Einfach mal aus dem Geschäftsbericht zitiert. Mal was Handfestes zur Abwechslung:
"These condensed interim financial statements were authorized for issue by the Audit Committee and Board of Directors on September 14, 2017.
The Company has no source of operating cash flows, has not yet achieved profitable operations, has a working capital deficit of $ 632,158 at July 31, 2017 (October 31, 2016 -$1,971,563), has accumulated losses since its inception, expects to incur further losses in the development of its business, and has no assurance that sufficient funding will be available to conduct further exploration of its mineral properties. These material uncertainties cast significant doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern and, accordingly, the appropriateness of the use of generally accepted accounting principles applicable to a going concern. In recognition of these circumstances, management is pursuing various financial alternatives to fund the Company’s exploration and development programs. There is no assurance that these initiatives will be successful. In the future, the Company may raise additional financing through the issuance of share capital or shareholder loans, however, there can be no assurance that it will be successful in its efforts to do so and that the terms will be favourable to the Company. These financial statements do not include any adjustments to the carrying values of assets and liabilities, the reported expenses and statement of financial position classifications that might be necessary should the Company be unable to realize its assets and settle its liabilities as a going concern in the normal course of operations. Management is actively seeking to raise the necessary capital to meet its funding requirements and has undertaken available cost - cutting measures. There can be no assurance that management’s plan will be successful. If the going concern assumption were not appropriate for these financial statements, then adjustments would be necessary in the carrying value of assets and liabilities, the reported expenses and the statement of financial position classifications used. Such adjustments could be material. The business of mining and exploration involves a high degree of risk and there can be no assurance that current exploration programs will result in profitable mining operations. The Company has no source of revenue, and has significant cash requirements to meet its administrative overhead and maintain its mineral interests." |