hab ein bißen Druck gemacht + wollt auch die Telefonnummer/Email von CEO He Yi :-)
Von: zhangtao2@forlink.com Zum Adressbuch hinzufügen An: "XXX" Betreff: ´ð¸´: Forlink / Investor Datum: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 09:53:03 +0800
Dear XXX Thank you for your support of Forlink. We understand your concern and will try our best to inform our investors on recent corporate developments. However, we must follow SEC guide lines and regulations regarding material news, such as prohibition of selective disclosure. Please be assured that all investors will be informed at the same time should any material news occur. We are sorry that it is our company's policy not to release executives' phone numbers. We hope you understand. But please feel free to let us know if you have any questions. Regards Tao Zhang Forlink Software Corporation, Inc. 86-10-8802-6633-228 |