hier noch ein zu diesem Thema:
· The off-grid global diesel generation market, with annual revenues in excess of US$20bn, is a material contributor to today's greenhouse gas emissions and a constraint to national and international net zero emission targets.
The Hybrid Distributed Power System on display today, consisting of AFC Energy's H-PowerTM fuel cell system, MSP Technologies FLEX-ESS battery solution, and a diesel generator, will highlight how an immediate reduction in carbon emissions of 50% or more is achievable from the offgrid power market based on typical industry usage data.
· Through adoption of a zero emission H-PowerTM system and a more efficient operation of existing diesel power, supported by energy storage, a clear glidepath is created for operators to phase out diesel generators in an environmentally sustainable manner, whilst protecting their legacy investments.
Deploying this hybrid system de-risks any contractors' perceived risk in fully endorsing new hydrogen-based technologies as a complete short-term displacement of fossil fuel combustion gensets.
· The containerised and modular fuel cell and FLEX-ESS solution make for a readily transportable and mobile power source, not dissimilar to diesel gensets.