Re: My upcoming investment in Quest 10-Oct-08 02:41 pm I did talk to Bobby at the mine site last Saturday. Again, I don't want to release their PRs for them as far as production goes but let me just say that they are making good progress on Pond Creek and Lower Cedar Grove. I think that what many who have not been there or who are not familiar with mining procedures fail to realize is the amount of work that goes into rehabbing and preparing a mine and keeping it operational. It turns out that the recent PRs were overly ambitious and they have had more trouble than they expected initially. Those who don't understand that should go back a re-read the disclaimer about forward-looking statements at the bottom of every PR. Some of this trouble and setbacks could not have been forecasted and could only have been realized when they encountered it. They are still working extremely hard though and it looks to me like they are doing it right. Just try to be patient. I know that is a hard thing to do but there is really no other option. It is pointless to sell at the current PPS. This thing will get off of the ground soon though. I stick by what I have been saying all along. It may be Q1 09 before we really start to see the fruits of the progress that is being made now. The BK may be resolved by the end of the year though which could have a positive effect. Until then expect the lack of news and the current market conditions to keep us at the current sub penny levels. Trust me if you can and don't loose hope. This thing should pay off nicely once |