PRVH 935160 hab gerade meinen letzten kauf gemacht

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13.11.03 16:41

2973 Postings, 7838 Tage Optimalhä ? o. T.

13.11.03 16:43

32217 Postings, 8070 Tage BörsenfanSpaß bei Seite,

Berlin:        Bid 0,27 Ask 0,28
Frankfurt:     Bid 0,26 Ask 0,28  

13.11.03 16:43

3096 Postings, 7861 Tage HiGhLiFEwenn diese q-zahlen

sich in den nächsten Quartalen auch nur annähernd fortsetzen sind wir nächstes
Jahr woanders gelistet, wo es seriöser zugeht.
Vielleicht nimmt sich ja Merrill Lynch ein Herz und geht hier auch rein.
Es müsste in den nächsten Tagen nur so an Empfehlungen hageln, Strong Buy
Market Outperformer!  

13.11.03 16:48

2973 Postings, 7838 Tage Optimalnaja - mit ner kleinen Posi auch mal dabei

oh Mann - diese dummen Zockeraktien haben schon eine gewisse Anziehungskraft ...

dabei wollte ich die jetzt langsam eigentlich sein lassen


13.11.03 16:55

3096 Postings, 7861 Tage HiGhLiFE@Optimal

du kannst dir ja selbst Richtlinien für einen Einstieg machen.
Profitabilität steht da sicher an erster Stelle, is doch umso besser
wenns dann noch eine Pennyaktie is, dann gibs umso mehr Luft nach oben.

13.11.03 16:57

2973 Postings, 7838 Tage Optimaloh - ein paar von denen sammeln sich auch schnell

zu 10.000 Eurolein

wenn die dann alle so ein bißchen runtergehen weil man zu spät rein ist summiert sich das ...

13.11.03 18:07

32217 Postings, 8070 Tage Börsenfandas soll einer kapieren, posiver gehen die news

kaum noch und das Teil kackt ab. Achterbahnfahrt pur hier...  

13.11.03 18:11

2973 Postings, 7838 Tage Optimalwar ja klar - ich hab ja welche gekauft

danach fällt sie ...

ganz normal

13.11.03 18:21

47 Postings, 7821 Tage runterkommsealle@opti: GEIL! Ich lieg am Boden! LOL!

Furztrockener Kommentar.. Richtig gut, wär grad fast vom Stuhl gerutscht vor Lachen!!
Der hätte von mir sein können! Lag in den letzten Wochen trotz einiger guter Käufe (Intelligroup z.B.) auch schon paar Mal ganz deftig daneben!

Jungs, macht weiter so!  

13.11.03 18:28

511 Postings, 8141 Tage Bowwarrior....Gewinnmitnahmen

die News sind eben nicht so gravierend, wie zunächst gedacht.
Wie bereits heute morgen erwähnt entsprechen die Zahlen weitgehend denen von Montag. Ok, Sie nennen jetzt einen Gewinn von 0,05$ anstatt 0,04$ pro Aktie, aber auch einen berichtigten Gewinn in Zahlen der unter dem zunächst angekündigten liegt. Da fragt man sich natürlich, ob die nicht wissen, wieviele Aktien denn tatsächlich im Umlauf sind...
Etwas stutzig macht mich auch der Satz...The increase is due primarily in the completion of a merger agreement the Company facilitated.-.... Erleichterung durch Fusionsabkommen? Übersetze ich falsch? Und wenn nicht, was hat das zu bedeuten?
Ich muss wohl weiter recherchieren...

Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt würde ich sagen: Sieht wohl ganz gut für die nächsten Wochen und Monate aus, aber das diejenigen, die in den letzten Tagen 300% gemacht haben Gewinne mitnehmen, das kann ich genauso verstehen.

Hier noch mal Auszüge von Montag und Heute:


Revenues for the quarter were $4,440,000 as compared to $42,509 for the same period ended September 30, 2002. Providential expects to record a net profit of $3,300,000 or $0.04 per share for the quarter, as compared to a net loss of $393,259 or ($0.01) per share during the same quarter of the previous year. The increase in revenues was due to merger and acquisition activities which are expected to be a steady source of income for the company in the future as well.


Net profit for the quarter was $3,165,562 or $0.05 per share, based on the weighted average number of basic and fully diluted shares, as compared to a net loss of $393,259 or ($0.01) per share for the same quarter in 2002. Net revenues for the quarter were $4,440,000, as compared to $42,509 for the same period ended Sept. 30, 2002, an increase of 10,344%. The increase is due primarily in the completion of a merger agreement the Company facilitated.

Vielleicht steigen heute bei tieferen Kursen gegen Börsenschluss ja noch welche ein. Erste Analystenmeinungen wären wohl in den kommenden Tagen nicht schlecht, um die Lage noch besser beurteilen zu können.

Bis später

13.11.03 18:41

511 Postings, 8141 Tage BowwarriorHab Vorgearbeitetes gefunden:

By: moon2mkt  
13 Nov 2003, 12:14 PM EST
Msg. 4092 of 4098
(This msg. is a reply to 3893 by blessed_joshua.)
Jump to msg. #  

Longs, please do Due Diligence (DD)...

4sumluk, sir_dieter and other longs -
i have been in this stock at an average of .31+ and got out
at 29 for a small loss due to some
concerns .
I would like any of you to give your thoughts/research on this .

I will do more DD of my own.
Unless I get some satisfactory answers to these concerns, i do not feel comfortable holding a long position in this.

My concerns resulted from what i read when i started looking
into NTTL (based on marterpfahl1's post yesterday).

1. Could much of the PRVH's increased
rev of $4,440,000 be in the form of shares
in the 2 holding companies (NTTL and LXRH)
whose M&A PRVH facilitated?

If true, then this is not the same as earning real revenue due to selling of products/services and hence not
sustainable. This is of special concern since both
NTTL and LXRH have highly speculative 'pps' and unknown futures.


PRVH 10Q-SB states ...
"...Net revenues for the quarter were $4,440,000, as
compared to $42,509 for the same period ended Sept. 30, 2002,
an increase of 10,344%. The increase is due primarily in
the completion of a merger agreement the Company

from their earlier PRs, the 2 M&A's facilitated by PRVH are:
a) reverse acquisition of 'Western Silver-Lead Corp' into a holding company Lexor Holdings, Inc (LXRH) for which PRVH
received 10 % equity stake (out of total 15M shares o/s).
b) reverse cap/acquisition of NetTel Globalcommunication, Inc. (NetTel) into Nettel Holdings Inc. (NTTL) for which
PRVH seem to have received 2,250,000 shares of NTTL.

2. I keep seeing concerns over biz. practices of PRVH and NTTL in various places...

a) please see msg # 34 and msg # 35 in NTTL board
by 'work4mm'.
b) lot of PRs and activities indicate strong linkage between PRVH (Henry Fahman) and NTTL (Michael Nguyen). There are a lot of fluff PRs eminating from NTTL
to suggest huge potential revs.
Both NTTL and LXRH are structured patterned after PRVH as a holding companies and both NTTL and LXRH came
about after significant dilutions (reverse splits, reverse acquisitions) etc.

There is too much unknowns surrounding all of this.
Maybe this is all genuine and sincere.
But it is crucial that we longs do further due diligence
and get some clear answers to some of these before
investing more dollars and staying long.

Any light you can throw on these concerns
would be much appreciated.


(Voluntary Disclosure: Position- Long; ST Rating- Sell; LT Rating- Buy)

Ich bleibe skeptisch aber noch investiert.

13.11.03 19:20

4719 Postings, 7895 Tage leobmwDie verarschen uns !! warte mal auf 20 Uhr !! o. T.

13.11.03 19:30

3096 Postings, 7861 Tage HiGhLiFEsowas gibs echt selten...

...ok der Kurs is schon 200% gestiegen seit der Erstankündigung, aber von welchem
Niveau aus?!
Im Grunde sind das alles noch Insolvenzkurse, so mehr oder weniger kann hier mal
einer Dampf machen???  

13.11.03 22:31

32217 Postings, 8070 Tage Börsenfannachbörslich 0,35 $ !

Was für ein Spiel wird hier getrieben ? Wer stellt ne Kauforder nachbörslich für 0,35 $ rein, wenn er sie auch für 6 US-Cent weniger bekommt ? Ich glaube hier wird gewaltig unterpusht, um noch billig nachzufassen. Der Run könnte morgen kommen, schaun wir mal. Ich bin überzeugt, dass das Ding auf 0,50 EUR steigt. Schaut doch einfach mal Ballerbuden an die insolvent sind, die laufen auf diesem Niveau, nur das es sich bei PRVH nicht um eine Insolvenzbude handelt, sondern um einen marktperformen Wert ! Das sollte man sich mal vor Augen halten, vor aller Skepsis von Penny-Stocks !

Schönen Abend noch, Gruß Börsenfan.

P.S. Drin bleiben, und nicht zappelig werden.  

13.11.03 23:06

4719 Postings, 7895 Tage leobmwdas ist echt nicht normal

wie Highlife das schon sagte - jetzt kommen mal Fundamentale Daten für einen OTCB Wert und schon ....???  Aber bei jedem Gerücht werden da 50 % gemacht und dann noch das Szenario ;Nachrichten Nachbörslich - Vorbörslich hoch und Hoffnung auf 30-50 % und dann die Realität !!    Ja ich weiß , es ist halt die Börse aber das zeigt auch das gerade hier noch viel mehr geht - guckst Du
Last 10 trades
 Time Price Volume Exchange Info
16:03:09   0.3502000OTCBBat Ask
16:00:41   0.30051400OTCBB 
16:00:19   0.3002900OTCBB 
16:00:10   0.30020000OTCBB 
15:57:00   0.2961000OTCBB 
15:57:59   0.29513000OTCBBat Bid
15:54:30   0.29513700OTCBBat Bid
15:52:53   0.3001000OTCBB 
15:50:17   0.30018000OTCBB 
15:44:12   0.2907000OTCBB 
Click here for all of today's intraday trading


13.11.03 23:51

5952 Postings, 8779 Tage grenkedoch ist normal ist Otc. leo, kennste doch iol o. T.

14.11.03 11:14

5883 Postings, 7796 Tage tafkarsind das nun gewinn- oder verlustmitnahmen?

sieht so aus als hätten einige wenig vertrauen ...  

14.11.03 11:22

1433 Postings, 7971 Tage jovihat sich denn

überhaupt schon einer auf der HP von PRVH umgeschaut??

sollte man mal machen und dann sehn wo die überall ihre Finger drin haben!  

14.11.03 11:23

1633 Postings, 7925 Tage fugiverstehe den Kurs in Deutschland nicht,

wenn die Amis bei 0,35 stehen; wäre nach momentanem Eurokurs so um die 0,29 Euren
überlegt jemand nachzukaufen bei 0,23??!!!  

14.11.03 11:24

32217 Postings, 8070 Tage Börsenfanist doch wie gestern, nur umgekehrt. o. T.

14.11.03 11:26

5883 Postings, 7796 Tage tafkarhab grad für 0,22 in berlin nachgekauft o. T.

14.11.03 11:29

1633 Postings, 7925 Tage fugijepp tafkar,

icke och, als Lokalpatriot in Berlin auch für 0,22  

14.11.03 11:30

5883 Postings, 7796 Tage tafkarlokalpatriot? ich tiergarten, du ... o. T.

14.11.03 11:31

1633 Postings, 7925 Tage fugikreuzberg, tafkar

Maibachufer; kommst du heute zum Arivatreffen?
in Frankfurt muss man jetzt schon 0,24 bezahlen  

14.11.03 11:33

1065 Postings, 7837 Tage 8x4udTgmhabt ihr hoffentlich schon gelesen?

kam nachbörslich


Quarterly Report

ITEM 2. MANAGEMENT`S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OR PLAN OF OPERATION The following discussion includes the operations of the Company for each of the periods discussed. This discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the Company`s consolidated financial statements and the related notes thereto, which are included elsewhere in this document. This discussion contains forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Such forward looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and actual results could differ from those described herein and future results may be subject to numerous factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. OVERVIEW Providential Holdings, Inc. (PHI) was organized under the laws of the State of Nevada on June 8, 1982 under the name of JR Consulting, Inc.; subsequently on February 9, 2000 it changed its name to Providential Holdings, Inc. From its inception through September 7, 1995, the Company generated nominal revenues and did not actively engage in business. Prior to the corporate combination agreement with Providential Securities, Inc. PHI had an operating subsidiary, Diva Entertainment, Inc (Diva). Diva operated two modeling agencies, one in New York and one in California. Providential Securities, Inc. (Providential) was incorporated in the State of California on October 8, 1992. It operated a securities brokerage service in Fountain Valley, CA and New York City, NY. The principal markets for Providential`s services were individual investors who were located throughout the United States. Providential bought and sold securities for its customers through a number of different markets, utilizing a brokerage clearinghouse to transact the trades. In October 2000, due to the results of a NASD examination, Providential has ceased its operations in the securities brokerage business. REORGANIZATION On October 28, 1999 PHI entered into a corporate combination agreement (the Agreement) with Providential, whereby PHI acquired all the outstanding shares of Providential in exchange for 20,000,000 shares of PHI common stock. The transaction was consummated on January 14, 2000. In addition, as a covenant under the Agreement, PHI was required to enter into an agreement to sell all of the shares of Diva owned by PHI. PHI`s officers and directors resigned their positions and the shareholders of Providential assumed control of the two entities (together as the Company). Providential`s shareholders of record as of the closing date owned approximately 75% of PHI`s common stock. The acquisition has been treated as a capital transaction in substance, rather than a business combination, and was deemed a reverse acquisition for accounting purposes. Accordingly, Providential was the accounting acquirer and the historical financial statements prior to January 14, 2000 were those of Providential. The operations of PHI have been included with those of Providential from the acquisition date. BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING Since the discontinuance of its securities brokerage operations in October 2000, the Company has restructured its primary scope of business to include the following areas: (1) Technologies, (2) Financial services, (3) International markets, and (4) Special Situations. Events and developments relating to these areas are described in more detail elsewhere in this report. CRITICAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Company`s financial statements and related public financial information are based on the application of accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP). GAAP requires the use of estimates; assumptions, judgments and subjective interpretations of accounting principles that have an impact on the assets, liabilities, revenue and expense amounts reported. These estimates can also affect supplemental information contained in the external disclosures of the Company including information regarding contingencies, risk and financial condition. We believe our use of estimates and underlying accounting assumptions adhere to GAAP and are consistently and conservatively applied. Valuations based on estimates are reviewed by us for reasonableness and conservatism on a consistent basis throughout the Company. Primary areas where financial information of the Company is subject to the use of estimates, assumptions and the application of judgment include acquisitions, valuation of long-lived and intangible assets, and the realizability of deferred tax assets. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may differ materially from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. Valuation of Long-Lived and Intangible Assets The recoverability of long lived assets requires considerable judgment and is evaluated on an annual basis or more frequently if events or circumstances indicate that the assets may be impaired. As it relates to definite life intangible assets, we apply the impairment rules as required by SFAS No. 121, Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and Assets to Be Disposed Of as amended by SFAS No. 144, which also requires significant judgment and assumptions related to the expected future cash flows attributable to the intangible asset. The impact of modifying any of these assumptions can have a significant impact on the estimate of fair value and, thus, the recoverability of the asset. Income Taxes We recognize deferred tax assets and liabilities based on the differences between the financial statement carrying amounts and the tax bases of assets and liabilities. We regularly review our deferred tax assets for recoverability and establish a valuation allowance based upon historical losses, projected future taxable income and the expected timing of the reversals of existing temporary differences. As of July 31, 2003, we estimated the allowance on net deferred tax assets to be one hundred percent of the net deferred tax assets. RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Quarter ended September 30, 2003 compared to quarter ended September 30, 2002 Revenues Revenues from consulting and advisory services were $4,440,000 and $11,309 for the quarter ended September 30, 2003, and 2002, respectively. The increase is due primarily in the completion of a merger agreement the Company facilitated. Sales were $0 and $31,200 for the quarter ended September 30, 2003, and 2002, respectively. Related cost of sales was $0 and 30,000 for the comparable periods. General and Administrative Total general and administrative expenses were $94,227 and $39,035 for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The increase is primarily due to the increased activity of the Company. Professional services were $995,212 and $221,856 for the comparable periods. Included in this amount is $646,320 for past services paid with common stock. During the current quarter the Company paid salaries of $52,216 with the issuance of common stock and $22,500 in director`s fees, also paid with common stock. Other Expenses Interest expense was $168,272 and $198,556 for the quarter ended September 30, 2003, and 2002, respectively. This is primarily due to the conversion of $165,000 of notes during the quarter. During the quarter ended September 30, 2003 the Company recorded a gain of conversion of notes of $77,472 compared to a loss of $5,206 for the quarter ended September 30, 2002. Net Income (Loss) Net income for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 was $3,377,482 , compared to a net loss of $379,759 the same period in 2002, which is equivalent to $0.05 per share versus ($0.01) per share, respectively, based on the weighted average number of basic and diluted shares outstanding for the pertinent quarters. The difference is primarily attributed to the recording of advisory fees in the current quarter. LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES The Company had cash and cash equivalents of $62,283 and $0 as of September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The Company`s operating activities used $153,449 and $111,962 in the three months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Cash used by investing activities was $125,050 and $0 for the three months ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002, respectively. This was primarily due to the purchase of marketable securities during the period. Cash provided by financing activities was $244,035 and $107,249 for the three months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The increase is primarily due proceeds from the exercise of stock options. The Company`s operations are currently financed through various loans. Management has taken action to strengthen the Company`s working capital position and generate sufficient cash to meet its operating needs. In addition, the Company also anticipates generating more revenue through its proposed mergers and acquisitions. No assurances can be made that management will be successful in achieving its plan or that additional capital will be available on a timely basis or at acceptable terms. Item 3. Effectiveness of the registrant`s disclosure controls and procedures Within the 90-day period prior to the filing of this report, the Company carried out an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Company`s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined by Rule 13a-14(c) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) under the supervision and with the participation of the Company`s chief executive officer and chief financial officer. Based on and as of the date of such evaluation, the aforementioned officers have concluded that the Company`s disclosure controls and procedures were effective. The Company also maintains a system of internal accounting controls that is designed to provide assurance that assets are safeguarded and that transactions are executed in accordance with management`s authorization and properly recorded. This system is continually reviewed and is augmented by written policies and procedures, the careful selection and training of qualified personnel and an internal audit program to monitor its effectiveness. During the first quarter of fiscal year 2003, there were no significant changes to this system of internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect those controls.  

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