Ausschnitt, Hervorhebungen von mir: "According to several resources, including ICIS and a report from Sina (SINA), polysilicon prices have bottomed out recently, supported by strong demand from Europe and Asia. CIS reported that after setting lows, polysilicon prices rebounded strongly in Asia over the last several weeks. The trend is expected to continue. The Sina report on China indicated polysilicon prices have been rising since June, noting that both GCL-poly (HK:3800) and LDK Solar (LDK) are seeing the trend." The solar market rebound was not expected by Wall Street. Jesse Pichel of Jefferies & Co. has been repeatedly telling investors that panel and poly prices will go down for the rest of the year. He has downgraded the sector several times recently based on his prediction. However, Goldman Sachs has a more bullish view on the sector. Goldman has a $175 price target on First Solar (FSLR). In the last few months, solar stocks have been hit hard by negative comments from analysts who fear the decline of module ASP in the sector. The strong polysilicon rebound may just signal that these fears are overblown and that the sector is due for a value appreciation. [..]" Der Artikel geht noch weiter... Interessant dazu auch folgender Artikel vom selben Autor vom 27. Juni, auf den er in dem oben zitierten TExt verweist: Ausschnitt daraus: "A signal China sent out on the weekend is that inflation has been well under control and monetary tightening will be eased after inflation peaks in June. Bears have been waiting for China's economy's hard landing, and the stocks are priced in for a hard landing as well. [..] Investors will definitely look to invest in renewable energy for the next few years, as China alone has invested over $100B to nurture the new industry. Many solar energy companies have received billions in credit lines from major Chinese banks to develop projects worldwide -- no doubt benefiting China and countries that wants to adopt renewable energy." Und hier noch, falls jemand Chinesisch kann:  Kann sich jetzt jeder seinen eigenen Reim darauf machen, aber es scheint sich zumindest ein Rebound anzudeuten, der sich vielleicht auch in Kursen anderer Aktien aus dem Solarsektor wdespiegelt. Schönen Rest-Sonntag wünscht tnzs |