GLCC hebt ab +335%

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neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 01:05
eröffnet am: 27.05.08 16:48 von: karibik Anzahl Beiträge: 2003
neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 01:05 von: Birgitcejua Leser gesamt: 234957
davon Heute: 52
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13.08.08 00:48

58056 Postings, 6344 Tage jocyxLeider ist Dummheit hier Grundvoraussetzung

Die meisten hier haben doch keine Ahnung, wenn man wie ich über 15 Jahre aktive Börsenerfahrung hat, sieht man doch die Wiederholungsphasen von bestimmten Abzockaktionen.
Und dann tauchen solche Naivlinge mit Pseudowissen auf und denken das sie die Weisheit gepachtet haben. Leider verstecken sich dahinter aber auch viele Dummpusher. Sucht euch aus, wozu ich euch zählen soll.  

13.08.08 06:18

180 Postings, 8748 Tage TraderANews

Angehängte Grafik:
sc.png (verkleinert auf 59%) vergrößern

13.08.08 08:08

1010 Postings, 6705 Tage singernotNur eine Richtung...

...und die ist Richtung Süden. Wenn sich da nicht bald was ändert, nutzen die Diskussionen hier auch nichts.  

13.08.08 14:12

1751 Postings, 6389 Tage corth@jocyx

Prinzipiell hast du Recht, aber bei der Aktie hatte man mehrfach 100% Chancen.

@singer und einstein
selbst Schuld wenn ihr nicht rechtzeitig verkauft habt  

13.08.08 22:20

941 Postings, 6489 Tage Hedoddbye/sell

10.291.759 : 2.404.672
wobei dabei nachbörslich 2.190.000 stücke abverkauft wurden. offenbar kleine orders, die über den tag gesammelt wurden. käufe aber offenbar alle aus dem bid, da null kaufdruck entstanden ist.
sk 0.0052 usd
IMHO. Keine Empfehlung für Handlungen jeglicher Art.

13.08.08 22:37

1861 Postings, 9188 Tage karibikafter hour filing:

Good Life China (GLCC) Resolution NO Stock Reversal (Filing)
BEIJING, Aug. 13 – Good Life China Corporation, (GLCC.PK) the issuer today passed a resolution confirming that for the fiscal year end 2008 it shall not reverse split its security. The issuer has been overwhelmed with inquiries about this topic and suspects that this non issue topic and rumor is being fueled by the litigants (stock bashers) of the pending slander lawsuit.
The issuer being a part financial beneficiary in a pending law suit together with its former investor relations company) and a corporate advisor against a blog type “Investors Hub” message board, where amongst other things the principals of the issuer and the principals of the IR were slandered.
The IR legal team served the Investors Hub legal documents which service was rejected as “No such business” at the following address:, Inc. 100 W Main Street PO 29 Freeman, MO 64746 USA
The issuer agreed to join in the statement of claim (complaint in USA), and therefore is the basis of this filing. The issuer and its previous IR through their solicitor intend to bring a motion without notice to serve the documents electronically via e mail and by registered mail. The Plaintiffs are seeking to obtain a court order compelling the management of Investors Hub to surrender the names and addresses of the aforementioned stock bashers to enable the legal service of litigation documents, and the proceedings to begin.
The issuer being a part financial beneficiary of this claim / complaint feels that this is a material fact that its followers should be aware of.
Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
CONTACT:, Tel: (702) 508-4172 Investor Relations  

13.08.08 22:40

1861 Postings, 9188 Tage karibikheutige news nochmals:

Good Life China (GLCC) Signs Cooperation Agreement with China Reserve Logistics Company
BEIJING, Aug. 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Good Life China Corporation (Pink Sheets GLCC) is pleased to announce that it has signed a significant cooperation agreement with the Hebei Province subsidiary of China Material Reserve Transportation Company.

China Material Reserve Transportation Company is one of the largest logistics providers in China, and its Hebei Logistics Center is the largest third-party logistics company in Hebei Province, with total assets of 400 million yuan, (Approx 6 million USD) and an annual handling capacity of over 100 million tons.

China Reserve Logistics will service the Shijiazhuang City District and the surrounding 17 counties and cities on behalf of Good Life, with a total population of roughly 7 million people. It is anticipated that total throughput at the logistics center could reach 2 billion Yuan (Approx 290 million USD) by the end of the year.

Cangzhou is located 180 kilometers south of Beijing, near the coast of the Bohai Sea of the Pacific Ocean. It lies on the Jinghu (Beijing-Shanghai) railway line and within the 'Jinghu Axis', a geographic and transportation corridor between Beijing and Shanghai to the south.

Dongmei Jia, CEO of Good Life was joined by Wu Si, general manager of China Reserve Logistics, at the recent signing ceremony.

Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.

CONTACT:, 1-(702) 508-4172

CONTACT:, (702) 508-4172

SOURCE Good Life China Corporation

Source: PR Newswire (August 13, 2008 - 9:17 AM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia

15.08.08 17:42

1010 Postings, 6705 Tage singernotNoch wer investiert?

15.08.08 17:49

941 Postings, 6489 Tage Hedoddklar doch...

die zeiten sind ungünstig zum aussteigen,,,;-((
IMHO. Keine Empfehlung für Handlungen jeglicher Art.

16.08.08 16:02

1010 Postings, 6705 Tage singernotNur mehr einer?

Naja, was soll ich sagen. Ausstieg zahlt sich bei mir auch nicht mehr wirklich aus... ;-(  

16.08.08 21:00

1751 Postings, 6389 Tage corthBin auch noch da

16.08.08 21:45

526 Postings, 6215 Tage Donpedromucbin auch noch da.

0b ich 90% oder 100% verliere ist jetzt egal - ich kann warten. bei Motion hats auch gedauert und bin mit 100% raus.
IMHO. Sonntags kein Verkauf nur Beratung

God bless our investments

17.08.08 21:02

4951 Postings, 6354 Tage 0815ax...

zurück aus dem "Heimat"-Urlaub und auch noch da/wartend auf die 0,50€-Party...

*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
...wer Rechtschreibfehler findet - kann sie behalten !
25.07.08 Eröffnunsspiel 3.Liga: RWE-SGD  0:1
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde: RWE-Bayern München  3:4

17.08.08 21:05

4951 Postings, 6354 Tage 0815ax15.08.08:

Good Life China (GLCC) Launches Retail Program for Popular (MONA) Online Gaming Portal

BEIJING, Aug. 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Good Life China Corporation (Pink Sheets GLCC) is pleased to announce that it has launched a retail program to sell proprietary and popular 'NetEase Cards'.

NetEase has been a leader in the Chinese game market. NetEase provides online game services to Internet users through the licensing or in-house development of massively multiplayer online role-playing games, including Fantasy Westward Journey, Westward Journey Online II, Westward Journey Online III, and TianXia 2.

Good Life's convenience stores are selling two denominations of the cards; Netease Card loaded with 150 points cards, at a retail price at 15 yuan ($2.19 USD); and 300 points cards priced at 30 yuan ($4.38USD). These cards can then be redeemed online for playing time of Netease licensed games.

This is a particularly attractive retail segment, due to the limited shelf space required for display, and proven popularity of the Netease program.

The cards will continue to be rolled out across the franchise base in the coming months.

Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.

CONTACT: , 1-(702) 508-4172

CONTACT: , (702) 508-4172

DATASOURCE: Good Life China Corporation

CONTACT: , (702) 508-4172
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
...wer Rechtschreibfehler findet - kann sie behalten !
25.07.08 Eröffnunsspiel 3.Liga: RWE-SGD  0:1
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde: RWE-Bayern München  3:4

18.08.08 18:56

6019 Postings, 6643 Tage einstein16haloooo

noch jemand daa???????  

18.08.08 18:57

5662 Postings, 6370 Tage

BEIJING, Aug. 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The company is pleased to announce that Good Life China was chosen to become a "10000 Towns and 1000 Villages" business model project Enterprise in North China. This policy and its purpose is designed to enable rural people to buy durable merchandise ideally with a life cycle of three years. The pilot projects in the region produced about 250,000.00 in gross revenues for the aforementioned farm shop. Cangzhou City party committee and government officials agreed to back the "10000 Towns and 1000 Villages" project very seriously. Li Zhiguo, vice mayor of Cangzhou, said: "We foresee good support of the business model in Good Life and the rollout of the "10000 Towns and 10000 Villages" business model".

Authorities and the City government officials related to the Ministry of Commerce officially that it should launch this project at the earliest with the target date commencing at the beginning of the 2009 fiscal year. The Ministry of Commerce delegation also visited the Good Life distribution centers, headquarters of shops, bus station stores, supermarkets and small Wangzhuang Enzan, sea-part of the "farm shop". Good Life CEO Jia Dongmei, and the chairman of the farm shop project spoke on the details and the roll out of the program.

The company intends to provide further updates on this project shortly.

Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.

CONTACT: , (702) 508-4172, Investor Relations

CONTACT: , (702) 508-4172, Investor Relations

DATASOURCE: Good Life China Corporation

CONTACT: , (702) 508-4172, Investor



18.08.08 22:22

1751 Postings, 6389 Tage corthPassiert

noch etwas mit dem Kurs bevor ich in Rente gehe? ;)  

18.08.08 22:29

941 Postings, 6489 Tage Hedodd@corth

wenn du unter 20 bist vielleicht, ansonsten wird es schwierig..:-))
IMHO. Keine Empfehlung für Handlungen jeglicher Art.

20.08.08 12:23

4951 Postings, 6354 Tage 0815ax...die heutige NEWS
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
...wer Rechtschreibfehler findet - kann sie behalten !
25.07.08 Eröffnunsspiel 3.Liga: RWE-SGD  0:1
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde: RWE-Bayern München  3:4

20.08.08 12:41

1861 Postings, 9188 Tage karibik@0815ax

danke, wollte diese heutige news eben auch reinstellen, hört sich weiterhin sehr gut an, das lange warten wird belohnt werden, da bin ich mir sehr sicher  

20.08.08 12:48

526 Postings, 6215 Tage Donpedromucbleibt uns leider nicht´s anderes übrig als

zu warten, aber vielleicht greift der Hype bei den Pennystocks auch auf GLCC über.
Dann aber ab zur 0,50 Party.
IMHO. Sonntags kein Verkauf nur Beratung

God bless our investments

21.08.08 00:21

23 Postings, 6147 Tage D2404Leute....

Ich warte mit euch.

Schön dass du an das Investments glaubst Karibik. Aber ich muss sagen, mich verlässt so langsam die Hoffnung... Egal. WIR WARTEN!!!


21.08.08 02:12

2254 Postings, 6099 Tage Super YOGIAbwarten und Tee trinken! Hier was zum reinhören

21.08.08 14:04

4951 Postings, 6354 Tage 0815ax...die neuesten Gerüchte aus dem ihub...

Posted by: Captskip    Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008 6:26:36 AM  
In reply to: 2future4u who wrote msg# 34853  Post # of 34925  

PR blitz and new investors, Uplist and BUYOUT ..nice!

Thanks for that update Mr. 2f.


I've just talked to IR,

"I spoke to Mr. Mark Hamilton. I asked him about the name of Eng America he said the name would be announced. For now it is a public company trading on Frankfurt's exchange. I asked him if it was Emerald he said no, it's a UK company.
Then a asked him about dividends, I said I thought the deal was closed when can we expect divvy, he said that they were working on 2 deals 1 private and 1 public company. When they close $15 million deal shareholders would get their divvy.
Then I asked if there was a chance to see our pps climbing he said they were doing Bloomberg, CNN awareness, they would be bringing in many new investors and have a good volume. Also there is a chance for a buy back.

Ok, that's all I got you may try yourselves."
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung

25.07.08 Eröffnunsspiel 3.Liga: RWE-SGD  0:1
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde: RWE-Bayern München  3:4

21.08.08 14:58

941 Postings, 6489 Tage Hedoddes wird schon leben in die bude kommen...

ask war vorhin schon auf 0.011 usd getaxt. mittlerweile wieder bissl runter.
IMHO. Keine Empfehlung für Handlungen jeglicher Art.

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