Editor’s Note: As you know, the junior mining industry is set to explode, and we are scouring the markets to find the best way to play it. Today, we have a Penny Sleuth reader, who found a 5-cent stock that he thinks will make a lucky few very rich. Enjoy… [Disclaimer: Warren Bevan is not affiliated with Agora Financial and may be invested in the company below.] 10,000% in Three Years? It’s Possible By Warren Bevan June 3, 2008 Today I want to tell you about a small company with great prospects and great liquidity. At just $0.05 a share you can pick up a couple thousand shares for just $100.
Silverado Gold Mines (SLGLF.OB: OTC BB) has been slowly delineating and mining their prolific Nolan resource for the past 30 years. They survived the crash in Gold prices and now, just in time to take advantage of the higher Gold prices, are getting close to the mother lode. They are drilling furiously this summer to add to their recent NI 43-101 compliant resource. They have a long ways to go but judging from what they have mined on a small scale, their mother lode could be the biggest new Gold discovery in years. To make matters better, they have a proprietary coal-to-liquids technology, which is clean and can take advantage of the huge coal reserves within the U.S. The product can be burned as oil in most cases without much refining and at close to $14 a barrel is so much cheaper than oil. Further refining can make gasoline, jet fuel; just about anything oil can be refined into. *********************************** The “Shameful Secret” That Could Triple Your Money... By June 17, one of Wall Street’s fat cat financial firms could be forced by law to reveal embarrassing data... This data could make you up to three times your money before the end of 2008... To get your share of that money, you need to read this now… *********************************** They have recently launched an initiative in China to increase awareness of their company. They have a new Chinese website and are getting good media coverage over there as well. I don’t want to make assumptions here but this could be one of the stocks, which might run up a couple hundred dollars in the coming mania stage in Gold. As I pen this, management is working on getting the company listed on a more respected exchange but that is hush-hush right now as rules dictate silence on this matter while the paperwork is completed. Right now they trade on the OTC exchange and Frankfurt. They have a strong investor base in Europe and are working hard and fast to create one in China, the fastest growing large economy in the world: The stock is near major long-term support. Who knows, this stock might even run up past its $25 price tag set back in 1995. Things are much better for this company today and who knows what’s around the next corner. Over the years I have made spectacular gains by trading this stock even making 300% in two months. I sat out and waited patiently and accumulated nearly three times the amount of shares I began with from the profits I made. *********************************** This High-Tech “Orphan” Champ Increased 1,567% in a SINGLE DAY Few people had heard of University Girls Calendar Ltd. This miniscule company published calendars...and its stock price languished at just 66 cents a share. That all changed on a cold day in January, when the shares leapt to $6 in less than 24 hours. That’s a rise of 809% in one day. There’s only one place you can find companies like this one, right here… *********************************** Now may not be the time to trade this stock since it is near its lows and the Gold mania stage is ripe to begin. I would sure hate to see this stock run up to several dollars after I got out at $0.25! There is no doubt this company has a chequered and dubious past but it may finally be breaking through the ranks and establishing itself as a real and solid way to gain leverage on an increasing Gold price. A small bet could turn into hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the mania phase you just never know. Best Regards, Warren Bevan Editor’s Note: You can check out more of Warren’s insights on this stock and others on his website: www.preciousmetalstockreview.com On a side note… Editor Greg Guenthner recently found a junior silver company that could do even better than Silverado. That’s just one of the four he claims you must own in 2008. To get the names of these four tiny stocks, you need to read this report before it’s too late… http://www.pennysleuth.com/TodaysSleuth.html ----------- Kütty und Angelam, aber nur, weil Ihr's seid ... |