2 Milliarden $: Patriot Scientific gegen intel

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04.03.05 07:56

742 Postings, 7466 Tage Schwertfegerwilkommen an board nassie!

hier ist geduld gefragt und eine eine letargische gleichgültigkeit bis unser baby wachgeküßt wird.  

04.03.05 11:03

4000 Postings, 7853 Tage Abenteurer@Nassie

Schön Dich wieder zu treffen! Ja ein paar Monate Geduld muss man haben.

Viele Grüße Abenteurer  

04.03.05 11:37

16074 Postings, 8508 Tage NassieSo, Order hat ich

reingelegt. Geduld habe ich ohne Ende. Aus meiner Sicht kann es ruhig noch einige Rücksetzer geben. Dann kaufe ich weiter nach.  

04.03.05 11:38

16074 Postings, 8508 Tage NassieGrammatik ?

Man sollte doch noch einmal lesen bevor man das Posting losschickt.  

04.03.05 17:47

292 Postings, 8101 Tage Zocker24Very Bullish


Bullish (0.48)Bullish (0.42)Very Bullish (0.51)Very Bullish (0.50)

den Chart dazu leider nur als Link





07.03.05 10:17

54 Postings, 8881 Tage Artus2000Infos?

Wann gehts denn hier mal weiter.
Weiß jemand, wann der Richter denn wohl mal ein wenig von seiner Entscheidung bekannt geben wird?  

07.03.05 13:35

375 Postings, 7646 Tage timmhier noch mal eine alte aber gute Zusammenfassung


vielleciht schon allen Bekannt, doch liest sich so schön!

AMD steigt bei Patriot Scientific ein und erwirbt Patent-Nutzungsrechte für Forth-Chips
Das kleine US-Unternehmen Patriot Scientific (PTSC) meldet, dass AMD die Nutzungsrechte am Patent-Portfolio für Forth-Prozessoren und Aktien der Firma gekauft habe. PTSC ist ein kleines Entwicklerunternehmen, das in den 80er-Jahren gegründet wurde und unter anderem mit Fördermitteln des US-Verteidigungsministeriums Spezialprozessoren entwickelte. Zu den Produkten gehörte der Stack-Prozessor PSC1000, der in den späten 90er-Jahren auch als sparsamer Java-Prozessor angeboten wurde. Heute hat PTSC vor allem den 32-Bit-Stack-Chip Ignite 2FX im Angebot und versucht, mit Lizenzeinnahmen für seine Patente Geld zu verdienen.  


Dabei hat sich PTSC in mehreren Richtungen in juristische Auseinandersetzungen verstrickt, wobei es vor allem um das US-Patent 5,809,336 aus dem Jahr 1998 für einen Mikroprozessor mit variablem Taktgenerator (Ringoszillator) geht. PTSC hat eine ganze Reihe von Unternehmen wegen Patentverletzung verklagt, wobei Intel einer Klage zuvorkam und seinerseits gegen PTSC klagte. Andererseits streitet sich PTSC aber auch mit einem der beiden im Patent eingetragenen Erfindern, nämlich mit Charles H. (Chuck) Moore, dem Forth-Erfinder.

PTSC hat nach eigener Ansicht die alleinigen Rechte am Patent 5,809,336, weil man die Rechte des Miterfinders Russell H. Fish III (über Umwege, etwa über die Firma Nanotronics) erworben habe. PTSC ist außerdem der Ansicht, dass der Ringoszillator ausschließlich eine Erfindung von Herrn Fish gewesen sei. Chuck Moore bedauert in einem auf Ultratechnology.com veröffentlichten Kaminfeuergespräch den Streit zwischen ihm und PTSC nach langen Jahren der Zusammenarbeit. Er selbst gilt als charismatische und kritikfreudige Persönlichkeit.

Laut Patriot hat Intel zwischenzeitlich versucht, sich über das Unternehmen Technology Properties Limited (TPL), das Chuck Moore vertritt, die Nutzungsrechte an dem Patent zu sichern. Im vergangenen November lehnte PTSC eine Offerte von TPL ab, die Rechte an mehreren Patenten für 7,5 Millionen US-Dollar und anteilige Lizenzbeteiligungen zu verkaufen -- nach Ansicht von PTSC-Chef Jeff Wallin liegt der potenzielle Wert nämlich mit etwa 1 Milliarde US-Dollar viel höher und eigentlich stecke Intel hinter dem TPL-Kaufangebot.

Moore war an der Entwicklung zahlreicher Forth-Prozessoren beteiligt, darunter dem ShBoom. Die Rechte zur Nutzung der ShBoom-Technik sind ebenfalls Bestandteil der Verträge zwischen AMD und PTSC, wobei die Partner über Höhe der Zahlungen schweigen.

AMD hat vor fast genau drei Jahren die Firma Alchemy, einen Entwickler von Stromspar-Prozessoren mit MIPS32-Kernen, gekauft. Die Alchemy-Au-Prozessoren sind für Embedded-Anwendungen gedacht und bieten auch ausreichend Leistung für Multimedia-Anwendungen. (ciw/c't)


08.03.05 11:56

1248 Postings, 7797 Tage MuffeMarket News

Market News

PTSC: Hires Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. as Acct-Going Concern

MONDAY , MARCH 07, 2005 02:27 PM

Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTCBB : PTSC) reported that the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors approved the engagement of Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. as the new independent auditor effective as of March 3, 2005. The prior independent auditor, Nation Smith Hermes Diamond APC, was acquired by Mayer Hoffman McCann.

The reports of Nation Smith on the financial statements of the Company for the fiscal Years ending May 31, 2004 and 2003, were modified for an uncertainty as to the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.




08.03.05 11:57

375 Postings, 7646 Tage timmintel bekommt heute noch einen dämpfer

Dow Jones/vwd
JP/Wettbewerbsbehörde: Intel verletzt Kartellrecht
Dienstag 8. März 2005, 10:58 Uhr

Intel Corp

SANTA CLARA (Dow Jones-VWD)--Die japanische Wettbewerbsbehörde hat die Intel Corp, Santa Clara, der Kartellrechtsverletzung beschuldigt. Eine Verletzung des Wettbewerbsrechts sei festgestellt worden, teilte die Behörde am Dienstag mit, nachdem sie vor elf Monaten drei Niederlassungen des US-Unternehmens in Japan durchsucht hatte. Die Behörde hatte untersucht, ob Intel verhindern wollte, dass japanische PC-Hersteller Mikroprozessoren von Wettbewerbern einsetzen.

Intel bestätigte ANZEIGE

den Eingang eines Schreibens der Behörde. Der Chip-Hersteller sei davon überzeugt, dass seine Geschäftspraktiken legal und fair seien. Intel sei darüber besorgt, dass die japanische Behörde Wettbewerbsregeln nicht akzeptiere, die weltweit anerkannten seien. "Es besteht ein breiter Konsens, dass die Wettbewerbsbehörde nur eingreifen soll, wenn ein Beweis für einen Nachteil der Verbraucher vorliegt", heißt es in einer Stellungnahme. Intel hatte nach einer Untersuchung des Marktforschungsunternehmens IDC 2004 einen Marktaneil von 90% (2002: 78%) in Japan. (ENDE) Dow Jones Newswires/8.3.2005/DJN/kla/jhe


08.03.05 12:04

45712 Postings, 7921 Tage joker67Aber der Chart sieht sehr gut aus und gibt Anlass

zu weiterem Anstieg,...wenn die richtige Meldung kommt:-)

und die kommt!!!


08.03.05 12:50

673 Postings, 7397 Tage westcliffklar...

ist nur die Frage wann...der gute Mann hat ja jetzt wirklich genug Zeit gehabt um sich da was zu überlegen...tja, die Beamten in USA sind wohl auch nicht schneller wie unsere :-)) (ich hoff, hier ist keiner, sonst mach ich mich ja u8nbeliebt ggg)
tja, dann we are waiting mal schön weiter...  

08.03.05 13:21

673 Postings, 7397 Tage westcliff??vor US-Start Anstieg??uppss o. T.

08.03.05 13:24

45712 Postings, 7921 Tage joker67Ja, aber Volumen noch zu gering,als das es was

bedeuten könnte.

Wenn ich mich täusche,...


08.03.05 13:35

673 Postings, 7397 Tage westcliffohh ja...

hab ich gar nicht geschaut...doch schon 8600 Stück heut gehandelt worden = ca. 1200 €...wow...da geht was...der kurs wird heut explodieren :-)))
okok..ich bin ja schon ruhig...ggggg  

08.03.05 13:43

45712 Postings, 7921 Tage joker67Mach ruhig weiter,ein bisschen "pushen" ist doch

nicht schlecht.*g*

greetz joker  

08.03.05 19:45

673 Postings, 7397 Tage westcliffsoviel Platz..

haben wir ohne gute Nachrichten:-))) die alten Höchstkurse ohne AMD und Patent 336 waren bei 7,50 $ :-)) wär doch mal n´guter Anfang :-))
Ich hab mal angefragt wanns news gibt....mal warten ob was zurückkommt  
Angehängte Grafik:

08.03.05 20:07

45712 Postings, 7921 Tage joker67Wenn die Dir ein Datum nennen sollten,könntest

Du mir bevor Du das hier reinstellst bitte eine Bordmail schicken*ggg*

Ich hätte dann noch was zu tun.:-)  

08.03.05 20:59

673 Postings, 7397 Tage westcliffso ist das

ja nicht....ich bin übrigens käuflich :-)))  

08.03.05 21:16

45712 Postings, 7921 Tage joker67Hahaha, was nimmst Du denn so?*g* o. T.

08.03.05 22:17

673 Postings, 7397 Tage westcliffdu merkst ja...

ist gut das Zeug :-))) gell...und...wir sind doch zum Geld verdienen da ggg
muß mal schauen..wenn die überhaupt sich herablassen zurückzuschreiben....die haben die mail jetzt schon 2 3/4 Stunden und sie haben sich noch nicht gerührt...wenn die wüssten das uns schon fast der halbe laden sogut wie gehört...grrrr...ggggg....ich glaub da müssen wir mal rüber und denen ein bischen einheizen...das man auch immer nach seinen Angestellten schauen muß...wo bleibt denn da das selbstständige arbeiten...die fliegen alle *lol*


09.03.05 15:49

673 Postings, 7397 Tage westcliffwas denn hier los....in usa nur bei 10 ct und

nach 15 min schon über 8 Millionen????????Ist etwa was raus????

09.03.05 15:56

45712 Postings, 7921 Tage joker67Sch.. einmal nicht aufgepasst, der Richterspruch

ist raus:

Case No. C 04-0618 JF

**E-filed 3/8/05**


Case Number C 04-0618 JF

Defendants move to disqualify Plaintiff’s counsel, and Plaintiff moves to allow the
testimony of Willis E. Higgins. Both motions are opposed. The Court has read the moving and
responding papers and has considered the oral arguments of counsel presented on February 4,
2005. For the reasons set forth below, Defendants’ motion will be granted in part and denied in
part, and Plaintiff’s motion will be denied.


Plaintiff Patriot Scientific Corporation (“Patriot”) filed the instant action for declaratory
relief to determine the inventorship and ownership of a family of seven patents (“patents-in-
suit”), all of which are derived from United States Patent Application No. 389,334 (“‘334
application”). All of the patents at issue list non-party Russell Fish (“Fish”) and Defendant
Charles Moore (“Moore”) as co-inventors. It is undisputed that in 1989, Fish and Moore
employed Willis E. Higgins (“Higgins”), a patent attorney, to represent them jointly as co-inventors
in the prosecution of the patents-in-suit.
In 1991, Fish transferred and assigned all of his rights, title and interest in the ‘334
application to the Fish Family Trust (“Fish Trust”) which in turn sold its interest in the
technology described by the ‘334 application to Nanotronics Corporation (“Nanotronics”). In
1992, the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued a division order with respect to the
‘334 application. Part of the application ultimately resulted in the issuance of United States
Patent No. 5,809,336 (“‘336 patent”), one of the patents-in-suit. In 1994, Nanotronics transferred
all of its rights, title and interest in the patents-in-suit to Patriot.
In 2003, Patriot sued several other companies for alleged infringement of the ‘336 patent.
Notwithstanding Higgins’ prior relationship with Moore, Patriot’s New York counsel retained
Higgins as a consultant in connection with these infringement lawsuits. Fish executed a written
waiver of the attorney-client privilege with respect to Higgins’ earlier work in prosecuting the
‘334 application.
Although each of the patents-in-suit lists Fish and Moore as co-inventors, Patriot asserts
in the instant action that Fish in fact was the sole inventor. Moore asserts that Patriot’s current
employment of Higgins is not limited to consulting with respect to the infringement actions, and
that Patriot’s counsel improperly have induced Higgins to assist Patriot in its challenge to
Moore’s co-inventorship of the patents-in-suit. At his deposition on December 1, 2004, Higgins
admitted that he has discussed his communications with Moore during prosecution of the ‘334
application with Patriot’s New York counsel, and that he has provided both oral and written
advice to Patriot concerning the inventorship issues herein. Higgins also admitted that his
agreement with Patriot obligates him to participate as a witness in Patriot’s litigation against
Moore. A recent billing statement from Higgins to Patriot in the amount of $31,775 expressly.

1 Pursuant to this Court’s Local Rules, any attorney admitted to practice before the Court,
including an attorney admitted pro hac vice, is required to comply with the standards of practice
applicable to California attorneys. Civ. L. R. 11-4(a)(1).

references conversations between Higgins and Patriot’s New York counsel concerning the
inventorship issues now before this Court.
Patriot nonetheless opposes disqualification and moves affirmatively to allow Higgins’
testimony in the instant case, contending that Moore never communicated confidential
information to Higgins, that the principal purpose of its present employment of Higgins is to
secure Higgins’ assistance in framing claim construction issues in the infringement action and
that Higgins’ current services thus are not substantially related to his prior representation of
Moore. Patriot further claims that Fish’s waiver of the attorney-client privilege was legally
sufficient to make all joint client information from the prior representation available to Patriot.


A. Defendants’ Motion for Disqualification of Plaintiff’s Counsel

Patriot is represented in the instant case by counsel from New York and California;
apparently, it also has counsel from Georgia who have not appeared before the Court.
Defendants seek disqualification of Patriot’s New York counsel on the ground that they induced
Higgins to breach his professional obligations to his former client, Moore. They also seek
disqualification of Patriot’s California and Georgia counsel, asserting that it reasonably may be
inferred from the circumstances that these attorneys also have obtained access to Moore’s client
confidences. As set forth below, the Court agrees with Defendants that disqualification of
Patriot’s New York and California counsel is required. However, the Court concludes on the
present record that there is an insufficient factual basis for disqualification of Patriot’s Georgia
Moore’s rights as Higgins’ former client are protected by both state and federal law.
California Rules of Professional Conduct 3-310(c) and 3-310(e)1 require that an attorney obtain.
an informed written waiver before divulging client confidences. California’s appellate courts
have held that an attorney owes a duty of loyalty to former clients that is even broader than the
traditional attorney-client privilege. Zador Corp., N. V. v. C. K. Kwan, 31 Cal. App. 4 th 1285,
1293 (1995). The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has held that the
attorney-client privilege is fully applicable to communications between a patent attorney and his
clients as long as the primary purpose of the communications is securing a legal opinion, a legal
service or assistance in a legal proceeding. In re Spalding Sports Worldwide, Inc., 203 F.3d 800,
806 (Fed. Cir. 2000). Although Patriot offers several arguments as to why these authorities do
not compel disqualification here, none of the arguments has merit.
First, as a matter of fact, Patriot’s contention that Moore never communicated
confidential information to Higgins is contradicted directly by Patriot’s claim in this very case
that Moore admitted to Higgins that Fish was the sole inventor of the ‘336 patent. Indeed, it is
difficult to understand what relevant evidence Higgins could offer as a witness in this case other
than his historical account of the respective roles and contributions of Fish and Moore in the
patent prosecution process. As noted above, Higgins’ recent billing to Patriot explicitly
references this subject.
Second, as a matter of both fact and law, Patriot’s claim that there is an insubstantial
relationship between Higgins’ prior representation of Moore and his role in the present litigation
is simply incorrect. As the California Court of Appeal held in Zador, when “the present
litigation involves former joint clients who subsequently become adverse, a substantial relation
between the former representation and subsequent action is inherent.” 31 Cal. App, 4 th at 1294-
1295. Consequently, “in a situation involving joint clients, the propriety of disqualification is not
dependent upon the substantial relationship. Rather it generally turns upon the scope of the
client’s consent.” Id. There is no evidence in the record that Moore has ever consented, either
expressly or impliedly, to Higgins’ assisting Patriot in proving that Moore was not the co-inventor
of the ‘336 patent. Nor is Higgins’ conflict of interest obviated by the fact that he is
Patriot’s retained consultant rather its attorney of record. The prohibition against representation.
applies whenever an attorney’s employment is adverse to the interests of a former client, even if
the attorney is employed as a consultant or designated as a witness. See American Airlines, Inc.
v. Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton., et al., 96 Cal App. 4 th 1017, 1039 (2002).
Finally, as a matter of fact and law, Fish’s waiver of the attorney-client privilege is
insufficient to entitle Patriot to Moore’s client confidences. Cal. Evid. Code § 912(b) provides
unambiguously that when “two or more persons are joint holders of the attorney-client privilege,
waiver of the privilege by one of the joint holders does not affect the right of the other joint
holder to claim the privilege.” See also American Mut. Liab. Ins. Co. v. Super. Ct., 38 Cal. App.
3d 579, 591 (1974). Although Patriot notes correctly that pursuant to Cal. Evid. Code § 962
there is no privilege as between former jointly represented clients in litigation involving matters
of common interest from the former representation, and that this exception under certain
circumstances may extend to a client’s successor-in-interest, Zador, 31 Cal. App. 4 th at 1285,
§ 962 simply is inapplicable here. The fact that Patriot is the assignee of Fish’s rights, title and
interest in the patents-in-suit does not mean that Patriot is now the joint holder of Moore’s
attorney-client privilege. The Federal Circuit has held explicitly that “the assignment of a patent
does not transfer the attorney-client relationship.” Tectronics Proprietary, Ltd. v. Medtronic, Inc.,
836 F.2d 1332, 1336 (Fed. Cir. 1998), and there is nothing in the record that establishes that
Patriot is anything other than an assignee. Indeed, the record shows that in unrelated litigation
involving various rights and obligations as among the Fish Trust, Nanotronics and Patriot, Patriot
claimed expressly that it was not Nanotronics’ (and thus by definition Fish’s) successor-in-interest
as that term is defined by California law.
Moreover, even if the facts of this case did somehow implicate § 962, California courts
have held that § 962 is irrelevant to the issue of attorney disqualification when an attorney
breaches his fiduciary duty to a former client. In Western Continental v. Natural Gas Crop., 212
Cal. App. 3d 752 (1989), two parties jointly hired an attorney to litigate against a third party
regarding their rights to a parcel of land. When the dispute was settled, one of the jointly
represented parties retained the same attorney to litigate against the other with respect to the.
same rights. The attorney claimed that there was no violation of the attorney-client privilege
because the attorney had jointly represented both parties. The court held that §962 did not
excuse the attorney’s breach of his fiduciary duty to his former client, concluding that “[w]e are
unpersuaded that under the circumstances of this case that there is a joint client exception to the
prohibition against representation adverse to a former client.” Id., at 761.
California Rule of Professional Conduct 1-120 provides that an attorney “shall not
knowingly assist in, solicit, or induce any violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct.” There
can be no question in this case that Patriot’s New York counsel violated this rule. Even if
Patriot’s initial employment of Higgins in connection with the infringement actions was
unobjectionable in that it was not adverse to Moore, counsel knew that Higgins had jointly
represented Fish and Moore previously, and clearly and prejudicially violated Moore’s rights by
expanding the scope of the consultation to include discussion of issues relevant to the present
litigation. Under the circumstances, disqualification, while a harsh remedy, is unavoidable. See
California Canners and Growers v. Bank of America, 74 B. R. 336, 247 (Bankr. N. D. Cal.
1987). See also Trone v Smith, 621 F.2d 998-1001 (9th Cir. 1980); People ex rel Dept. of
Corporations, v. Speedee Oil Change Systems, Inc., 20 Cal. 4th 1135, 1146 (1999).
Although there is no evidence that Patriot’s California counsel were actively involved in
the New York counsel’s improper communications with Higgins, the same principles require
their disqualification as well. Under California law, an individual attorney’s disqualification
extends vicariously to the attorney’s entire firm whether or not the other members of the firm
actually were exposed to the confidential client information in question. Here, Patriot’s
California counsel have appeared personally before the Court and have electronically co-signed
and filed Patriot’s pleadings and other documents. This degree of involvement is sufficient to
invoke a presumption that California counsel are privy to Moore’s confidences.
The record contains little if any information about the involvement of Patriot’s Georgia
counsel in the events relevant to the instant motion. Because disqualification of Patriot’s
Georgia counsel would have the effect of requiring Patriot to obtain an entirely new legal team,.
and because Defendants have proffered no evidence from which the Court could infer or presume
that confidential client information has in fact been communicated to them, the Court will deny
this aspect of Defendants’ motion without prejudice

B. Motion to Allow Testimony of Willis E. Higgins

The Court’s analysis of Plaintiff’s motion to allow Higgins to testify in the instant matter
mirrors the foregoing discussion. Any testimony by Higgins concerning his communications
with or other confidential information provided by Moore in the course of prosecuting the
patents-in-suit is subject to the attorney-client privilege, and any testimony by Higgins adverse to
Moore’s interests would be a breach of Higgins’ fiduciary duty to Moore. Absent a specific
proffer by Patriot as to how any testimony by Higgins not subject to the attorney-client privilege,
Higgins’ broader fiduciary duty or both would be relevant to any issue in the present inventorship
action, there is no basis for allowing Higgins to appear as a witness.


Good cause therefore appearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED:
1) Defendant’s motion to disqualify Plaintiff’s counsel is GRANTED as to Plaintiff’s
New York and California counsel and DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to Plaintiff’s
Georgia counsel.
2) Plaintiff’s motion to allow Higgins’ testimony is DENIED.

DATED: March 8, 2005 /s/ electronic signature authorized
United States District Judge.

09.03.05 16:04

45712 Postings, 7921 Tage joker67Das war es dann wohl:-(

Mein SL hat gegriffen und bin deshalb mit nicht so großem Verlust rausgeflogen.

Der Wettschein ist wohl nicht aufgegangen,der Richter war nicht gewillt einer großen Firma an die Karre zu pinkeln und hat leider keinen Mut gezeigt.

Danke Mr. Fogel!  

09.03.05 16:30

673 Postings, 7397 Tage westcliffwir werden sehen...

ich bin noch drin...hab kein sl gesetzt...
die kommt schon wieder...AMD ist ja noch mit drin und die werden sicherlich in Revision gehen...ich hab Zeit und sehs langfristig...
Da AMD ja Lizenzen zahlt werden die Zahlen nächstes Jahr mit Sicherheit besser...das passt schon....werd mal beobachten und dann ev billig nachkaufen :-))  

09.03.05 16:34

45712 Postings, 7921 Tage joker67Auf der watchlist habe ich die auch noch,aber

mittelfristig wird sich da nunmehr nix tun.

Das AMD mit im Boot sitzt,ist sicherlich positiv,ansonsten wäre der Kurs jetzt im penny-Bereich.

Bin mal gespannt.

Allen noch investierten wünsche ich viel Glück

greetz joker  

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