und hier einige Aussagen daraus:
"In terms of the naysayer, I've heard this over and over again," Cook said in an exclusive interview with Jim Cramer. "I've heard it in 2001, I've heard it in 2005, in '7, in '8, in '10, in '12 and '13. You can probably find the same quotes from the same people over and over again."
"I'm never surprised by the market, to be honest with you, because I think the market is quite emotional in the short term," Cook said when asked about Wall Street's reaction to the news. "We sort of look through all of that. We think about the long term. And so when I look at the long-term health of the company, it has never been better. The product pipeline has never been better. The ecosystem has never been stronger. The services are on a tear."
Und an die Nörgler über den Preis des XR: "... and the under-the-radar success of the iPhone XR, which he said has been "the most popular iPhone ... every single day from when we started shipping until now."
Heise hat das so zusammengefasst: "Zu Aussagen, das iPhone XR sei ein Flop, meinte Cook, dies sei "großer Quatsch" ("Bologna")."
Ich nenne es etwas direkter: Bullshit. ;-)