noch was beruhigendes für Ölbullen und DAX-Shorties. Mir kann nix passieren, Öl Ziel 120-130, DAXI Ziel 5800. Ich habe im DJ grosses VK-Signal und im S&P, ich sag mal good bye DAXI.
Hurricane Gustav, now a dangerous Category 4 storm, roared toward western Cuba on Saturday with 125 mph (205 kph) winds on its way to the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico after a deadly pass through the Caribbean.
Forecasters predicted Gustav would cross the Gulf of Mexico and hit central Louisiana on Tuesday with the same force that Hurricane Katrina delivered three years ago.
At least five refineries, with combined capacity of 1.12 million barrels per day (bpd) had reduced production in Louisiana and Texas while oil companies were shutting down offshore platforms and flying crews out of harm's way as Hurricane Gustav churned toward the Louisiana coast.
The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port -- the only U.S. deepwater port capable of offloading giant oil tankers, ceased operations on Saturday, a spokeswoman said.
Energy interests say Gustav could be a reprise of 2005's devastating hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which shut a quarter of U.S. oil and fuel production and sent prices to record levels.
"Plain and simple, Gustav is forecast to be a large and powerful hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, headed toward the northern Gulf coast," said Richard Knabb, a senior hurricane specialist a the U.S. National Hurricane Center.
The Gulf provides a quarter of U.S. oil output and 15 percent of natural gas production.
As of Friday, 6.62 percent of oil and 1.84 percent of natural gas production was shut due to Gustav, according the U.S. Minerals Management Service, which regulates offshore production. The MMS will update shut production numbers on at 2 p.m. EST.
The nation's leading refiner, Valero Energy Corp , said it had reduced production at its St. Charles, La., refinery, west of New Orleans. Valero also cut production at its Port Arthur, Houston and Texas City, Texas, refineries.
ConocoPhillips said production at its 247,000 barrel per day (bpd) Alliance refinery near New Orleans was cut back and some workers told to stay home.
Motiva Enterprises - a joint venture between Shell Oil and Venezuela's state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela SA, cut staff at its 236,000 bpd refinery in Norco, Louisiana.
Shell, the region's largest producer at 370,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, also said it was on its way to shutting all offshore oil and natural gas production by Saturday afternoon.
In addition, BP said all Gulf production would be shut by midday Saturday.
Exxon Mobil said 5,000 barrels of oil output and 50 million cubic feet per day in natural gas production was shut by Saturday morning.
Enbridge declared force majeure and told natural gas producers to stop sending to its pipeline system, which carries 6.72 billion cubic feet per day. |