Gesamt | 40 | 375 |
Talk | 4 | 302 |
Börse | 30 | 61 |
Blockchain | 11 | 18 |
DAX | 4 | 9 |
Hot-Stocks | 4 | 8 |
Patriot Scientific der Highflyer 2006
gut analysiert
Der NEC-Deal hat weniger als erwartet in die Kasse gebracht. Aber NEC-USA ist ja noch in Texas dabei und vermutlich das entscheidende Unternehmen.
Erfreulich sind die deutliche Reduzierung der Warrents und die schönen Einnahmen von SanDisk und Sharp die für das 4. Quartal schon soviel gebracht haben wie das 3. Quartal insgesamt und es sind ja noch 5 Wochen bis zum 31.5.2007.
Von Holocom sind leider noch keine Zahlen erfaßt, es ist aber in der Zukunft dort positives zu erwarten.
Freitag ist Shareholder-Meeting und evtl. kommt Pohl vorher noch mit News.
Das neue Büro in Paris sowie die vielen neuen Vice-Präsidenten Lizensierung deuten auf
geballte Verhandlungen hin. Alles renomierte Männer mit großer Erfahrung, die es sich nicht antuen würden zu einer "Pleiteklitsche" zu wechseln.
3. Mai ist Markmann-Hearing und die entscheidende Weichenstellung für die weiteren Lizensierungsverhandlungen und den Prozeßausgang in Texas.
ARM steht mächtig unter Druck, da alle Kunden von PTSC angeschrieben worden sind. Die müssen vermutlich ihren Lizenznehmern die potentiellen Zahlungen an PTSC erstatten und haben als Verzweiflungstat Pubat eingeschaltet. Wird ihnen denke ich aber nichts nützen.
Patriot hat als Gutachter den Professor für diese Themen schlechthin gewinnen können.
Ich glaube fest an einen positiven Ausgang.
Weiterer Gedankenaustausch erwünscht.
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Boardmail an "Nassie" |
Patriot Scientific
Ich habe mich auch sehr über die Meldung mit dem Büro in Paris gefreut, denn das bedeutet, dass demnächst auch deutsche Autokonzerne, Flugzeugbauer, Telekommunikationsanbieter, schlicht große Teile der europäische Industrie auf PTSC-Kundenliste steht. Da schlaf ich gut und lasse Flirty traden....
Und Pubat, die interessiern mich nicht, ist eine Ente, wie ich finde als "nicht wichtig" einzustufen.
Grüße Abenteurer
Patriot Scientific CEO David Pohl to Retire
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2007-04-26 15:14:18 -
CARLSBAD, Calif., April 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Patriot Scientific Corporation (BULLETIN BOARD: PTSC) today announced that Chairman and CEO David H. Pohl has notified them of his intent to retire from the position of chief executive officer as soon as a new CEO is appointed. He will continue to serve as chairman of the board.
"I decided that my 70th birthday in June would be a good time to step aside from daily business operations and let someone else take the wheel," Pohl stated. "With that in mind, I
informed the board of directors of my intent last February. Since that time the board has been identifying and considering various candidates for the position."
The search for a new candidate is being spearheaded by Carlton M. Johnson Jr., chairman of the executive committee of the Patriot Scientific Board of Directors. "The board appreciates the fine job David has done while serving as our CEO," said Johnson. "We have asked him to continue to serve as our chairman and we are delighted that he has agreed."
Pohl was named chairman and CEO in June 2005. At that time the company replaced its former management team and embarked upon a new strategic alliance in a joint venture with The TPL Group to commercialize their jointly owned MMP Portfolio patent portfolio. The MMP Portfolio patents protect design techniques that have become essential to myriad consumer and commercial digital systems ranging from computers, DVD players, cell phones and portable music players, to communications infrastructure, medical equipment and automobiles. Sixteen major electronics manufacturers have signed licenses since January of 2006 to utilize technology covered by one or more patents in the portfolio.
"I am passionate about Patriot Scientific and its potential for the future, and nothing on the horizon dims my positive outlook," said Pohl. "I believe that a publicly held company like Patriot Scientific, with a wide base of shareholders, millions of dollars in the bank and no long-term debt is wonderfully poised to create and take advantage of some terrific business opportunities in its future, in addition to capitalizing on licensing its valuable patent portfolio."
"It has been an honor to serve in this important position while Patriot Scientific has progressed through this critical transition in its corporate history," he continued. "I am looking forward to continuing to help shape the future of this great company in my ongoing role as chairman while a new dynamic CEO steps into place to contribute his experience, energy and vision toward creating increased value for our shareholders," Pohl concluded.
Patriot Scientific will hold its annual meeting of shareholders Friday, April 27, 2007 at the La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, California. Proxy statements were mailed to shareholders April 9, 2007. Further information is available on the company's web site at
About Patriot Scientific
Patriot Scientific is a leading intellectual property licensing company that develops, markets and enables innovative technologies to address the demands in fast-growing markets such as wireless devices, smart cards, home appliances and gateways, set-top boxes, entertainment technology, automotive telematics, biomedical devices and industrial controllers. Headquartered in Carlsbad, Calif., information about the company can be found at
Copies of Patriot Scientific press releases, current price quotes, stock charts and other valuable information for investors may also be found at,, and at, in addition to the company's web site.
About the Patent Portfolio
The patent portfolio, marketed as the Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio, contains intellectual property that is jointly owned by the publicly held Patriot Scientific Corporation and the privately held TPL Group. The portfolio encompasses seven U.S. patents as well as their European and Japanese counterparts. Both TPL and Patriot assert that their jointly owned patents protect techniques used in designing microprocessors, microcontrollers, Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), embedded processors and System-on-Chip (SoC) implementations. The MMP Portfolio is exclusively managed by Alliacense, a TPL Group Enterprise.
Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this news release looking forward in time involve risks and uncertainties, including the risks associated with the effect of changing economic conditions, trends in the products markets, variations in the company's cash flow, market acceptance risks, patent litigation, technical development risks, seasonality and other risk factors detailed in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings.
Moore Microprocessor Patent (MMP) and Alliacense are trademarks of Technology Properties Limited (TPL). PTSC and Ignite are trademarks of Patriot Scientific Corporation. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.
CONTACTS: Patriot Investor Relations: Hawk Associates, Frank Hawkins or Ken AuYeung (305) 451-1888 AGORACOM Investor Relations, Patriot Media Relations: The Hoffman Agency, John Radewagen, (408) 975-3005
Source: Patriot Scientific Corporation
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Boardmail an "Sanke" |
Patriot Scientific
By Colleen Taylor, Contributing Editor -- Electronic News, 4/27/2007
Patriot Scientific Corp. Thursday announced that its chairman and CEO, David Pohl, plans to retire from his CEO post as soon as a successor is appointed.
Pohl will continue to serve as chairman of the board, the Carlsbad, Calif.-based intellectual property (IP) licensing company said.
"I decided that my 70th birthday in June would be a good time to step aside from daily business operations and let someone else take the wheel," Pohl said in a statement. "With that in mind, I informed the board of directors of my intent last February. Since that time the board has been identifying and considering various candidates for the position."
The search for a new candidate is being spearheaded by Carlton M. Johnson Jr., chairman of the executive committee of the Patriot Scientific board of directors.
Pohl was named chairman and CEO in June 2005. At that time, the company replaced its former management team and embarked upon a new strategic alliance in a joint venture with The TPL Group to commercialize their jointly owned Moore Microprocessor Patent (MMP) portfolio.
The intellectual property assets protected by the MMP portfolio encompass design techniques for digital electronic systems ranging from cell phones and portable music players to communications infrastructure, medical equipment and automobiles. The MMP portfolio, which encompasses U.S., European and Japanese patents, is protected through 2015. Sixteen electronics manufacturers, including HP, Casio, Fujitsu, Nikon, Agilent, NEC, SanDisk and Sharp, among others, have signed licenses since January 2006 to utilize technology covered by one or more patents in the portfolio. Earlier agreements were signed with Intel and AMD.
Pohl made it clear that his departure was due solely to personal, not professional, reasons. "I am passionate about Patriot Scientific and its potential for the future, and nothing on the horizon dims my positive outlook," Pohl added in the statement.
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Boardmail an "Sanke" |
Patriot Scientific
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Boardmail an "Nassie" |
Patriot Scientific
Das hört sich richtig gut an.
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Boardmail an "Nassie" |
Patriot Scientific
Und SHM und Markman Hearing ohne "CEO" wäre wohl irgendwie komisch (klar, noch ist Pohl am Ruder aber vom empfinden her ist er bereits weg)
Schönes WE all
ach, das ist übrigends der falsche Thread
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Boardmail an "Mathou" |
Patriot Scientific
New CEO to be announced soon.
Claims that we will be pleasantly surprised with the quality of people interested and the "chosen one".
Ongoing talks with more than one company to merge, with the goal of merging with a company that is already listed on an exchange.
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Boardmail an "Nassie" |
Patriot Scientific
virtvision / agoracom
It was with great pleasure that I met several of our esteemed brethren from Agoracom namely, - Huntington from NY, Wolfpackvolt, SDcraigo, Bankerson, Bigplay777, Marc, and He who cannot be named (wink)….before the meeting began. At this time, I spoke with Helmut Falk, Jr. & Jim Turley. Jim hoped a few things will break open for PTSC in the next few months. When I pushed him hard regarding near term IGNITE development activity, Jim indicated there are NO software tools development planned in the short run. Disappointing. IGNITE is dead in the water for now, even when I inquired about possible AMD support. I said it can’t be due to the lack of funds, we have the money. He agreed. He says he fly’s around giving presentations occasionally, but said his day-to-day work activity is sporadic similar to a sine wave, like Gloria Felcyn’s CPA work.
Helmut said BOD members reads AGORA often. Helmut, like Pohl said he is perplexed why the share price is down despite earnings. IMO, the Street does not as yet believe in the Business Model, which is rather unusual to say the least. It is very difficult to predict future earnings, given current court challenges & USPTO overhang. Each negotiation is unique, each outcome independent of the next negotiation. We need more data points IMO.
10:20 a.m. Atmosphere seemed a little more subdued. People entered the room concerned, apprehensive, skeptical, and disappointed about the current share price. Attendance was about 75% of last time, unlike the SRO crowd last time. Fewer outside suits, but more inside suits e.g. Holocom people, PTSC PR people. Is that an oxymoron?? Unlike last SHM, I did not see/meet any print reporters. Hawk/Hoffman were there, too. More on them later.
David Pohl gave the opening remarks. Accompanying David on the dais were Gloria Felcyn, Charles Johnson, Helmut Falk, and Jim Turley. Later on, Charles presented David with a very nice inscribed plaque by the BOD commemorating his several years of service and very hard work in resurrecting PTSC from the ash heap to a its current position. Very nice touch. Many times investors thanked David for all his efforts with handclapping. David said he was retiring June 5th, , when he turns 70, from his CEO position only, but will remain as a transitionary figure, helping the new CEO get up to speed. Dave will assume Chairman of the Board status only. More than once, David said it was time to get new, young blood to lead PTSC forward. Curiously, neither Gloria, Helmut, nor Jim Turley spoke today. Otto Sorenson – Corp General Counsel & Mike Vidule – Auditor were introduced, too. Interesting Mark Gaspar, former PTSC CTO of long ago was introduced. Mark apparently was instrumental in the GPR Ground Penetrating Radar PTSC developed and whose name is on the patent. Pohl said, we are revisiting potential applications of this technology, but just in the discussion stage. Pohl introduced Eric Swartz, John Burns – Holocom Networks, Dan & Matt Leckrone, and Brian, our shareholder representative.
Agenda Activity
Pohl called the SHM to attention and to conduct company business. He introduced Sweeney – PTSC CFO, who briefed the crowd on the 2006 financials. It was then announced 325M out of 379M proxies were received or 86%. By a show of hands, both measures on the agenda – Ratify selection of new PTSC Auditors and re-election of BOD directors were voted on and approved by a show of hands. Unbelievable!!!!!.....No mention was made of the individual share vote of each of the current BOD members. Hopefully, this will be provided later.
Pohl Remarks
10:35 a.m. Finally, Pohl acknowledged receipt of Ron’s letter and mentioned the 56M amount included in the letter and waved it in front of everyone. He said many of the questions in the letter would be answered by the presentations to follow. Pohl then said those questions unanswered from the letter at the SHM will be answered in the form of a letter to shareholders in a week or two following the SHM.
Pohl expressed 2 words “common goal”, and said he is very concerned with the share price – Jan 06 $.09 to Dec $.60, which he was very proud of and wanted to reassure everybody the BOD does not manipulate the share price. He reaffirmed his firm desire to get out of BB land. Pohl had discussions within the last 6 months with representatives of the AMEX, and said the current AMEX requirement is $3.00 for 30 days. He did not mention the other exchange, presumably NASDAQ.
M & A Activity – Concerted effort currently underway looking at JV, acquisition, or mergers.
1) 3-6 months screening
2) DD takes several more months
3) Final Legal review
Pohl is very interested in M&A activity (Understandable given his expertise in guiding the BofA - Security Pacific Bank merger in the past. He sees this as a shortcut to a major exchange (Dave’s words). He mentioned they almost completed one in Oct-Nov 06 with a company with over 200 patents, but talks broke down over which company is more valuable. Curiously, the same company called up PTSC recently and asked to restart negotiations. Interesting. Pohl stressed the tireless work put in by Gloria and the financial team associated with restating, a re-audit of the 2006 financials to conform with Sarbanes- Oaxley requirements and the ongoing work it takes to conform to the new rules. Personally, some of these rules entail creation of a Risk Register and more auditing from my own experience. Pohl indicated he wanted the books, “squeaky clean” , to help M&A accounting activity.
Pohl said the compensation of the BOD was related to Sarbanes-Oaxley accountability, accelerated filing status, and new internal controls. “We have active Directors”. Five people are now on the BOD and more people are expected to be added in the coming year. No mention of when or who. Curiously, he said an investment banker was not a prospective candidate due to conflicting responsibilities. The Board has conducted an active search over the last 2 months for a new CEO, and will hire the “Brightest and the Best”. The position is expected to be filled before Dave retires June 5th. Pohl said 23K proxies were received, which are positions only not necessarily shareholders, an increase from 16K last year, which is encouraging. Pohl emphatically said “I’m not going away”. The Board is close to making a decision right now.
Pohl said the Remote Wireless Charging Device is NOT practical to go forward. It would take 31 years to charge 2 AA batteries. The patent is viable, but not worth going forward. The JV activity in China is Dead. The other side disappeared. Then Dave mentioned Marc Gaspar – Former PTSC CTO 93-94, and said the GPR combined with the IGNITE might lead to something in the future.
11:00 a.m. Pohl ends remarks concluding with the statement” CEO position will be filled with someone with experience in M&A activity and investment banking.
11:05 a.m. Eric Swartz speaks. We’ve been financing PTSC for 10 years. PTSC has turned the corner, and used the dollars to build a company into a bigger firm. Swartz never shorted or arbitraged a single share or warrant {His words}, and is the largest shareholder. I believe in the Board and the company, and says Pohl and the Board has done a great job to get to the place where they are now. Cleaned up the books. Expressed that the company has the wherewithal to be successful no matter what the outcome of the Markman. Eric continued and said Dan Leckrone is relentless. Eric said he believes in PTSC but reserved the right to sell at some time in the future. IMO, Eric plays his cards close to the vest and acknowledged the roller coaster share price.
Pohl came back on and said he made several trips to NYC in 06, laying the foundation for future interest by the Street. He indicated because of the current share price, NYC firms are precluded from investing in PTSC.
Next, John Burns – Holocom Networks CEO Attorney, with Engineering background introduced. Presents PowerPoint presentation Scripps Secured Data dba Holocom Networks title. Founded 1996 as a furniture company evolved into a PDS company (Protected Distribution System). Firm has a rich IP. For Sale in Sep 06, Failed in Jan 07. Approved by NSA (National Security Agency) & all branches of the military. Company had $2.7M in assets but was losing $300k/mo. Now (See below)
Income Statement (Monthly)
(In Thousands) 2006 Feb Mar Apr (Prelim)
Revenue 350 71 167 224
Expense 300 113 60 9
Asset Sale 100
Net Income 300? (113) 40
Burns downsized the firm from 50 to 15employees. Reduced offices from 7 to 2. Eliminated costly leases (SW, HW, etc). All remaining employees are given options and a bonus pool of 20% of net operating income. Burns indicated the firm is profitable at $250k-$300k/mo and expects to be more profitable later.
Strategy Forward
1) Grow the DoD
2) Grow other Govt sales
3) Strategic partnership
4) Open the commercial market
5) Expand IP
6) Share gain with employees
Nice presentation.
11:35 a.m. Pohl mentions TPL is now a subject of a Harvard Case Study and introduces Dan Leckrone (The Elder), who seems in a good mood today. Presents a PowerPoint presentation.
TPL – Global Intellectual Property Development & Management Company made up of TPL, Alliacense, and Intellasys
Home to 32K sq.ft office and 200 employees. New home in a very nice location in Northern California. Intellasys has 8 Design Centers & 3 Sales offices overseas – Paris, Switzerland, Taiwan, I think.
Alliacense executes TPL licensing programs, currently 30 employees and growing rapidly.
Intellasys has 150 people – 40 PhDs, 80 Masters. All support Alliacense. Core competency is semi-conductor devices covering microprocessor arrays, memory management & control – Flash, and HDTV networking and security. An incomparable array of technical expertise – MMP related; also supports Alliacense MMP program on demand
TPL – 30 people, 40 outside lawyers. Corporate support. Core competency – IPA development and litigation management.
New task – Portfolio protection. Dan indicates present patent system is under attack by a well organized, heavily funded firms. The “Intels” are emboldened, and a string of pending cases are pending. Real threat to us. TPL response: “Amicus” program underway aka “Friend of the Court”, and Legislative information program being launched.
Litigation - Markman 3 May
High expectation
Very confident
Dan in response to a question regarding PUPAT sponsorship implied PUPAT was funded by Big Money, Free Software folks
11:50 a.m. Dan introduces Matt Leckrone to talk about Alliacense & the MMP portfolio. Dan talked about the organization, Operations & Licensing divisions. Big focus in 2007 is the AUTO industry. TPL has already met with several car firms. He talked about tearing apart Cars, Cameras, toys (Tickle me Elmo illustration without the fur was quite funny), ATM machines, Point-of-Sale machines. They do 200 Tear Downs a month. Taking items apart and see how they work.
Alliacense Claim charts activity jumped from 2Q06 of 934 to 4500 thru 2Q 07.
Alliacense has had 265 customers meetings from 2006 thru 2007
485 companies have been put on notice. Of which, 318 have >$1B in revenue. 222 responded. Met with 81 firms and Licensed 16 to date. Alliacense is operating in 11 Consumer sectors and coincidentally 11 Industry sectors. GREAT PRESENTATION!!!
Fragen und Antworten (Questions / Answer)
Q: Payout of dividend. Why?
A: Pohl indicated some investors like the dividend and said Board would “consider” future dividends are dependent on future conditions.
Q: Patents expire in 2015. What then?
A: Engineering team???, to seek & development patents. Acquire new technology patents e.g. Holocom. Leckrone says we also have a 6-year look back in 2015.
Q: 5 employs spent $6M on Selling & G&A expense. Why?
A: People cost money – Resolve old accounting problems, lawyers, auditing, etc.
Q: As license price goes up are prospective licensees waiting it out?
A: That’s the reality (tip toe answer). Price/Demand is an Art. Leckrone says it’s a fine line. Price affects demand. As value goes up, the price goes up.
Q: Servers / Computers bleed over like Apple could fall into several categories. Which one??
A: Rule of reason – Look where the biggest part of relevant revenue comes from.
Q: Getting listed on major exchange?
A: Reverse split is always possible to, but Board feels it is very unlikely now. Much more likely thru an acquisition.
Q: Price of a License mentioned in PR’s, now it is now mentioned. Why?
A: Earlier done because of an obligation and characterized as a “Special event”. Now its common, no need, and also secret for competitive reasons. Note: A big settlement in Texas would qualify as a “Special Event” and actual dollars paid would be listed.
Q: Has BOD sold stock in the last 6 months?
A: No
Q: How much stock & warrants does Swartz currently hold?
A: See 10-K & Proxy
Q: My Favorite – Hoffman Agency is asked why no PR? I ask has Hoffman, Hawk, et al been muzzled intentionally?
A: John Radenwagen – Hoffman, replies he is feeding info to investment bankers, the WSJ. But is told PTSC is not interesting enough to write about yet. LOL.. I asked him if he had sent anything to the Los Angeles Times. He said NO!!!! He says we are “Getting there”, need more events, “It’s a Process”!!!!
Q: Is share repurchase program continuing?
A: It is still in place.
Q: Rep from UBS Securities. We need more exposure.
A: New CEO needs to contact more Hedge Funds, etc.
Q: From Brian – Downstream Royalty Process??
A: Leckrone says we are experiencing it. We earn royalties in the Box not the Chip. Revenue attributable to end user system, preserving downstream potential.
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Boardmail an "Nassie" |
Patriot Scientific
"11:50 a.m. Dan introduces Matt Leckrone to talk about Alliacense & the MMP portfolio. Dan talked about the organization, Operations & Licensing divisions. Big focus in 2007 is the AUTO industry. TPL has already met with several car firms. He talked about tearing apart Cars, Cameras, toys (Tickle me Elmo illustration without the fur was quite funny), ATM machines, Point-of-Sale machines. They do 200 Tear Downs a month. Taking items apart and see how they work."
"Big focus in 2007 is the AUTO industry."
..."His extensive experience working with the automotive industry has direct application in our efforts.”
... "We’re confident that Pascal will effectively spearhead the expansion of our IP licensing programs in Europe..."
Information--From the SHM.
Posted by wolfpackvolt on April 28, 2007 at 1:09PM
Information, Information, Information
It was so nice to meet the people on the Agora board at the SHM. I was most impressed with Vert, what a guy to have on your side. Everywhere I looked he had someone cornered asking them question and receiving good responses from them. I sat next to Vert and he looked like he was writing a Thesis, lol. I can’t think of anything at the SHM he did not cover.
There is only one word describing the SHM and that would be INFORMATION. It’s a shame PTSC did not web cast the SHM so all investors could hear what was being talked about. I’ve attended many shareholders meetings in the past and this was the most informative I’ve ever attended. I didn’t get any bad vibes from Pohl, TPL/Alliance or any of the other speakers; everything was upbeat and to the point. I was very impressed with Phol and the answers he gave, and his ability to communicate with shareholders. I feel very comfortable with Pohl staying on as chairman of the board. My impression was because of past financing, (Keeping the company afloat) was the main reason behind most of the troubles facing PTSC today. They have completely turned the company around 180 degrees. If we can get a favorable Markman next week, May 3rd, this company’s share price will improve dramatically. The ground work has been done, cleaning up the books, and laying a solid foundation down for the new CEO to take over.
I’m sorry I didn’t post earlier, but after a Ten hour drive I was to exhausted and went to bed. It took me almost two hours just to get through LA, lol. If for any reason I felt uncomfortable with my investment in PTSC it is long gone. All investors should be assured management and the BOD is looking out for us.
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Boardmail an "Mathou" |
Patriot Scientific
Dies ist eine Zusammenfassung des SHM auf Basis dessen, was ich in den US-Boards von Usern gelesen habe, die am Meeting teilnahmen. Ich übernehme keine Garantie für den Wahrheitsgehalt, da ich selbst nicht anwesend war
Neuigkeiten von Shareholdermeeting:
- Herr Pohl wies eindeutig daraufhin, dass PTSC den Aktienkurs nicht manipuliert hat und er versicherte, dass er den Wunsch habe von der OTC so schnell wie möglich wegzukommen
-in den letzten 6 Monaten führte Pohl Gespräche mit der AMEX über einen Segmentwechsel. Aktuell verlangt die AMEX einen Bid Preis von 3$ über 30 Tage
-im Bereich MA wurden verschiedene Fortschritte erzielt bezüglich von Joint Ventures, Übernahmen und Merger
-Pohl will durch einen Merger den Weg an eine große nationale Börse abkürzen
-eine DD diesbezüglich und die Gespräche mit einer Firma, die über 200 Patente besitzt wurden im Oktober beendet, weil es unterschiedliche Auffassungen über den wahren Firmenwert beider Unternehmen gab
-Kuriouserweise nahm diese Firma vor kurzem wieder Kontakt mit uns auf und bat uns darum die Gespräche fortzusetzen
-die Ignite Vermarktung in China ist wohl vom Tisch, da die Firmen mit denen verhandelt wurde kein Entgegenkommen zeigten und nach wie vor keine Softwaretools zur Steuerung der Technologie verfügbar ist
-das Patent Batterie-Charger ist vorhanden jedoch wohl nur schwer zu vermarkten
-das GPB-Patent soll eventuell in Verbindung mit der Ignite-Technologie von dem PTSC-PAtentinhaber weiterentwickelt bzw. Marktchancen evaluiert werden
-Herr Pohl sagte er habe den Shareholderbrief von Ronran erhalten wonach 56 MIo. Aktien im Besitz von diversen Agora-Board Usern sind und einige Fragen werde imRahmen des Meetings beantwortet. Die Fragen die offen bleiben, werden von Herrn Pohl im Rahmen eines Shareholder-Letters in ein bis zwei Wochen beantwortet
-die Anzahl der Proxy Votings ist von 16.000 im letzten Jahr auf 23.000 in diesem Jahr gestiegen (heisst also mindestens 23.000 Shareholder, deshalb mindestens weil sich einige von Banken vertreten liessen)
-es ist geplant den Vorstand auf 5 Personen zu erweitern
-ein CEO wird gesucht mit Erfahrung im Bereich MA sowie Investmentbanking Erfahrung
-Herr Pohl tritt spätestens am 5. Juni als CEO zurück
-Herr Pohl ist nicht bekannt, das Intel ein Interesse an PTSC hat und Aktien kauftb
Herr Leckrone:
-zeigte sich überrascht über die hohe Anzahl und Qualität der Bewerber, die den CEO-Sessel bei PTSC einnehmen wollen und versichert das man das Beste vom Besten für diesen Posten ausgewählt hat.
-der neue CEO wird kurzfristig vorgestellt und bekanntgegeben
-TPL habe kein Interesse daran die PTSC Beteiligung zu erwerben, weil erglaubt dass beide Firmen mit unterschiedlichem Fokus existieren können und sich weiterentwickeln werden
-Intelasys wurde mächtig aufgestockt ebenso TPL und Alliacense
-Herr Leckrone sagte TPL brauchen PTSC nicht zu kaufen und beide können unabhängig von einander gut existieren
Thema Markman Hearing:
Herr Leckrone bestätigte den Termin am 3. Mai
Herr Leckrone hat hohe Erwartungen an das Hearing
Herr Leckrone ist sehr zuversichtlich bezüglich des Ausgangs des Hearings für TPL/PTSC
Thema Patentreform:
Herr Leckrone plant die eigenen Patente zu schützen und wies daraufhin, dass z.Zt. große Anstrengungen unternommen werden eine eigene Web-Page diesbezüglich aufzusetzen. Große Firmen und Lobbyisten versuchen z.Zt. das Patenrecht in den USA durch Fürsprache bei der Regierung zu beschränken, zu verändern
Thema PUBAT:
Herr Leckrone versicherte mit äußerster Kraft und Aggressivität gegen den PUBAT-Antrag vorzugehen.
Herr M. Leckrone stellte Alliacense vor:
zunächste gab es Chartpräsentationen aus denen hervorging:
-mittlerweile wurden 485 Firmen angeschrieben mit dem Hinweis, dass diese Firmen potentielle Lizenzkandidaten sind, weil sie möglicherweise die Patente des MMP-Portfolios verletzten (gegenüber 150 Firmen 2005 und über 200 Firmen 2006 und 400 Firmen Ende 2006). Davon machen über 318 Firmen mehr als 1 Millarde $ Umsatz im Jahr.
-bisher wurden 222 Antwortschreiben registriert
-mit 81 Firmen steht man direkt in Verhandlungen
-mit 4 Firmen wohl kurz vor einem Abschluss
-er betonte das Intel und AMD spezielle Fälle waren und deshalb auch spezielle Einmaldeals zustande kamen
-der Hauptfokus in 2007 des Alliacense Teams ligt auf der Automobilindustrie. Hier wurden berits mehrere Gespräche mit Automobilherstellern geführt
-ein weiterer Chart von Herrrn Leckrone zeigte, dass die First-Mover-Rabatte so gut wie verbraucht sind
-ebenfalls wurde eine Projektion vorgestellt aus der die zu erwartende progressive Steigerung der Lizenzzahlungen abzuleiten war
-Herr Leckron versicherte, dass man einer Firma, die einen Big Deal abschliesst auch die Möglichkeit einräumen wird, eine Einmalzahlung zu leisten und den rest verteilt auf eine längere Laufzeit
-es wurde nochmals klargestellt, dass die bisherigen Patentzahlungen für die Patentverletzungen aus der Vergangenheit geleistet wurde und für die Zukunft
Herr Swartz
-ermachte in seiner Rede deutlich, dass er die PTSC Aktie nicht geshortet hat in der Vergangenheit und dies auch nicht in der Zukunft tuen wird. Er betonte, dass er PTSC in den letzten 10 Jahren am Leben erhalten hat, bis PTSC profitabel wurde und das er sich das Recht vorbehalte, irgendwann in der Zukunft Aktien von PTSC zu verkaufen (wie wir alle). Er machte deutlich, dass er mit den Shareholdern in einem Boot sitze und ebenfalls starkes Interesse an steigenden Kursen hat
CEO Holocom
Der neue CEO von Holocom präsentierte sein neues Unternehmen.
-im April dieses Jahres also im lfd. Quartal von PTSC ist Holocom zum ersten Mal profitabel bzw. erzielte Gewinne
-die Mitarbeiter anzahl wurde von 50 auf 15 reduziert
-das Gehaltsmodell der verbliebenen Mitarbeiter wurde auf Gewinnbeteiligungen umgestellt
-der Fokus von Holocom liegt nach wie vor auf den Kunden DoD aber man will sich auch weiter für den Markt öffnen
-die Forecasts sind positiv, 250 TSD $ Umsatz werden im Monat benötigt, um profitablen zu sein. Diese marken wurden erreicht. InZukunft soll der Umsatz und der Gewinn stark verbessert werden
Abschließend einige Meinungen von US-Board-Usern kurz inhaltlich zusammegeafsst:
-Super Shareholdermeeting, Top-Informationen, Top-Management, im Gegensatz zum letzten Jahr sehr informativ und detailliert
-Management und Board schauen auf die Shareholder (z.T. lesen auch einige in Boards)
-hohes Vertrauen in PTSC und Management nach dem Meeting
-der PTSC Kurs wurde in der Vergangenheit aus Sicht einiger SHM Teilnehmer stark nach unten manipuliert
hier fällt immer wieder der Begriff: shenanigans (Mumpitz), damit können nur unsere enttäuschten Shorttrader, die niemals einige Aktie besessen haben gemeint sein + einige Hedgefonds
-ein UBS Vertreter soll woll gefragt haben, wann Herr Pohl Kontakt mit den Hedgefonds aufnimmt. Antwort: Das macht der neue CEO
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Patriot Scientific
siehe anfang 2006 empfehlung von psr.
vergleichbar mit sunwin ebenfalls anfang 2006 empfohlen und jetzt wiederempfehlung, schaut auf den kurs dort, an guten nachrichten hat es nie gefehlt.
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Boardmail an "tauber" |
Patriot Scientific
L&S sowie der Warrentumwandlung in Shares ab. Das Thema ist aber inzwischen wohl abgeschlossen. Der Kurs wird sich erst positiv entwickeln, wenn PubPat und Texas positiv gelaufen sind. Das Markmann-Hearing, welches am 3. Mai beginnt wird ein wichtiger Meilenstein dafür werden.
Es liegen spannende Wochen vor uns.
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Patriot Scientific
Ist der Prozess entschieden, dann ist auch die PubPat Geschichte vom Tisch. Bis dann sollte man sich nicht all zu viel erhoffen.
Grüße Abenteurer
"New Patent Granted to Holocom Networks
Fifth Patent Extends Rights to Protected Distribution System (PDS)
(Carlsbad, CA – April 27, 2007) Holocom Networks, a leading provider of secure raceway products, today announced its newest patent for Secure PathWayTM, a protected distribution system (PDS) that provides physical security for SIPRNet, JWICS and all other classified networks (C-LAN). Utility Patent 7,183,488, Electromagnetically Insulated Conduit and System, describes the proven technology for eliminating RF leakage from within the PDS. This is the fifth patent granted Holocom Networks for its protected distribution system which extends from the C-LAN point of presence to the end-user lock box.
“This newest patent will give prospective customers the confidence that our PDS unequivocally complies with the security standards set by NSTISSI 7003,” said Craig McCarthy, operations director and lead inventor of the patent. “The level of security is unmatched in any other raceway product and makes it equivalent to welded, steel conduit.”
Existing patents for Secure PathWay include a tested, internal locking mechanism for raceway cover retention that is releasable only by accessing a locked enclosure; a locking mechanism that maintains security and can eliminate permanently fixed raceway covers, traditionally done by applying epoxy; a cable lay-in installation method that largely eliminates “fishing” of cabling, pull boxes and external locks as required with electrical magnetic tubing (EMT); and end-user lock boxes terminating all raceway ends. The patents also address reducing modification and labor to implement moves, additions and changes, an interlocking mechanism that allows for future additions or changes, and spacers that stand the raceways off the wall.
- more -
David Pohl, chairman and chief executive officer of Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTC BULLETIN BOARD: PTSC) stated, “ As a company that understands the value of proprietary technology, Patriot Scientific is pleased with our investment as a principal shareholder in Holocom Networks. The process from market insight to design and then patent protection is exciting to watch, and we commend Holocom for this latest accomplishment.”
About Holocom Networks
Holocom Networks’ suite of products and services provides physical protection for all classified networks. Its flagship product, the patented Secure PathWayTM, is installed at numerous federal agencies and for all branches of the military, domestically and internationally. Headquartered in Carlsbad, CA with additional offices in North America, the Pacific Rim and Europe, Holocom Networks secures mission-critical networks at government and private facilities across the globe.
Scripps Ventures, Inc., a California merchant bank, and Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTC BULLETIN BOARD: PTSC) purchased the assets of Holocom Networks, Inc. effective February 2, 2007 through a jointly owned company, Scripps Secured Data, Inc. dba Holocom Networks."
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Patriot Scientific
welches man in Frage stellen und anfechten können die Pessimisten ja wieder loslegen *g*.
“This newest patent will give prospective customers the confidence that our PDS unequivocally complies with the security standards set by NSTISSI 7003,” said Craig McCarthy, operations director and lead inventor of the patent. “The level of security is unmatched in any other raceway product and makes it equivalent to welded, steel conduit.”
Headquartered in Carlsbad, CA with additional offices in North America, the Pacific Rim and Europe, Holocom Networks secures mission-critical networks at government and private facilities across the globe.
In advance of the Markman hearing....
Posted by ronran on May 02, 2007 at 9:31AM
I am going to be leaving the office by mid-afternoon today in order to finalize plans for the hearing tomorrow, so I thought I would post the following as a guideline. If any of you have questions, please post them before noon CST today --- in advance of doing so, however, please also read as far back as you can on this board in order to be sure your question has not already been answered, either by me or by some of our other members.
The hearing begins at 9:00 a.m. CST, and will last 3 - 4 hours. I have been advised that there are lots of lawyers coming because various numbers of patent claims have been researched by different attorneys within each firm --- this is to be expected, but with a courtroom that holds only about 100 people, the result is that there is likely to be limited seating for spectators. In other words, I may not be able to get a seat, although I plan to be at the courthouse before the doors open.
Even if I, or some others who will be present from among our shareholders, are able to be in attendance during the hearing, no one will be able to use a computer or Blackberry/smartphone in order to provide updates to the outside world as the hearing proceeds --- Judge Ward does not allow cellular devices to be used in the courtroom because they interfere with the electronics in use by the clerks and others. Plus, if we leave our seats to go outside and use a wireless device, we may not be able to get back in --- federal judges will not tolerate people coming and going on a regular basis, as such is disruptive.
The net result of the above is that, unless someone has some kind of wireless device that would not cause interference (and can convince Judge Ward of such), there may be a "blackout period" of as much as four or five hours during which you hear nothing about what is going on. This should not cause anyone any anxiety, i.e., it will mean that things are proceeding as expected --- and remember, we aren't going to get a ruling tomorrow anyway.
Assuming I do get a seat, I will be taking notes of what goes on. I will be going to Marshall with at least one, perhaps more, of our shareholders, and as soon as I can get access to the Agora board after the hearing, I will, unless someone else has already done so by that time, make at least a brief post on the trip back to my home town.
I have had quite a few calls and/or emails from various shareholders over the last few days about the Markman, and it is clear that there continues to be a great deal of misunderstanding and anxiety about what will occur. My expectation remains that nothing will occur insofar as giving us any real insight as to the subsequent ruling --- however, it would be naive to think that merely telling people that is going to make them feel better at this point. Therefore, even if "nothing" is in fact what occurs, I will post that just as a type of confirmation.
Good luck to all.
Thursday May 3, 3:47 pm ET
CARLSBAD, Calif., May 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: PTSC - News) confirmed today that Nokia, a world leader in mobile communications, has purchased a Moore Microprocessor Patent(TM) (MMP) Portfolio license. Patriot Scientific and The TPL Group are co-owners of the MMP Portfolio, which Alliacense, a TPL Group enterprise, exclusively manages.
"The feature richness of mobile phones would not be possible without exploiting the design techniques engendered by the MMP Portfolio," said Mike Davis, Alliacense senior VP of licensing. "Such techniques are fundamental in the design of microprocessors and enable higher performance and lower cost in a host of digital products ranging from mobile phones and portable music players to communications infrastructure and medical equipment to automobiles, which today deploy dozens of microprocessors."
Nokia is the 17th company to join the distinguished roster of global manufacturers that have captured early-mover MMP licensing berths in specific industry segments since January 2006. Alliacense again confirmed that subsequent licensees in segments where early tiers have been secured are subject to progressively higher royalty rates on relevant products.
"As co-owner of the MMP Portfolio we are pleased to welcome Nokia as the newest addition to the growing list of global companies participating in the MMP Portfolio Licensing Program," said David Pohl, chairman and CEO of Patriot Scientific Corporation. He noted that HP, Casio, Fujitsu, Sony, Nikon, Seiko Epson, Pentax, Olympus, Kenwood, Agilent, Lexmark, Schneider Electric, NEC Corporation, Funai Electric, SanDisk and Sharp Corporation have purchased MMP Portfolio licenses. Intel and AMD are also licensees.
Pohl noted that the strong momentum of the licensing program validates the decision by Patriot's board of directors in June 2005 to shift the company's primary business model from manufacturing and marketing products to a model currently focused primarily but not exclusively on licensing their joint venture MMP patent portfolio. He emphasized that Patriot Scientific invested millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man-hours over 12 years or more developing and bringing to market products based upon the company's intellectual property, including IP contained in the MMP Portfolio.
"As evidenced by information in our recent quarterly report and presented at our annual meeting of shareholders last week, we are continuing to seek and evaluate opportunities to diversify our revenue stream by developing and marketing new technologies, entering into joint ventures or by acquiring other companies and technologies," Pohl stated. "We are always focused on the goal of increasing the financial position and strength of the company and providing value to our shareholders."
greetz joker
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Patriot Scientific