I was seraching today the web and found some information about D Risbey. He was involved in 13 compaies so far and liqidated 7 of those , plus put 1 into bankrupcy. He doesnt have any shares in Uranio Ag and I think he was put into the company to liqudate it. All my opinion!!!
So it seems like P Goegl ( ex CEO of Uranio) is establishing companies to reise the capital with selling shares. Like isueing 225 mil shares of Uranio and selling them on the market for up to almost 2 EUR, where nothing has been done with this money. Takes the money, leaves the company and goes on eatsablishing a new sompany, repeats the same scenario over and over again (P Goegl is now CEO of Auris and Copperbelt). We all know that Copperbelt has been selling shares , which still havent come to the market after 2 years almost and the same will be done with Auris.
This kind of scames are very comon in US OTC market, but I havent seen it yet in Europe. So I hope nobody goes further investing into Auris or Copperbelt, because u will loose money the same way as with Uranio. Copperbelt, if it ever comes on the market, will be sold and company most likely liquidated after that, when nothing will be done with this money.
Since D Risbey doesnt own any shares of Uranio Ag, I think he was put there just inorder to liquidate the company and its a shame he was putting out information about Uranio development to potential investors just few weeks ago .
Good luck to all of us here and I hope nobody will fall for such scames in the future anymore.
I will post more information as soon I I find out more, hopefully by the end of this week. |