidonix

wissen,nur daß gestern mit 0,30 ein neues Tief gefunden wurde,aber die
Amis haben dann wieder 3c draufgepackt,heute noch gar nicht geschaut.
m.E.keine Info=schlechte Info,zumindest schlechte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.

01.10.04 13:33

967 Postings, 8435 Tage HAMSIHallo Rapido!

keine Nachricht-schlechte Nachricht. Das ist nicht unbedingt wahr. Sie sind berechtigt, alle Quartale oder Ad-Hocs nur zu berichten! Wie auch immer findest Du in deren Seite
Dokumente, die abgelegt worden sind. Warum melden sich die dummen Analysten nicht?
Na ich habe mal eine mail zu San Telmo geschickt. Mal sehen, ob diese sich melden.

Ich habe mal eine Position aufgebaut:
KK 2000 0,34
KK 2000 0,31

Ich wills wissen Rapido!


01.10.04 13:47

2756 Postings, 7894 Tage rapidoHi Hamsi

Du wirst es erfahren!Am eigenen Geldbeutel!
Wenigstens einer,der optimistisch gestimmt ist.
Wann ist denn Deiner Meinung nach Quartalsende?
Mail hatte ich schon mal geschickt,keine Antwort.Vielleicht bei Dir...

01.10.04 13:55

967 Postings, 8435 Tage HAMSIHast ja recht!

Ich werde es erfahren. Sieh es so. Es sind gerademal 1200 Euro investiert.
Wenn ich alles verlieren sollte, kann ich es ertragen. Aber mein Gefühl ist
recht optimistisch gestimmt (ich weiss auch nicht warum). Diese Aktie
wird eine neue Performance hinlegen! Und ich bin günstig eingestiegen (denke ich)!
Wenn keine mail kommt, dann rufe ich eben an und frage die persönlich (he he he)!
Heute 3Q ende und normalerweise in 10-30 Tagen werden die Ergebnisse vorgestellt.
Ich weiss aber nicht, ob OTC notierte Aktien alle Quartale melden müssen.



01.10.04 14:09

2756 Postings, 7894 Tage rapidoalso wirds bald Zeit

für eine Meldung,der letzte Knaller war vom 15.07.,gerade mal quergelesen.
Berichten MÜSSEN sie wohl nicht,aber es wäre angebracht.
Hab heute gerade mein cash in CMGI investiert,
nächste Woche mal was umschichten...

01.10.04 14:57

967 Postings, 8435 Tage HAMSIwow CMGI

lebt noch. Das ist ja wahnsinn! Mal sehen...

03.10.04 11:34

214 Postings, 7565 Tage oldaSan Telmo

SAN TELMO ENERGY LTD files Form 6-K, Report of Foreign Issuer



Washington, D.C.  20549





For the Period           September 2004______
File No.  _____ 0-30952 ______


(Formerly San Telmo Resources Ltd.)

(Name of Registrant)

430 – 580 Hornby Street, Vancouver, British Columbia  CANADA V6C 3B6

(Address of principal executive offices)


Management Information Circular


Form of Proxy

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.          

FORM 20-F   XXX      FORM 40-F ____

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.      

Yes _____




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this Form 6-K to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



Dated:  September 28, 2004            Signed: /s/ Christopher Dyakowski

                                                                             Christopher Dyakowski,





This Information Circular is furnished in connection with the solicitation by the management of San Telmo Energy Ltd. (hereinafter called the “Company”) of proxies to be used at the time and place and for the purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of Meeting. It is expected that this solicitation will be primarily by mail and possibly supplemented by telephone or other personal contact to be made without special compensation by regular officers and employees of the Company. The cost of solicitation by management will be borne by the Company.


A person giving a proxy has the power to revoke it. In addition to revocation in any other manner permitted by law, a proxy may be revoked by instrument in writing executed by the shareholders or by his attorney authorized in writing or if the shareholder is a corporation, under its corporate seal or by an officer or attorney thereat duly authorized, deposited at the registered office of the Company at 430 - 580 Hornby Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3B6 at any time up to and including the last business day preceding the date of the Meeting or any adjournment thereof and upon either of such deposits the proxy is revoked.


If the instructions of the shareholders given in the accompanying form of proxy are certain and the proxy is duly completed and delivered and has not been revoked the shares represented thereby will be voted on any poll except where the instruction of the shareholder is to withhold the vote. Where the shareholder has specified in the proxy a choice with respect to any matter to be acted upon, the shares will be voted on any poll in accordance with the specifications so made. WHENEVER A SHAREHOLDER HAS NOT SPECIFIED IN RESPECT OF A MATTER IDENTIFIED IN THE FORM OF PROXY A CHOICE AS TO HOW THE SHARES REPRESENTED BY THE PROXY ARE TO BE VOTED, THE SHARES REPRESENTED BY THE PROXY WILL BE VOTED IN FAVOUR OF ANY SUCH MATTER, OR FOR THE ELECTION OF THE DIRECTORS OR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE AUDITORS NOMINATED BY THE MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY, AS THE CASE MAY BE.

The accompanying form of proxy when duly completed and delivered and not revoked confers authority upon the persons named as proxyholder therein to vote according to their discretion on any amendment or variations to any of the matters identified in the accompanying Notice of Meeting and


to vote according to their discretion on any other matters which may properly come before the Meeting. At the time of printing this Information Circular, the management of the Company does not know of any amendments or variations to any of the matters identified in the accompanying Notice of Meeting or of any additional matters to be presented for action at the Meeting.


No director or senior officer, past, present or nominated, or any associate of such persons or any person on behalf of whom this solicitation is made has any interest, direct or indirect, in any matter to be acted upon at the Meeting, involved in the normal business of the Meeting, or the general affairs of the Company or its subsidiary, save and except the incentive stock option as described below.


None of the directors or senior officers of the company have had any material interest, direct or indirect in any material transaction of the Company since the commencement of the Company?s last completed financial year or in any proposed transaction which in either such case, has materially affected or will materially affect control of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, save and except the incentive stock options as described below.


The Company is authorized to issue 300,000,000 shares without par value of which 42,968,502 shares are issued and outstanding. There is one class of shares authorized only. Each share carries the right to one vote so that the aggregate number of votes attaching to all the outstanding shares is 42,968,502.

Shareholders registered prior to the close of business on September 14, 2004 (the “record date”) will be entitled to receive notice of the meeting and to attend and vote thereat. If a shareholder desires to be represented at the Meeting by Proxy, the Instrument of Proxy duly complete must be mailed or deposited at Pacific Corporate Trust Company, 10 th Floor - 625 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3B8 and must be received at that office not less than 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, before the time for the holding of the Meeting.

To the best of the knowledge of the directors and officers of the Company, as of the date of this Information Circular, no person or company beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, equity shares carrying more than 10% of the voting rights attached to all equity shares of the Company.




Gruss an alle San Tel.  

03.10.04 11:53

214 Postings, 7565 Tage oldasan Telmo

 Our Properties    

30% San Telmo (farm-in)

At Mahaska, San Telmo participated in the successful drilling of a medium-depth Gething gas well. Drilled to a depth of 6,500 feet (1,900 meters), this well is currently producing approximately 0.4 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcfd).


73.6% San Telmo

San Telmo's Gordondale prospect is a three-quarters section of land located in northern Alberta. During a production test, the well flowed at a maximum rate of 4.2 mmcfd with 603 barrels of oil per day (bbls/d). This translates to 1,303 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) at a 6:1 conversion. To comply with flare permit limitations during testing, Gordondale was restricted on a 5/16 (7.94mm) choke to a flow rate of 1.6 mmcfd and 232 barrels of oil per day (bbls/d). This equates to 493 boe/d at a 6:1 conversion. No reservoir boundaries were detected during the well test.

The test results from Gordondale support a strong, commercially viable operation. San Telmo plans to commence a development program and drill additional wells at Gordondale. The cash flow generated from this well and other San Telmo wells being readied for production will enable the company to fund the development drilling at Gordondale and additional opportunities.


70% San Telmo (farm-in)

San Telmo's McLeod well was successfully drilled to a target depth of 6,266 feet (1,910 meters). During testing the well flowed at a maximum unstimulated rate of 6.5 mmcfd with 325 barrels (bbls) of premium condensate per day. This is the equivalent of 1,408 boe/d at a 6:1 conversion. The average restricted flow rate on a 16/64 choke was 2.66 mmcfd with 101 bbls of condensate.


Peace River Arch (Teepee Creek)
100% San Telmo

San Telmo's Teepee Creek prospect is located along a Charlie Lake erosional edge, which historically has been a prolific producer. An 86 hour production test was conducted on the Teepee Creek well, in which the well flowed at a maximum rate of 2.0 mmcfd, which equates to 333 boe/d at a 6:1 conversion. The stabilized flow rate on a 3/8 (9.53 mm) choke was 1.3 mmcfd, which equates to 217 boe/d at a 6:1 conversion.


Gold Creek
100% San Telmo

San Telmo's Gold Creek prospect lies approximately ten miles southeast of the city of Grande Prairie. San Telmo has acquired one section of land updip from a thick lower Charlie Lake carbonate unit that has a potential oil water contact on logs. The unit shales out to the northeast, setting up a potential stratigraphic oil trap over San Telmo land. Potential targeted reserves are in the order of 100,000 bbls per well.


Long Coulee
50% San Telmo (joint venture)

The Long Coulee well target depth is approximately 1,200 meters and potential reserves are estimated at 2.0 billion cubic feet of natural gas (bcf). The prospect is targeting a thick Ellerslie channel sand accumulation that has historically been a prolific producer in the area. The Long Coulee area offers low risk exploration potential, year round access, shallow well depths and nearby infrastructure. It is expected that San Telmo Energy and its partners will commence drilling operations at the Long Coulee prospect before spring break-up, which typically takes place in April or May.


Boundary Lake
100% San Telmo

San Telmo's Boundary Lake prospect is a 4,900 feet (1,500 meters) Triassic Boundary Lake target. The prospect is offsetting a Boundary Lake pool which has produced 651,000 barrels of oil to date and is between two wells which produced 47,000 and 8,000 barrels of oil respectively. The property is being held for future activities.


100% San Telmo

The Mitsue prospect is a 3,900 feet (1,200 meters) Lower Gething channel sand target. Pressure analysis of the existing shut-in non-producing Gething pool indicates that 0.5 to 1.0 bcf remains to be recovered. The property is being held for future activities.


50% San Telmo

The Morinville prospect is a 3,900 feet (1,200 meters) Ellerslie Sand target. The prospect concept is to drill into an existing Ellerslie gas pool which was abandoned in 1961. Pressure studies of the pool suggest that 1.0 to 3.0 bcf of reserves may be remaining in the pool and that abandonment of the pool in 1961 was premature. The property is being held for future activities.


100% San Telmo

The Westlock prospect is a 2,625 feet (800 meters) Viking sand target offsetting the Westlock Viking pool. Pool studies suggest that pool abandonment in1992 was premature. The property is being held for future activities.


Whitecourt (Blueridge)
40% San Telmo

The Whitecourt opportunity is a 6,200 feet (1,900 meters) Pekisko test in central Alberta. The play is offsetting a previously drilled Pekisko well which tested at a rate of 1.4 million cubic feet of gas per day (1.4 mmcfd) with water. The play is updip of this well along a seismically defined Pekisko erosional edge. Similar pools along this edge have produced up to 44 billion cubic feet of gas (44 bcf) to date. Whitecourt is a standing cased well.


© 2004 San Telmo Resources. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer Powered by: Snap Technologies Content Management Systems  

Gruss olda  

03.10.04 12:06

214 Postings, 7565 Tage oldaSan Telmo

Industry Info    

Canada is part of a continent-wide natural gas market, a market in which demand exceeds supply. Market conditions have sent prices soaring. Canadian exports to the United States hit record levels for both value and volume in 2000/2001 with a staggering $28 billion in revenues, far outpacing the $16 billion and $10 billion in the previous two contract years. This trend is expected to continue.

Right now, large oil companies are divesting their holdings without fully developing or realizing their opportunities, often because they do not fit into the company's core development area or plan. Vast areas with great promise are under-explored and many production zones are under-developed. This situation provides excellent prospects for a small, efficient company with an executive management team that has proven ability to capitalize on these types of opportunities.

Oil prices are also on the rise. Griffiths McBurney & Partners (GMP) predicts that oil prices will continue to enjoy a "war premium" during the first half of 2003. Even with a resolution of the Iraq crisis, GMP believes that political unrest is likely to continue in the Middle East, the primary exporting region for oil to Europe and the United States.


© 2004 San Telmo Resources. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer Powered by: Snap Technologies Content Management Systems  


03.10.04 15:47

2621 Postings, 7421 Tage Nostra2Habt ihr den

Scheiß immer noch im Depot?
Schaut euch mal den Chart an,
oder glaubt ihr noch an den

04.10.04 15:42

967 Postings, 8435 Tage HAMSIWas passiert in Deutschland?

große Pakete werden verkauft. Warum?

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